Defining and Measuring Team Effectiveness in Dynamic Environments and Implications for Team ITS
Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams
ISBN: 978-1-78754-474-1, eISBN: 978-1-78754-473-4
Publication date: 20 September 2018
Teams focus on a common and valued goal, and effective teams are able to alter their behaviors in pursuit of this goal. When teams are viewed in the context of a dynamic environment, they must adapt to challenges in the environment in order to maintain team effectiveness. In this light, we describe various sources of team variation and how they combine with individual-level, team-level, and dynamical mechanisms for maintaining team effectiveness in a dynamic environment. The combination of these elements produces a systems view of team effectiveness. Our goals are to begin to define, both in words and in operational terms, team effectiveness from this perspective and to evaluate this definition in the context of team training using intelligent tutoring systems (team ITS). In addressing these goals, we present an example of real-time analysis of team effectiveness and some challenges for team ITS training based on a dynamical systems view of team effectiveness.
Portions of this research were funded by a contract from JUMP Simulation Center through The Learning Chameleon Inc. and a subcontract from the Office of Naval Research through the Cognitive Engineering Research Institute. The authors are grateful to Nancy Cooke, Polemnia Amazeen, Ron Stevens, Trysha Galloway, Anne Willemsen-Dunlap, and Don Halpin for their contributions to the ideas and research presented in this chapter.
Gorman, J.C., Grimm, D.A. and Dunbar, T.A. (2018), "Defining and Measuring Team Effectiveness in Dynamic Environments and Implications for Team ITS", Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams (Research on Managing Groups and Teams, Vol. 19), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 55-74.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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