Disaster education is a much-discussed topic in risk reduction literatures. Education itself is always welcomed, and there have been different frameworks and conventions on education, whether it is a right-based approach or a part of development perspective or an environmental issue. Disaster education is considered as a crosscutting issue, which needs to be incorporated in different existing educational frameworks. As obvious, disaster education deals with practical matters, and cannot be a stand-alone school or university curriculum. There needs to be a good balance between the curriculum, and extra-curriculum activities, and in-school, outside-school activities. Outside-school activities can be of different types, in family and in community. Therefore, the disaster education is considered to link the school, family, and education.
(2011), "Preface", Shaw, R., Shiwaku, K. and Takeuchi, Y. (Ed.) Disaster Education (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 7), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. xv-xvi.
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