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Life Skills or Life Values? Is Management Education Messing It Up Between Skills and Values?

Madhumita Chatterji, Soma Bose Biswas, Niladri Dutta

International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability

ISBN: 978-1-80262-536-3, eISBN: 978-1-80262-535-6

Publication date: 14 August 2023


Introduction: Human values serve as the foundation for human society. To establish and safeguard our family and community, we practice values such as friendship, love, wisdom, self-control, responsibility, forgiveness and so on. The philosophies of society and life are guided by values. They are necessary for the establishment of social bonds and norms for acceptable behaviour. Values are drawn from socio-cultural and prophetic ideologies. However, the meaning of values varies from person to person, whereas institutional values are more strict and less malleable in nature. Person’s values are shaped by their experiences in a variety of fields, and those values change through time and from different perspectives. Children are growing up in a world that is used to frivolous spending and impulsive purchases as the result of consumerism. Parents in a nuclear family are preoccupied with their jobs and often do not spend quality time with their children. As a result, they try to make up for it by giving their children expensive gifts; children are receiving abundant luxury before asking for it, so they begin to place value on material things and develop little or no emotional bonds. On top of that, these young minds are becoming exposed and addicted to the cell phones and other technological devices. The young children are becoming numb to their surroundings and relationships, and as a result, they are being immersed in a fantasy world of their own makings. The upshot is that these young people build their own universe that is nonrealistic and disconnected from the rest of the world. When these children grow up, they continue to live in their own make-belief world. They become egotistical, with little emotional attachment, loyalty, respect, sensitivity or devotion to other people or things. They are becoming increasingly distant, anxious, troubled and unstable in their personal life due to their high ambitions, thirst for more, attachment to luxury, lack of commitment to relationships, contempt for standards and conventions and separation from other connections. This impacts their personal and professional lives. Research says that the majority of professionals and teachers in Management Schools feel stressed due to target pressure, fear of failure, managing their work-life balance, etc. and often succumb to depression as well as death due to this. The goal of modern management education is to help students develop holistically. However, the challenge is do the teachers themselves believe in the Life Values that they are supposed to inculcate among students. Many good B-Schools are developing programs to teach their students these ‘life-skills’. Are they, however, truly fruitful? Is it possible to create a sustainable young generation that is psychologically robust and capable of overcoming life’s challenges?

Purpose of the Study: The chapter follows the Rokeach Values (instrumental and terminal values) system as a framework for study. The study has examined the (i) pattern of the locus of control (LOC) of professionals and teachers and (ii) relation between LOC and work value and its’ importance in two occupational groups, viz. teachers and professionals of a company and tries to understand their importance to build a sustainable career. The purpose of the study is to realise the perspectives of different stakeholders in society, such as corporate and academicians, about the life values needed to be developed among young budding managers, which will result in a sustainable business.

Research Methodology: A mixed method approach of research methodology will be followed to understand the role of the value system in creating a sustainable young generation. This chapter will administer a questionnaire to gauge professionals and teachers who have grown up in the modern environment of getting ‘anything, anywhere, anytime’, and through some in-depth interviews, it will try to understand their perspectives about the importance of values in their life.

Scope of the Study: This chapter will focus on the young professionals and young teachers and the influencers in their life, as they will be molding the business decisions and decision makers, respectively, of the future.

Originality and Values: The chapter is original in nature, and it will attempt to define ‘life skills’ differently through the lens of sustainable values that must be acquired in order to produce a sustainable future.

Outcome: Work values are culture-specific. The chapter suggests that by changing the importance of path values and terminal values of their human resources towards more internal control can help the organisation to solve some human resource problems as well as improve the organisational performance to achieve sustainable behaviour. This research will help to provide an insight into the difference between skills and values. The aim is to highlight that skills pursued without values can never attain the sustainable world which is the urgent need of the hour. It will also serve as a guide for the management of colleges in terms of which values and skills should be instilled in their teachers to build a sustainable future so that they can disseminate the same to the students and how this might be accomplished.



Chatterji, M., Biswas, S.B. and Dutta, N. (2023), "Life Skills or Life Values? Is Management Education Messing It Up Between Skills and Values?", Chatterji, M., Luterbacher, U., Fert, V. and Chen, B. (Ed.) International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability (Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, Vol. 32), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 117-136.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Madhumita Chatterji, Soma Bose Biswas and Niladri Dutta