Resource Students’ Use of Internet Inquiry Strategies in an Online Inquiry Project
Exploring Pedagogies for Diverse Learners Online
ISBN: 978-1-78441-672-0, eISBN: 978-1-78441-671-3
Publication date: 7 October 2015
This chapter presents findings from a qualitative study focused on the strategies that two marginalized seventh graders used as they completed an Internet inquiry project about survival.
The participants spent time over a four-week period in three phases – selecting a topic, locating information, and presenting information. Participants completed journals and participated in interviews. The participants’ online searches and how they organized their presentations were recorded. The researcher took field notes. These four data sources were used to determine subcategories in each phase to document the strategies they employed as they completed the project.
Participants used phrases and questions as they decided on key words to locate information. The majority of the sites they visited ended in the .com domain. They used different web browsers and spent varied amounts of time reading websites once they decided on key words and selected sites. Each participant approached the project uniquely and met the requirements to complete it.
Research implications
This study suggests that students in self-contained resource classes engage with online content in sophisticated ways but that they still need support from teachers to optimize their learning.
Studies like this add to a body of research offering thick descriptions of teachers and students work together. In addition, this chapter derives value from the fact that it was conducted by a classroom teacher and therefore offers a unique perspective on the classroom as a learning environment as well as a site of inquiry.
Thomas, J. (2015), "Resource Students’ Use of Internet Inquiry Strategies in an Online Inquiry Project", Exploring Pedagogies for Diverse Learners Online (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 25), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 25-65.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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