and employer-provided parking
, 171
public, of parking policy
, 177–8
WPL, as congestion levy
, 351–3
Access-time, and parking choice
, 119–20
Age, and parking choice
, 126–7
Apartment buildings (see also Flats)
carfree development
, 220
parking requirements
, 99–102, 104–5, 107
underground parking
, 100–1
Arlington, Virginia
, 38–40, 43–4, 45
Austria, carfree development
, 215, 217
Berkeley, California
, 38–40, 43–4, 45, 241–3
carfree development
, 225–6, 228
, 24–5
, 376, 377
, 197, 199, 200
retail spending
, 21–2
space requirements, Guangzhou
, 389
workplace travel
, 354
Break points, in costs of parking structures
, 100–1
Building setbacks
, 371, 385–6
Buildings, reuse and minimum requirements
, 241–4
Bureau of Public Roads (BPR)
, 238
Bus lanes, and transport capacity
, 404
Bus services (see also Park and Ride (P&R))
and local authorities
, 195, 209n
Businesses (see also Commuter parking; Workplace parking)
inward investment
, 177, 357
location decisions
, 25
parking management schemes
, 354–6
parking requirements
, 241–4
parking space management
, 170–1
PSL (Sydney)
, 319, 329, 331–2
WPL (Nottingham)
, 346, 350–1, 352–3
Cambridge, Massachusetts
, 38–40, 43–4, 45–51
Camden, London
, 174–5, 222–3
Car-bike trips, and P&R
, 199
Car clubs
, 175, 214, 218–19
Car-free housing (see also Carfree development; Low-car development)
, 215, 222–3, 229, 230
Car ownership or use
, 3, 4, 17–18, 416
car-free housing, Camden
, 222–3
carfree development
, 216–17, 218–19, 225–6, 227–8, 230
economic factors
, 283–5
, 159–60, 173–4
, 384, 385, 394–5, 396, 401–2
increase in parking
, 49, 52
increase in Philadelphia
, 239–40
land use
, 40
, 269–70, 277–8, 282–5, 286, 288–9
low-car development
, 223, 224
, 192–3, 207
parking and driving times
, 83
parking demand
, 84, 105
parking supply
, 41–4
reasons for non-ownership
, 284–5
residential parking, UK
, 61–9, 262–3
retail spending
, 21–2
shopping, US
, 254–5
, 179
Car park owners/operators
Melbourne levy
, 295, 297
PSL (Sydney)
, 323–4, 331
Car parks, and parking choice
, 121, 123, 125–6, 129–30
Car sharing, parking standards
, 17, 29
Carbon (CO2) emissions
, 193, 201, 227, 247
Carfree development (see also Car-free housing; Low-car development)
, 7, 16, 18, 214–15
benefits of
, 216–17, 225–8, 230–1
potential UK demand
, 224–5
problems of
, 228–9
and cities
, 41
value of, and cost of parking spaces
, 90–1
Casual parking
price and supply, Melbourne
, 295–6, 309–10, 313
PSL (Sydney)
, 323–5
CBD Parking Levy, Melbourne
, 8, 291–315, 413
, 306–15
parking supply
, 298–306
, 294–7
Central business districts (CBDs) (see also CBD Parking Levy, Melbourne; Parking Space Levy (PSL), Sydney)
, 40, 42
and cruising
, 145–7
Children, carfree and low-car development
, 219, 224, 226
Churches, parking requirements
, 241, 242
CIVITAS MIMOSA project 2008–2012
, 179
Commercial off-street parking, Melbourne
, 302–3
acceptance of parking policy
, 177–8
information for commuters
, 328
Commuter parking (see also Destination parking; Workplace parking)
, 412–13
, 24–5
funding, Sydney
, 327, 328
, 188, 190
parking behaviour
, 24
parking duration
, 72
parking pricing
, 121, 295–7
Commuter trips
car-free housing
, 222–3
, 311
New Haven and Cambridge
, 49
Compliance, WPL (Nottingham)
, 350–1
Concessions (see Exemptions)
Condominiums, and parking requirements
, 104–5
, 148, 265–6
levy (see CBD Parking Levy, Melbourne)
management, Guangzhou
, 382–4
, 338, 341–2, 343
on-street parking
, 368–9
and parking choice
, 117
Sydney, and PSL
, 318, 330, 331, 332
Construction costs
apartment buildings
, 100–2
off-street parking
, 89–90, 162, 174, 252
office buildings
, 91–3, 94–5
shopping centres
, 96, 97–9
Consultation, WPL (Nottingham)
, 342, 344–6, 358
Controlled parking zones (CPZ)
, 4, 165–6, 174–5, 222, 264–5
Coordination, management and policy, Guangzhou
, 383, 386–8, 390–3, 402
Crash severity
, 369–70, 372, 378
, 6, 145–7, 369
impacts of
, 116
search costs
, 139, 140
, 119–20, 121, 124, 125, 128
Curb parking (see On-street parking)
Demand for access
, 398–9, 412
Demand restraint, and parking policy
, 25–8
Destination parking (see also Commuter parking; Workplace parking)
, 57–8, 61, 69–84
duration and purpose
, 70–5
and labour market
, 84
location and purpose
, 76–8, 79–81
, 266–7, 270–6
Developers, development
, 392, 398, 401
parking requirements
, 27, 36, 47, 89, 102, 111, 171–3
Disability parking
, 107, 119, 127, 265, 399
Discounts (see Early-bird parking; Exemptions)
Displaced parking (see also Overspill parking/Spillover)
WPL (Nottingham)
, 345, 357
Double-taxation, and priced parking
, 150–1
Early-bird parking
, 295–6, 302, 306, 308–10, 313
, 323
Earmarking (see Hypothecation)
Economic development
, 403
, 341, 343
, 193–4
and parking policy
, 175–7
Education level, and parking choice
, 128
Egress-time, and parking choice
, 119–20, 121, 127
Electric vehicles, adoption of
, 18, 29, 265
Employees or employers (see Businesses; Workplace parking)
and destination parking
, 84
parking demand and supply
, 301, 310–11, 313
Employment status, and parking choice
, 128
, 167–8, 265
carfree development
, 228–9
new technology, Utrecht
, 179–80
parking choice
, 118
residential on-street parking
, 175
WPL (Nottingham)
, 350–1
Environmental impacts
carfree development
, 216, 231
, 193, 194, 201, 202
Ethnicity, and parking choice
, 127
PSL (Sydney)
, 320, 323–5, 331, 332
WPL (Nottingham)
, 347, 348–9
Expenditure, on parking
, 82
Fairness, of priced parking
, 150–3
, 118, 167–8, 265, 351
, 298
Flats (see also Apartment buildings)
car-free housing
, 223
on-street parking, UK
, 65–6
parking availability, London
, 277, 278–9
Free parking (see also Workplace parking)
, 298, 299
on-street in London
, 270, 271–3
on-street in US
, 138–9, 141–4, 144–7
, 19, 176
and sales tax revenues
, 108
, 78, 81–2
Garages (UK)
reduction in use
, 61
residential parking, London
, 267–8, 277, 280
Garages (US) (see Car parks; Underground parking)
Gardens, converted for off-street parking
, 269
bicycle use and P&R
, 197
carfree development
, 215, 217
Grocery stores, and parking layout
, 254–5
, 8–9, 381–405, 412
car ownership and use
, 401–2
mixed-use developments
, 392–7, 401, 402–3
, 393–4, 402
parking demand management strategies
, 403–4
parking policy goals
, 395, 397–402
Hartford, Connecticut
, 38–40, 41–2, 43–4, 364
Health, and carfree development
, 216–17, 226
Historic buildings, parking requirements
, 102–5
Home ownership, and parking space
, 16, 18
new build and parking policy
, 15–18
overnight parking, UK
, 61–7
parking availability, London
, 277–80
, 325–6, 331, 413
public transport improvements
, 337, 338, 342
, 327–8, 329–30
Illegal parking
, 118, 127, 266, 267
Incentive schemes, and workplace parking
, 23–5
Incomes, and parking choice
, 127, 151–3
Induced traffic, and travel behaviour
, 41
Information, for commuters (see also Parking Guidance Information (PGI))
, 328
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), parking space requirements
, 37, 243, 244, 245
Integrated transport policy
, 14, 25–9, 207–8
Integrated urban mobility plans
, 163, 340–1
International Finance Center (IFC) (Guangzhou)
, 392–7, 401, 402–3
Intersections, as barriers to access
, 253–4
Inventory, of parking supply
, 50
Inward investment
, 177, 357
Jefferson National Expansion Monument (Gateway Arch), St Louis
, 249, 251–2
Jobs, and parking demand
, 301
Journey purposes
, 14, 15, 72–5
parking choice
, 124–5
parking locations
, 76–8, 79
parking pricing
, 121–2
King County, Washington
, 38
Land use (see also Minimum parking requirements)
, 3–4, 34, 410–11
carfree development
, 227
Land use (Continued)
costs of on- and off-street parking
, 366–8, 378
parking policy
, 11–14, 26–8
parking standards, Europe
, 171–3
physical impacts of parking
, 40–1
, 298–9
Leased spaces
, 246, 297, 321–3
Licensed spaces
, 51, 297, 347
Limited access model, carfree development
, 219–21, 229
Link and ride (L&R), interchange strategy
, 202, 203, 204–6
Local authorities (see also Cities by name; Hypothecation; Workplace Parking Levy (WPL), Nottingham)
maximum standards
, 172–3
, 194–5, 209n
parking controls and pricing
, 158–9
parking enforcement
, 167–8
parking management
, 161–2, 164–5
revenues from charges and penalties
, 265–6
Local Transport Plans (LTP), UK
, 340–1
changes in car ownership
, 68–9
controlled parking zones (CPZ)
, 174–5
minimum and maximum requirements compared
, 107–8
parking supply and demand
, 259–89
parking surveys
, 59
Swiss Re and demand for access
, 399
, 118
London boroughs (see also Camden)
, 261, 288–9
Long-stay parking (see Early-bird parking)
Los Angeles
, 100–1, 103–4, 106, 362, 375
Low-car development (see also Car-free housing; Carfree development)
, 7, 215, 223–5
Low-income people, regressive effect of parking charges
, 151–3
Lowell, Massachusetts
, 38–40, 43–4, 45
Marginal costs, of parking spaces
, 100–1
Market pricing, for on-street parking
, 148–50, 154
Maximum parking standards (see also Minimum parking requirements; Parking standards)
compared with minimum requirements
, 107–8
developer pays
, 111
public transport accessibility
, 27
residential parking, London
, 279–80
, 411
street capacity
, 403–4
traffic reduction
, 247
, 16, 172–3
, 50
Medford, Massachusetts
, 252–4
Melbourne (see CBD Parking Levy)
Meters (see also Illegal parking; On-street parking – controlled)
, 148–9
on-street, London
, 263–4, 265
, 149–50
revenue tools
, 141–2, 148
and shoppers
, 248
Minimal parking requirements
, 110–11
Minimum parking requirements (see also Maximum parking standards; Parking standards)
, 35–7, 87–111, 236–7, 411
elimination of
, 103, 240–1, 247, 403
, 385, 397–8
mispricing of street parking
, 147
New Haven and Cambridge
, 46–8
oversupply of off-street parking
, 15–16, 245–6
reuse of buildings
, 241–4
transit-rich areas
, 105–8
, 139, 140, 145
Mixed instruments, WPL (Nottingham)
, 338–9, 340
Mixed-use developments, Guangzhou
, 392, 394–7, 401, 402–3
Mobile phone parking
, 180
Mode choice or share
, 394–5, 402
impacts of Melbourne levy
, 311, 314
on- and off-street parking compared
, 374–5
, 189–90
retail spending
, 21–2
workplace parking
, 24–5
Multi-storey car parks, and security
, 129–30
National Travel Survey (NTS) (UK)
, 59–60
Netherlands (see also Amsterdam; Groningen; Utrecht)
, 26, 118
car park size and parking choice
, 123
free parking at work
, 24
, 188, 189, 197, 199–200
regional parking policy, and retail centres
, 176
New Haven, Connecticut
, 38–40, 43–4, 45–51
New York City
, 17, 93
building reuse
, 243–4
free on-street parking
, 138–9
garage fiasco, New York Yankees
, 246
oversupply of retail parking
, 245–6
performance parking
, 248
Newcastle, UK, and parking enforcement
, 168
Non-car accessibility
, 26–7
Non-residential parking (see Private non-residential parking)
Nottingham (see also Workplace Parking Levy (WPL))
, 117
Nuclear family, and minimum parking requirements
, 245
Occupancy (see also Parking accumulation)
, 123–4
Occupancy (Continued)
car parks and parking information
, 117–18
CBD off-street parking
, 146, 147
, 392, 395, 397
, 266–7, 280–2
New England
, 366
on-street parking and vehicle speeds
, 371
parking requirements
, 99–100, 105
performance standards
, 248–9, 250
PSL (Sydney)
, 330–1
tracking by sensors
, 149
Off-street parking (see also Apartment buildings; Construction costs; Minimum parking requirements; Parking levies; Retail parking; Surface parking; Workplace parking)
, 5, 6, 7
, 381–405
increase in Philadelphia
, 239–40
local authorities in Europe
, 160–2
, 293–4, 302–6, 313
oversupply in new build housing
, 15–16, 18
parking duration
, 125
physical impacts
, 40–1
, 139
, 270, 271–3, 385, 400
residential parking, UK
, 262–3, 276–8
retail activity, US
, 364
six U.S. Cities
, 38–51
Office buildings
cost of parking requirements
, 91–6
cost of underground parking
, 91–3
parking spaces for, Los Angeles County
, 96
reuse as residential units
, 103–4
On-street parking (see also Meters; Performance parking; Permits; Urban design)
, 5, 8, 361–78, 400
banned in US
, 362, 363–4
car ownership
, 17
controlled parking, London
, 267–75, 280–2
, 118, 175, 179–80
impacts of
, 362, 365–75, 377–8
non-controlled parking, London
, 270, 271–3
parking duration
, 125
policy and management, Europe
, 161, 163, 164–5, 173–4, 181
population and housing density, UK
, 61–7
pricing, Europe
, 165–8
pricing, US
, 137–54
road safety
, 365, 369–72, 378
traffic flow
, 363–4
Overnight parking at home
, 61–8
Overspill parking/ Spillover (see also Displaced parking)
, 228–9, 230, 236, 411
Owner-occupancy, and parking requirements
, 104–5
Park and Ride (P&R)
, 6–7, 20, 185–209, 414
bus-based, UK
, 167, 188, 195
, 169–70, 195–7, 200, 203–8
, 168–70, 178–9, 194
overlapping and unintended uses
, 199
parking choice
, 119
rail-based, Netherlands
, 199–200
sociotechnical system
, 187–92
sustainable development policy
, 201–6
sustainable mobility strategy
, 207–8
Park and Share (P&S)
, 208n
Parking accumulation, and journey purposes
, 74–5
Parking acts
by day of week
, 70, 72
by duration
, 15, 71–2
and journey purposes
, 15, 72–5
by start times
, 72
by time of day
, 23, 70–1
Parking availability (see also Cruising; Parking spaces; Performance parking; Waiting-time)
car ownership and use
, 42–4, 68–9
economic vitality
, 176–7
journey choice
, 3, 4
, 189–90
retail centres
, 21
Parking capacity
, 169, 201, 202
and parking choice
, 123
Parking charges (see also Enforcement; Meters; Permits; Pricing)
, 415
fairness and low-income people
, 151–3
fees paid
, 78, 81–2, 153
inconvenience of payment options
, 84
Melbourne levy
, 295–7
off-street, Guangzhou
, 387, 390
on-street, London
, 263–4
on-street residential parking, UK
, 67, 68
, 189
parking choice
, 121–2
parking duration
, 125
PSL (Sydney)
, 320–1
sex and age
, 126–7
travel-time and parking choice
, 120
Parking choice (see also Cruising)
, 115–31
Parking controls (see also Controlled parking zones (CPZ); Enforcement)
, 164–5
and car ownership
, 282–5
carfree development
, 229–30
controlled parking, London
, 267–75
parking choice
, 118
Parking, cost of (see also Cruising; Minimum parking requirements; Parking charges; Parking spaces; Pricing)
, 6, 265, 366–8, 378
Parking demand (see also Parking management; Parking supply)
, 4, 57–84, 159–60
car ownership
, 84, 105
Parking demand (Continued)
estimates of
, 36–8
jobs, Melbourne
, 301
, 259–89
minimum parking requirements
, 398–9
on-street parking, New England
, 365–6
oversupply, US
, 238, 256
parking types
, 123
, 37, 121–2
Parking duration
, 15
destination parking
, 69, 70–5
parking choice
, 125
parking demand
, 59
Parking familiarity, and parking choice
, 128–9
Parking Guidance Information (PGI)
, 117–18, 125, 129
Parking habits, and parking choice
, 128
Parking layout
, 249, 254–5
Parking levies (see also CBD Parking Levy, Melbourne; Parking Space Levy (PSL), Sydney; Workplace Parking Levy (WPL), Nottingham)
, 413
Parking locations
information on
, 117
journey purposes, UK
, 76–8, 79
parking placement
, 249, 254–5
residential, UK
, 61–2, 65–6, 267–70
traveller choice, P&R
, 190
Parking management (see also Parking demand; Performance parking)
, 414
lack of coordination, Guangzhou
, 383, 386–8, 390–3, 402
parking policy
, 157–82
problems and solutions
, 162–3, 180–2
, 45, 52, 130–1, 403–4
workplace parking
, 23–4, 170–1, 354–6
Parking placement
, 249, 254–5
Parking policy (see also Park and Ride (P&R); Pricing)
, 7, 11–29, 414–15
economic development
, 175–7
, 384–90
, 299–300
New Haven and Cambridge
, 45–51
, 163–4
parking choice
, 118–19
parking demand management
, 157–82
, 59, 108
public acceptance
, 177–8
residential parking
, 15–18
retail parking
, 19–22
shopping centres, Europe
, 175–7
travel demand restraint
, 25–8
trends, US
, 240–56
workplace parking
, 22–5
Parking requirements (see also Maximum parking standards; Minimum parking requirements; Parking standards)
, 386, 387, 388, 389
and land development
, 401
Parking restrictions (see Parking controls)
Parking search (see Cruising)
Parking shortages (see also Occupancy)
, 139, 140, 145
Medford, Massachusetts
, 252–4
minimum parking requirements
, 236–7
Parking Space Levy (PSL), Sydney
, 317–32, 413
, 330–2
, 320–5
, 319
revenue allocation
, 327–8, 329–30
Parking spaces (see also Enforcement; Meters; Minimum parking requirements; Occupancy; Parking availability)
, 34
construction costs, US
, 89–90
cost of
, 90–1, 368
decoupling from home ownership
, 16, 18
, 266–7, 270–80
requirements, US
, 37, 243, 244, 245
, 20, 124, 266
Parking standards (see also Maximum parking standards; Minimum parking requirements)
London boroughs
, 288–9
Melbourne and Victoria
, 299–300
Parking supply (see also Parking capacity; Parking demand; Parking levies; Parking placement)
, 33–52
car ownership and use
, 41–4, 282–5
economic performance
, 20
, 381–405
inventory, Zurich
, 50
, 259–89
oversupply, US
, 238–40
parking requirements
, 35–6, 96, 99
parking types
, 123, 160–2
residential parking policy
, 17–18
Parking turnover
, 20, 124, 266
Parking types
, 5, 160–2
, 267–71, 278–9, 288–9
and parking choice
, 122–3
Pedestrian access (see also Walking)
barriers to
, 253–4
, 394–5, 396
Pedestrian environment
carfree development
, 221–2
on-street parking
, 372–5, 378, 411
setback parking
, 404
, 118, 167–8, 265, 351
Performance parking
, 237, 240, 247–9, 250, 252–3
Permits (see also Illegal parking; On-street parking - controlled)
designated parking
, 118–19
incentives not to drive
, 25
residential parking
, 16–17, 18, 68, 166, 264–5, 269
, 179
workplace parking
, 23–4, 170–1
, 239–40, 254–5
Planners, and minimum parking requirements
, 88–9, 108–9
Police, and parking enforcement
, 167–8
Poole Quarter, low-car development
, 224, 225
Population density, on-street parking and car ownership, UK
, 62–4
Poverty (see Low-income people)
Price controls, results of
, 139–40
Pricing (see also Leased spaces; Licensed spaces; Meters; Parking charges; Parking controls; Parking levies)
, 6, 20, 21, 29, 413, 415
, 150–3
, 385, 390–1, 399
Melbourne levy
, 291–7, 311–12
occupancy, San Francisco
, 377
on-street parking, Europe
, 165–8
on-street parking, US
, 137–54, 365
, 169
parking demand
, 37
parking supply
, 298–9, 306–11, 313
performance parking
, 237, 240, 247–9, 250
workplace parking
, 41–2
WPL (Nottingham)
, 346–7
Private non-residential parking (see also Retail parking; Workplace parking)
, 5, 160–1, 412–13
, 267, 270–3, 399
, 303–4, 305
Public acceptance
, 177–8, 351–3
Public consultation
, 342, 344–6, 358
Public policy instruments
, 338–40
Public transport (see also Mode choice or share; Park and Ride (P&R); transit)
, 17, 26–7
business, politics, Nottingham
, 352–3
commuter trips, Melbourne
, 311
demand for access
, 398–9, 412
improvements, Nottingham
, 337, 338, 342, 343, 344
PSL (Sydney)
, 331
retail spending
, 21–2
separate culture of
, 191
spending, Sydney
, 327–8
use, and on- and off-street parking
, 374–5
use, and P&R
, 197, 201
Rail stations, P&R
, 188, 191, 207
Rail systems, P&R
, 187, 190–1, 199–200
Regional parking policy, Netherlands
, 176
Residential parking (see also Car-free housing; Carfree development; Low-car development)
, 161, 410–12
demand and supply, Europe
, 173–4
demand and supply, London
, 259–89
demand, US
, 38
, 175
minimum requirements
, 245
Residential parking (Continued)
overnight, UK
, 7, 61–8
, 119, 166
, 15–18
, 179
Restaurants, parking requirements
, 99, 244
Retail business, and on-street parking
, 375
Retail parking (see also Private non-residential parking; Shopping)
, 412
mixed-use developments, Guangzhou
, 392, 394–5
oversupply, US
, 245–6
, 19–22, 47, 175–7
Retail spending, and transport mode
, 21–2
Revenue allocation (see Hypothecation)
Revenue generation
alternatives, Nottingham
, 345
local authorities, London
, 265–6
Melbourne levy
, 293
metered parking
, 141–2, 148
parochial parking policies in US
, 108
PSL (Sydney)
, 319
Road capacity
, 368–9, 378, 400–1, 403–4
Road pricing, and hypothecation
, 326
Road safety (see also Setback parking)
on-street parking
, 365, 369–72, 378
parking restrictions
, 164–5
Road user charging (RUC)
, 312, 345
Safety (see also Road safety)
personal, and parking choice
, 129–30
San Francisco
, 142–3, 150, 248, 250, 362, 377
, 119–20, 121, 124, 125, 128, 263–4
, 93, 99–100, 249, 250
, 169
parking choice
, 129–30
Setback parking
, 385–6, 404
Sex, and parking choice
, 126
car use, US
, 254–5
journey purpose
, 14, 15
on-street meters
, 248
Shopping centres (see also Retail parking)
off-street parking, UK
, 177
out of town
, 19, 22
parking requirements
, 37, 96–9
Social cohesion, and carfree development
, 226
Socio-demographics, of parking choice
, 126–7
Socio-economics, of parking choice
, 127–8
Spillover/Overspill parking (see also Displaced parking)
, 228–9, 230, 236, 411
Street capacity
, 368–9, 378, 400–1, 403–4
Street design
, 253–4, 365, 370–1
Suburban parking
, 37, 99–100, 239, 254–5, 314
Surface parking (see also Off-street parking)
, 34, 91, 365–8, 374, 378
construction costs
, 162
and sprawl
, 93
Surrey County Council
, 26–7
Sustainable development policies, P&R
, 201–6
Sustainable mobility strategies, P&R
, 207–8
Sydney (see Parking Space Levy (PSL))
Taikoo Hui (Guangzhou)
, 392–7, 401, 402–3
Technology, new
funding, Sydney
, 328
paid public parking, Europe
, 165
parking meters
, 148–9
performance parking
, 248
tracking occupancy
, 377
, 175, 178–80
variable-message signs
, 117
Tenant parking (see Leased spaces)
Time, and parking choice
, 119–21
Tourist attractions
, 251–2
Town centres (UK), parking policies
, 21, 22
Traffic congestion (see Congestion)
Traffic flow
, 164, 363–4, 368–9
Traffic network policy, Parking Guidance Information (PGI)
, 117–18
Traffic reduction
car-free housing
, 222
, 382
, 388
, 193, 195–7, 200, 203–6
parking maximums
, 247
WPL (Nottingham)
, 357
Transit (see also Public transport)
Transit demand, Guangzhou
, 399, 404
Transit fares, compared with parking charges
, 152–3
Transit-rich areas, and minimum parking requirements
, 105–8
Transit speed, and car use
, 401
Transport demand management (see also Parking Space Levy (PSL), Sydney; Workplace Parking Levy (WPL), Nottingham)
, 1–9, 130–1
Transport funding (see Hypothecation)
Transport modes (see Mode choice or share)
Transport operators, P&R
, 193, 201
Transport planners, P&R
, 193
Transport policy
, 14, 25–9, 207–8
, 341–2
Transportation allowances, for low-income people
, 152–3
Travel behaviour (see also Bicycles; Destination parking; Journey purposes; Mode choice or share; Parking acts; Walking)
, 2–3, 41–4, 60
alternative, to P&R
, 199–200, 206, 207–8
carfree development
, 227–8
New Haven and Cambridge
, 49
on- and off-street parking compared
, 373–5
residential parking
, 411–12
Travel demand
Melbourne levy
, 297, 311–12
, 201–2
price and supply
, 299
restraint, and parking policy
, 25–8
and urban planners
, 109
Travel demand management, Perth
, 51
Travel plans
low-car development
, 224
workplace parking
, 171, 338
Travel time, parking choice
, 117, 119–21, 125–6
Trip frequency, and parking choice
, 129
Trip purposes (see Journey purposes)
Uncertainty, and parking choice
, 120, 124
Underground parking (see also Construction costs)
, 385, 400–1
, 264, 286
Urban design
, 237–8, 240, 249, 251–4
street design
, 365, 370–1
Urban intensification, and carfree development
, 228, 230
Urban mobility plans, integrated
, 163, 340–1
Utilities, compared with parking
, 141, 151
Value-of-time, and parking choice
, 130
Variable-message signs, and parking choice
, 117
carfree development
, 218–19, 225–6, 227, 228
overspill parking
, 228–9
Vehicle speeds, on-street parking
, 365, 370–2, 378
Vehicular access, and carfree development
, 219–21, 229
Waiting-time, and parking choice
, 121
Walking (see also Pedestrian access/environment)
carfree development
, 225–6
on- and off-street parking compared
, 374, 375
P&R sites
, 199
retail spending
, 21–2, 254–5
Walking-time, and parking choice
, 119–20, 121, 127
Washington State (US)
, 38
, 122, 127, 130, 298
Workplace parking (see also Commuter parking; Private non-residential parking)
, 14, 15, 22–5
demand management
, 23–4
labour market
, 84
lease agreements
, 246
, 24
parking by purpose
, 72–5
permits for employees
, 118–19
pricing and travel behaviour
, 37, 41–2
Workplace Parking Levy (WPL), Nottingham
, 8, 335–59, 412–13
barriers to implementation
, 351–3
, 342–6
, 350–1
, 354–9
policy issues and legislation
, 340–2, 347–50, 358
pricing, discounts
, 346–7
Workplace travel plans
, 171, 338, 345, 354
Worship, places of, parking requirements
, 241, 242
Zoning codes (see Minimum parking requirements)