Social Cataloging; Social Cataloger
New Directions in Information Organization
ISBN: 978-1-78190-559-3, eISBN: 978-1-78190-560-9
Publication date: 8 July 2013
This is an attempt to introduce proactive changes when creating and providing intellectual access in order to convince catalogers to become more social catalogers then they have ever been in the past.
Through a brief review and analysis of relevant literature a definition of social cataloging and social cataloger is given.
User contributed content to library catalogs affords informational professionals the opportunity to see directly the users’ perceptions of the usefulness and about-ness of information resources. This is a form of social cataloging especially from the perspective of the information professional seeking to organize information to support knowledge discovery and access.
The user and the cataloger exercise their voice as to what the information resources are about, which in essence is interpreting the intentions of the creator of the resources, how the resource is related to other resources, and perhaps even how the resources can be, or have been, used. Depending on the type of library and information environment, the weight of the work may or may not fall equally on both user and cataloger.
New definitions of social cataloging and social cataloguing are offered and are linked back to Jesse Shera’s idea of social epistemology.
Miksa, S. (2013), "Social Cataloging; Social Cataloger", New Directions in Information Organization (Library and Information Science, Vol. 7), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-106.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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