A-level/IGCSE curriculum
, 372, 379
Academic dimension
, 61, 65–66
Academic dishonesty (AD)
, 331–332
higher education
, 330–331
lessons from international research
, 337–340
mass-media and civil society against
, 332–334
Romanian higher education institutions against
, 334–336
Romanian research on
, 336–337
Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU)
, 320
, 128
, 318–319
, 198–200, 208
networking platforms
, 159
, 335
Adult Education Survey
, 162
Advance knowledge on women’s education and empowerment
, 185–187
Advanced Placement curriculum (AP curriculum)
, 370, 372
Algorithmization of education governance
, 152
Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU)
, 131
American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)
, 43
American International Schools (AIS)
, 32
black experience in
, 35–36
critical race theory
, 36–37
equity efforts
, 34–35
hiring practices
, 33–34
imitating American racism
, 32–33
American Political Science Association
, 28
American racism, imitating
, 32–33
American University of Beirut (AUB)
, 266
Amsterdam University College (AUC)
, 139
, 155
EU and CARICOM as complex educational assemblages
, 153–158
exploring implications
, 167–168
lens in CIE
, 150–153
regulated and unregulated big data
, 158–159
territorialization and deterritorialization with Big Data
, 159–167
, 150
Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU)
, 137
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
, 308
Author context
, 6–7
author number
, 10
institutional affiliation
, 11–12
journal access status
, 10–11
lead author gender
, 11
, 12–13
, 12
, 8, 12
trends in
, 9–13
unit of analysis
, 12
Awareness raising
, 283, 292, 297–298, 300
Cairo American College (CAC)
, 391, 393
Carbon footprints
, 103, 105, 111, 116
Caribbean Advance Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
, 157
Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies (CANTA)
, 161
Caribbean Common Market
, 155–156
Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
, 27, 152, 155–157, 160, 166
, 157
as complex educational assemblages
, 153–158
epistemological outcome
, 155
Caribbean Educational Policy Space (CEPS)
, 156
Caribbean Examination Council (CXC)
, 157
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate, CSEC)
, 157
Caribbean Single Market (CSM)
, 156
Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME)
, 157
Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQs)
, 157
Central American Integration System (CAIS)
, 166
Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI)
, 76
Centre for British Teachers (CfBT)
, 354
Child Friendly Schools framework
, 87
Child research net (CRN)
, 292
Children with disabilities
, 282–283, 286–287, 289–290, 292, 296–302
cultural soft power
, 63
internationalization of education in
, 60
, 370
Chinese characteristics
, 60
academic dimension
, 65–66
conceptual resources and analytical frames
, 60–61
economic dimension
, 64–65
key findings
, 61
political dimension
, 61–62
socio-cultural dimension
, 63
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
, 61
, 61, 103, 107–108, 128–130, 137, 141–142, 175, 188
Civic responsibility
, 140
Civil Service Commission (CSC)
, 361
Civil society
, 51
against academic dishonesty
, 332–334
, 130
Classic curriculum theory
, 375
Cloud video and audio conferencing platforms
, 29
Coalition for Clean Universities (CCU)
, 332
Collaboration in disruptive times
, 28–29
Collaborative imperative
, 26–27
College choice theories (CCT)
, 309
for international students
, 313
Colleges of Excellence (COE)
, 79
Colonial-era schooling
, 84
Communicating research outcomes
, 40
, 89
, 216
, 154
, 316
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)
, 166
Comparative and International Education (CIE)
, 3, 26, 84, 103–104, 150, 216, 258
assemblage theory in
, 150–153
author number
, 15–16
brief epilogue
, 29–30
collaboration in disruptive times
, 28–29
collaboration sites in
, 26–28
comparative journal of curriculum, learning, and assessment, and research
, 14–15
environmental impacts of
, 115–116
, 4–5, 16–18
multiyear trends in comparative and
, 13–19
reflections on comparative and
, 19–20
sustainability themes in
, 259–260
trends in author context
, 9–13
trends in journal access status
, 5–9
unit of analysis
, 18–19
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
, 26, 29–30, 179, 258
Comparative education
, 176, 178
comparative education-related research
, 40
field of
, 173
Comparative Education Review (CER)
, 179
Comparative inquiry into school leadership capacity
, 54–55
Comparative international education
, 37
Complex educational assemblages
, 150, 152–153
, 153–158
Conceptual framing
, 177–178
Confucius Institutes (CIs)
, 60, 63
Considerations project
, 115–117
Contemporary Chinese politics
, 62
Content analysis (CA)
, 104
Content analyst approach
, 111
, 108
, 108, 348
Continuing Vocational Training Survey
, 162
Corporate philanthropy
, 246
Cost-benefit analyses
, 87
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU)
, 131
Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
, 320
Council of Human and Social Development (COHSOD)
, 156
Counter-colonial effort
, 87
COVID-19 pandemic
, 28–29, 114, 128, 166, 321, 398–399
Critical feminist theory
, 178
Critical race theory (CRT)
, 36–37
Cultural adjustments
, 392–393
Cultural diplomacy
, 62, 64
Cultural heterogeneity
, 381
Cultural identification
, 339
construction of international schools
, 384–386
, 375
, 375, 380–381
management and evaluation
, 382
, 378–379
, 381–382
, 379
Curriculum Development and Enhancement Project
, 355–356
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
, 294
East European Cultural Foundation (EECF)
, 243
Economic dimension
, 61, 63–65
Economic empowerment
, 172, 176–177, 189
Economic integration
, 155
Educación intercultural bilingüe
, 228
, 2, 73
for children with disabilities
, 285–289
, 152
for international understanding
, 372, 375
in Kuwait
, 350
philanthropy for CIE
, 246–248
, 72, 283
, 76
for self-determination
, 84
, 385
system in Kuwait
, 350–355
Education for All movement (EFA movement)
, 282
Education for sustainable development (ESD)
, 102, 105, 107–108, 260
Education reforms
, 50, 73, 346
education system in Kuwait
, 350–355
in Gulf region
, 346–348
integrated education program
, 355–360
Kuwait’s political and economic status
, 348–350
, 360–361
Education research
case study of Kazakhstan
, 41–43
comparative and international education-related research
, 40–41
possible solutions
, 43–44
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
, 262
Education-to-work transitions
, 76
Educational administration
, 62
Educational amalgamation
, 152–153, 158–160, 162–163, 167
Educational decision-making
, 353
Educational development
, 91
Educational effectiveness
, 86
Educational governance
, 243
, 151
instrument of collaboration in
, 156
, 154
, 160
Educational gradualism
, 156
Educational philosophy
, 374
Educational practices
, 346
Educational processes and AD
, 334
Efficacy for stakeholder engagement
, 53
Emergent multilinguals
, 225
, 198–200, 205–207, 209
Emphasis on education
, 102
, 89, 221
, 161
and community education
, 87
, 178
of women and girls
, 172
English Language Learning (ELL)
, 393
Enlarging geographical space
, 153
Environmental education (EE)
, 102
Environmental impact(s)
of CIE research
, 115–116
of research
, 104, 115
, 111–114
Environmental sustainability
, 102
Equality Act of 2006
, 186
Eritrean Human Resource Development Project
, 266
Ethical education of young people
, 330
Ethics infrastructure
, 330
Ethnography research
, 247
Euro-centric knowledge production
, 84
Eurocentric patriarchy
, 174
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
, 320
European Credits and Transfer System (ECTS)
, 154
European Liberal Arts Initiative (ELAI)
, 131
European Liberal Arts Network (ELAN)
, 131–132
European Statistical System
, 160
European Union (EU)
, 27, 91, 152, 226, 309
as complex educational assemblages
, 153–158
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
, 384
Exchange relationships
, 49–50
Experimentation, LAE
, 129, 136, 138
Exploratory literature review
, 262
differences by journal access status
, 7
, 172–174
, 175
, 176, 191
, 185
General Authority for Statistics Saudi Arabia (GaStat)
, 76
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-level)
, 370, 373
General education
, 130–131
German Academic International Network (GAIN)
, 198
Global alumni advocacy networks, case for
, 272–273
Global competence
, 140, 373–374, 379
Global education industry (GEI)
, 72, 247
GEI influenced TVET in Saudi Arabia
, 77–79
policy transfer and TVET
, 73–74
Saudi Arabia and
, 75–76
Saudi TVET and
, 76–77
TVET in Saudi Arabia
, 74–75
Global Education Monitoring Report (2013–14)
, 48, 259
Global Education Policy
, 247
Global Education Program
, 210
Global Educational Reform Movement (GERM)
, 346
Global North
, 2–4, 72, 84
Global philanthropic involvement
, 245, 246, 248
Global South
, 2–4, 40–41, 72
, 2
international scholarships in
, 260–262
Global student mobility
, 308
Global university rankings (GURs)
, 105
GNH education
, 293
green school concept of
, 285
GNH-infused education
, 284
Goethe Institute
, 63, 317
Greco-Roman philosophy
, 128
“Green school concept” of GNH education
, 285
Greenhouse gas (GHG)
, 103
Group of Twenty (G20)
, 319
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
, 348
Inclusive education (IE), 282 (see also Higher education (HE))
development in Bhutan
, 285–289
system development in Japan
, 289–293
Inclusive environment, maintaining
, 393–394
Inclusive schools
, 282, 300
Indigenous epistemologies
, 221
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
, 393
Informal learning networks
, 89
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
, 89, 223
Information asymmetry
, 49–50, 54
Informing gender responsive policy and practice
, 187–188
Institutional actors
, 140
among polity, market, and nation
, 141
Institutional affiliation
, 7–8, 11–12
Institutionalist framework
, 132
Instructional leadership
, 48–50
professional development for
, 52
Instructional materials
, 53
Instructional supervision
, 48
Integrated education program
, 355
first phase of reform
, 355–357
second phase of reform
, 357–360
Integrated Education Reform Program (IERP)
, 354
, 27, 42, 63, 331, 333–334, 341
Internal brain drain
, 205
International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
, 352
International Baccalaureate (IB)
, 370
International Baccalaureate Curriculum (IBC)
, 372–373, 375, 379
International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)
, 374
International Christian University (ICU)
, 134
International curriculum
, 372–373
International development agencies
, 51
International education
, 371–372
in China
, 383–384
in developed countries
, 373–374
international education-related research
, 40
International Education Act
, 374
International Education Funders Group (IEFG)
, 249
International inquiry into school leadership capacity
, 54–55
International Journal of Educational Development (IJED)
, 179
International level, sustainability at
, 269–271
International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)
, 320
International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
, 372
International Quality Group (CIQG)
, 320
International scholarships
, 262
case for global alumni advocacy networks
, 272–273
ESD framework
, 271
, 263
in Global South
, 260–262
, 262
selection criteria and analysis
, 262–263
sustainability at international level
, 269–271
sustainability at national level
, 268–269
sustainability at organizational level
, 266–268
sustainability at program level
, 264–265
sustainability themes in CIE
, 259–260
International schools
, 372, 391
International Student College Choice Theories (ISCCT)
, 314
International student mobility to Turkey
, 309–311
International Student Offices (ISOs)
, 319
International Theology License Program
, 321
International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
, 102
, 198
of education
, 60
in higher education
, 317–318
of higher education
, 60
, 12, 36, 90, 103, 109, 143, 185–186, 377
L1-based MLE
, 84–87, 218–221
Labor market, gender equality in
, 175
“Language nest” models
, 222
, 84
in CIE
, 84–85, 216–217
dynamics between dominant and non-dominant languages
, 89–91, 223–226
education functions
, 87
, 216
L1-based MLE
, 85–87, 218–221
language-as-resource orientation
, 216
language-in-education policy
, 84, 86, 216
, 86
points of synergy and future directions
, 226–229
, 84, 89, 216, 224
of research
, 41
revitalization and education
, 84, 87–89, 221–223
, 222
Large-scale digital data sets
, 152
Latin American Caribbean Economic System (SELA)
, 166
Lead author gender
, 7, 11
, 36, 53, 352
, 48, 51
, 48–49
, 393
Learning Support specialists (LSS)
, 393
Liberal arts education (LAE), 128–129 (see also Inclusive education (IE))
competing for global excellence with twenty-first century skills
, 139–140
experiments across continents
, 133–139
theory and method
, 132–133
and upsurge around globe
, 129–132
Liberal feminism
, 172–173, 179
advance knowledge on women’s education and empowerment
, 185–187
advancing liberal feminist theory
, 181–185
conceptual framing
, 177–178
informing gender responsive policy and practice
, 187–188
limits and possibilities of
, 189–190
methods and sources
, 178–180
and personal autonomy
, 173–177
research review findings
, 180–181
Liberal feminist theory, advancing
, 181–185
Limited decision rights
, 49
Linguistic landscape analysis
, 225
Literacy assessment
, 85, 293
Local journals
, 41
current situation with
, 42
National Center for Education Development (NCED)
, 354, 347
, 356–357
National curriculum
, 375
, 381
National education standards
, 356
National identity
, 60–61, 91, 160, 379–380, 385
National level, sustainability at
, 268–269
National qualifications frameworks (NQFs)
, 78
National Statistical Offices (NSOs)
, 157
National Taiwan University (NTU)
, 136
Nature of international education in China
, 383–384
Neo-modern curriculum
construction of international schools
, 382–383
, 380
, 380–381
, 377
literature review
, 371–375
management and evaluation
, 382
, 375–376
modernity and nature of international education in China
, 383–384
, 378–379
, 378
, 376–378
, 381–382
, 379
, 376
triple challenges facing curriculum construction of international schools in China
, 384–386
Neo-tributary mentality
, 64
Network of Foundations Working for Development (netFWD)
, 242
New Institutional Theory (NIT)
, 132
New Institutionalism (NI)
, 309
for internationalization of higher education
, 312
New School Insight (NSI)
, 371
Non-academic institutions
, 331
Non-dominant languages
, 89–91, 223–226, 228
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
, 172
Normalization project
, 115, 117–118
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
, 319
Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD)
, 316
, 2, 20
, 29
teaching social justice through
, 400–401
Party-state-centric mode
, 60
Patriarchal hegemony
, 173
, 175, 186, 188
Pédagogie convergente
, 228
People-to-people diplomacy
, 62
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
, 60
Personal self-efficacy
, 52
Philanthropy for development
, 245
Philanthropy in education, 241–242 (see also Liberal arts education (LAE))
contemporary education researc h on philanthropy
, 242–246
education philanthropy for CIE
, 246–248
emerging areas of research
, 248–250
, 75
, 220, 268, 288, 300
, 73
promulgation process
, 282
transfer and TVET
, 73
Political assemblages
, 153
Political dimension
, 61–62
Political leadership
, 349
Post-World War II liberal feminism
, 175
Postsecondary education
, 137, 244
Poststructurist approach
, 188
Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB)
, 316
Primary education
, 86, 242, 292
Primary Years Programme (PYP)
, 375
Principal–agent approach
, 49
Principal–agent problem
, 49–51
Private international schools
, 370
Process evaluation
, 66, 265
Professional associations
, 26
Professional development
, 48
influencing school leader efficacy
, 51–54
Professional mobility
, 199–200
Professional societies
, 26
Program level, sustainability at
, 264–265
Progress in International Literacy Study (PIRLS)
, 352
Project based learning
, 380, 384
, 401
Black Lives Matter
, 32
teaching social justice through
, 400–401
, 40
open access
, 2
, 42
Punitive peer heteroregulation
, 164
Salamanca Statement
, 282, 287, 291
Saudi Arabia
GEI influenced TVET in
, 77–79
Saudi Arabia and
, 75–76
, 74–75
Saudi Arabia Qualifications Framework (SAQF)
, 78
Saudi TVET and GEI
, 76–77
Scheveningen Memorandum
, 163
Scholarship Program Research Network
, 262
School building management
, 48
School leaders
, 48–49, 392–393
School leadership
, 47
Dakar Framework for Action
, 47–48
developing effective
, 356
directions for comparative and international inquiry into
, 54–55
principal–agent problem
, 49–51
professional development influencing school leader efficacy
, 51–54
School-based approaches
, 89
School-based education
, 222
School-based management
, 48
, 51
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 143n3
Second World War (WWII)
, 175
, 282, 289–290, 301
Self-determination in formal schooling
, 87
Semi-structured interviews
, 295, 377
Small island developing states (SIDS)
, 155
Social inclusiveness
, 189
Social justice
, 34–35
, 35
Social media
conference apps
, 28
, 163
Social networks
, 319, 334
, 247
, 159
Socio-cultural dimension
, 61
Socio-politico-cultural arrangements
, 164
Sociology of education
, 73
South-South problem-solving
, 219
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
, 27, 260
Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)
, 393
Stakeholder engagement, efficacy for
, 53
Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS)
, 158
Stockholm Declaration of 1972
, 106
Structural inequality
, 175
Student Support Team
, 393
Study abroad
, 198, 200, 202, 204, 210, 314
Subscription-based journals
, 6
Subscription-based publications
, 3–4
, 108, 259
at international level
, 269–271
at national level
, 268–269
at organizational level
, 266–268
at program level
, 264–265
themes in CIE
, 259–260
Sustainability assessment tools (SATs)
, 104
Sustainable development (SD)
, 102, 105
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 105, 220, 242, 258
, 242
, 172, 174
Sustainable research methodologies
carbon footprints
, 103–104
CIE research
, 115
environmental impact statement
, 111–114
environmental impacts of CIE research
, 115–116
, 114–115
literature review
, 104–109
, 109–111
twin projects
, 116–119
Systemic Racism in International Education
, 33
Tbilisi Conference (1977)
, 106
, 53
, 52
outcome expectancy
, 53
, 283–284, 300
Teaching through change
H1N1 pandemic
, 397–398
impact on curriculum
, 399
preparing for new teaching
, 398–399
from protest to pandemic
, 401
teaching social justice through pandemic and protest
, 400–401
unexpected challenges
, 399–400
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
, 72, 161
policy transfer and
, 73
in Saudi Arabia
, 74–75
Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC)
, 74
, 152, 156
with big data
, 159–167
, 162
, 162
Territorializing pressures
, 158
Tertiary transition pathway
, 74
Theory of new institutionalism (TNI)
, 312
Thousand Talent Plan
, 203
Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE-WUR)
, 320
Trans-disciplinary approaches
, 373
Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies (TEMPUS)
, 271
Trans-regional regimes
, 153
, 115, 117–118
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
, 352
Triadic reciprocal causation
, 53
Triple loop learning
, 340
Tsing Hua University in Hsin Chu
, 136
conceptual framework for examining rising number of international students in
, 312–313
international student mobility to Turkey
, 309–311
macro level analysis in
, 308–309
opportunities and threats for Turkey in attracting international students
, 323–324
strengths for attracting international students
, 313–319
weaknesses in attracting international students
, 319–322
Turkish Co-operation and Co-ordination Agency (TIKA)
, 315
Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC)
, 320
Türkiye Maarif Foundation (TMV)
, 315
Türkiye Scholarships Program
, 310
21st century skills
, 138–139, 142, 381
, 28, 163
, 28
UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 324n1
Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
, 166
Unit of analysis
, 8–9, 18–19
Unit of inquiry
, 373, 384
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
, 348
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA)
, 131–132, 140
United International College (UIC)
, 135
United Nations (UN)
, 102, 172, 258, 319
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
, 176–177
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 102
United Nations Environment Program
, 102
United Nations International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC)
, 74
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
, 316
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
, 175
University College Freiburg (UCF)
, 139
University Ranking Based on Academic Performance (URAP)
, 320
Unregulated big data
, 158–159
Unregulated instruments of educational subversion
, 152–153, 159, 163