The Interpersonal Dimension in the Classroom: A Model of Teachers’ Interpersonal Role Identity, Appraisal and Teacher–Student Relationships
ISBN: 978-1-78190-651-4, eISBN: 978-1-78190-652-1
Publication date: 7 March 2013
In this chapter, a model to understand teachers’ professional identity, appraisals and behaviours in the classroom is presented and illustrated with empirical data. It is argued that the comparison between interpersonal identity standards and interpersonal appraisals of classroom situations results in two types of emotions experienced by teachers. One type of emotion is the direct result of teachers’ interpretations of, and coping with, specific classroom events whereby their emotions are part of the appraisal process of situations and evaluated in the light of their interpersonal role identity standards. The second type of emotion emerges as a result of tensions or dilemmas of prolonged differences between appraisals and identity standards. It is argued that the Teacher Interpersonal Identity Role and Appraisal model is helpful for both researchers and practitioners to better understand, recognise and support beginning (and experienced) teachers with emotions that occur in the classroom, and to help stimulate both their personal as well as professional development.
den Brok, P., van der Want, A., Beijaard, D. and Wubbels, T. (2013), "The Interpersonal Dimension in the Classroom: A Model of Teachers’ Interpersonal Role Identity, Appraisal and Teacher–Student Relationships", Newberry, M., Gallant, A. and Riley, P. (Ed.) Emotion and School: Understanding how the Hidden Curriculum Influences Relationships, Leadership, Teaching, and Learning (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 18), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 141-159.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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