
Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education

ISBN: 978-1-80455-467-8, eISBN: 978-1-80455-466-1

ISSN: 1479-3687

Publication date: 10 August 2023


(2023), "Afterword", Craig, C.J., Mena, J. and Kane, R.G. (Ed.) Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 43), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 217-218.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Cheryl J. Craig, Juanjo Mena and Ruth G. Kane. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

A few years ago, we imagined that this 40th Anniversary ISATT Yearbook would be a volume featuring incremental changes in ISATT members' research agendas since our last celebratory volume was published 10 years earlier (). How wrong we were! In between our 30th and 40th Yearbooks, a cataclysmic pandemic rocked the world. Our regional conference in Bordeaux, France, was canceled for two years. The same thing happened to our international conference scheduled for Bari, Italy. And what would be the purpose of undertaking a mammoth 40th Anniversary Yearbook project, if there was no international conference at which to celebrate ISATT's illustrious past, pandemic-riddled present, and bright future? Then, things lightened up (a bit) and both our regional and international conferences were reinstated. At that point, our backburner 40th Anniversary ISATT Yearbook Project took on warp speed because we no longer had the luxury of time. Our book prospectus was accepted by Emerald Publishing without revision. However, what we imagined would be one volume patterning the 30th Anniversary Yearbook became four books, each with its own title:

  • Volume 1: Teaching and Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19

  • Volume 2: Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts

  • Volume 3: Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education

  • Volume 4: Studying Teaching and Teacher Education

In this four-book series, themes emerged that never previously headlined ISATT's work. For example, readers will find themselves introduced to sections on 1) preparing teacher educators (InFo-TED), 2) excessive entitlement, 3) technology, and 4) accountability. Also, we included tributes to past members which were threaded throughout the four-volume set. These tributes showcase the plurality of career paths that ISATT members have taken and the collaborative relationships and friendships they developed. We additionally addressed vulnerable populations throughout the globe due to the current focus on inequities worldwide. Themes that began in Book 1, reappear in Book 2 and again in this volume, Book 3 of the Yearbook—with one more book to end off the series.

Finally, without the hard work of many individuals working quietly behind the scenes, this ISATT four-book project would have never made its submission deadlines. As projected, ISATT's four volumes of the 40th Anniversary Yearbook will be officially launched in Bari, Italy, at our study association's 20th Biennial International Conference, which is expected to be the largest one to date. Our dream of landing our four-volume print and electronic copy chapters/yearbook in the world's libraries – as the most representative global publication to date – will be realized. ISATT's future is on solid ground.


Craig et al., 2013 Craig, C. J. , Meijer, P. C. , & Broeckmans, J. (Eds.). (2013). From teacher thinking to teachers and teaching: The evolution of a research community. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.