Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society
ISBN: 978-1-83982-097-7, eISBN: 978-1-83982-096-0
ISSN: 2040-7246
Publication date: 16 August 2021
(2021), "Prelims", Vershinina, N., Rodgers, P., Xheneti, M., Brzozowski, J. and Lassalle, P. (Ed.) Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 13), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society
Series Page
Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
Series Editor, Volumes 1–6: Gerard McElwee
Volume 7 onward: Paul Jones | |
Volume 1: | Innovating Women: Contributions to Technological Advancement |
Edited by Pooran Wynarczyk and Susan Marlow | |
Volume 2: | Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business |
Edited by Sarah Underwood, Richard Blundel, Fergus Lyon and AnjaSchaefer | |
Volume 3: | Enterprising Places: Leadership and Governance |
Edited by Lee Pugalis and Joyce Liddle | |
Volume 4: | Exploring Rural Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice |
Edited by Colette Henry and Gerard McElwee | |
Volume 5: | Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice |
Edited by Gerard McElwee and Robert Smith | |
Volume 6: | New Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice in Public Entrepreneurship |
Edited by Joyce Liddle | |
Volume 7: | New Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education |
Edited by Paul Jones, Gideon Maas and Luke Pittaway | |
Volume 8: | Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals |
Edited by Nikolaos Apostolpoulos, Haya Al-Dajani, Diane Holt, Paul Jones and Robert Newbery | |
Volume 9a: | Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking Through Multi-voices, Reflections on Emerging Debates |
Edited by David Higgins, Paul Jones and Pauric McGowan | |
Volume 9B: | Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking Through Multi-voices, Reflections on Emerging Debates |
Edited by David Higgins, Paul Jones and Pauric McGowan | |
Volume 10: | International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Nature, Drivers, Barriers and Determinants |
Edited by Mohamed Yacine Haddoud, Paul Jones and Adah-Kole Emmanuel Onjewu | |
Volume 11: | Universities and Entrepreneurship: Meeting the Educational and Social Challenges |
Edited by Paul Jones, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, Alexandros Kakouris, Christopher Moon, Vanessa Ratten and Andreas Walmsley | |
Volume 12: | Entrepreneurship in Policing and Criminal Contexts |
Edited by Robert Smith | |
Volume 13: | Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society |
Edited by Natalia Vershinina, Peter Rodgers, Mirela Xheneti, Jan Brzozowski and Paul Lasalle |
Title Page
Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Volume 13
Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society
Edited by
Natalia Vershinina
Audencia Business School, France
Peter Rodgers
University of Southampton, UK
Mirela Xheneti
University of Sussex, UK
Jan Brzozowski
Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Paul Lassalle
University of Strathclyde, Scotland
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83982-097-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-096-0 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-098-4 (Epub)
ISSN: 2040-7246 (Series)
Author Biographies | vii |
List of Contributors | xiii |
Chapter 1 Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society: Setting the New Research Agenda | |
Natalia Vershinina, Peter Rodgers, Mirela Xheneti, Jan Brzozowski and Paul Lassalle | 1 |
Chapter 2 Entrepreneurial Edge in the Age of Migration: Systematic Review of Migrant Entrepreneurship Literature | |
Tatiana Egorova | 11 |
Chapter 3 What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Ethnic Entrepreneurship? | |
Tayo Korede | 35 |
Chapter 4 Cosmopolitans as Migrant Entrepreneurs | |
Niina Nummela, Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Riikka Harikkala-Laihinen and Johanna Raitis | 55 |
Chapter 5 Migrant Enterprises: Diversity and Emotions at Work | |
Kiran Trehan, Rachel Hu and Alex Kevill | 71 |
Chapter 6 Underdog Refugee Entrepreneurs and the Challenge-based Model of Entrepreneurship | |
Sibylle Heilbrunn | 89 |
Chapter 7 The Dynamic Nature of Transnational Entrepreneurship Among Albanian Migrants and Returnees | |
Joniada Barjaba | 109 |
Chapter 8 Transnational Symbolic Capital and the Business Accelerator | |
Alia Noor | 125 |
Chapter 9 Multicultural Hybridism as a Dynamic Framework to Reconceptualise Breakout in a Superdiverse and Transnational Context | |
Xiping Shinnie, Thomas Domboka and Charlotte Carey | 139 |
Chapter 10 Networks and Migrant Entrepreneurship: Ukrainian Entrepreneurs in Poland | |
Michał Borkowski, Jan Brzozowski, Natalia Vershinina and Peter Rodgers | 161 |
Chapter 11 Mexicans in Quebec: When the Context Matters in Immigrant Entrepreneurship | |
Héctor José Martínez Arboleya | 177 |
Chapter 12 Notions and Practices of Differences: An Epilogue on the Diversity of Entrepreneurship and Migration | |
Sakura Yamamura and Paul Lassalle | 195 |
Index | 213 |
Author Biographies
Dr Joniada Barjaba completed her PhD studies at the University of Sussex, School of Global Studies. She has a special interest in ethnic entrepreneurship and small business development in developing countries. She has Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics and Sociology from Emory University (2011). She also holds a Master’s degree in International Policy Studies from Stanford University (2013). Prior to joining Sussex, she worked as a Research Assistant at Stanford Graduate School of Business. She has worked on different projects that explore the migration–development nexus and has conducted both qualitative and quantitative research. She currently serves as Director of European Integration at the Ministry of Finance and Economy in Albania.
Michał Borkowski is an Independent Researcher and MA student at the University College London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies). He has worked as a Research Assistant in the Multicultural and Migration Observatory at Cracow University of Economics.
Dr Jan Brzozowski holds a PhD in Economics and works as Associate Professor at Cracow University of Economics (CUE). He is a Deputy-Director of Center for Advanced Studies of Population and Religion at CUE and a member of the Committee for Migration Research and Committee for Demography at Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests include migrant entrepreneurship, international migration and development and immigrant’s socio-economic integration.
Dr Charlotte Carey has worked as a Researcher and now Senior Lecturer within the Department of Strategy, Applied Management and Marketing at Birmingham City University Business School, with a creative background, focussing on entrepreneurship within the creative industries and entrepreneurship education. She leads the Entrepreneurship Research Cluster at Birmingham City University Business School. She also co-chairs the Creative Industries track, Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Dr Thomas Domboka is an Associate Professor at Birmingham City University where he also teaches Entrepreneurship and Innovation to postgraduate students as well as supervising several PhD students. He has particular research interests in ethnic and minority entrepreneurship that broadly encompasses Black, Asian Minority Ethnic groups including migrants and refugees. He also has research interests in gender and entrepreneurship. He is a member of the Institute of Small Business Entrepreneurship, where he currently chairs the entrepreneurship in minority groups’ conference track and is a founder member of a Special Interest Group on entrepreneurship in minority groups that is affiliated to the conference track he chairs. Besides his entrepreneurship research background, he comes from a practitioner background, having been an entrepreneur himself and a management consultant. He has been involved with several start-ups and has worked in senior management roles in various organisations in the UK and abroad.
Tatiana Egorova is a PhD candidate at the House of Innovation at Stockholm School of Economics. Her research centres around entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on immigrant and social entrepreneurs. Her current research project is focussed on the comprehensive assessment of the well-being of immigrant entrepreneurs. She is also involved in teaching several master-level courses on sustainability, leadership, and innovation. She is a former serial entrepreneur and management consultant.
Dr Riikka Harikkala-Laihinen is a Postdoctoral Researcher in International Business at the Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku, Finland. Her areas of expertise include emotions in organisations, cross-border acquisitions and cross-cultural management. Her current work centres on exploring the influence of employee emotions at work at the employee, entrepreneurial and managerial levels. Her work has been published, for example, in the Research on Emotion in Organizations book series, International Small Business Journal and Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management.
Dr Sibylle Heilbrunn is Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee. She is an organisational sociologist, specialising at the intersection of migration, minorities and entrepreneurship. She held a Visiting Professorship at Bremen University and the International School of Management in Dortmund. She is on editorial boards of leading entrepreneurship and management journals such as Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research and European Journal of International Business. Lately she has published several articles and chapters on refugee entrepreneurship focussing on African asylum seekers and refugees, gender and bricolage. Together with colleagues, she edited a book called Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Case-based Topography which was published in 2018 by Palgrave MacMillan.
Rachel Hue worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham between 2014 and 2018, getting involved in a multi-sited sociolinguistic project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. She is working on her PhD study of the everyday entrepreneurship and transnational identities negotiation among the Chinese migrants owning SMEs and transnational start-ups in the UK. She is interested in studying transnational and immigrant entrepreneurship.
Dr Alex Kevill is a Lecturer in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies at the University of Leeds. His research interests include dynamic capabilities, micro-enterprises and entrepreneurial well-being.
Tayo Korede holds a PhD in Management and Entrepreneurship from Newcastle University. He is a lecturer in Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Central Lancashire UCLan. His research interest focuses on entrepreneurship, work and identity.
Dr Paul Lassalle is a Lecturer at the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde. He studied Sociology and Political Sciences at Sciences Po Paris and is conducting research on societal issues of diversity and migration in entrepreneurship. He publishes in both leading entrepreneurship and migration journals, such as Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. His most recent publications include works on intersectionality in entrepreneurship, as well as research on superdiversity in Glasgow and on migrant entrepreneurs’ diversification strategies. For his research engagements, he also collaborates with the Scottish Government and with institutions supporting migrant entrepreneurs in the establishment and the development of their new venture.
Dr Héctor José Martínez Arboleya is a Full-Time Professor in the International Business Programme at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua in Hidalgo del Parral, México. He holds a PhD in Geography from Laval Universty in Quebec, Canada.
Alia Noor is an Independent Researcher. Her main research interests lie in studying the human side of entrepreneurship.
Dr Niina Nummela is a Professor of International Business at the Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland. Her areas of expertise include international entrepreneurship, cross-border acquisitions and research methods. She has published widely in academic journals and contributed to several internationally published books, also as an editor. In a recent bibliometric analysis, she was ranked among the 30 most impactful scholars in the field of International Entrepreneurship. Her current research interests revolve around cosmopolitan individuals, international opportunity recognition and mixed-methods as research strategy.
Dr Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki is an Associate Professor in International Business at the University of Turku, Finland and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Vaasa, Finland. Her research interests focus on the internationalisation processes of firms, entrepreneurship in small- and medium-sized and family enterprises, the role of time in research and qualitative research methods. She is a member of the Journal of International Business Studies Editorial Review Board. She has published and reviewed articles in several journals, and edited a handbook on longitudinal research methods (Edward Elgar) and a special issue on time in international business research (Journal of World Business).
Dr Johanna Raitis is a Postdoctoral Researcher in International Business and a TIAS Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Finland. Her research interests lie in culture, identity, values and socio-cultural integration. She has an extensive experience in conducting qualitative, cross-cultural research in collaboration with multinational corporations. She has edited a book on socio-cultural integration in mergers and acquisitions (Palgrave Macmillan) and published in various academic journals, most recently in Journal of Management Studies.
Dr Peter Rodgers is a Professor in Strategy and International Management and MBA Director at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton. His research centres on informality within state-business relations, corruption and non-market strategies.
Xiping Shinnie is a PhD researcher from Birmingham City University Business School. Her PhD research focusses on the breakout of Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Birmingham. She is a Committee Member of the Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups Special Interest Group, Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. She also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Birmingham.
Dr Kiran Trehan is Pro-Vice Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement at The University of York and Director of the Centre for Women’s Enterprise, Leadership, Economy & Diversity. She is a key contributor to debates on leadership, enterprise development and diversity in small firms and business. She has led a number of leaderships, enterprise and business support initiatives and has extensively published a number of journal articles, policy reports, books and book chapters in the field. Her work has been supported by grants from a full range of research funding bodies, including the Economic and Social Research Councils and Arts Humanities Research councils, government departments, regional and local agencies including Local Enterprise Partnerships and Chambers of Commerce and the private sector. She has held a number of national and international advisory roles that shape debates and policy in diversity and enterprise. She has led on a number of public and private services initiatives in the area of transformation, leadership and diversity
Dr Natalia Vershinina is a Professor of Entrepreneurship, and Head of Research for Business and Society Department at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. She has previously worked for De Montfort University and University of Birmingham in the UK. She currently serves as an Associate Editor of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Journal, and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Research. In her work Natalia has researched how entrepreneurship intersects with ethnicity, gender and family business contexts and her latest publications examine motherhood, impact of online communities for development of confidence and legitimacy amongst women, and transitions to self-employment and entrepreneurship of women in couples.
Dr Mirela Xheneti is a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Small Business and the Head of Engagement for the Strategy & Marketing Department at the University of Sussex Business School. She has a long-standing interest in how institutional change and enterprise policies affect entrepreneurial behaviour placing particular emphasis on the role of context. Her most recent work looks at the intersection of the informal economy and gender in developing country contexts. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Her work has appeared in numerous journal articles including Journal of Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews and Environment and Planning C – Government and Policy.
Dr Sakura Yamamura is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. With expertise in migration studies, urban and economic geography, her work focusses on the spatiality of social and economic activities in migrant-led diversification of society, particularly in cities. She studied Geography, Sociology and Social/Cultural Anthropology at the University of Hamburg, Université de Paris 1 – Sorbonne and the University of California Berkeley. Previously working for the OECD International Migration Division and the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, she also taught at Geography Departments in Hamburg and Kiel. Her research results have been published by leading journals, such as Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and as a monograph in Palgrave Macmillan, with contributions in seminal volumes, such as the Handbook on Superdiversity published by Oxford University Press.
List of Contributors
Joniada Barjaba | Ministry of Finance and Economy, Albania |
Michał Borkowski | Cracow University of Economics, Poland |
Jan Brzozowski | Cracow University of Economics, Poland |
Charlotte Carey | Birmingham City University, UK |
Thomas Domboka | Birmingham City University, UK |
Tatiana Egorova | House of Innovation at Stockholm, Sweden |
Riikka Harikkala-Laihinen | University of Turku, Finland |
Sibylle Heilbrunn | Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Isreal |
Rachel Hue | University of Birmingham, UK |
Alex Kevill | University of Leeds, UK |
Tayo Korede | University of Central Lancashire, UK |
Paul Lassalle | University of Strathclyde, UK |
Héctor José Martínez Arboleya | Autonomous University of Chihuahua in Hidalgo del Parral, México |
Alia Noor | Research conducted at the University of Sussex, UK |
Niina Nummela | University of Turku, Finland |
Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki | University of Turku, Finland and University of Vaasa, Finland |
Johanna Raitis | University of Turku, Finland |
Peter Rodgers | University of Southampton, UK |
Xiping Shinnie | Birmingham City University, UK |
Kiran Trehan | The University of York, UK |
Natalia Vershinina | Audencia Business School, France |
Mirela Xheneti | University of Sussex, UK |
Sakura Yamamura | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany |
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society: Setting the new Research Agenda
- Section I: Contemporary Issues
- Chapter 2: Entrepreneurial Edge in the Age of Migration: Systematic Review of Migrant Entrepreneurship Literature
- Chapter 3: What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Ethnic Entrepreneurship?
- Chapter 4: Cosmopolitans as Migrant Entrepreneurs
- Chapter 5: Migrant Enterprises: Diversity and Emotions at Work
- Chapter 6: Underdog Refugee Entrepreneurs and the Challenge-Based Model of Entrepreneurship
- Section II: Boundaries and Beyond
- Chapter 7: The Dynamic Nature of Transnational Entrepreneurship Among Albanian Migrants and Returnees
- Chapter 8: Transnational Symbolic Capital and the Business Accelerator
- Chapter 9: Multicultural Hybridism as a Dynamic Framework to Reconceptualise Breakout in a Superdiverse and Transnational Context
- Chapter 10: Networks and Migrant Entrepreneurship: Ukrainian Entrepreneurs in Poland
- Chapter 11: Mexicans in Quebec: When the Context Matters in Immigrant Entrepreneurship
- Chapter 12: Notions and Practices of Differences: An Epilogue on the Diversity of Entrepreneurship and Migration
- Index