
Advances in Global Leadership

ISBN: 978-1-78714-699-0, eISBN: 978-1-78714-698-3

ISSN: 1535-1203

Publication date: 21 July 2017


(2017), "Prelims", Advances in Global Leadership (Advances in Global Leadership, Vol. 10), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title


Series Page


Series Editor: Joyce S. Osland

Recent Volumes:

Volume 1: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley, M. Jocelyne Gessner, and Val Arnold
Volume 2: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley and Morgan W. McCall, Jr.
Volume 3: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley and Peter W. Dorfman
Volume 4: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley and Elizabeth Weldon
Volume 5: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley, Ying Wang, and Ming Li
Volume 6: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley, Ming Li, and Ying Wang
Volume 7: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by William H. Mobley, Ying Wang, and Ming Li
Volume 8: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by Joyce S. Osland, Ming Li and Ying Wang
Volume 9: Advances in Global Leadership – Edited by Joyce S. Osland, Ming Li and Ying Wang

Title Page





School of Global Innovation & Leadership, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA


Univeristy of Liverpool, UK


College of Business, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, USA

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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First edition 2017

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ISBN: 978-1-78714-699-0 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-78714-698-3 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-78743-010-5 (ePub)

ISSN: 1535-1203 (Series)

List of Contributors

Audur Arna Arnardottir School of Business, Reykjavik University, Reykjavík, Iceland
Nicholas Athanassiou D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Allan Bird D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
J. Stewart Black INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Linda M. Dunn-Jensen Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
Michael Ehret Johnson & Johnson Company, USA
Tina Huesing Wyrmwood Consulting, Auckland, New Zealand
Claudy Jules Accenture Strategy, Washington DC, USA
Henry W. Lane D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Yih-teen Lee IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain
Ming Li University of Liverpool, UK
James D. Ludema Benedictine University, Lisle, IL, USA
Martha Maznevski Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
Mark E. Mendenhall College of Business, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, TN, USA
Kyoung-Ah Nam Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
Gary R. Oddou Kozai Group, St. Louis, MO, USA and California State University, San Marcos, CA, USA
Joyce S. Osland Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
Lisa Ruiz AbbVie Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
Farah Y. Shakir IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Todd J. Weber College of Business, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, USA
Pamela Wells Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA

Editorial Board


  • Joyce Osland

    San José State University, USA

  • Ming Li

    University of Liverpool, UK

  • Mark E. Mendenhall

    University of Tennessee, USA


  • Nancy Adler

    McGill University, Canada

  • Roya Ayman

    Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

  • Joanne Barnes

    Indiana Wesleyan University, USA

  • Cordula Barzantny

    Toulouse Business School, France

  • Schon Beechler

    INSEAD, France

  • Janet M. Bennett

    The Intercultural Communication Institute, USA

  • Allan Bird

    Northeastern University, USA

  • J. Stewart Black

    INSEAD, France

  • Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller

    Sabanci University, Turkey

  • Rachel Clapp-Smith

    Purdue University, USA

  • Juergen Deller

    Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany

  • Mary F. Sully De Luque

    Thunderbird at Arizona State University, USA

  • Juergen Deters

    Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany

  • Charles Dhanaraj

    IMD Business School, Switzerland

  • Hal B. Gregersen

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

  • Ernie Gundling

    Aperian Global

  • Mila Lazarova

    Simon Fraser University, Canada

  • Yih-teen Lee

    IESE, Spain

  • Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester

    San Jose State University, USA

  • Orly Levy

    Cranfield University, UK

  • Thomas Maak

    University of South Australia Business School, Australia

  • Susan R. Madsen

    Utah Valley University, USA

  • Kristiina Mäkelä

    Aalto University School of Business, Finland

  • Martha Maznevski

    Western University, Canada

  • Jeanne M. McNett

    Northeastern University, USA

  • Christof Miska

    Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute, Austria

  • Allen Morrison

    Thunderbird at Arizona State University, USA

  • Kyoung-Ah Nam

    San Jose State University, USA

  • Faith Wambura Ngunjiri

    Concordia College, US

  • Minna Paunova

    Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

  • Maury A. Peiperl

    Cranfield University, UK

  • Nicola M. Pless

    University of South Australia Business School, Australia

  • B. Sebastian Reiche

    IESE Business School, Spain

  • Margaret A. Shaffer

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

  • Ibraiz Tarique

    Pace University, USA

  • Sully Taylor

    Portland State University, USA

  • David C. Thomas

    Simon Fraser University, Canada

  • Vlad Vaiman

    California Lutheran University, USA

  • Charles Vance

    Loyola Marymount University, USA

  • Stephen J. Zaccaro

    George Mason University, USA

  • Lena Zander

    Uppsala University, Sweden

See more at:

About the Editors

Joyce Osland, Senior Editor, earned her Ph.D. at Case Western Reserve University. She is the Lucas Endowed Professor of Global Leadership and Executive Director/Founder of the Global Leadership Advancement Center at San Jose State University’s Lucas College and Graduate School of Business. Having lived and worked in Africa and Latin America for many years, her primary areas of expertise include global leadership and intercultural competence. Dr. Osland’s current research focuses on expert cognition in global leaders, cultural sensemaking, repatriate knowledge transfer, and assessing global competency development. A past president of the Western Academy of Management, she has received numerous awards for both teaching and scholarship. Dr. Osland has published over 100 book chapters, cases and articles in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Human Resource Management, Journal of International Business Studies, and Organizational Dynamics. She co-authored Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development and co-edited Volume 8 of the series Advances in Global Leadership. Dr. Osland’s consulting and training activities with businesses and global nonprofits focus on global leadership development, intercultural competence, and organizational development.

Ming Li is Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management at University of Liverpool Management School. She received her Ph.D. in management from University College Dublin, Ireland. Her current research interests include modeling of the competencies in managers to operate effectively in a global business environment and application of research methods. She has co-edited Advances in Global Leadership in the past years. She serves on the editorial review board of Academy of Management Learning & Education. Her research has appeared at journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Organizational Research Methods, and Personality and Individual Differences.

Mark E. Mendenhall (Ph.D., Brigham Young University) is the J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. He is past president of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management and has authored numerous books and scholarly articles in the areas of global leadership and international human resource management. His most recent books are: Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development and Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. His research has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, and Sloan Management Review. He has consulted with and conducted numerous training programs for many firms, some of which include: IBM-Asia Pacific, IBM-Japan, National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), Boeing, General Motors, United States Army, J.C. Bamford Excavators (JCB), Molex, BlueCross BlueShield, and The Dixie Group.

About the Authors

Audur Arna Arnardottir (PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University) is Assistant Professor at the School of Business at Reykjavik University. Arnardottir’s research interests include work–family balance, personal and leadership development, and group dynamics.

Nicholas Athanassiou, Ph.D., teaches global management, the implications of cultural differences on international management, and business strategy. He joined the D’Amore-McKim School of Business in 1995. His research focuses on top management teams as closed networks and their impact on the internationalization of the corporation. Also, he has studied the role of founders of family businesses and their legacy’s role in the strategic direction of companies. His articles appear in the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of World Business, Management International Review, and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina, a BS from the Naval Academy of Greece, an MSEE from Georgia Tech and an MBA from University of Michigan. From 1974 to 1990, he held executive positions in Japan, Europe, the Middle East, and the USA with PepsiCo, KFC International, and Heublein Inc.

Allan Bird (Ph.D., University of Oregon) is the Darla and Frederick Brodsky Trustee Professor in Global Business at Northeastern University’s D’Amore-McKim School of Business. He is also director of the school’s Global Leadership Initiative. He has authored, co-authored more than 60 articles, 30 book chapters, and written or edited nine books. His most recent book (with M.E. Mendenhall, J.S. Osland, G.R. Oddou, M.L. Maznevski, M. Stevens and G. Stahl), Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development (2nd Edition), was a finalist for the University of San Diego’s Leadership Book of the Year Award and received the Award of Merit for Research Scholarship. His research interests focus on global leadership and effective management in intercultural contexts, with a particular emphasis on assessment and development. He is a US citizen and has lived and worked outside the country for more than nine years, including in Japan, Thailand, and Finland.

J. Stewart Black, Ph.D., is Professor of Management Practice in Global Leadership and Strategy at INSEAD. His areas of research and teaching focus include globalization, global leadership, leading change, innovation, competitive strategy, and stakeholder engagement. He has written or co-authored 18 books, 70 articles and chapters, and over 100 case studies. In addition, he has consulted globally with organizations and their top leadership with a special focus on strategic and organizational transformation efforts. Across his career, he has lived and worked in Asia, Europe, and the United States.

Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, Ph.D., is Adjunct Professor in the School of Global Innovation and Leadership, San Jose State University. She teaches, publishes, and consults in the area of leadership and technology in the classroom. She has published in the Journal of Management Education, Organization Management Journal, and International Journal of Business Environment.

Michael Ehret, Ed.D., is currently Vice President of Human Resources for Johnson & Johnson’s Medical Devices Commercial businesses. Based out of New Brunswick, NJ, Michael has been with Johnson & Johnson for 10 years working as a senior HR leader. He has supported J&J’s Supply Chain and Medical Devices sector, as well as served as the head of Leadership Development and Learning, globally. Previously, Michael worked for Bristol-Myers Squibb and CIGNA where he held several Human Resources Generalist and Talent Management positions. Michael has a Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University, and is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Philosophy in Global Leadership and Change Management from Pepperdine. He holds a Master’s of Science in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Finance and Marketing from the University of Richmond.

Tina Huesing, Ph.D., provides consulting services to companies in Auckland, New Zealand, helping them improve their performance by focusing on what’s best for all stakeholders. She draws on her own experience as global business leader, six sigma master black belt, and scholar of leadership. She lectures in business programs in Germany and the United States, and was an adviser to the first leadership school for women in post-communist Romania. Her approach to leadership development is based on a shared leadership model, especially relevant for knowledge-based, global companies. In her recent dissertation for a Ph.D. in values-driven leadership, she focused on global leadership and the work practices of global leaders.

Claudy Jules, Ph.D. is Managing Director within Accenture Strategy’s Talent & Organization practice, where he leads the firm’s strategy consulting work globally on leadership. He has extensive experience working as an advisor and coach to corporate, government and NGO executives providing counsel on a wide range of organization and leadership issues in many countries globally, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Israel, Italy, and the United Kingdom. A prolific author and innovative thinker on leadership effectiveness, he writes and presents on a range of topics including executive leadership, top team effectiveness, coaching and on global operating models, with articles published in the MIT Sloan Management Review, The European Business Review, Leader to Leader, Strategy & Leadership, the Ivey Business Journal, and Organizational Dynamics. He holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University and has completed post-graduate training at both The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and Gestalt Organization & Systems Development Center.

Henry W. Lane is Professor of International Business & Strategy at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University in Boston; and from January 2011 through June 2012 he served as the Acting Dean. Prior to joining Northeastern he was at the Ivey Business School in Canada. His teaching and research interests include executing global strategy, managing change, intercultural management, and organizational learning. He received his Doctorate in Organizational Behavior from the Harvard Business School and has authored, co-authored, and edited numerous books, articles, and case studies. In 2009, he received the Academy of Management, International Management Division’s Outstanding Educator Award and also the 2009 Academy of Management Review Decade Award (with co-authors). He is active as a consultant and faculty member for university and corporate courses around the world.

Yih-teen Lee, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at IESE Business School. He specializes in leadership and leading global collaboration in his roles as educator, researcher, and consultant. His research has appeared in Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, among others. Raised in a Chinese cultural context, he has been living and working in Europe for over 15 years, and identifies himself as a multicultural individual. He is fluent in Chinese, English, French, and Spanish, and has conducted training programs to MBA and senior executives in all four languages. He is particularly interested in understanding the effect of multiple cultural identities on intercultural effectiveness and cultural bridging.

James D. Ludema, Ph.D., is the Co-founder and Director of the Center for Values-Driven Leadership and a Professor of Global Leadership at Benedictine University. He is Past Chair of the Academy of Management’s Organization Development and Change Division and is the author of two books and dozens of articles on leadership, strategy and organizational change. His book The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner’s Guide for Leading Large-Scale Change is widely considered a classic in the field. Dr. Ludema has lived and worked in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America and has served as a consultant to a variety of organizations including GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, BP, McDonald’s, John Deere, USG, U.S. Cellular, the US Navy, World Vision, and many local and international NGOs. Dr. Ludema received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western University and a B.A. in Philosophy from Calvin College.

Martha Maznevski, Ph.D., is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Faculty Director for Executive Education at Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada. Prior to joining Ivey, Dr. Maznevski served fifteen years as Professor at IMD (Institute for Management Development) in Switzerland. She is an expert in global teams, global leadership, culture and identity, and empowering individual differences. She has published widely on these topics in academic and management arenas, and in her textbook International Management Behavior (co-authored with H. Lane and J. DiStefano). Her current research unlocks the performance dynamics of lateral teams – teams that coordinate across multi-unit organizations such as global key account teams or matrixed product or function groups. She works closely with leaders and their organizations around the world on innovative approaches to leadership at all levels in today’s highly complex global environment.

Kyoung-Ah Nam, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor in the School of Global Innovation and Leadership at San Jose State University’s Lucas College and Graduate School of Business. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in intercultural training, cross-cultural management, intercultural competence building, diversity and inclusion, the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) consultation, and international education (study/work abroad). She has published widely in leading peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and is a faculty member at the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication. She presents regularly at national and international conferences and is a member of numerous professional organizations including the Academy of Management, International Academy for Intercultural Research, and Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research. She has worked with a wide variety of international organizations and transnational corporations. She served as a special correspondent for Radio Free Asia and worked and/or traveled in more than 45 countries in the last 20 years.

Gary R. Oddou (Ph.D., Brigham Young University) is Emeritus Professor at California State University, San Marcos, and a senior partner in The Kozai Group, which creates global competency assessments. His research focus is in the areas of international human resource management and global leadership. He has published widely in top journals in the fields of expatriates, global competencies, and global leadership development and repatriate knowledge transfer.

Lisa Ruiz, BS, MBA, is Senior Director, Latin America Area Head for Regulatory Affairs, AbbVie Inc. Lisa has over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and regulatory industries. In her current role, she manages the development of regulatory strategies for AbbVie’s entire portfolio of products, leading a team of central and affiliate staff located in and supporting the business in 25 countries within the region. Lisa has a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana and a Masters of Business Administration with focus on International Business from Benedictine University in Lisle, IL. She is currently a doctoral student in the Center for Values Driven Leadership at Benedictine University. Her interests in leadership are in design thinking, organizational change, appreciative inquiry and in helping others develop and find their own voice.

Farah Y. Shakir is a Ph.D. candidate in management in the Managing People in Organizations Department at IESE Business School in Spain. With a passion for bringing together cultures through successful business ventures, she conducts research, teaches and works in the area of organizational identity, multicultural identity, and global leadership. Previously, she did a Masters in Industrial Relations from Queen’s University in Canada and worked for several years within management consulting and strategic human resources across various sectors. She has lived and worked in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, Canada, and Spain.

Todd J. Weber, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at the College of Business at Central Washington University. His research interests include the linkage between emotion and empathy in leadership and motivation and comparative and cross-cultural leadership.

Pamela Wells is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Management at San Jose State University and serves as the Global Leadership Passport Coordinator for the Global Leadership Advancement Center. In addition, Ms. Wells is the faculty advisor for the Latino Business Student Association. Her teaching style engages the community outside of the University through a service learning component which meshes diversity within the classroom and volunteerism within the community. In addition, she is a managing partner with Critical Moments Safety Training, LLC, and a professional mediator with the Office of Human Relations in Santa Clara County. She holds a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Introduction: New Advances in Global Leadership

Welcome to Volume 10 of Advances in Global Leadership (AGL). We are delighted to announce the following progress for AGL since our last volume was published in 2016:

  1. The creation of an Editorial Board stocked with excellent researchers who work in global leadership or related fields.

  2. The establishment of a double-blind review peer review process. Thus, all the research articles and some of the practitioner pieces in the current Volume 10 underwent a double-blind peer review process. The only exceptions were the essays by well-known practitioners, which were invited submissions reviewed by the editors.

  3. The need for a more frequent publication schedule due to growth in the field.

The goal of the AGL series is captured in its title: specifically, to develop the field of global leadership by advancing the definition, conceptualization, and understanding of global leadership processes, as well as the development of global leaders. Our audience is composed of both scholars and practitioners who want to stay current on developments in the field. AGL continues to be a unique outlet for global leadership scholars and practitioners. In addition to high quality empirical research, it also welcomes well-crafted essays and innovative conceptual work and research. Given its designation as both a book and an e-journal, authors have the luxury of space to fully present their thinking and results without the page constraints found in most journals.

In the last AGL volume, we published a multidisciplinary review of global leadership literature and dissertations () and promised to contact the over 400 authors cited and invite them to submit their research to AGL. Mark E. Mendenhall followed through on that promise and contacted all of the authors for whom he could find email addresses. Some of these authors submitted their work for consideration for publication in this volume, and though not all of them survived our new review process, we feel that the constructive feedback that was given will enable them to find a publication home in the future. We hope that AGL continues to be a place where global leadership scholars can find updates on the state of the field and directions for future research so that the field of global leadership can be advanced in an integrated and collaborative fashion.

If you are a long-time reader, you know that the series previously defined global leadership in a broad fashion and solicited a wide variety of global topics related to various types of international, comparative and global leadership. Beginning with Volume 8, we predicted that the field of global leadership had grown and matured to the point where we could focus the series more narrowly on the emerging global leadership construct and closely related topics. Fortunately, the number and rate of global leadership publications and dissertations have increased (). To avoid confusion with the fields of comparative leadership and global management, we used these global leadership definitions in the call for contributions to Volume 10:

  • The process of influencing the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of a global community to work together synergistically toward a common vision and common goals ( ; )

  • The process and actions through which an individual inspires and influences a range of internal and external constituents from multiple national cultures and jurisdictions in a context characterized by significant levels of task and relationship complexity (adapted from Mendenhall, Reiche, Bird & Osland, 2017).

The primary focus in this particular volume is on foundational research and global leadership development. The chapters are introduced briefly below.

Empirical Findings and Theory Building

The first chapter, “The Nature of Global Leaders’ Work” by Tina Huesing and Jim Ludema, was written in response to a previous call for observational studies of global leaders (). While Joyce S. Osland was explaining the holes in the global leadership literature to Benedictine University doctoral students, one of them accepted the challenge when she recommended, yet again, that someone should really replicate with global leaders seminal managerial observation study as a dissertation topic. This chapter, based on Tina Huesing’s dissertation and observation of five global leaders from five industries for five days, is the first behavioral observation study in the field of global leadership. Huesing and Ludema compared her findings with Mintzberg’s and provide a first-hand description of what global leaders actually do. Content analysis revealed 10 distinguishing characteristics of global leaders’ work. This chapter is a welcome addition to a recent focus on global work (; ) and will hopefully inspire other scholars to focus more on global leadership behavior.

The second chapter also provides a fuller description of global work, specifically the work of global change and how experts think about it and describe their behavior. This chapter exemplifies the cognitive approach to global leadership and extends our understanding of expert cognition in global leaders who are change agents (). “Case Studies of Global Leadership: Expert Cognition in the Domain of Large-Scale Global Change” fills a gap in the limited literature on both global change and global leader cognition. It was written by Joyce S. Osland, an academic and organizational development consultant, and Michael Ehret and Lisa Ruiz, who are both working global leaders and doctoral students. They present two case studies, accompanied by cognitive task analysis interviews with expert global leaders directing large-scale global change initiatives. Cognitive task analysis (CTA) is a methodology designed to distinguish expert and novice thinking in a specific domain (). The authors’ findings include task diagrams of the global leaders’ change process, as well as knowledge audits that specify the cues and strategies they used with respect to various elements of expert cognition. The strategies are, in essence, self-reports of effective global leader behavior. Two of the most interesting findings in this chapter are the difficulties identified for novices and the cognitive demands on global leaders in large-scale change. Both the case studies and the CTA results provide useful guidance for training program design and accelerating the development of global leadership expertise.

The third chapter also sheds more light on global leader cognition and behaviors – in this case the domain in question is the formation of interpersonal connections. Farah Shakir and Yih-teen Lee address and unpack a new research topic in global leadership – the relationship between multicultural identity and global leadership (). In “Connecting across Cultures: An Empirical Examination of Multicultural Individuals as Global Leaders,” they used content analysis to analyze in-depth interviews with 26 multicultural individuals in global leader positions. These authors created a helpful model featuring competencies resulting from the experience of multicultural identities, the various actions that create connection, and the different types of connection that result -- emotive, cognitive, and behavioral. Their chapter adds a greater level of sophistication to both interpersonal connection and multiculturalism.

The last chapter in this section describes a new theory-building effort in the domain of global leadership development. Mark E. Mendenhall, Todd J. Weber, Audur Arna Arnardottir, and Gary R. Oddou collaborated on “Developing Global Leadership Competencies: A Process Model.” Like many young fields, global leadership generally lacks theoretical models that can spur future research (for another exception, see ). In response to a well-documented scarcity of global leaders, the authors created a theoretically grounded process model of global leadership competence development after reviewing the competency construct and extant models of global leadership development. Next, taking a multidisciplinary approach, they incorporated concepts from various fields and created testable hypotheses. The result is a significant contribution to both research and practice.

The Practitioner’s Corner

In the last volume of AGL we introduced “The Practitioner’s Corner,” a section of the volume dedicated to the application of theory and research to global leadership development and education and also as a forum for experts to share their wisdom based upon their past experiences in working as – or with – global leaders. Claudy Jules described his work with global leaders in the nonprofit sector. For this volume we invited two experts, J. Stewart Black and Martha Maznevski, to share their reflections on global leadership development in executive education and consulting. Finally, our last two selections come from teams of authors working in global leadership development at the university level.

In “Global Nonprofits: Leadership Ensembles Harness Value in Diversity,” Claudy Jules, Managing Director at Accenture Strategy, addresses global leadership issues that nonprofits face when they expand abroad and find themselves in unfamiliar territory. He provides a framework to guide top management at nonprofits who are “going global,” introducing readers to the concept of “leadership ensembles” and describing four ensemble configurations that can drive success for nonprofit senior management teams. Effective leadership ensembles require certain global skills in their members, and, after describing the nature of these skills through the use of case examples, he discusses various operating model blueprints that leadership ensembles can work off to ensure success. Dr. Jules’ framework provides a significant contribution to the practice of global leadership in a context that generally has been overlooked in the global leadership literature – the nonprofit sector.

In his chapter, entitled “Reflections on Global Leadership across 30 Years and 10,000 Executives,” J. Stewart Black condenses his 30 years of experience in teaching in and running executive development programs for global leaders at The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Thunderbird, The Ross School of Business at The University of Michigan, IMD, and INSEAD. He begins by discussing how the relevance of global leadership has evolved over the past three decades and then addresses the following question: “Based on my 32 years of experience with 10,000 executives, what would I say if I were asked, ‘What are the capabilities needed to be an effective global leader?’” In response, he delineates five key capabilities shared by excellent global leaders that he has observed over the years and illustrates the dynamics of each capability with short case examples from his personal experiences in working with global leaders. Readers interested in developing global leaders will find his insights particularly useful and relevant for their own consulting and research work in global leadership development.

Martha Maznevski has spent over 25 years working with global leaders in executive education programs at the Darden School of Business at University of Virginia, IMD, and most recently at Ivey Business School. In her chapter, “Self-Acceptance and Community Transcendence: Reflections on Global Leadership from an Irrepressible Scholar-Teacher” she encapsulates her “take-aways” of what she has learned about global leadership and global leaders. Using a case example of a global leader with whom she worked extensively (as well as sharing other experiences in working with global leaders), she illustrates two intangible dimensions of global leadership that have not yet appeared in the literature and are poorly understood by both scholars and practitioners in the field. Maznevski then fleshes out the nature of these intangible dimensions and discusses their implications for the field in terms of both future research and practice.

In their chapter, “Translating Theory into Practice: Developing Global Leaders through Undergraduate Experiential Education,” Henry W. Lane, Allan Bird, and Nicholas Athanassiou report how the Global Leadership Expertise Development (GLED) model (Osland & Bird, 2008) has been applied in a higher education context at Northeastern University. The program is an experientially intensive global leadership development process that employs aspects of Kolb’s experiential learning theory, concepts of instructional scaffolding and guided discovery, with an emphasis on the personal development of students within a cohort experience. They discuss, in detail, the design of the program, which allows interested readers to either gauge the degree to which Northeastern’s program could/should be reproduced at their own institution or assess which components of the program could be applied to their existing undergraduate program design. Additionally, individual instructors might fruitfully apply aspects of the program within their courses, and the article thus also can act as a catalyst for innovation in individual course design. The editors view this program as currently one of the “best practices” in business schools for the development of global leadership in undergraduate students.

In “The Global Leadership Advancement Center: Developing Global Leadership Expertise in a University Setting,” Joyce S. Osland, Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, Kyoung-Ah Nam, and Pamela Wells describe in depth the various programs at San Jose State University’s Global Leadership Advancement Center (GLAC). This center, established in 2007, has numerous programs in three focal areas: Knowledge Creation & Dissemination, Development & Training, and a community outreach Social Innovation Initiative. The chapter describes their unique research-based Global Leadership Laboratory and its assessment center approach, which is used in the university’s extensive global leadership curricula at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The development of the first university-wide co-curricular Global Leadership Passport Program is also explained. GLAC was called a “best practice” by AACSB auditors.


Many people made important contributions to this volume who deserve our thanks and recognition. We are grateful to Emma Stevenson, publisher at Emerald Publishing, for her support and to her entire production team. We also want to recognize Jeanne McNett for her role as a writing coach and copy-editor and Alexis Mendenhall for providing copy-editing service on some of the manuscripts. Megan Opfer deserves special recognition for her role in coordinating and supervising the endless details involved in manuscript preparation and research assistance.

This volume would not have been possible without the funding Dr. Osland receives from the Donald and Sally Lucas Family Foundation and for their generosity to the Global Leadership Advancement Center (GLAC), housed in the School of Global Innovation & Leadership at San Jose State University. She also extends her thanks to Interim Dean Marlene Turner, Director Taeho Park, Prabha Chandrasekar, Kelly Quach, and Stephanie Romero at the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business and to the GLAC staff: Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, Attri Farahzadi, Prabhakar Gondi, Kyoung-Ah Nam, Andrea Sanchez Chavez, and Pamela Wells.

Ming Li acknowledges assistance from her Ph.D. student Jinglin Jiang at Hull University Business School (HUBS) for searching relevant information to this volume and support from HUBS where she worked for three and half years before recently moving to the University of Liverpool Management School.

Mark E. Mendenhall is grateful for the support of the College of Business and the J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.

Research volumes like this one are seldom birthed without the support and sacrifice of the authors’ families. This volume is dedicated with special gratitude to them:

  • Joyce: To my family: Asbjorn, Jessica, Joe, Zoe, Lucy, Michael, Anna, Jacob, Gavin, Katrina, Scott, Isabelle and the newly arrived June.

  • Ming: To my son Riqian Li, with the wish that your dreams for this year come true.

  • Mark: To Janet, and my wonderful grandchildren: William, Thomas, Amy, James, and Timothy.

Joyce. S. Osland

Ming Li

Mark E. Mendenhall



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