Causal Factors of Accident Related to Design Aspect in Construction Industry
Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries
ISBN: 978-1-80262-450-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-449-6
Publication date: 25 April 2022
The equability of environment, social and economic elements becomes a major issue to be achieved as to attain sustainability in the development of a construction project. As to cater to social sustainability, the Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry (Management) also known as OSHCIM has been introduced by the government to improve safety practices amongst Malaysia’s construction practitioners. The basic principle adopted in OSHCIM is Prevention through Design (PtD), which enhances the elimination of hazards during project design stages. This concept is inspired from the implementation of Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations in the United Kingdom. The concept has also been adopted and practised in many developed countries including Australia and Singapore. The aim of this study is to identify the dominant accident causes in Malaysian construction industry. In this study, the secondary data were gathered from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) accident statistics. A content analysis and frequency distribution analysis were adopted to determine causal factors that contribute to the fatality. The findings show the existence of design-related causal factors, which is also incorporated with other causes of accidents. This is true as every accident occurs due to more than one factor. Thus, these inputs will recommend further exploration to determine the design-related causal factors. This may help the industrial players, including stakeholders, practitioners and researchers, to have more focussed efforts and resources in ensuring the success of OSHCIM’s implementation to reduce the accident statistics in Malaysia.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support received from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia through the research university grant (RUG) of UTM and Collaborative Research Grant (CRG) of Q.J130000.2451.08G56 and R.J130000.7351.4B519.
Ismail, H.B.B., Sarbini, N.N.B., Ariffin, H.L.B.T., Ibrahim, I.S.B. and Rahman, M.F.B.A. (2022), "Causal Factors of Accident Related to Design Aspect in Construction Industry", Din, M.F.M., Alias, N.E., Hussein, N. and Zaidi, N.S. (Ed.) Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 149-164.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Herda Balqis Binti Ismail, Noor Nabilah Binti Sarbini, Hamizah Liyana Binti Tajul Ariffin, Izni Syahrizal Bin Ibrahim and Mohd Fairuz Bin Ab Rahman