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Ecofeminist Ecospirituality: Manifestations of Queerness and Gender in (Re)Connecting with Nature and the Non-Human World

Asmae Ourkiya, Todd Jared LeVasseur, Paul M. Pulé

People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments

ISBN: 978-1-83797-894-6, eISBN: 978-1-83797-893-9

Publication date: 3 June 2024


This chapter approaches issues of ecospirituality through Gender and the Environment analytical lenses. We propose the need to actively queer human/Nature relations and understandings by exploring studies related to ecospirituality, Earth relations, and gender dynamics. The chapter considers ecospirituality as ritual practices, material cultures, codified ethics, and/or cosmological structures related to a category of “the sacred,” which influence how various gendered and sexed bodies interact with the non-human world. Here, we propose that ecospiritual categories can shape the ways that humans conceive of their humanness and their sexed and gendered bodies. Within the context of religion/Nature interactions white evangelical masculinist subcultures in the United States are considered as an example that demonstrates the paradoxical characteristics of the gender binary and human/Nature dualisms. The chapter proceeds to offer queered ecologies as alternative narratives that can assist the larger Gender and Environment discourse in better understanding ecospiritual practices and worldviews, and how the latter can contribute to prosustainable lifeways as a viable alternative to masculinist hegemonies that are continuing to predominate the ways that many humans – especially those in the Global North – understand and relate to the natural world at great cost to life on the planet.



Ourkiya, A., LeVasseur, T.J. and Pulé, P.M. (2024), "Ecofeminist Ecospirituality: Manifestations of Queerness and Gender in (Re)Connecting with Nature and the Non-Human World", Demos, V.(V). and Segal, M.T. (Ed.) People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments (Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 34), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-164.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Asmae Ourkiya, Todd Jared LeVasseur and Paul M. Pulé