Human Rights for Children and Youth
ISBN: 978-1-78973-048-7, eISBN: 978-1-78973-047-0
ISSN: 1537-4661
Publication date: 7 October 2019
(2019), "Index", Human Rights for Children and Youth (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 24), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 235-244.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
abusive, 126
culture, 63–64, 65–66
miners, 156, 157, 160
‘Against human rights!’, 61
concept of, 6, 142
as reflexivity, 137–139
Agrarian reform settlements, 85–89
Alternative learning system (ALS), 176
Anthropology, classical contributions, 134
‘Anti-Child Abuse Law of 1992’, 156
Argentina, 17–20
Argentine Laws on Early Childhood and Education, 19
Argumentative discursive capacity, 12
ARV drugs, 51
, 174
Autonomy, 12
Bearers of rights, 72
Bilingualism, 25
Biopolitics, 74–75
Black Movement, 70
Boxing ring, 111
Boys Training Centre (BTC), 42–46
Brazilian agribusiness, 61
Brazilian childhood studies
childhood and human rights, 59–62
children’s right in, 73–75
form 2000s, 71–73
form 1970s and 1990s, 67–71
sociology of, 62–67
Brazilian Children’s Rights, 73–75
Brazilian people, 67
Brazilian social inequality, 68
Brazilian Sociology of Childhood, 62–63, 65–66, 73–74
British society and social mobility, 199–200
Cadernos de Pesquisa
, 71
Capitalism, 75
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Exam, 52–53
Caribbean SIDS, 38
child and national poverty levels in, 47
education & health indicators (children) in, 50
indicators on status of children in, 44
secondary exit programme, 51–52
socio-economic indicators for, 43
Carlos Chagas Foundation Research Department, 67–68
Center for Legal Resources (2014), 106
abuse and neglect in family, 101–102
immunization, 49
‘in danger’, 72
labor, 152
mining, 152
at risk, 72
safety, 49
as social agents, 134
socialization, 13–14
Child Care Board (CCB), 42
Child Care Centers, 29
Child Care Institutions (CCIs), 7–8
analysis and interpretation, 226–230
association with, 227
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
financial problems, 232
government support, 231
human rights violations and abuse, 223
intake capacity of, 228
in Kerala, 224–226
in Malappuram, 232
methodology, 226
recommendations, 232–233
registration process, awareness, 230
religious affiliation of, 227
religious obligation, 230–232
respondents, demographic profile of, 227
respondents differences, 231
source of income of, 228
See also Juvenile Justice Act 2015
Child Development Agency (CDA), 42
Child Development Centers, 29
Childhood, 13–15, 183
care and development, 16
and human/children rights, 59–60
in mass media, 13–14
Childhood Education institution, 84, 86–87
Childhood Studies
agency as reflexivity, face-to-face interaction and decision-making, 137–139
agency’s approach, 142
body dimension, 139
children in poverty situation as social agents, 143–147
contributions and limits, 137
game dimension, 139–140
generational affiliation, 141–142
recapping, 142–143
social practice, 140
sociology, 134–137
structural inequalities, 139
time/space dimension, 140
Child laborers in Camarines Norte, 154
Child Law 272, 104
Child miners (CM)
aspirations in life, 169
day-to-day activities, 168
educational background, 161
ethical considerations and, 156–158
existence, 154–155
families and, 168–169
how they become, 163
income, 165
income utilization, 166–167, 168
life experiences of, 161–169
living conditions, 161–162
methodology, 155–158
net income per day or per week, 166, 167
Paracale small-scale gold mining system, 158–161
possibilities and evocations, 172–176
reasons for working as, 163
social development framework, 169–172
socio-demographic background, 161
their difficulties, 168
their work, 163–164
working hours, 165
See also Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
Child-oriented pedagogy, 30
Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), 42
Child Protection Directorates, 115
Children in Conflict with Law (CCL), 223–224
Children in need of care and protection, 223–224
Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP), 223–224
Children in poverty situation as social agents, 143–147
Children Rural Education, legal recognition, 84–85
Children’s bicultural identity, 25
Children’s citizenship, 140
Children’s culture, 63, 65
Children’s folklore, 63
Children’s rights, 16, 55, 59
Children’s Rights Convention (CRC), 100, 103
Children’s socialization, 63–64, 66
Child’s play
childhood, slum and children’s bodies, 183–186
Elementary School, 182
essentiality of childhood, 182
expression, 190
open area of the slum, 186–189
practices in school, 186–189
recriminatory attitudes, 182
students during playtime, 182
See also Slum
Churning, 206
‘Ciclo Jardín de Infantes’, 26
‘Ciclo Jardín Maternal’, 26
Civil Procedures Code (134/2010), 104
Class prejudice, 62–63
Colonialism, 75
Conception of power, 143
Conflicts, 169–171
Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC), 3, 5–6, 15, 41
Caribbean context, 41–46
conceptual framework, 37
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
legislation and policies, 45
legislative and policy attention, 42
methodology, 37–38
policy recommendations, 55–56
right to a good quality of life, 46–49
right to education, 51–53
right to health, 49–51
right to protection at all times, 53–54
‘Cradles’ for children, 103–104
Criminal justice system, 199
Cultural and social marginalization, 69
Cultural categories, 154
Cultural constitution, 64–65
Cultural deprivation, 69
Cultural heritage, 65
Cultural inspiration, 136
Curricular design for Maternal Garden, 16
Customer service worker, 205
Dangerous child, 72
Debt forgiveness, 56
Decision-making, 12, 137–139
Democracy, 15
and citizenship, 14
Democratic societies, 14–15
Department of Agriculture (DA), 175–176
Department of Education (DepEd), 175
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), 175
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), 175–176
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), 175–176
Dependent care networks, 17
Depression and anger, 209
Developmental perspective, 154–155
Discrimination and violence, 15
Disparities, 4
Distributive justice, 205
Division of Human Services and Family Affairs, 42–46
Domestication, 140
social space of, 7
Durkheim’s Division of Labor and Solidarity, 154
Early Child Development (ECD), 72
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), 3, 20–21
attendance compulsory, 22
care, 16–17
investment in, 16–17
legal entitlement, 22
structural indicators for, 21
Early Childhood Education
in Agrarian reform settlements, 85–89
attendance, 86
Childhood Education institution, right of access, 84
Children Rural Education, legal recognition, 84–85
educational service, 81, 82
ethico-social horizon, 88
institutionalization, 80
local indicators, 86
pluridocent teaching unit, 87
quality indicators in, 91–92
right to an education with quality, 90–91
right to quality, 90
rural, institutionality of, 89–92
social negotiation of, 80
unidocent teaching unit, 87
Early Education (EE), 3, 12
Institutions in Sweden, 24
interprovincial fragmentation of access to, 27
methodology, 12–13
National Political Initiatives, 23
primary sources, 13
Economic and social marginalization, 68
Economic arrangements, 154
Economic marginality, 196–197
Educare, 3, 13, 29–31
child care, 30
holistic approach, 30
play, 30
preschools’ primary task, 31
process of care, 30
quality and quantity, 30
shared sustainable thinking, 30–31
teaching, 30–31
Education Act of 2010, 24
Educational Financing, 19–20
Educational panorama in Argentina, 25
Educational process, 3, 13
Educational service, 81, 82
Education, employment and training (EET), 194
Educative contexts, 15
Educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
Elementary School (EF), 86–87
Eloquence, 12
Emergent needs, 169–171
Emotional abuse, 115–116
Emotional neglect, 102–103
Emotional patterns, 154
Emotional support, 122
Employability, 196
Equality and inequality, 199
Ethico-social horizon, 88
Ethnic and racial discrimination, 70
Ethnicity and race, 64–65
and capitalism, 75
human rights, 20–25
European Commission, 21
Ex-industrial rural areas, 203–204
Exploitation, 118
, 173
Extensive ethnographic observations, 12–13
Face-to-face interaction, 137–139
Fag, 64
Fagot, 64
Family Court, 42–46
Family foster care, 118
Federal Constitution, 70
Female vendors, 152
Feminism and anti-colonial movements, 135
Focus group discussions (FGDs), 155–156
Folklore, 65
Fragmented territories, 3, 13
Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs
, 16
Fully productive adult, 72
Fundamental Human Rights, 12
Future human capital, 72
distinction, 188
equality, 40
Generational affiliation, 141
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924, 70
Geography, 63–64
Global Goals, 40
Global Violence Reports, 5–6
Gold products, 165, 167
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 20
Guardians and Wards Act, 1980, 225
Gyppo, 115
Health Centers and Population Commission, 175
Heteronormativity, 64
Hide-and-seek game, 188
Homans’ exchange cum rational choice theory, 154
Human capital, 72
Human development, 15
Humanism, 75
Human rights
childhood, 13–15
for children and youth, 1, 2
political-theoretical position, 2
Educare, 29–31
Europe, 20–25
inequality and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Latin America, 17–20
national laws, early education in, 15–17
violations and abuse, 223
Human Rights for Children, 60
Hurricanes Irma and Maria, 53
Ideals, 154
In chrysalis, 65–66
In-depth interviews, 155–156
India’s National Family Health Survey − 3 (2005 − 2006), 223
Individual and social consciousness, 169–171
Inequalities, 68–69
and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Infancias, 13–14
Infantile centres, 29
Infantile education, 13–14
Infantile practices, 140
Infant mortality rates, 50
Informal education, 66
Initial Education, 18
Institutional abuse, 101–102
concept of, 101–102
Institutional care, consequences, 119–121
Institutionalised cultural patterns, 202
Institutionality, 89–92
Institutionalization, 17, 80, 107–108
Institutionalized formative dynamics, 186
Institutional Review Board, 157–158
Institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
Intelligent resistance, 14
Inter-American Development Bank, 16–17
Interest theory, 154–155
Intergenerational category, childhood, 141
International adoptions, 104
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN), 136, 148
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
International Labour Organization (ILO), 152–153
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37–38
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC), 38, 47–49
indicators on disparities between poor and non-poor children, 48
Job density rate, 204
Justice-oriented approach, 199–200
Juvenile Justice Act 2000, 222–223
Juvenile Justice Act 2015, 222
awareness, 229
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
district authority for implementation, 228
registration in India, requisite, 223
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Cadernos de Pesquisa
, 71
Capitalism, 75
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Exam, 52–53
Caribbean SIDS, 38
child and national poverty levels in, 47
education & health indicators (children) in, 50
indicators on status of children in, 44
secondary exit programme, 51–52
socio-economic indicators for, 43
Carlos Chagas Foundation Research Department, 67–68
Center for Legal Resources (2014), 106
abuse and neglect in family, 101–102
immunization, 49
‘in danger’, 72
labor, 152
mining, 152
at risk, 72
safety, 49
as social agents, 134
socialization, 13–14
Child Care Board (CCB), 42
Child Care Centers, 29
Child Care Institutions (CCIs), 7–8
analysis and interpretation, 226–230
association with, 227
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
financial problems, 232
government support, 231
human rights violations and abuse, 223
intake capacity of, 228
in Kerala, 224–226
in Malappuram, 232
methodology, 226
recommendations, 232–233
registration process, awareness, 230
religious affiliation of, 227
religious obligation, 230–232
respondents, demographic profile of, 227
respondents differences, 231
source of income of, 228
See also Juvenile Justice Act 2015
Child Development Agency (CDA), 42
Child Development Centers, 29
Childhood, 13–15, 183
care and development, 16
and human/children rights, 59–60
in mass media, 13–14
Childhood Education institution, 84, 86–87
Childhood Studies
agency as reflexivity, face-to-face interaction and decision-making, 137–139
agency’s approach, 142
body dimension, 139
children in poverty situation as social agents, 143–147
contributions and limits, 137
game dimension, 139–140
generational affiliation, 141–142
recapping, 142–143
social practice, 140
sociology, 134–137
structural inequalities, 139
time/space dimension, 140
Child laborers in Camarines Norte, 154
Child Law 272, 104
Child miners (CM)
aspirations in life, 169
day-to-day activities, 168
educational background, 161
ethical considerations and, 156–158
existence, 154–155
families and, 168–169
how they become, 163
income, 165
income utilization, 166–167, 168
life experiences of, 161–169
living conditions, 161–162
methodology, 155–158
net income per day or per week, 166, 167
Paracale small-scale gold mining system, 158–161
possibilities and evocations, 172–176
reasons for working as, 163
social development framework, 169–172
socio-demographic background, 161
their difficulties, 168
their work, 163–164
working hours, 165
See also Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
Child-oriented pedagogy, 30
Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), 42
Child Protection Directorates, 115
Children in Conflict with Law (CCL), 223–224
Children in need of care and protection, 223–224
Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP), 223–224
Children in poverty situation as social agents, 143–147
Children Rural Education, legal recognition, 84–85
Children’s bicultural identity, 25
Children’s citizenship, 140
Children’s culture, 63, 65
Children’s folklore, 63
Children’s rights, 16, 55, 59
Children’s Rights Convention (CRC), 100, 103
Children’s socialization, 63–64, 66
Child’s play
childhood, slum and children’s bodies, 183–186
Elementary School, 182
essentiality of childhood, 182
expression, 190
open area of the slum, 186–189
practices in school, 186–189
recriminatory attitudes, 182
students during playtime, 182
See also Slum
Churning, 206
‘Ciclo Jardín de Infantes’, 26
‘Ciclo Jardín Maternal’, 26
Civil Procedures Code (134/2010), 104
Class prejudice, 62–63
Colonialism, 75
Conception of power, 143
Conflicts, 169–171
Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC), 3, 5–6, 15, 41
Caribbean context, 41–46
conceptual framework, 37
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
legislation and policies, 45
legislative and policy attention, 42
methodology, 37–38
policy recommendations, 55–56
right to a good quality of life, 46–49
right to education, 51–53
right to health, 49–51
right to protection at all times, 53–54
‘Cradles’ for children, 103–104
Criminal justice system, 199
Cultural and social marginalization, 69
Cultural categories, 154
Cultural constitution, 64–65
Cultural deprivation, 69
Cultural heritage, 65
Cultural inspiration, 136
Curricular design for Maternal Garden, 16
Customer service worker, 205
Dangerous child, 72
Debt forgiveness, 56
Decision-making, 12, 137–139
Democracy, 15
and citizenship, 14
Democratic societies, 14–15
Department of Agriculture (DA), 175–176
Department of Education (DepEd), 175
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), 175
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), 175–176
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), 175–176
Dependent care networks, 17
Depression and anger, 209
Developmental perspective, 154–155
Discrimination and violence, 15
Disparities, 4
Distributive justice, 205
Division of Human Services and Family Affairs, 42–46
Domestication, 140
social space of, 7
Durkheim’s Division of Labor and Solidarity, 154
Early Child Development (ECD), 72
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), 3, 20–21
attendance compulsory, 22
care, 16–17
investment in, 16–17
legal entitlement, 22
structural indicators for, 21
Early Childhood Education
in Agrarian reform settlements, 85–89
attendance, 86
Childhood Education institution, right of access, 84
Children Rural Education, legal recognition, 84–85
educational service, 81, 82
ethico-social horizon, 88
institutionalization, 80
local indicators, 86
pluridocent teaching unit, 87
quality indicators in, 91–92
right to an education with quality, 90–91
right to quality, 90
rural, institutionality of, 89–92
social negotiation of, 80
unidocent teaching unit, 87
Early Education (EE), 3, 12
Institutions in Sweden, 24
interprovincial fragmentation of access to, 27
methodology, 12–13
National Political Initiatives, 23
primary sources, 13
Economic and social marginalization, 68
Economic arrangements, 154
Economic marginality, 196–197
Educare, 3, 13, 29–31
child care, 30
holistic approach, 30
play, 30
preschools’ primary task, 31
process of care, 30
quality and quantity, 30
shared sustainable thinking, 30–31
teaching, 30–31
Education Act of 2010, 24
Educational Financing, 19–20
Educational panorama in Argentina, 25
Educational process, 3, 13
Educational service, 81, 82
Education, employment and training (EET), 194
Educative contexts, 15
Educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
Elementary School (EF), 86–87
Eloquence, 12
Emergent needs, 169–171
Emotional abuse, 115–116
Emotional neglect, 102–103
Emotional patterns, 154
Emotional support, 122
Employability, 196
Equality and inequality, 199
Ethico-social horizon, 88
Ethnic and racial discrimination, 70
Ethnicity and race, 64–65
and capitalism, 75
human rights, 20–25
European Commission, 21
Ex-industrial rural areas, 203–204
Exploitation, 118
, 173
Extensive ethnographic observations, 12–13
Face-to-face interaction, 137–139
Fag, 64
Fagot, 64
Family Court, 42–46
Family foster care, 118
Federal Constitution, 70
Female vendors, 152
Feminism and anti-colonial movements, 135
Focus group discussions (FGDs), 155–156
Folklore, 65
Fragmented territories, 3, 13
Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs
, 16
Fully productive adult, 72
Fundamental Human Rights, 12
Future human capital, 72
distinction, 188
equality, 40
Generational affiliation, 141
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924, 70
Geography, 63–64
Global Goals, 40
Global Violence Reports, 5–6
Gold products, 165, 167
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 20
Guardians and Wards Act, 1980, 225
Gyppo, 115
Health Centers and Population Commission, 175
Heteronormativity, 64
Hide-and-seek game, 188
Homans’ exchange cum rational choice theory, 154
Human capital, 72
Human development, 15
Humanism, 75
Human rights
childhood, 13–15
for children and youth, 1, 2
political-theoretical position, 2
Educare, 29–31
Europe, 20–25
inequality and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Latin America, 17–20
national laws, early education in, 15–17
violations and abuse, 223
Human Rights for Children, 60
Hurricanes Irma and Maria, 53
Ideals, 154
In chrysalis, 65–66
In-depth interviews, 155–156
India’s National Family Health Survey − 3 (2005 − 2006), 223
Individual and social consciousness, 169–171
Inequalities, 68–69
and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Infancias, 13–14
Infantile centres, 29
Infantile education, 13–14
Infantile practices, 140
Infant mortality rates, 50
Informal education, 66
Initial Education, 18
Institutional abuse, 101–102
concept of, 101–102
Institutional care, consequences, 119–121
Institutionalised cultural patterns, 202
Institutionality, 89–92
Institutionalization, 17, 80, 107–108
Institutionalized formative dynamics, 186
Institutional Review Board, 157–158
Institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
Intelligent resistance, 14
Inter-American Development Bank, 16–17
Interest theory, 154–155
Intergenerational category, childhood, 141
International adoptions, 104
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN), 136, 148
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
International Labour Organization (ILO), 152–153
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37–38
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC), 38, 47–49
indicators on disparities between poor and non-poor children, 48
Job density rate, 204
Justice-oriented approach, 199–200
Juvenile Justice Act 2000, 222–223
Juvenile Justice Act 2015, 222
awareness, 229
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
district authority for implementation, 228
registration in India, requisite, 223
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Early Child Development (ECD), 72
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), 3, 20–21
attendance compulsory, 22
care, 16–17
investment in, 16–17
legal entitlement, 22
structural indicators for, 21
Early Childhood Education
in Agrarian reform settlements, 85–89
attendance, 86
Childhood Education institution, right of access, 84
Children Rural Education, legal recognition, 84–85
educational service, 81, 82
ethico-social horizon, 88
institutionalization, 80
local indicators, 86
pluridocent teaching unit, 87
quality indicators in, 91–92
right to an education with quality, 90–91
right to quality, 90
rural, institutionality of, 89–92
social negotiation of, 80
unidocent teaching unit, 87
Early Education (EE), 3, 12
Institutions in Sweden, 24
interprovincial fragmentation of access to, 27
methodology, 12–13
National Political Initiatives, 23
primary sources, 13
Economic and social marginalization, 68
Economic arrangements, 154
Economic marginality, 196–197
Educare, 3, 13, 29–31
child care, 30
holistic approach, 30
play, 30
preschools’ primary task, 31
process of care, 30
quality and quantity, 30
shared sustainable thinking, 30–31
teaching, 30–31
Education Act of 2010, 24
Educational Financing, 19–20
Educational panorama in Argentina, 25
Educational process, 3, 13
Educational service, 81, 82
Education, employment and training (EET), 194
Educative contexts, 15
Educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
Elementary School (EF), 86–87
Eloquence, 12
Emergent needs, 169–171
Emotional abuse, 115–116
Emotional neglect, 102–103
Emotional patterns, 154
Emotional support, 122
Employability, 196
Equality and inequality, 199
Ethico-social horizon, 88
Ethnic and racial discrimination, 70
Ethnicity and race, 64–65
and capitalism, 75
human rights, 20–25
European Commission, 21
Ex-industrial rural areas, 203–204
Exploitation, 118
, 173
Extensive ethnographic observations, 12–13
Face-to-face interaction, 137–139
Fag, 64
Fagot, 64
Family Court, 42–46
Family foster care, 118
Federal Constitution, 70
Female vendors, 152
Feminism and anti-colonial movements, 135
Focus group discussions (FGDs), 155–156
Folklore, 65
Fragmented territories, 3, 13
Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs
, 16
Fully productive adult, 72
Fundamental Human Rights, 12
Future human capital, 72
distinction, 188
equality, 40
Generational affiliation, 141
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924, 70
Geography, 63–64
Global Goals, 40
Global Violence Reports, 5–6
Gold products, 165, 167
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 20
Guardians and Wards Act, 1980, 225
Gyppo, 115
Health Centers and Population Commission, 175
Heteronormativity, 64
Hide-and-seek game, 188
Homans’ exchange cum rational choice theory, 154
Human capital, 72
Human development, 15
Humanism, 75
Human rights
childhood, 13–15
for children and youth, 1, 2
political-theoretical position, 2
Educare, 29–31
Europe, 20–25
inequality and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Latin America, 17–20
national laws, early education in, 15–17
violations and abuse, 223
Human Rights for Children, 60
Hurricanes Irma and Maria, 53
Ideals, 154
In chrysalis, 65–66
In-depth interviews, 155–156
India’s National Family Health Survey − 3 (2005 − 2006), 223
Individual and social consciousness, 169–171
Inequalities, 68–69
and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Infancias, 13–14
Infantile centres, 29
Infantile education, 13–14
Infantile practices, 140
Infant mortality rates, 50
Informal education, 66
Initial Education, 18
Institutional abuse, 101–102
concept of, 101–102
Institutional care, consequences, 119–121
Institutionalised cultural patterns, 202
Institutionality, 89–92
Institutionalization, 17, 80, 107–108
Institutionalized formative dynamics, 186
Institutional Review Board, 157–158
Institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
Intelligent resistance, 14
Inter-American Development Bank, 16–17
Interest theory, 154–155
Intergenerational category, childhood, 141
International adoptions, 104
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN), 136, 148
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
International Labour Organization (ILO), 152–153
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37–38
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC), 38, 47–49
indicators on disparities between poor and non-poor children, 48
Job density rate, 204
Justice-oriented approach, 199–200
Juvenile Justice Act 2000, 222–223
Juvenile Justice Act 2015, 222
awareness, 229
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
district authority for implementation, 228
registration in India, requisite, 223
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
distinction, 188
equality, 40
Generational affiliation, 141
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924, 70
Geography, 63–64
Global Goals, 40
Global Violence Reports, 5–6
Gold products, 165, 167
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 20
Guardians and Wards Act, 1980, 225
Gyppo, 115
Health Centers and Population Commission, 175
Heteronormativity, 64
Hide-and-seek game, 188
Homans’ exchange cum rational choice theory, 154
Human capital, 72
Human development, 15
Humanism, 75
Human rights
childhood, 13–15
for children and youth, 1, 2
political-theoretical position, 2
Educare, 29–31
Europe, 20–25
inequality and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Latin America, 17–20
national laws, early education in, 15–17
violations and abuse, 223
Human Rights for Children, 60
Hurricanes Irma and Maria, 53
Ideals, 154
In chrysalis, 65–66
In-depth interviews, 155–156
India’s National Family Health Survey − 3 (2005 − 2006), 223
Individual and social consciousness, 169–171
Inequalities, 68–69
and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Infancias, 13–14
Infantile centres, 29
Infantile education, 13–14
Infantile practices, 140
Infant mortality rates, 50
Informal education, 66
Initial Education, 18
Institutional abuse, 101–102
concept of, 101–102
Institutional care, consequences, 119–121
Institutionalised cultural patterns, 202
Institutionality, 89–92
Institutionalization, 17, 80, 107–108
Institutionalized formative dynamics, 186
Institutional Review Board, 157–158
Institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
Intelligent resistance, 14
Inter-American Development Bank, 16–17
Interest theory, 154–155
Intergenerational category, childhood, 141
International adoptions, 104
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN), 136, 148
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
International Labour Organization (ILO), 152–153
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37–38
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC), 38, 47–49
indicators on disparities between poor and non-poor children, 48
Job density rate, 204
Justice-oriented approach, 199–200
Juvenile Justice Act 2000, 222–223
Juvenile Justice Act 2015, 222
awareness, 229
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
district authority for implementation, 228
registration in India, requisite, 223
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Ideals, 154
In chrysalis, 65–66
In-depth interviews, 155–156
India’s National Family Health Survey − 3 (2005 − 2006), 223
Individual and social consciousness, 169–171
Inequalities, 68–69
and ‘fragmented territories’, 25–29
Infancias, 13–14
Infantile centres, 29
Infantile education, 13–14
Infantile practices, 140
Infant mortality rates, 50
Informal education, 66
Initial Education, 18
Institutional abuse, 101–102
concept of, 101–102
Institutional care, consequences, 119–121
Institutionalised cultural patterns, 202
Institutionality, 89–92
Institutionalization, 17, 80, 107–108
Institutionalized formative dynamics, 186
Institutional Review Board, 157–158
Institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
Intelligent resistance, 14
Inter-American Development Bank, 16–17
Interest theory, 154–155
Intergenerational category, childhood, 141
International adoptions, 104
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN), 136, 148
International Development Agenda and children, 38–41
International Labour Organization (ILO), 152–153
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37–38
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC), 38, 47–49
indicators on disparities between poor and non-poor children, 48
Job density rate, 204
Justice-oriented approach, 199–200
Juvenile Justice Act 2000, 222–223
Juvenile Justice Act 2015, 222
awareness, 229
children in need of care and protection, 223–224
district authority for implementation, 228
registration in India, requisite, 223
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Kargador (baggage boys), 152
Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in, 224–226
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies (2008), 137
Key informants (KIs), 155–156
La Argentina Fragmentada
, 25
Landless Rural Workers Movement, 4–5, 80, 84–85
settlements, 80–81
Lasdok (bag), 164
Latin America, human rights, 17–20
Argentina, 17–20
Law 26 206, 18
Legality and legitimacy, 183–184
Life-long learning. See Educare
Life’s crises, 169–171
Literacy rate, 226
Little house play, 187–188
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Maldistribution, 200
injustices of, 204–208
Maltreatment against children, 100–101
Marginalization, 68
Maternity Gardens, 28
Mental health issues, institutional care, 119–121
Merrymaking, 65
Merton’s Modes of Adaptation, 154
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36–37, 41
deficiencies, 39–40
goals, 39
Mini-adults, 59–60
‘Misfit’ boys, 64
‘Misfit’ girl, 64
Misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
Misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
Misunderstood and devalued, 208–210
‘Modern Practice Theory’, 174
Monopolization, 14
Moral autonomy, 15
Moral compensation, 123
Moral equality, 15
Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education, 86–87
Municipal ‘day-care centres’, 29
Municipal Education Center, 86–87
Municipality of Paracale, 156
Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (EMEIEF), 86–87
Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), 74
National and Local Government Unit’s (LGU), 175–176
of Paracle, 175
National Association of Education Research (ANPED), 67
National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, 91
National Irrigation Authority (NIA), 175–176
National laws, early education in, 15–17
National School Canteens Programme (PNCS), 46
National Statistics Office (NSO), 152
Negative emotionality, 120
Neighbourhood and spatial contiguity, 63–64
Neocolonialism, 61
New Sociology of Childhood, 135, 136, 137
NOMIS (2018a) data reports, 204
Non-formal institutions of Child Care, 29
Non-government agencies (NGAs), 175–176
Non-hegemonic identities, 14
Normality, 13–14
Norms, 154, 171
‘Not in education, employment or training’ (NEET), 194
Nursing Care Centers, 29
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), 42
Organizational schemes, 154
Orphanage, 223, 224–225, 231–232
Ortner’s Practice Theory (1984), 154, 161, 163, 164
Out-of-care young adults, 106–107
Out of opportunities, 204–208
Out-of-school youth (OSY), 157
Out-of-school youths or children (OSY/C), 176
Overlooked, 208–210
, 160, 166, 173
, 160, 164, 167, 173
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (2009), 138
Parent Education for Development in Barbados (PAREDOS), 42–46
Pedagogy course, 67–68
Peer culture, 138–139
Penal Code (135/2010), 104
People out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
Permanent Household Survey, 26
Personal histories and violence against children, 107–108
Personality, traumatic development, 120–121
Physical abuse, 110–115
Physical and/or sexual abuse, 102–103
Physical violence, 110, 111
Playful activities, 64
Pluridocent teaching unit, 87
Political equality, 15
Political injustice, 201–202
Poly-victimization of children, 100
Pontifical Catholic University, 67–68
Post-compulsory education (PCE), 198
Poverty, 40
and breakdown of social systems, 154
eradication, 47, 55–56
parameters, 25–26
reduction, 56
Power relations, 64–65
Pre-school enrolment, 36
Principal investigator (PI), 156
‘Professional’ foster care personnel, 111
Program abuse, 101–102
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), 42
‘Protected childhood’, 134
Province of Buenos Aires, 28
Psychological counseling, 122–123
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
RA 7658, 156
Race relationships in childhood, 62–63
Racial attitudes, 62
Racism, 75
Recognition, 200
Recreation Centers, 29
Redistribution, 200–202
Reflective practice, 139
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, 223–224
Religion, 64–65
Reluctance, 225, 226, 232
Republic Act (RA) 7610, 156
Rights of the Child, 15
Right to an education with quality, 90–91
Right to education, 82, 92, 183–184
legal markers of, 81
social inequality in, 81
Right to quality, 90
Romanian children protection, 103–106
Saint Lucia Family Court Act, 42–46
SASCA project, 101
(Garbage) scavengers, 152
School attendance rates, 22
School centrism, 63–64
Scientific production of universities, 60
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), 202–203
Self-determination, 15
Self-incrimination, 156
Sexes and gender formation, 64
Sexual abuse, 49–50, 108–110
Sexuality and gender, 64–65
Sexual normativity, 64
Sissy, 64
child’s play, 183–186
child’s play, open area of, 186–189
dweller, 185
See also Child’s play
Small Island Developing States (SIDs), 3, 46, 53
Small-scale gold mining system (SSGMS)
cost and income, 160–161
livelihood and as a family tradition, 158–159
risks, 159–160
types, 159–160
See also Child miners (CM)
Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese, 175
Social Action Center of the Diocese and partner institutions, 175–176
Social backwardness, 74
‘Social being’ concept, 66
Social class, 64–65
and youth transitions, 196–197
Social discursive construction, 60
Social disposition, 147
Social exclusion, 194, 206–207
Social identity, 136
Social inequality, 68, 69, 81
Social values, 154
Socialization, 134–135
Socialization processes, 63–64
Social justice
maldistribution, injustices of, 204–208
misrecognition, injustices of, 208–210
misrepresentation, injustices of, 210–214
study, 202–204
typology of, 200–202
young people and, 199–200
youth transitions and social class, 196–197
youth transitions in rural context, 197–199
Social Justice Department, 228
Social media messenger service, 203
Social policy makers and leaders, 175–176
Social psychology, 62–63
Social realm, 64
Social relations, 154
Social rights, 83
Social struggles, 2
movement, 83–84
Social threats, 72
Societal level development, 171
Socio-economic development program (SEDP), 175–176
Socioeconomic status (SES), 17, 194–195
Socio-educational indicators, 25
Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY), 1
Sociology of childhood, 62–67, 71
Sociology of childhood:Research with children
, 71
Strain theory, 154–155
Structural inequality, 133–134
The Sun in the Head
, 185
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 36, 41
goals, 40
Sweden, 24–25
Swedish Educare model, 29–30
Symbolic violence, 185–186
System abuse, 101–102
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Taga-akaw (sifter), 164
Tagapatnaw (crusher), 164
Teacher − student relations, 51
Teaching, 25, 30–31
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), 175
Three Observations on the Sociology of Childhood
, 66
Tomboy, 64
Topophilia, 185
Transitional justice, 102–103
Transitions, 169–171, 194–195, 196
Trocinhas do Bom Retiro
, 62
UN2030, 3, 36
Underemployed, 204–208
Undifferentiated care, 102–103
Unemployed, 204–208
Unemployment and disengagement, 194
UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, 102
Unidocent teaching unit, 87
United Nations (UN), 60
United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals, 15
Unprecedented legal status, 15
‘Unrecoverable’ children, 125–126
Urban fringe area, 195, 203
Urban hunter, 146
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Values, 154
Violence against children, 99
data collection, methodology, 106–107
educators and older residents, exploitation, 116–118
emotional abuse, 115–116
food, personal goods and gifts, deprived of, 118–119
institutional abuse, concept of, 101–102
institutional care, consequences, 119–121
institutional violence in Romania, 103–106
people out of care and victims of abuse, 121–124
personal histories, 107–108
physical abuse and other methods of punishment, 110–115
sexual abuse, 108–110
transitional justice, 102–103
Voiceless and disconnected, misrepresentation, 210–214
Vulnerability, 4, 202, 214
Weber’s idea of rationality, 154
Western imperialism, 61
Witnessing the suffering, 110
Working-class job, 205
Working-class youth, 194
Working women, 69
World Bank (WB), 16–17, 37–38, 72
World Health Organization (WHO), 37–38
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
Yatheemkhanas (orphanage), 231–232
Young people and social justice, 199–200
Youth transitions
in rural context, 197–199
and social class, 196–197
- Prelims
- Introduction Human Rights for Children and Youth: Sociocultural Differentiation, Resistance and Unity
- Part I Children, Youth, Human Rights and Resistence
- The Human Rights of Children and Young People from the Beginning: Early Childhood Care and Education for all
- The Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC), the Global Developmental Agenda and Children in Small Island Developing States (SIDs)
- Brazilian Childhood Studies and relations to Children’s Rights
- Early Children’s Education: Institutionality and the Right to Education
- Part II Children, Youth, Sociocultural Differentiation and Unity
- Forms, Impact and Consequences of Violence against Children in Romanian Child Protection Settings
- Contributions and Limits of the ‘Childhood Studies’ for the research of the children’s agency in Latin America
- Life Experiences of Child Miners in Paracale, Camarines Norte, Philippines: Tradición, Inspiración, Explotación y Aspiración
- Child’s play in and out of School: Bodies control of Slum Children
- Economically, Culturally and Politically Disadvantaged: Perspectives on, and Experiences of, Social Justice amongst Working-class Youth in Mainland Scotland’s Smallest Council Area through the Lens of Nancy Fraser
- Reluctance to Register under the JJ Act among Child Care Institutions in Malappuram district of Kerala
- Index