Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance
ISBN: 978-1-78973-398-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-397-6
ISSN: 1569-3732
Publication date: 12 September 2022
(2022), "Prelims", Ferris, S.P., John, K. and Makhija, A.K. (Ed.) Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance (Advances in Financial Economics, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance
Series Title Page
Advances in Financial Economics
Series Editors: Kose John, Anil K. Makhija and Stephen P. Ferris
Recent Volumes:
Volume 6: | Advances in Financial Economics |
Volume 7: | Innovations in Investments and Corporate Finance |
Volume 8: | Corporate Government and Finance |
Volume 9: | Corporate Governance |
Volume 10: | The Rise and Fall of Europe's New Stock Markets |
Volume 11: | Corporate Governance: A Global Perspective |
Volume 12: | Issues in Corporate Governance and Finance |
Volume 13: | Corporate Governance and Firm Performance |
Volume 14: | International Corporate Governance |
Volume 15: | Advances in Financial Economics |
Volume 16: | Advances in Financial Economics |
Volume 17: | Corporate Governance in the US and Global Settings |
Volume 18: | International Corporate Governance |
Volume 19: | Global Corporate Governance |
Volume 20: | International Corporate Governance and Regulation |
Title Page
Advances in Financial Economics Volume 21
Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance
Edited by
Stephen P. Ferris
Ball State University, USA
Kose John
New York University, USA
Anil K. Makhija
The Ohio State University, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78973-398-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-397-6 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-399-0 (Epub)
ISSN: 1569-3732 (Series)
List of Tables
Table 1. | Value Category Definitions and Composition. |
Table 2. | Correlations Between Value Categories and Industries. |
Table 3. | 2012–2015 Performance Change to Values Correlations. |
Table 4. | 2012–2015 Performance Change to Industry Correlations. |
Table 5. | Relationship Between Performance of Firms and Their Stated Values. |
Table 6. | Summary of Regression Models. |
Table 1. | Summary Statistics. |
Table 2. | Correlations. |
Table 3. | Five Most and Least Innovative Industries and Mean Managerial Ability Deciles. |
Table 4. | Managerial Ability, Number of Patents and Forward Citations per Patent. |
Table 5. | Managerial Ability and Innovative Efficiency. |
Table 6. | Baseline Results Using KPSS Patent Data From Kogan et al. (2017). |
Table 7. | Managerial Ability and Explorative Innovation. |
Table 8. | Managerial Ability, Patent Originality and Generality (Generalist CEO Subsample). |
Table 9. | Managerial Ability, Patent Originality and Generality (Specialist CEO Subsample). |
Table 10. | Controlling for CEO Incentives and Optimism: Managerial Ability and Innovative Efficiency. |
Table 11. | Propensity Score Matching of Firms With High Managerial Ability and Low Managerial Ability. |
Table 12. | Difference-In-Differences Estimation Using Exogenous CEO Turnover Events. |
Table 13. | Managerial Ability and Innovation: Career Concerns as a Mechanism. |
Table A1. | Managerial Ability, Number of Patents and Forward Citations per Patent Using CEO Fixed Effects. |
Table A2. | Managerial Ability and Innovative Efficiency Using CEO Fixed Effects. |
Table A3. | Cross-Sectional and Time-Series Variation in DEA Based Managerial Ability Measure. |
Table A4. | Fisher-Type Unit-Root Test for Managerial Ability Based on Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests. |
Table 1. | Industrial Distribution of LBO Deals. |
Table 2. | Summary Statistics and Univariate Analysis. |
Table 3. | How Do Tax Changes Affect the Likelihood of Firms Undertaking LBOs? |
Table 4. | Robustness Checks. |
Table 5. | Using Different Control Firms. |
Table 6. | How Do Tax Changes in Neighboring States Affect the Likelihood of Firms Taking LBOs. |
Table 7. | State Level Analysis. |
Table 8. | Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. |
Table 9. | Tax Changes and LBO Announcement Returns. |
Table 10. | Estimated Value of Tax Benefits. |
Table 1. | Descriptive Statistics. |
Table 2. | Industry Statistics. |
Table 3. | Correlations Between Selected Variables. |
Table 4. | Impact of Internal Auditor Number of Hours on Restatements. |
Table 1. | Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix. |
Table 2. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread. |
Table 3. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Robustness Tests. |
Table 4. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: With Firm-Fixed Effects. |
Table 5. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Instrumental Variables 2SLS Estimation. |
Table 6. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Difference-in-Differences Analysis. |
Table 7. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Financial Constraints. |
Table 8. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Managerial Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity. |
Table 9. | Stock Liquidity and Loan Spread: Takeover Exposures. |
Table 10. | Stock Liquidity and Non-Price Loan Terms. |
Table 1. | Total Number of Banks Listed in GCC Stock Exchanges and the Number of Banks in the Study Sample. |
Table 2. | Descriptive Statistics. |
Table 2-D. | t-Test for Equality of Means (Assuming Equal Variance). |
Table 3. | Pearson's Correlation Between the Variables. |
Table 4. | Regression Results Using ROA. |
Table 5. | Regression Results Using ROE. |
Table 6. | Regression Results Using Tobin Q (T(Q)). |
Table 7. | Robust Regression Results of Performance on ESG (Using: ROA and ROE). |
Table 8. | Robust Regression Results of Performance on ESG (Using Tobin's Q). |
Table 9. | Regression Results of the Impact of ESG on Performance Measures. |
Table 10. | Robustness Regression Results of Performance Measures on ESG. |
Table 1. | Summary Statistics. |
Table 2. | The Impact of Loan Securitization on Bank Efficiency – OLS and Heckman Analysis. |
Table 3. | The Impact of Loan Securitization on Bank Efficiency – Difference-in-Difference Approach. |
Table 4. | Falsification Test – Use 2007 and 2006 as the Assumed Shock Year. |
Table 5. | The Dynamic Patterns Around the 2008 Financial Crisis. |
Table 6. | Co-variations Between Securitization Ratios and Bank-Specific Characteristics. |
Table 7. | The Impact of Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Securitization on Bank Efficiency Scores. |
Table 8. | The Impact of Loan Sales on Bank Efficiency Scores. |
List of Figures
Figure 1. | Correspondence Model: Values to Industry. |
Figure 2. | Correspondence Model: 2012–2015 Performance Change Compared to Values. |
Figure 3. | Correspondence Model: 2012–2015 Performance Change Compared to Values and Industry. |
Figure 1. | Lowess Smooth of Median Patent Counts and Median Citation Counts on the Mean Managerial Ability Deciles. |
Figure 1. | Yearly Distribution of LBO Deals. |
Figure 1. | Banks' ESG Scores Trend Over (2007–2017). |
Figure 2. | Banks' ESG Scores in the Countries of the GCC. |
Figure 1. | The Dynamic Patterns of Securitizers' Efficiency Scores Around 2008. |
- Prelims
- The Value of Corporate Culture: Relationships Among Values, Industry, and Performance
- Management Capability and Innovation
- State Tax Rate Changes and Leveraged Buyouts: US Evidence
- Does Effort Pay Off? Evidence From Internal Audit in Israel
- Stock Liquidity and Cost of Private Debt
- The Status of Environmental, Social, and Governance Voluntary Disclosure in the GCC Banking Industry: Does It Pay to Be Socially Responsible?
- Securitization and Bank Efficiency
- Index