Moving Indian Teacher Education to Higher Education Institutions and Universities: Comparative Reflections from a Cross-national Study
Building Teacher Quality in India: Examining Policy Frameworks and Implementation Outcomes
ISBN: 978-1-80071-904-0, eISBN: 978-1-80071-903-3
Publication date: 4 August 2021
The Government of India’s National Policy of Education 2020 stipulates that in the following five years all stand-alone teacher education colleges will be required to convert to multidisciplinary higher education institutions. This calls for a complete overhaul of the country’s vast, diverse, and age-old system of teacher preparation. Evidence-based policy implementation is thus the need of the hour. This chapter attempts to aid the process by presenting insights from a comparative education research on pre-service teacher education (PSTE) of secondary school teachers at stand-alone teacher education institutions (TEIs) in the Indian city of Mumbai and university-based teacher education in the Chinese city of Hong Kong. Documentary sources, field visits, and 57 interviews form the basis of the findings. The dimensions for comparison include academic freedom and autonomy; pathways to PSTE; linkages of teacher education providers; and role and working conditions of teacher educators. The chapter deduces the core differences in teacher education at stand-alone TEIs vis-à-vis that at a university and draws out implications of shutting down the former. It concludes by laying down a road map for the effective universitization of teacher education in India that will result in genuinely improving teacher quality.
Suryavanshi, S.C. (2021), "Moving Indian Teacher Education to Higher Education Institutions and Universities: Comparative Reflections from a Cross-national Study", Wiseman, A.W. and Kumar, P. (Ed.) Building Teacher Quality in India: Examining Policy Frameworks and Implementation Outcomes (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 189-213.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Shamim C. Suryavanshi