Covid 19 and its Impact on Malaysian Women Travel Behaviour
Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries
ISBN: 978-1-80262-450-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-449-6
Publication date: 25 April 2022
A comprehensive understanding of the pandemic impact on daily behavioural patterns of travellers’ movement is crucial in creating safe and comfortable living environments. Since the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many countries in world, many countries have taken unusual steps of partial or full lockdowns. People’s normal routine has been disrupted, which has made the transport system indirectly coming to a halt worldwide. Online options have been introduced to maintain the operations for offices, private and government agencies and universities and e-commerce businesses become a spotlight. The study is designed as an effort to understand the travel behaviour of Malaysian women affected by Covid-19 pandemic. An online survey to determine the travel behaviour impact was used as a data collection strategy. Analysis of the collected data reveals significant changes in various aspects of women’s travel behaviour. The result will help to enable the policymaker in strategising the best solutions of travel options, which will also improve the women’s traveller safety for better and equitable transportation.
The authors appreciate the supports from Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
Mustafa, M., Rahman, Z.A., Kamaluddin, N.A. and Shibayama, T. (2022), "Covid 19 and its Impact on Malaysian Women Travel Behaviour", Din, M.F.M., Alias, N.E., Hussein, N. and Zaidi, N.S. (Ed.) Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 165-178.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Masria Mustafa, Zanariah Abd. Rahman, Noor Azreena Kamaluddin and Takeru Shibayama