Evaluation of the Service Performance: Application of the Zone of Tolerance with Importance Performance Analysis of a Convention Facility
This study compares the applicability of the zone of tolerance (ZOT) and importance performance analysis (IPA) techniques in the evaluation of convention delegates’ perceptions of products and services. Overall, 217 out of 400 were used for analysis, providing a response rate of 54%. The study results indicated that although an IPA technique is still useful in assessing the service performance of a convention facility, IPA should be employed with caution, concrete criteria, and clear goals. The study results also showed that the ZOT is practically applicable into business practice to assess service performance item by item.
Choi, H.C., Lee, W., Sung, H. and Chiu, C.-F. (2014), "Evaluation of the Service Performance: Application of the Zone of Tolerance with Importance Performance Analysis of a Convention Facility", Tourists’ Behaviors and Evaluations (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 9), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 9-19. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1871-317320140000009000
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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