Diversity within Diversity Management
ISBN: 978-1-78754-821-3, eISBN: 978-1-78754-820-6
ISSN: 1877-6361
Publication date: 10 April 2019
(2019), "Index", Diversity within Diversity Management (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 391-406.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI), 95
Aboriginal Business and Entrepreneurship Development (ABED), 360
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, 362–365
Academicians, 66, 69
Accommodation, 287
of diversity, 144
Accountability, 69
Acid survivors (AS), 320
Active inclusion, 121
Acurio, Gaston, 15, 158–160, 167–170
Adivasi (ST), 317
Affirmative action (AA), 23, 28–29, 31, 37, 198, 201, 316
in India, 314–316
legislation, 87
paradigm, 45
regulations, 210
solution to Indian Caste System, 316–317
Afghanistan, 374, 378
conditioning and diversity, 379–381
cultural dimensions, 379
and culture, 377–379
developments and challenges in, 376–377
diversity and cultural competency, 375–376
flag, 378
implications, reflections, and suggestions, 381–386
leaders, 381–382
leaders and government officials, 384
policymakers, 380
thinking interdependently, 386–387
African–Peruvian culture, 158
Afro-Trinidadians, 292
Age, 222–223
age-based discrimination, 90
ceilings, 26
competing logics in age diversity management, 33–35
dimension, 22, 23
discrimination, 26
diversity, 26–27, 332
equality, 336
floors, 26
Vodafone on, 229
Alternative work arrangements, 69
Amazonian cuisine, 158
AMB Bank, 28, 32
Amu Darya, 377
Anarchy, State and Utopia (Nozick), 9
ANOVA with Tukey’s Test for nonadditivity test, 244, 247
Anti-discriminatory discourse, 92, 287, 300
Antidiscrimination, 240
law, 219
legislation, 88, 96, 283, 286–287
strategies, 243
tendency communication policy, 249
“Aquarium management”, threat of, 211
Asian culture, 337
Asian Perspective Women Matter Research, 335
Asylees, 7
Athens LGBTQ, 230
Australia, 86
D&I practitioners, 86–87
HR function and D&I role, 90–92
implications of Australian approach to D&I, 94–95
literature on D&I specialists, 92–93
regulatory framework in, 87–90
shift D&I forward, 95–98
Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), 89
Australian Stock Exchange, 89
Authenticity, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management dimensions in, 131
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 126
Axial coding, 55
Baby Boomers generation, 323
Band Councils, 365
, 162
change, 61
diversity, 142
Bill of Rights and Liberties, 105–106
Blood disorder disability, 313
Board of Directors, 184, 190
lack of women in, 191
in Venezuelan Banking sector, 185–186
Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST), 70–71
Sustainability Index, 70–71
, 307–308
“Brain drain”, 6
case for diversity, 23
ethics, 112
leaders and managers, 385–386
organizations, 12
schools, 120
C-level positions, 184
in Venezuelan Banking sector, 185–186
Canadian Constitution, 363
Canadian National Context, 361
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, 362–364
financial dimension of IE, 365–366
IE research area, 361–362
political dimension of IE, 365
sociocultural dimension of IE, 364–365
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
, 9
Career development arguments, 191
Caribbean Development Research Services, 297
Caribbean societies, 293
Caste, 307–308, 314
affirmative action in India, 314–316
affirmative action solution to Indian Caste System, 316–317
caste-based affirmative action, 317
Central Bank of Nigeria, 32
Central government employees, 315n10
Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), 310–311
Chairman’s Leadership Award for Diversity (CLAD 2011), 71
Chief Human Resource Officers (CHRO), 313
China, 382
, 164
CIA World Factbook, 52, 222
Citizen sector (see Private sector)
Coco-Mat, 231–232
on diversity, 233–234
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, 345
“#CodeLikeAGirl” program, 229
Coercive isomorphism, 178, 180–181, 184, 186
Collectivism, 297, 336
Collectivist society, 298
Colonization process, 360, 363
Color blindness, 43
Colour Youth, 230
“Comb Day” project, 80
“Common culture transformation” project, 77
Commonwealth Caribbean, 282, 284–285, 292
approaches, 343–345
diversity management performance indicators and measures, 351
diversity management practices, 346
educational background, 348–349
employee care, 349–350
employees with disabilities, 347
external and internal pressures for diversity in, 341–343
foreign employees, 346–347
recruitment and selection, 346
training and development, 347–348
Competence(s), 207, 211, 282–283
Competing logics
in managing age diversity, 33–35
in managing ethnic diversity, 29–32
in managing inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 35–36
in managing religious diversity, 32–33
of workplace diversity in Nigeria, 28–30
Compliance-based responses and sanctions, 46
Component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264
of diversity and inclusion in workplace, 264–266
of equal opportunity and inclusion in workplace, 268–271
of strength of DIWP, 267–268
of workplace issues on discrimination, 271–274
Comprehensive method, 282–283
Conditioning, 379–381
Conflict, 178–179
Contours of diversity, 307–324
Corporate Citizenship Report, 108
“Corporate crusader” model, 15, 98
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 110, 219, 339
Critical case sampling approach, 27–28
Cronbach’s Alpha based on standardized items (CAlphaSI), 244, 246
Cultural/culture, 160–163, 376
Afghanistan and, 377–379
ally, 376
analysis of macro-environment, 13
change, 61
club, 112
competency, 375–376
culturally diverse, 22
diversity in management, 12–13, 198
influence, 297–299
Taiwan’s cultural context, 336–337
Czech Republic (CR), 104–105
diversity management in, 104, 106
ethnic diversity in, 106–107
methodology, 108
problem statement and literature review, 105–106
results, 108–113
“Czechitas” event, 110
Czechoslovakia (see Czech Republic (CR))
Dalit (SC), 317
Dari speakers, 380
“De ollas y sueños”, 169
findings or results with implications for, 55
implications for, 170–171
Decision-makers, 341
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
“Declaration on Equality at Work”, 79
Deep-level diversity, 67
Deloitte Human Capital Trends (2017), 307
Demographic(s), 67
characteristics, 333
respondents, 256
statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
Denial strategy, 95
Departure characteristics, 5
“Dependence”, 386
Developmental change strategies, 147–148
Dimension validity test, 244–245
Directive level, gender issues in, 184–185
Disability, 23, 54, 224–225, 283, 291, 294–295, 307, 311, 319–320
Indian perspective on, 312–313
law, 313
meaning, 312
Disadvantaged groups in Australia, 95
Discrimination, 88, 145, 219, 282, 286–287, 314–315
laws, 383
reduction and elimination, 383
by victimization, 287
in workplace, 247–249
Discrimination-and-fairness approach, 23, 144
“Divers” network, 230
Diverse manpower demography, 240
Diverse workforce, 12, 375
Diversity, 2, 8–9, 22, 23, 43, 60, 66, 109, 141–143, 145, 177, 198–201, 204–206, 247–249, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 375–376, 379–381
benefits, 209
caste, 307–308
climate, 68
Coco-Mat on, 233–234
companies, 210
consciousness, 382
contours, 307
disability, 311–313
education, 120
events, 111
gender, 308–311
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
literature review, 307
multigenerational diversity, 313–314
organizational evidences from India, 314–324
professionals, 37
Diversity and equality management system approach (DEMS approach), 200
Diversity and inclusion project (D&I project), 86, 88–89, 95–96, 98
HR function and D&I role, 90–92
implications of Australian approach to, 94–95
initiatives, 319
practitioners, 86–87
Diversity Council (DC), 109
Diversity Council of Australia (DCA), 88–89
Diversity in Workforce Award and External Partnership Development Award, 77
Diversity in workplace (DIWP), 12, 267–274
Diversity Index (2014), 199, 209
Diversity management (DM), 2, 11, 45, 92–93, 198–207, 212, 218, 240, 333, 353
in Afghanistan, 374–387
in Australia, 86–98
awareness, 132
in CR, 104–113
cultural diversity in management, 12–13
entrepreneurial immigrants, 6–7
EU perspective, 10
in Greece, 218–234
ILO perspective, 10–11
immigrant workers, 5
India, 305–325
labor immigrants, 5–6
labor market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migratory process and formation of ethnic minorities, 2–5
in Nigeria, 23–37
Nigeria banking sector, 239–250, 253–280
performance indicators and measures, 351
in Polish companies, 199
practices, 208
practitioners and researchers, 353
professional immigrants, 6
refugees and asylees, 7
in Slovenia, 118–135
in South African HEIs, 140–153
in sustainability reports, 66–80
T&T, 281–299
in Taiwan, 331–353
UAE, 42–61
UN perspective, 8–9
“Divide and conquer” strategy, 374, 381
Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), 339
Dubai Chamber of Commerce Center, 43
Durbin–Watson Statistics (DW Statistics), 247
Early Liberalization Generation (1992–2001), 313–314
Education/educational, 287
background for employee, 348–349
and employment status of women in India, 309–311
infrastructure policymakers, 375
Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), 342
Emiratization, 45–47
Empirical research, 12
Employee care, 349–350
Employee diversity, 341–342
Employee First and Client Second 2. 0 (EFCS 2. 0), 323–324
“Employee satisfaction”, 232–233
“Employee Work Rules”, 345, 348
Employees with disability (EWD), 319–320, 347
Employment, 10–11, 51, 287
of Emiratis, 57
renewable short-term, 57
security, 35–36
status of women in India, 309–311
Entrepreneurial immigrants, 6–7
Entrepreneurship, 364, 367
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 88, 198, 200
regulations, 210
Equal opportunities, 200, 247–249
based on gender, 57
Equal Opportunity Act (2000), 284–285
Equal Opportunity Commission, 287
Equal Opportunity Model Certificate, 79
Equality, 8–9, 88, 218
in Nigeria, 23–24
Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment and Occupation (2000), 284–285
Equality Opportunity Act (EO Act), 287–288
Equity, 141, 152
gender, 181
groups, 89
“Equity at work” declaration, 76
“Essential dimension”, 118, 134
Ethical corporate Management Best Practice Principles, 344
Ethnic diversity, 23, 53
competing logics in management, 29–32
in CR, 106–107
Ethnic identities, 24
Ethnic representation institutionalization, 29–32
Ethnically diverse culture, 22
Ethnicity, 53–54
Eurobarometer, 223, 231–232
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), 10
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 10
European Economic Community (EEC), 10
European Union (EU), 10, 104, 218
Europe’s Erasmus + project, 119–120
Exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
External pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
Extraction method, 245
Extraction method of principal component analysis (EMPCA), 246
Factories Act (1948), 317–318
Family Matters Network and Mentoring Program for Women, 319
Federal Character Commission (FCC), 25
Federal Character Principle, 24, 29, 31
practical challenges, 32
Federal Competitiveness and Statistical Authority (FCSA), 42
Federal Ministry of Labor and Productivity, 27
Federal National Council (FNC), 53
Female employees, 343
career development plans for, 348
Factories Act, 317
percentage in central public sector enterprises, 311
percentage in public sector, 220
Vodafone Group, 227–228
in workforce, 219
Femininity, 297
Financial crisis, 225
Financial dimension of IE in Canada, 365–366
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
Foreign employees, 346–347, 348, 350
Foreigners in CR, 104, 106–107
Fragmented functions, 90
“Freedom fighters”, 380
, 162
Gastrodiplomacy, 167–168, 171
Gastronomy as national identity element, 159
culture and, 160–163
implications for managers and decision-makers, 170–171
limitations, 171–172
methodology or research design, 170
problem statement and literature review, 159–170
Gender, 52–53, 241, 307, 308, 317–319
contextual review, 181–185
dimension, 23
distribution, 186–187
education and employment status of women in India, 309–311
equality, 176, 179, 220
findings and results with implications, 186–189
gendered Indian social context, 308–309
institutional and legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
isomorphism, 188
issues in directive and upper-management level, 184–185
limitations, 189–192
literature review, 179–181
methodology and research design, 185–186
theoretical framework, 177–179
Vodafone on, 227–228
Gender Equality Index, 220
Gender Gap subindex, 179
Generation, 51–52, 59–60, 307, 313–314
Generational diversity
in Indian workplace, 321–322
at workplace, study, 320–321
GenX generation, 323
GenY generation, 323
GenZ generation, 323
Gerontocracy, 34
Global economic forces, 91
Global Gender Gap (2017), 176
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 66, 70–71
Global Teams, 55, 60
Globalization, 240
GLOBE project, 160
Government inclusion, 22–23, 29, 243
Greece, diversity management in, 218–219
age, 222–223
Coco-Mat, 231–234
disability, 224–225
discrimination, 219
ethnic origin and religious beliefs, 221–222
gender, 219
methodology, 225–226
open and sustainable culture, 232–233
sexual orientation, 223–224
Vodafone, 226–231
Greek Jewish community, 222
Grounded theory approach, 55
Group Employee Engagement Survey Implementation Guidelines, 351
Group initiative program, 228
Groupthink, 380
Hacking, 111
Hammer Factor, 387
Happiness agenda, 51
HCL technologies, 318, 323–324
Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability (HSEPS), 108
Health insurance, 350
Heckscher–Ohlin theorem, 7
“HeForShe” platform, 79
Heterogeneity, 292
Heterogeneous teams, 380
Heterogenous relationships, 295
High context communication (HC communication), 379
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 15, 140
challenges to diversity management at, 145–147
diversity management at, 143–145
practice in HEI diversity management, 147–150
transforming, 141
Hindu caste system, 307–308
Historical-structuralist approach, 2, 3
HIV/AIDS Anti-Discrimination Act (2014), 27
HIV/AIDS status
competing logics in managing inequality due to, 35–36
inequality and exclusion due to, 27
Homogeneous teams, 380
“Honey Bees Get to Be Engineers” project, 79
Horizontal inequalities, 24
Hotelling’s T-Squared Test “F” statistics, 247
Huarique restaurant, 164
Human Capital Development, 339
Human groupings, 141–142
Human resource management (HRM), 69, 86, 88, 91, 241
procedures, 69
strategy, 352
system, 351–352
Human resources (HR), 55, 91
diversity practices, 202
function and D&I role, 90–92
management leader, 210
managers, 199, 240
policy flexibility and growth, 242
practices in DM, 209
Human rights, 9
human rights-related education, 345
Human trafficking, 49
“Hyper-diversity”, 60
Iceland, gender equality in, 179
Immigrant workers, 5
Immigration, 8
labor market impacts, 7–8
Imperial Medical Centre (IMC), 28, 35–36
In Defence of Anarchism (Wolf), 9
Inclusion, 22, 23, 93, 202, 218, 247–249, 282, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 374–387
of identities, 163–167
of marginalized sectors, 58–59
organizational initiatives for disability, 319
vision, 68
Inclusive culture, 383
Inclusive diversity management, 241
Inclusive leaders, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management in, 132
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 128
Inclusive workplace, 98
discrimination policy, 249–250
Incorporation, 161
diversity and inclusion, 324
diversity management in, 305–325
from literature and practice, 307–324
Indian Act, 363
Indian Caste System, AA solution to, 316–317
Indian peoples of Canada, 362–363
Indian perspective on disability, 312–313
Indian society, 308–309
Indian Stock Exchange, 315–316
Indian workplace, generational diversity in, 321–322
Indigenous Entrepreneurship (IE), 17, 360
in Canada, 360
financial dimension, 365–366
political dimension of, 365
research area, 361–362
sociocultural dimension, 364–365
Indigenous groups, 359–360, 363
Indigenous residential schools (IRS), 363
Individualism, 9, 297
Indo-Trinidadians, 292
Inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
Infosys Women Institute of Leadership, 319
Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN), 319
Innovation, 383–384
Instagram, 186
Institutional diversity, 142–143
Institutional infrastructure policymakers, 375
Institutional theory (IT), 177–178, 189, 190
Integrated Action Plan for the Social integration of Greek Gypsies, 221
Intellectual disability, 320
Internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
International Labor Organization (ILO), 10, 27, 42, 49–50, 342
International Migration Branch, 10
perspective, 10–11
International mobility, 134
Internationalization, 341–342
of higher education, 134–135
Intersectionality, 95
Inuit peoples of Canada, 362–363
Islamic banking, 33
ISO 14001 standard, 108
Isomorphism, 178
IT sector in India, 318–319
, 308
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 122, 130–132
mapping model, 320
security, 10
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
C-level positions, 184
in Venezuelan Banking sector, 185–186
Canadian Constitution, 363
Canadian National Context, 361
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, 362–364
financial dimension of IE, 365–366
IE research area, 361–362
political dimension of IE, 365
sociocultural dimension of IE, 364–365
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
, 9
Career development arguments, 191
Caribbean Development Research Services, 297
Caribbean societies, 293
Caste, 307–308, 314
affirmative action in India, 314–316
affirmative action solution to Indian Caste System, 316–317
caste-based affirmative action, 317
Central Bank of Nigeria, 32
Central government employees, 315n10
Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), 310–311
Chairman’s Leadership Award for Diversity (CLAD 2011), 71
Chief Human Resource Officers (CHRO), 313
China, 382
, 164
CIA World Factbook, 52, 222
Citizen sector (see Private sector)
Coco-Mat, 231–232
on diversity, 233–234
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, 345
“#CodeLikeAGirl” program, 229
Coercive isomorphism, 178, 180–181, 184, 186
Collectivism, 297, 336
Collectivist society, 298
Colonization process, 360, 363
Color blindness, 43
Colour Youth, 230
“Comb Day” project, 80
“Common culture transformation” project, 77
Commonwealth Caribbean, 282, 284–285, 292
approaches, 343–345
diversity management performance indicators and measures, 351
diversity management practices, 346
educational background, 348–349
employee care, 349–350
employees with disabilities, 347
external and internal pressures for diversity in, 341–343
foreign employees, 346–347
recruitment and selection, 346
training and development, 347–348
Competence(s), 207, 211, 282–283
Competing logics
in managing age diversity, 33–35
in managing ethnic diversity, 29–32
in managing inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 35–36
in managing religious diversity, 32–33
of workplace diversity in Nigeria, 28–30
Compliance-based responses and sanctions, 46
Component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264
of diversity and inclusion in workplace, 264–266
of equal opportunity and inclusion in workplace, 268–271
of strength of DIWP, 267–268
of workplace issues on discrimination, 271–274
Comprehensive method, 282–283
Conditioning, 379–381
Conflict, 178–179
Contours of diversity, 307–324
Corporate Citizenship Report, 108
“Corporate crusader” model, 15, 98
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 110, 219, 339
Critical case sampling approach, 27–28
Cronbach’s Alpha based on standardized items (CAlphaSI), 244, 246
Cultural/culture, 160–163, 376
Afghanistan and, 377–379
ally, 376
analysis of macro-environment, 13
change, 61
club, 112
competency, 375–376
culturally diverse, 22
diversity in management, 12–13, 198
influence, 297–299
Taiwan’s cultural context, 336–337
Czech Republic (CR), 104–105
diversity management in, 104, 106
ethnic diversity in, 106–107
methodology, 108
problem statement and literature review, 105–106
results, 108–113
“Czechitas” event, 110
Czechoslovakia (see Czech Republic (CR))
Dalit (SC), 317
Dari speakers, 380
“De ollas y sueños”, 169
findings or results with implications for, 55
implications for, 170–171
Decision-makers, 341
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
“Declaration on Equality at Work”, 79
Deep-level diversity, 67
Deloitte Human Capital Trends (2017), 307
Demographic(s), 67
characteristics, 333
respondents, 256
statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
Denial strategy, 95
Departure characteristics, 5
“Dependence”, 386
Developmental change strategies, 147–148
Dimension validity test, 244–245
Directive level, gender issues in, 184–185
Disability, 23, 54, 224–225, 283, 291, 294–295, 307, 311, 319–320
Indian perspective on, 312–313
law, 313
meaning, 312
Disadvantaged groups in Australia, 95
Discrimination, 88, 145, 219, 282, 286–287, 314–315
laws, 383
reduction and elimination, 383
by victimization, 287
in workplace, 247–249
Discrimination-and-fairness approach, 23, 144
“Divers” network, 230
Diverse manpower demography, 240
Diverse workforce, 12, 375
Diversity, 2, 8–9, 22, 23, 43, 60, 66, 109, 141–143, 145, 177, 198–201, 204–206, 247–249, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 375–376, 379–381
benefits, 209
caste, 307–308
climate, 68
Coco-Mat on, 233–234
companies, 210
consciousness, 382
contours, 307
disability, 311–313
education, 120
events, 111
gender, 308–311
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
literature review, 307
multigenerational diversity, 313–314
organizational evidences from India, 314–324
professionals, 37
Diversity and equality management system approach (DEMS approach), 200
Diversity and inclusion project (D&I project), 86, 88–89, 95–96, 98
HR function and D&I role, 90–92
implications of Australian approach to, 94–95
initiatives, 319
practitioners, 86–87
Diversity Council (DC), 109
Diversity Council of Australia (DCA), 88–89
Diversity in Workforce Award and External Partnership Development Award, 77
Diversity in workplace (DIWP), 12, 267–274
Diversity Index (2014), 199, 209
Diversity management (DM), 2, 11, 45, 92–93, 198–207, 212, 218, 240, 333, 353
in Afghanistan, 374–387
in Australia, 86–98
awareness, 132
in CR, 104–113
cultural diversity in management, 12–13
entrepreneurial immigrants, 6–7
EU perspective, 10
in Greece, 218–234
ILO perspective, 10–11
immigrant workers, 5
India, 305–325
labor immigrants, 5–6
labor market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migratory process and formation of ethnic minorities, 2–5
in Nigeria, 23–37
Nigeria banking sector, 239–250, 253–280
performance indicators and measures, 351
in Polish companies, 199
practices, 208
practitioners and researchers, 353
professional immigrants, 6
refugees and asylees, 7
in Slovenia, 118–135
in South African HEIs, 140–153
in sustainability reports, 66–80
T&T, 281–299
in Taiwan, 331–353
UAE, 42–61
UN perspective, 8–9
“Divide and conquer” strategy, 374, 381
Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), 339
Dubai Chamber of Commerce Center, 43
Durbin–Watson Statistics (DW Statistics), 247
Early Liberalization Generation (1992–2001), 313–314
Education/educational, 287
background for employee, 348–349
and employment status of women in India, 309–311
infrastructure policymakers, 375
Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), 342
Emiratization, 45–47
Empirical research, 12
Employee care, 349–350
Employee diversity, 341–342
Employee First and Client Second 2. 0 (EFCS 2. 0), 323–324
“Employee satisfaction”, 232–233
“Employee Work Rules”, 345, 348
Employees with disability (EWD), 319–320, 347
Employment, 10–11, 51, 287
of Emiratis, 57
renewable short-term, 57
security, 35–36
status of women in India, 309–311
Entrepreneurial immigrants, 6–7
Entrepreneurship, 364, 367
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 88, 198, 200
regulations, 210
Equal opportunities, 200, 247–249
based on gender, 57
Equal Opportunity Act (2000), 284–285
Equal Opportunity Commission, 287
Equal Opportunity Model Certificate, 79
Equality, 8–9, 88, 218
in Nigeria, 23–24
Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment and Occupation (2000), 284–285
Equality Opportunity Act (EO Act), 287–288
Equity, 141, 152
gender, 181
groups, 89
“Equity at work” declaration, 76
“Essential dimension”, 118, 134
Ethical corporate Management Best Practice Principles, 344
Ethnic diversity, 23, 53
competing logics in management, 29–32
in CR, 106–107
Ethnic identities, 24
Ethnic representation institutionalization, 29–32
Ethnically diverse culture, 22
Ethnicity, 53–54
Eurobarometer, 223, 231–232
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), 10
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 10
European Economic Community (EEC), 10
European Union (EU), 10, 104, 218
Europe’s Erasmus + project, 119–120
Exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
External pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
Extraction method, 245
Extraction method of principal component analysis (EMPCA), 246
Factories Act (1948), 317–318
Family Matters Network and Mentoring Program for Women, 319
Federal Character Commission (FCC), 25
Federal Character Principle, 24, 29, 31
practical challenges, 32
Federal Competitiveness and Statistical Authority (FCSA), 42
Federal Ministry of Labor and Productivity, 27
Federal National Council (FNC), 53
Female employees, 343
career development plans for, 348
Factories Act, 317
percentage in central public sector enterprises, 311
percentage in public sector, 220
Vodafone Group, 227–228
in workforce, 219
Femininity, 297
Financial crisis, 225
Financial dimension of IE in Canada, 365–366
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
Foreign employees, 346–347, 348, 350
Foreigners in CR, 104, 106–107
Fragmented functions, 90
“Freedom fighters”, 380
, 162
Gastrodiplomacy, 167–168, 171
Gastronomy as national identity element, 159
culture and, 160–163
implications for managers and decision-makers, 170–171
limitations, 171–172
methodology or research design, 170
problem statement and literature review, 159–170
Gender, 52–53, 241, 307, 308, 317–319
contextual review, 181–185
dimension, 23
distribution, 186–187
education and employment status of women in India, 309–311
equality, 176, 179, 220
findings and results with implications, 186–189
gendered Indian social context, 308–309
institutional and legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
isomorphism, 188
issues in directive and upper-management level, 184–185
limitations, 189–192
literature review, 179–181
methodology and research design, 185–186
theoretical framework, 177–179
Vodafone on, 227–228
Gender Equality Index, 220
Gender Gap subindex, 179
Generation, 51–52, 59–60, 307, 313–314
Generational diversity
in Indian workplace, 321–322
at workplace, study, 320–321
GenX generation, 323
GenY generation, 323
GenZ generation, 323
Gerontocracy, 34
Global economic forces, 91
Global Gender Gap (2017), 176
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 66, 70–71
Global Teams, 55, 60
Globalization, 240
GLOBE project, 160
Government inclusion, 22–23, 29, 243
Greece, diversity management in, 218–219
age, 222–223
Coco-Mat, 231–234
disability, 224–225
discrimination, 219
ethnic origin and religious beliefs, 221–222
gender, 219
methodology, 225–226
open and sustainable culture, 232–233
sexual orientation, 223–224
Vodafone, 226–231
Greek Jewish community, 222
Grounded theory approach, 55
Group Employee Engagement Survey Implementation Guidelines, 351
Group initiative program, 228
Groupthink, 380
Hacking, 111
Hammer Factor, 387
Happiness agenda, 51
HCL technologies, 318, 323–324
Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability (HSEPS), 108
Health insurance, 350
Heckscher–Ohlin theorem, 7
“HeForShe” platform, 79
Heterogeneity, 292
Heterogeneous teams, 380
Heterogenous relationships, 295
High context communication (HC communication), 379
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 15, 140
challenges to diversity management at, 145–147
diversity management at, 143–145
practice in HEI diversity management, 147–150
transforming, 141
Hindu caste system, 307–308
Historical-structuralist approach, 2, 3
HIV/AIDS Anti-Discrimination Act (2014), 27
HIV/AIDS status
competing logics in managing inequality due to, 35–36
inequality and exclusion due to, 27
Homogeneous teams, 380
“Honey Bees Get to Be Engineers” project, 79
Horizontal inequalities, 24
Hotelling’s T-Squared Test “F” statistics, 247
Huarique restaurant, 164
Human Capital Development, 339
Human groupings, 141–142
Human resource management (HRM), 69, 86, 88, 91, 241
procedures, 69
strategy, 352
system, 351–352
Human resources (HR), 55, 91
diversity practices, 202
function and D&I role, 90–92
management leader, 210
managers, 199, 240
policy flexibility and growth, 242
practices in DM, 209
Human rights, 9
human rights-related education, 345
Human trafficking, 49
“Hyper-diversity”, 60
Iceland, gender equality in, 179
Immigrant workers, 5
Immigration, 8
labor market impacts, 7–8
Imperial Medical Centre (IMC), 28, 35–36
In Defence of Anarchism (Wolf), 9
Inclusion, 22, 23, 93, 202, 218, 247–249, 282, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 374–387
of identities, 163–167
of marginalized sectors, 58–59
organizational initiatives for disability, 319
vision, 68
Inclusive culture, 383
Inclusive diversity management, 241
Inclusive leaders, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management in, 132
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 128
Inclusive workplace, 98
discrimination policy, 249–250
Incorporation, 161
diversity and inclusion, 324
diversity management in, 305–325
from literature and practice, 307–324
Indian Act, 363
Indian Caste System, AA solution to, 316–317
Indian peoples of Canada, 362–363
Indian perspective on disability, 312–313
Indian society, 308–309
Indian Stock Exchange, 315–316
Indian workplace, generational diversity in, 321–322
Indigenous Entrepreneurship (IE), 17, 360
in Canada, 360
financial dimension, 365–366
political dimension of, 365
research area, 361–362
sociocultural dimension, 364–365
Indigenous groups, 359–360, 363
Indigenous residential schools (IRS), 363
Individualism, 9, 297
Indo-Trinidadians, 292
Inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
Infosys Women Institute of Leadership, 319
Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN), 319
Innovation, 383–384
Instagram, 186
Institutional diversity, 142–143
Institutional infrastructure policymakers, 375
Institutional theory (IT), 177–178, 189, 190
Integrated Action Plan for the Social integration of Greek Gypsies, 221
Intellectual disability, 320
Internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
International Labor Organization (ILO), 10, 27, 42, 49–50, 342
International Migration Branch, 10
perspective, 10–11
International mobility, 134
Internationalization, 341–342
of higher education, 134–135
Intersectionality, 95
Inuit peoples of Canada, 362–363
Islamic banking, 33
ISO 14001 standard, 108
Isomorphism, 178
IT sector in India, 318–319
, 308
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 122, 130–132
mapping model, 320
security, 10
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Early Liberalization Generation (1992–2001), 313–314
Education/educational, 287
background for employee, 348–349
and employment status of women in India, 309–311
infrastructure policymakers, 375
Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), 342
Emiratization, 45–47
Empirical research, 12
Employee care, 349–350
Employee diversity, 341–342
Employee First and Client Second 2. 0 (EFCS 2. 0), 323–324
“Employee satisfaction”, 232–233
“Employee Work Rules”, 345, 348
Employees with disability (EWD), 319–320, 347
Employment, 10–11, 51, 287
of Emiratis, 57
renewable short-term, 57
security, 35–36
status of women in India, 309–311
Entrepreneurial immigrants, 6–7
Entrepreneurship, 364, 367
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 88, 198, 200
regulations, 210
Equal opportunities, 200, 247–249
based on gender, 57
Equal Opportunity Act (2000), 284–285
Equal Opportunity Commission, 287
Equal Opportunity Model Certificate, 79
Equality, 8–9, 88, 218
in Nigeria, 23–24
Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment and Occupation (2000), 284–285
Equality Opportunity Act (EO Act), 287–288
Equity, 141, 152
gender, 181
groups, 89
“Equity at work” declaration, 76
“Essential dimension”, 118, 134
Ethical corporate Management Best Practice Principles, 344
Ethnic diversity, 23, 53
competing logics in management, 29–32
in CR, 106–107
Ethnic identities, 24
Ethnic representation institutionalization, 29–32
Ethnically diverse culture, 22
Ethnicity, 53–54
Eurobarometer, 223, 231–232
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), 10
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 10
European Economic Community (EEC), 10
European Union (EU), 10, 104, 218
Europe’s Erasmus + project, 119–120
Exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
External pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
Extraction method, 245
Extraction method of principal component analysis (EMPCA), 246
Factories Act (1948), 317–318
Family Matters Network and Mentoring Program for Women, 319
Federal Character Commission (FCC), 25
Federal Character Principle, 24, 29, 31
practical challenges, 32
Federal Competitiveness and Statistical Authority (FCSA), 42
Federal Ministry of Labor and Productivity, 27
Federal National Council (FNC), 53
Female employees, 343
career development plans for, 348
Factories Act, 317
percentage in central public sector enterprises, 311
percentage in public sector, 220
Vodafone Group, 227–228
in workforce, 219
Femininity, 297
Financial crisis, 225
Financial dimension of IE in Canada, 365–366
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
Foreign employees, 346–347, 348, 350
Foreigners in CR, 104, 106–107
Fragmented functions, 90
“Freedom fighters”, 380
, 162
Gastrodiplomacy, 167–168, 171
Gastronomy as national identity element, 159
culture and, 160–163
implications for managers and decision-makers, 170–171
limitations, 171–172
methodology or research design, 170
problem statement and literature review, 159–170
Gender, 52–53, 241, 307, 308, 317–319
contextual review, 181–185
dimension, 23
distribution, 186–187
education and employment status of women in India, 309–311
equality, 176, 179, 220
findings and results with implications, 186–189
gendered Indian social context, 308–309
institutional and legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
isomorphism, 188
issues in directive and upper-management level, 184–185
limitations, 189–192
literature review, 179–181
methodology and research design, 185–186
theoretical framework, 177–179
Vodafone on, 227–228
Gender Equality Index, 220
Gender Gap subindex, 179
Generation, 51–52, 59–60, 307, 313–314
Generational diversity
in Indian workplace, 321–322
at workplace, study, 320–321
GenX generation, 323
GenY generation, 323
GenZ generation, 323
Gerontocracy, 34
Global economic forces, 91
Global Gender Gap (2017), 176
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 66, 70–71
Global Teams, 55, 60
Globalization, 240
GLOBE project, 160
Government inclusion, 22–23, 29, 243
Greece, diversity management in, 218–219
age, 222–223
Coco-Mat, 231–234
disability, 224–225
discrimination, 219
ethnic origin and religious beliefs, 221–222
gender, 219
methodology, 225–226
open and sustainable culture, 232–233
sexual orientation, 223–224
Vodafone, 226–231
Greek Jewish community, 222
Grounded theory approach, 55
Group Employee Engagement Survey Implementation Guidelines, 351
Group initiative program, 228
Groupthink, 380
Hacking, 111
Hammer Factor, 387
Happiness agenda, 51
HCL technologies, 318, 323–324
Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability (HSEPS), 108
Health insurance, 350
Heckscher–Ohlin theorem, 7
“HeForShe” platform, 79
Heterogeneity, 292
Heterogeneous teams, 380
Heterogenous relationships, 295
High context communication (HC communication), 379
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 15, 140
challenges to diversity management at, 145–147
diversity management at, 143–145
practice in HEI diversity management, 147–150
transforming, 141
Hindu caste system, 307–308
Historical-structuralist approach, 2, 3
HIV/AIDS Anti-Discrimination Act (2014), 27
HIV/AIDS status
competing logics in managing inequality due to, 35–36
inequality and exclusion due to, 27
Homogeneous teams, 380
“Honey Bees Get to Be Engineers” project, 79
Horizontal inequalities, 24
Hotelling’s T-Squared Test “F” statistics, 247
Huarique restaurant, 164
Human Capital Development, 339
Human groupings, 141–142
Human resource management (HRM), 69, 86, 88, 91, 241
procedures, 69
strategy, 352
system, 351–352
Human resources (HR), 55, 91
diversity practices, 202
function and D&I role, 90–92
management leader, 210
managers, 199, 240
policy flexibility and growth, 242
practices in DM, 209
Human rights, 9
human rights-related education, 345
Human trafficking, 49
“Hyper-diversity”, 60
Iceland, gender equality in, 179
Immigrant workers, 5
Immigration, 8
labor market impacts, 7–8
Imperial Medical Centre (IMC), 28, 35–36
In Defence of Anarchism (Wolf), 9
Inclusion, 22, 23, 93, 202, 218, 247–249, 282, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 374–387
of identities, 163–167
of marginalized sectors, 58–59
organizational initiatives for disability, 319
vision, 68
Inclusive culture, 383
Inclusive diversity management, 241
Inclusive leaders, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management in, 132
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 128
Inclusive workplace, 98
discrimination policy, 249–250
Incorporation, 161
diversity and inclusion, 324
diversity management in, 305–325
from literature and practice, 307–324
Indian Act, 363
Indian Caste System, AA solution to, 316–317
Indian peoples of Canada, 362–363
Indian perspective on disability, 312–313
Indian society, 308–309
Indian Stock Exchange, 315–316
Indian workplace, generational diversity in, 321–322
Indigenous Entrepreneurship (IE), 17, 360
in Canada, 360
financial dimension, 365–366
political dimension of, 365
research area, 361–362
sociocultural dimension, 364–365
Indigenous groups, 359–360, 363
Indigenous residential schools (IRS), 363
Individualism, 9, 297
Indo-Trinidadians, 292
Inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
Infosys Women Institute of Leadership, 319
Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN), 319
Innovation, 383–384
Instagram, 186
Institutional diversity, 142–143
Institutional infrastructure policymakers, 375
Institutional theory (IT), 177–178, 189, 190
Integrated Action Plan for the Social integration of Greek Gypsies, 221
Intellectual disability, 320
Internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
International Labor Organization (ILO), 10, 27, 42, 49–50, 342
International Migration Branch, 10
perspective, 10–11
International mobility, 134
Internationalization, 341–342
of higher education, 134–135
Intersectionality, 95
Inuit peoples of Canada, 362–363
Islamic banking, 33
ISO 14001 standard, 108
Isomorphism, 178
IT sector in India, 318–319
, 308
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 122, 130–132
mapping model, 320
security, 10
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Gastrodiplomacy, 167–168, 171
Gastronomy as national identity element, 159
culture and, 160–163
implications for managers and decision-makers, 170–171
limitations, 171–172
methodology or research design, 170
problem statement and literature review, 159–170
Gender, 52–53, 241, 307, 308, 317–319
contextual review, 181–185
dimension, 23
distribution, 186–187
education and employment status of women in India, 309–311
equality, 176, 179, 220
findings and results with implications, 186–189
gendered Indian social context, 308–309
institutional and legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
isomorphism, 188
issues in directive and upper-management level, 184–185
limitations, 189–192
literature review, 179–181
methodology and research design, 185–186
theoretical framework, 177–179
Vodafone on, 227–228
Gender Equality Index, 220
Gender Gap subindex, 179
Generation, 51–52, 59–60, 307, 313–314
Generational diversity
in Indian workplace, 321–322
at workplace, study, 320–321
GenX generation, 323
GenY generation, 323
GenZ generation, 323
Gerontocracy, 34
Global economic forces, 91
Global Gender Gap (2017), 176
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 66, 70–71
Global Teams, 55, 60
Globalization, 240
GLOBE project, 160
Government inclusion, 22–23, 29, 243
Greece, diversity management in, 218–219
age, 222–223
Coco-Mat, 231–234
disability, 224–225
discrimination, 219
ethnic origin and religious beliefs, 221–222
gender, 219
methodology, 225–226
open and sustainable culture, 232–233
sexual orientation, 223–224
Vodafone, 226–231
Greek Jewish community, 222
Grounded theory approach, 55
Group Employee Engagement Survey Implementation Guidelines, 351
Group initiative program, 228
Groupthink, 380
Hacking, 111
Hammer Factor, 387
Happiness agenda, 51
HCL technologies, 318, 323–324
Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability (HSEPS), 108
Health insurance, 350
Heckscher–Ohlin theorem, 7
“HeForShe” platform, 79
Heterogeneity, 292
Heterogeneous teams, 380
Heterogenous relationships, 295
High context communication (HC communication), 379
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 15, 140
challenges to diversity management at, 145–147
diversity management at, 143–145
practice in HEI diversity management, 147–150
transforming, 141
Hindu caste system, 307–308
Historical-structuralist approach, 2, 3
HIV/AIDS Anti-Discrimination Act (2014), 27
HIV/AIDS status
competing logics in managing inequality due to, 35–36
inequality and exclusion due to, 27
Homogeneous teams, 380
“Honey Bees Get to Be Engineers” project, 79
Horizontal inequalities, 24
Hotelling’s T-Squared Test “F” statistics, 247
Huarique restaurant, 164
Human Capital Development, 339
Human groupings, 141–142
Human resource management (HRM), 69, 86, 88, 91, 241
procedures, 69
strategy, 352
system, 351–352
Human resources (HR), 55, 91
diversity practices, 202
function and D&I role, 90–92
management leader, 210
managers, 199, 240
policy flexibility and growth, 242
practices in DM, 209
Human rights, 9
human rights-related education, 345
Human trafficking, 49
“Hyper-diversity”, 60
Iceland, gender equality in, 179
Immigrant workers, 5
Immigration, 8
labor market impacts, 7–8
Imperial Medical Centre (IMC), 28, 35–36
In Defence of Anarchism (Wolf), 9
Inclusion, 22, 23, 93, 202, 218, 247–249, 282, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 374–387
of identities, 163–167
of marginalized sectors, 58–59
organizational initiatives for disability, 319
vision, 68
Inclusive culture, 383
Inclusive diversity management, 241
Inclusive leaders, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management in, 132
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 128
Inclusive workplace, 98
discrimination policy, 249–250
Incorporation, 161
diversity and inclusion, 324
diversity management in, 305–325
from literature and practice, 307–324
Indian Act, 363
Indian Caste System, AA solution to, 316–317
Indian peoples of Canada, 362–363
Indian perspective on disability, 312–313
Indian society, 308–309
Indian Stock Exchange, 315–316
Indian workplace, generational diversity in, 321–322
Indigenous Entrepreneurship (IE), 17, 360
in Canada, 360
financial dimension, 365–366
political dimension of, 365
research area, 361–362
sociocultural dimension, 364–365
Indigenous groups, 359–360, 363
Indigenous residential schools (IRS), 363
Individualism, 9, 297
Indo-Trinidadians, 292
Inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
Infosys Women Institute of Leadership, 319
Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN), 319
Innovation, 383–384
Instagram, 186
Institutional diversity, 142–143
Institutional infrastructure policymakers, 375
Institutional theory (IT), 177–178, 189, 190
Integrated Action Plan for the Social integration of Greek Gypsies, 221
Intellectual disability, 320
Internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
International Labor Organization (ILO), 10, 27, 42, 49–50, 342
International Migration Branch, 10
perspective, 10–11
International mobility, 134
Internationalization, 341–342
of higher education, 134–135
Intersectionality, 95
Inuit peoples of Canada, 362–363
Islamic banking, 33
ISO 14001 standard, 108
Isomorphism, 178
IT sector in India, 318–319
, 308
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 122, 130–132
mapping model, 320
security, 10
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Iceland, gender equality in, 179
Immigrant workers, 5
Immigration, 8
labor market impacts, 7–8
Imperial Medical Centre (IMC), 28, 35–36
In Defence of Anarchism (Wolf), 9
Inclusion, 22, 23, 93, 202, 218, 247–249, 282, 306–307, 333–334
in Afghanistan, 374–387
of identities, 163–167
of marginalized sectors, 58–59
organizational initiatives for disability, 319
vision, 68
Inclusive culture, 383
Inclusive diversity management, 241
Inclusive leaders, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, diversity management in, 132
Skuhna case, diversity management dimensions in, 128
Inclusive workplace, 98
discrimination policy, 249–250
Incorporation, 161
diversity and inclusion, 324
diversity management in, 305–325
from literature and practice, 307–324
Indian Act, 363
Indian Caste System, AA solution to, 316–317
Indian peoples of Canada, 362–363
Indian perspective on disability, 312–313
Indian society, 308–309
Indian Stock Exchange, 315–316
Indian workplace, generational diversity in, 321–322
Indigenous Entrepreneurship (IE), 17, 360
in Canada, 360
financial dimension, 365–366
political dimension of, 365
research area, 361–362
sociocultural dimension, 364–365
Indigenous groups, 359–360, 363
Indigenous residential schools (IRS), 363
Individualism, 9, 297
Indo-Trinidadians, 292
Inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
Infosys Women Institute of Leadership, 319
Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN), 319
Innovation, 383–384
Instagram, 186
Institutional diversity, 142–143
Institutional infrastructure policymakers, 375
Institutional theory (IT), 177–178, 189, 190
Integrated Action Plan for the Social integration of Greek Gypsies, 221
Intellectual disability, 320
Internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
International Labor Organization (ILO), 10, 27, 42, 49–50, 342
International Migration Branch, 10
perspective, 10–11
International mobility, 134
Internationalization, 341–342
of higher education, 134–135
Intersectionality, 95
Inuit peoples of Canada, 362–363
Islamic banking, 33
ISO 14001 standard, 108
Isomorphism, 178
IT sector in India, 318–319
, 308
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 122, 130–132
mapping model, 320
security, 10
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO), 245
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 94
Kindergarten Project, 110
Kite Runner (movie), 381
Klarsfeld’s framework, 89
Knowledge sharing, 58
, 307–308
Labor, 8
immigrants, 5–6
labor-scarce country, 8
market impacts of immigration, 7–8
migration governance, 49
Leadership, 56–59, 61, 347–348
attitude toward diversity, 343–345
Lean In Circles group, 227–228
Learned behavior, 161–162
Learning order disability, 313
Legal framework, 243
Legal reforms relating to gender equality, 181–184
Lemon Tree Hotels (LTH), 319–320
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ community), 295
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBQTI), 86, 88–89, 95
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
club, 112
events, 230
Leveraging difference approach, 202
Liberal political theory, 9
LinkedIn, 186
“Logical generalizations”, 28
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
Longstanding health problem, basic activity difficulty (LHPAD), 224
Low vision (LV), 320
Low-context communication (LC communication), 379
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Maastricht Treaty, 10
Macro-environment, cultural analysis of, 13
Macro-level phenomena, 45
Macro-national factor, 332
Macro-structures, 4
Make a Difference Ltd (MAD Ltd), 323–324
Managers, 50, 385
companies approaches and leadership attitude toward diversity, 343–345
and decision-makers, 341
external and internal pressures for diversity in companies, 341–343
findings or results with implications for, 55
implication for, 170–171, 250
, 309
Mariano Valderrama, 160, 166, 168
Marxist political economy, 3
Masculinity, 297
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017), 317–318
Maternity Benefit Act (1961), 317–318, 324–325
Medical model, 312
Mediocrity in workplace, 32
Mental disabilities, 312
Mental tapes, 381
initiatives, 69
programs, 69
“Merger Treaty”, 10
Merit-based recruitment and selection, 346
Meritocracy building, 29–32
Meso-organizational factor, 332
Metis peoples of Canada, 362–363
Micro-individual factor, 332
Micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 324–325
Micro-structures, 4
Migrants, 3, 11
Migratory/migration, 3, 5
offers, 3
chains, 4
movement, 4
process, 2–5
system theory, 2, 3–4
Mimetic isomorphism, 178
Ministerial Resolution No. 788 (2009), 47–48
Ministry of Community Development, 54
Ministry of Education, 79
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHR), 47
Ministry of Social Affairs, 54
Ministry of Treasury, 205
“Mistura”, gastronomic fair, 167
Mixed model between public and private entities, 184–185
Mujahideen (see “Freedom fighters”)
Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), 318
Multiculturalism, 8–9, 43
Multigenerational diversity, 313–314, 320
generational diversity in Indian workplace, 321–322
HCL technologies, 323–324
study generational diversity at workplace, 320–321
Multinational companies, 58
Muslim-friendly holiday destination, 336
National Agenda 2021, 45
National anti-discrimination legal framework, 22
National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), 309–310
National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector
, 310n6
National Development Council (NDC), 335
National legal framework, 23
behavior, 145
synergy, 380
Neo-institutional theory, 178
Neoclassical economic equilibrium theory, 2, 3
Neoclassical trade theory, 7
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), 36
Networking and visibility, 119
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia case, 131
Skuhna case, 127
New Zealander approach, 180
Nicaragua in Central America, 179
Nigeria, 22
age diversity, 26–27
age diversity, competing logics in managing, 33–35
banking system, 240–241
competing logics of workplace diversity in, 28–30
diversity management, 243
ethnic diversity, 24–25
ethnic diversity, competing logics in managing, 29–32
implications for diversity policy and practice, 36–37
importance of country, religion, ethnicity in life, 25
inequality and exclusion due to HIV/AIDS status, 27
inequality due to HIV/AIDS status, competing logics in managing, 35–36
institutional and organizational context of equality and DM in, 23–24
religious diversity, 25–26
religious diversity, competing logics in managing, 32–33
research design and approach, 27–28
Nigeria banking sector
areas of further research, 250
component analysis of items on questionnaire, 264–274
demographic statistics of respondents of question, 256–257
dimension validity test, 244–245
diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and discrimination, 247–249
diversity management, 240
findings, 249–250
implication for managers, 250
literature review, 241–244
methodology, 244
questionnaire, 253–255
regression analysis of component of diversity management, 275–280
regression test, 245
results, 246
scale reliability and factor dimension reduction test, 246–247
validity and reliability of items on questionnaire, 258–263
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 28, 30–31
Non-discriminatory recruitment, 346
Non-essentialist reconceptualization, 243
Non-indigenous entrepreneurs, 366
Nordic countries, 179
Normative isomorphism, 178
Norwegian approach, 180
Not Too Young To Run (NTYTR), 28
Bill, 34–35
movement, 34
organization, 26
Novoandina cuisine, 158
Nuristanis, 378
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, 26
OHSAS 18001 standard, 108
Old Europe, 204, 210
Omnivore’s paradox, 161
Online International Labor Migration Database, 10
Opportunity Deprived Indians (ODIs), 319–320
Ordinary Least Square regressions, 245
Organizational/organizations, 56, 59, 67, 200
argument, 191
cultural change, 240–241
culture of institution, 143
diversity programs, 88
initiatives for disability inclusion, 319
policies, 249
productivity, 317
Organizational evidences from India, 314
caste, 314–317
disability, 319–320
gender, 317–319
multigenerational diversity, 320–324
Orthopedically handicapped (OH), 320
Other Backward Class (OBC), 308
Other definition, ethnic minority, 5
“Oversimplification of problem of inequality”, 285
, 4
Pashtu speakers, 380–381
Passive discrimination, 308
People Engagement Council (PEC), 110
People with hearing impairment, 312
People’s National Movement (PNM), 292
Person for others project, 134
Personnel management, 90
Persons with Disability (PwD), 306–307, 312–313
Peru(vian), 159, 164–165
brand, 168
case, 168
cuisine, 171–172
culinary nationalism, 165
culture, 163–167, 170
food, 158, 165
gastronomic boom, 165–166, 171
gastronomy, 158–159, 169–171
government, 168
mestizo food, 158
national brand strategy, 167–168
national culture and identity, 164
society, 164
Peruvian Gastronomy Association (APEGA), 167–168
Peruvian National Institute of Culture, 165
Pew Research Centre, 25
Physical disability, 320
Plan-Do-Check-Action approach, 345
Plateaued Growth Generation (2007–2012), 313–314
Platinum Rule, 382
Pluralism, 9
approaches and determinants, 199–201
discussion, limitations, future research, 212–213
diversity and DM in Polish context, 204–206
DM, 201–203
findings and implications, 210–212
research design and results, 206–210
Polish context, diversity and DM in, 204–206
Polish entrepreneurs, 209
Polish labor market, 204, 212
Polish organizations, 210–211
DM in, 209
Political dimension of IE in Canada, 365
Political Rights of Women, 220
Pre-Hispanic monuments, 168
Pre-liberalization Generation (Pre-1991), 313–314
Pre-retirement protection age, 205–206
Preface to Democratic Theory, A (Dahl), 9
Prevention of Discrimination Act (1999), 284–285
Primary dimensions of diversity management, 106
Private entities, mixed model between public and, 184–185
Private sector, 310
Private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), 71
Public enterprises, 310n8
Public entities, mixed model with private and, 184–185
Public sector, 45–47, 310n8, 385
Public services, 310n8
Public–private partnerships, 43
Pull behaviors, 387
Pull factor, 387
Push behaviors, 387
Push factor, 387
Pushtuns, 378
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
analysis, 170
approach, 122
content analysis, 75
Quality approach, 122
Quotas, 46
in business, 205
Race, 11n2, 283, 291–293
Racial Discrimination Act, 90
Rapid Growth Generation (2002–2006), 313–314
Rastafarianism, 284
Rebel, The
, 306
ReConnect, 227–228
matters, 10
and selection, 346
Regression analysis of component of DM, 275
discrimination in workplace, 278–280
diversity and inclusion, 275–276
equal opportunity and inclusion, 277–278
Regression test, 245
Religious beliefs, 221–222
Religious dimension, 22
Religious diversity, 23, 25–26
management, 32–33
Religious freedom, 32–33
Religious identities, 24
Religious neutrality, 32–33
“Rentier states”, 45
Reservation policy, 316
Reserved/backward category, 308
Resource Integration, 339
Resources, 383
financial, 70
human, 54, 384
natural, 386
Responsible Business Forum, 210
Retention of talent regardless of ethnicity, 57
Revolutionary thinking, 383–384
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act), 313
Robens-style legislation, 96–97
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 363
Rwanda, 179
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST), 308
Semiconductor industry, 337–338
Sex, 283, 291, 293–294
Sexual harassment, 293
Sexual Offences Act (1986), 293, 296
Sexual orientation, 23, 223–224, 283, 291, 295–297
Vodafone on, 229–231
Shift D&I forward, 95–98
Shop-floor employees, 209
orientation, 297
strategy, 37
, 307–308
Skills behavior, 282–283
Skuhna case, 125–129
Slovene acts, 121
Slovenia, 120–121
diversity management in, 118–119
findings with implications for managers and decision-makers, 123–125
future research, 132–135
Jesuit Refugee Service Slovenia best practice case, 130–132
problem statement and literature review, 119–120
research design, 121–123
Skuhna best practice case, 125–129
Smart Dubai Office, 51
argument, 191
categorization, 98
enterprise, 362
expectations, 97
flexibility, 124
inclusion, 141, 243
justice, 244
media, 186
model, 312
movements, 176, 181
scientific paradigms, 2
standards, 66
Social Entrepreneurship (SE), 362
Societal gender equity, 77
Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 23, 322
context, 317
environment, 314
Socio-political circumstances, 362
characteristics, 333
dimension of IE in Canada, 364–365
models, 43
South African HEIs, 140–141
defining diversity, 141–142
diversity management at, 150–152
suggestions for improving diversity management, 152–153
South Korea, Inditex subsidiary in, 180
Speech and hearing impaired (SHI), 320
Speech and language disability, 313
Spirit Day, 230
and student diversity, 142
sustainable inclusiveness, 241
Standard operating procedures (SoPs), 320
State sector (see Public sector)
Statistical laws of migration (Ravenstein), 2
Stereotyping, 145
stereotyping-based discrimination, 98
Stolper–Samuelson theorem, 7
Structural diversity, 142
Surface-level diversity, 67, 382
Sustainability reports, diversity management in, 66–80
Sustainable culture, 232–233
Sustainable Development Policy commitments, 345, 348
case study, 337
companies’ diversity management practices, 346–351
context for diversity management, 334
cultural context, 336–337
data analysis, 341
data collection, 339–340
demographic and immigration trends, 332
discussion, limitations, future research, 351–353
economic context, 337
implications for managers and decision-makers, 341–345
legal and policy context, 335–336
methodology/research design, 337
population trends, 334–335
problem statement and literature review, 333–334
research questions, 334
sample selection for case study, 337–339
Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), 338
Tajikistan, 382
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 9
Top management team, 13–14, 16, 339, 348–349
Top-down approach, 383–384
Trade, 8
barriers, 8
unions, 90–91
Tradition-bound Indian society, 308–309
Traditional diversity programs, 202
Training, 69
activities, 69
and development, 347–348
identification, 320
Transformational changes, 144
strategies, 148
Transforming HEIs, 141
Transitional change strategies, 148
Travel Room project, 111–112
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), 282
background, 283–284
cultural influence, 297–299
disability, 294–295
ethnic groups in T&T, 284
legislation, 286–291
literature review, 284–286
race, 291–293
religious groups in T&T, 285
sex, 293–294
sexual orientation, 295–297
Trinidad’s EO Act, 287
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 363
Turkey, 66
content of sustainability reports, 72–75
diversity management, 67–69
findings, 76–80
Ford Otosan’s diversity management programs, 76–80
methodology and research design, 71–76
organizations in, 67
problem statement and literature review, 67–71
structure of sustainability reports in, 69–71
Turkmans, 378
Turkmenistan, 382
Twenty-first-century socialism, 176, 181
Twitter, 186
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Uçan Süpürge Association, 79
UK Higher Education Providers, 132
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 14, 42
approaches to diversity management, 44
dimensions of diversity management, 51–55
employed population, 49
findings or results with implications for managers and decision-makers, 55
generation, 59–60
government, 56
Human Resource laws, 42
leadership, 56–59
limitations, future research, 60–61
literature review, 44–45
methodology, 54–55
MoHR, 49
population by nationality and proportion of non-Emiratis, 48
private/public sector dichotomy, 45–47
total population and estimates of proportion of non-nationals, 48
total population and growth rate, 47
UAE-initiated Abu Dhabi Dialogue, 50
workforce, 42
workforce diversity, 47–50
workforce management, 50–51
United National Congress (UNC), 292
United National Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 313
United Nations (UN), 8–9, 360
General Assembly, 11
Global Compact, 342
Global Sustainable Development principles, 342
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 342
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 342
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 26
United Nations Word Tourism Association (UNWTO), 168
United States (US), 6
DM practices in, 202
Unity in Diversity, 24, 306
Universal Banking, transition to, 185
Unorganised sector, 310n6
Upper-management level, gender issues in, 184–185
Uzbekistan, 382
, 307–308
Validity and reliablity of items on questionnaire, 258
items on diversity and inclusion in workplace, 258–259
items on equal opportunity and inclusion, 261
items on strength of diversity in workplace, 259–260
items on workplace issues on discrimination tendencies, 262–263
Value-added tax (VAT), 42
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, 245
, 307
Venezuela(n), 184
banking sector, 184–185
financial system, 189
gender equality in, 181–184
labor law, 189
Venezuelan Hugo Chavez legal reforms, 181
Venezuelan law, 190
and regulations, 182–183
Victimization, discrimination by, 287
Visually impaired people (VI people), 320
Vodafone, 226
on age, 229
on gender, 227–228
Greece, 226–227
on sexual orientation, 229–231
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Wage Protection System, 47–48
Warsaw Stock Exchange Good Practices, 205
Western-style banking services, 33
Wipro Diversity Council, 318
Women, 308–309
reproductive role, 311
Women 1999 Act, 88
Women Entrepreneurs Association, 79
Women Equal Opportunity Law, 184
Women of Wipro (WoW), 318
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 79
Workforce diversity, 332
strength of, 246
in UAE, 47–50
Workforce management in UAE, 50–51
Work–life balance, 347, 349–350
Workplace diversity management in Nigeria, 242–243
competing logics of, 28–29
Workplace diversity strength (WPDS), 245, 248
World Economic Forum (2017), 120, 179–180
World Economic Forum Report (2016), 337
World Health Organization, 283
“World of Difference” program, 229
Xanthi, 233–234
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
Younger employees in India, 321
Youth Community, 230
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth, and Advancement (YIAGA), 26
, 162
- Prelims
- Diversity within Diversity Management: Where We Are, Where We Should Go, and How We Are Getting There
- Managing Diversity in Nigeria: Competing Logics of Workplace Diversity
- Diversity Management: The Case of the United Arab Emirates
- Diversity Management in Sustainability Reports: A Case Study from Turkey
- Managing Diversity in Australia: A Viable Career Option, Social Change Agents, or Corporate Stepping Stone?
- Diversity in the Czech Republic
- Diversity Management in Slovenia
- Managing Diversity in South African Higher Education Institutions
- Gastronomy as a National Identity Element: The Peruvian Case
- Gender in Venezuelan Board of Directors and C-level Positions: Current Balance of Gender Diversity for Twenty-first Century Socialism
- Diversity Management in Poland
- A Changing Country: Diversity Management in Greece
- Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Policies: Insights from a Foreign Firm in the Nigeria Banking Sector
- Managing Diversity in Trinidad and Tobago
- Shifting Landscapes of Diversity in India: New Meaning or a Contextual Shift?
- Diversity Management in Taiwan. The Case of the Semiconductor Industry
- Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Society, and the Dimensions of Diversity: An Overview of the Canadian National Context
- Diversity Management and Inclusion in Afghanistan
- Index