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Tourism Policies Reloaded: Towards a Comprehensive Framework

Marion Joppe, Christian Laesser, Shaun Mann

Tourism Policy-Making in the Context of Contested Wicked Problems: Politics, Paradigm Shifts and Transformation Processes

ISBN: 978-1-83549-985-6, eISBN: 978-1-83549-984-9

Publication date: 9 September 2024


Historically, governments have favoured the economic benefits associated with tourism development resulting in many tourism destinations being confronted with overdevelopment, crowding, environmental degradation as well as damage to the social and cultural fabric, especially pronounced in high attractivity destinations. The devastating consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic for tourism have led to a realisation that actors participating in tourism are especially susceptible to major health and security crises or natural disasters, mainly because their services are location bound and cannot be sold elsewhere. The involuntary ‘pause’ in travel worldwide has led many governments to realise that tourism policies must be placed in a broader context and that stakeholders, including residents and the environment where the brunt of the negative consequences are most deeply felt, must be an intrinsic part in determining the outcomes to be achieved. To Snowclone John F. Kennedy: ‘Ask not what your destination can do for tourism, ask what tourism can do for your destination’. Indeed, the visitation process involves the demand-driven co-creation or co-production between visitors (resident, day and overnight) and hosts, mostly based on the use of public goods. The complexity of this visitation system with its myriad stakeholders means that there cannot be a single tourism or visitation policy, but that there must be different policies that intervene at different points in the system and create an impact. Thus, policy formulation must be context-specific, individualised and take into account the interdependence among policies to achieve the desired outcomes.



Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

We would like to thank the World Bank Group for its financial support of the development of this decision framework for tourism policy interventions and the accompanying handbook.


Joppe, M., Laesser, C. and Mann, S. (2024), "Tourism Policies Reloaded: Towards a Comprehensive Framework", Pforr, C., Pillmayer, M., Joppe, M., Scherle, N. and Pechlaner, H. (Ed.) Tourism Policy-Making in the Context of Contested Wicked Problems: Politics, Paradigm Shifts and Transformation Processes (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 17B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 303-320.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Marion Joppe, Christian Laesser and Shaun Mann