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Making Meaning of Meaning-Making: Understanding Experience through Story

Landscapes, Edges, and Identity-Making

ISBN: 978-1-83867-598-1, eISBN: 978-1-83867-597-4

Publication date: 21 October 2019


Narrative inquirers come to understand experience through story. In this way, the narrative is the primary unit of analysis rather than breaking down stories into its constituent parts, parsing particular words, ideas, or codes in the process of analysing and interpreting experience. This chapter adds complexity to understandings of the ways that narrative inquirers make meaning of experience with participants. My work with Olivia, a research participant, serves as a guide for this chapter as I further explore my process of meaning-making as a narrative inquirer. Beginning with recorded research conversations and transcriptions, the process moves to the use of word images as interim research texts. Word images are collections of participant responses, words and phrases, brought together to form storylines. The composition of word images allows for complex understandings of experience, with multiple, sometimes conflicting perspectives emerging from the participants’ words. As Maxine Greene suggested, meaning-making includes a going beyond the text that allows readers to connect with the words in new and interesting ways. Similarly, meaning-making in narrative inquiry moves beyond traditional qualitative data analysis that allows researchers and readers to think with the stories of participants, engaging with the participants’ experience(s) in new ways as the researcher and reader brings their own stories of experience to bear in the text; making meaning and imagining experience from new perspectives.



Hutchinson, D.A. (2019), "Making Meaning of Meaning-Making: Understanding Experience through Story", Landscapes, Edges, and Identity-Making (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 33), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 79-95.



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