Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A Worldview
ISBN: 978-1-78635-072-5, eISBN: 978-1-78635-071-8
ISSN: 1479-3660
Publication date: 24 November 2016
(2016), "Index", Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A Worldview (Advances in Educational Administration, Vol. 25), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 319-330.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Abu Jaber, Majed, 57–61
Accommodationalism, 251
Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), 208
Achievement, 9, 14, 36, 40–43, 79, 102, 108, 109, 123, 127–142, 149, 151–153, 156–158, 160, 162, 186, 188, 198, 246, 282, 287
Adaptability, 204, 205, 210, 211
African American women leaders, in higher education, 91–103
authenticity of, 235–252
celebrating, 99–102
historical perspectives of, 92–94
personal lived experiences, 97–99
professional lived experiences, 95–96
Africana Womanism, 19
African Women’s Development Fund, 268
Aggression, 9
Aggressive negotiation, 77
Alexander, Sadie Tanner Mossell, 92
Alienation, 41
AlSumaiti, Rabaa, 56, 57, 63, 67–70, 71
American Association of School Administrators (AASA), 17, 283
Angry Black woman, 240–242
Apathy, 46
Applied Critical Leadership (ACL), 129, 133–134
with improvement, linking, 141–142
Arab education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Arab revolt, 83
Arab Women Leadership Outlook
, 62
Artis, Roslyn Clark, 102
ASEAN integration, 204
plans for, 212–213
women and men leaders, distinction between, 213–214
ASEAN Integration UP Forum, 213
Asian Critical Theory, 20
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 204, 205–206
Aspiring Racialized Leaders Mentorship Program, 197
Assertive approach, 240–242
Assertive communication, 77
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 204, 205
Augmentation, 58
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), 25
Authenticity, of African American female school leader, 235–252
Authority, power as, 38
Autonomy, 9, 14, 78
Baker, Ella, 177
Baker, Josephine, 176
Banda, Joyce Hilda, 272
Barriers to women’s leadership, 12–15, 76–77
overcoming, 77–78
Bath, Patricia, 176
Behavioral reasoning theory, 215
Being mission driven, 248–249
Bennett-Stonebanks, Melanie, 260–264
Best Evidence Synthesis (BES), 133, 140
Best practices, in educational leadership, 132–133, 140
Bethune, Mary McLeod, 99, 180
Black Female Leadership Verisimilitude (BFLV), 252
Black feminist thought, 179
K-12 education system, 179–182
Black Feminist Thought, 19
Black Lives Matter Movement, 188
Blackness, 242–243
Black Panthers, The, 130
Black women, in leadership, 176–178
Bontemps, Arna, 100
Boyd, Gwendolyn, 102
Braverman’s Labor Process Theory, 17
California Achievement Test, 172
Campbell, 173
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 268
Care, ethic of, 222, 225–226
Caring, 243–246
Chisholm, Shirley, 177
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VII, 6
Civil Rights Act of 1972
Title IX, 6–7
Civil Rights Act of 1991, 7, 280
Cole, 100
Collaboration, 45–47, 243–246
Collaborative leadership, 38
Collegial participation, 215
Comfort Principle, 60, 61
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), 208, 209, 212
Communication, 38, 46, 162, 205–207, 214, 216
assertive, 77
skills, 209–210
Community development, 274
Compassion, 161, 211
Competence(ies), 39
organizational, 210
transversal, 205–206
Conflict resolution, 211
Considerate, 243–246
Conspiracy of silence, 3, 13, 20n1
Consultative leadership, 215
Conversations: Straight Talk with America’s Sister President
, 100
Council on Women and Girls, 98
Counter deficit storytelling, 135
Critical and innovative thinking, 205–207
Critical Humanist Philosophy
, 78
Critical leadership, 154–155
cultural conscientization and, 157–162
duality of gender toward, 145–164
path of, navigating, 185–200
in school reform, 156–157
Critical pedagogy, 131
Critical Race Theory, 19–20
Critique, ethic of, 222, 227–229
Cultural conscientization, 157–162
Cultural constructs, 146–149
Cultural feminism, 63, 76
Cultural justice, 108
Culturally responsive leadership, 187, 189–190
Culture, and school reform, 156–157
Daly, Marie Maynard, 176
Dandridge, Dorothy, 176
ethical leadership and, 219–232
reasoned, 208–209
shared, 38
Decolonization, 259
Deference, 9
Democracy, 44, 45, 80, 83, 220
Democratic leadership, 38
Democratic participation, 211
Democratic schooling, 36, 44–48
Department of Budget and Management (DBM), 208
Developmental leadership, 80
Development Studies, 259
Discrimination, 5–7, 9–12, 14, 16–18, 36, 99, 108, 113, 115, 178, 237, 240, 250, 280, 298, 299
gender, 6, 77, 97
patterns in employment practices, 9–10
Disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
Distributive justice, 108
Diversity, 18, 36, 46, 49, 58–59, 66, 79, 95, 113, 118–120, 122, 123, 129, 136, 168, 177, 181, 182, 186, 188, 189, 193, 195–197, 205, 211, 231, 236, 298
Documentation of female perspective, 9–12
Dominance, 9
power as, 38
Double Blind theory, 60, 61
Draper, Sharon, 174
Educational administration
women in, 8
see also school administration
Educational background, of leaders, 26–27
Educational inequity, 39
Educational leadership, 1–20
Eichmann, Adolf, 84
Emotional intelligence, 37, 47, 79, 210
Emotionalism, 9
Empathy, 79, 119, 205, 210, 214, 216, 226
Employment, 9, 57, 62–63, 170, 205, 216
discrimination, 6
Empowerment, 18, 39, 62, 122, 154, 192, 194, 197, 227, 228, 258, 268, 271
staff, 39
Entrepreneurship, 207–208
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 6
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), 25
Equal Pay Act (EPA), 6
Equity, 44, 45, 186
achievement, 43
gender, 18
programmatic, 43
systemic, 39
teacher quality, 43
Ethical decision-making, 219–232
Ethical understanding, 211
Ethnicity, 8, 36, 39, 40, 49, 83, 96, 107–123, 133, 135, 147, 150, 153, 171, 177, 281, 288, 292, 300
see also Race
Evans-Apprey, Cheryl, 171, 175, 176
Excellence, 39
Face exclusion from informal networks, 77
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 6
Feedback, teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of, 289–291
Female leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
and leadership, 130–131
see also Women’s leadership
Feminist Critical Theory, 20
Feminist theory, 139–140
Filipino women, as educational leaders, 203–216
21st-century skills, 207–212
Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE), 25
“Fire,”, 173
Flashes of Thought
, 70
Flexibility, 210
Four-Part Model System, 10, 11
Gender, 7–8, 12, 39
bias, 59
discrimination, 6, 10, 77, 97
disparity, in leadership position, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
diversity, 58–59
duality of, toward critical leadership, 145–164
dynamics, 57–58
and educational background, relationship between, 28–30
equity, 18
identity, 14
imbalance, in leadership position, 5, 6
intersectionality of, 281
and leadership, 47–48
of U.S. school principles, 3
roles and responsibilities, 147–148
segregation, 6
Glass Ceiling Act, 7
Glass Ceiling Commission, 7, 280
Global citizenship, 205–206, 211
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Globalization, 205
“Groove Line,”, 173
Gurion, Ben, 83–85
Hamer, Fanny Lou, 177
Harassment, workplace, 77
Hegemony, 103, 164n2, 176, 268
Height, Dorothy, 177
He Kākano
, 158
Higher education, African American women leaders in, 91–103
celebrating, 99–102
historical perspectives of, 92–94
personal lived experiences, 97–99
professional lived experiences, 95–96
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 204, 207, 209, 212, 213, 215, 216
, 83
Howard-Baptiste, Shewanee D.
school experiences of, 169–172
Hui Taumata (national leadership forum for Māori in education), 152
Human Development Report 2014
, 221
Hurston, Zora Neal, 176
Identity, 17, 36, 39, 40, 42, 76, 133, 136–137, 140, 149, 159, 170, 188, 192, 243, 251, 282
gender, 14
national, 206, 211
workplace, 156–157, 191, 236
Inclusive leadership, 38
Independence, 39, 62
Independent learning, 211
Indigenous educational leadership, 131–132, 147, 157
Inequality(ies), 59
salary, 77
systemic, school leaders’ contextual awareness of, 41–42
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 206, 211–212
Inspiration, 38
Integrity, 205, 211
Intelligence, emotional, 37, 47, 79, 210
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 57–58
Intercultural understanding, 211
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), 24
International Advocate Legal Services, 62
International Labour Congress, 83
International organizations (IOs)
leadership structures of, 23–32
Intrapersonal skills, 205, 206, 210–211
Investing in Diversity
, 195, 197
Arab and Jewish education system, women principals’ role in, 107–123
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Ivory Towers, 169, 177, 178
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 93, 101–102
Jameson, Mae, 176
Jenkins, Sabetha, 100
Jenny, 269–272
Jewish education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Job satisfaction, 282
Johnson, Brent E.
school experiences of, 172–176
Johnson, Iris, 175
Joyful Women Organization, 268
cultural, 108
distributive, 108
ethic of, 222, 227
relational, 108
social. See Social justice
Juvenile justice system, 47
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
California Achievement Test, 172
Campbell, 173
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 268
Care, ethic of, 222, 225–226
Caring, 243–246
Chisholm, Shirley, 177
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VII, 6
Civil Rights Act of 1972
Title IX, 6–7
Civil Rights Act of 1991, 7, 280
Cole, 100
Collaboration, 45–47, 243–246
Collaborative leadership, 38
Collegial participation, 215
Comfort Principle, 60, 61
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), 208, 209, 212
Communication, 38, 46, 162, 205–207, 214, 216
assertive, 77
skills, 209–210
Community development, 274
Compassion, 161, 211
Competence(ies), 39
organizational, 210
transversal, 205–206
Conflict resolution, 211
Considerate, 243–246
Conspiracy of silence, 3, 13, 20n1
Consultative leadership, 215
Conversations: Straight Talk with America’s Sister President
, 100
Council on Women and Girls, 98
Counter deficit storytelling, 135
Critical and innovative thinking, 205–207
Critical Humanist Philosophy
, 78
Critical leadership, 154–155
cultural conscientization and, 157–162
duality of gender toward, 145–164
path of, navigating, 185–200
in school reform, 156–157
Critical pedagogy, 131
Critical Race Theory, 19–20
Critique, ethic of, 222, 227–229
Cultural conscientization, 157–162
Cultural constructs, 146–149
Cultural feminism, 63, 76
Cultural justice, 108
Culturally responsive leadership, 187, 189–190
Culture, and school reform, 156–157
Daly, Marie Maynard, 176
Dandridge, Dorothy, 176
ethical leadership and, 219–232
reasoned, 208–209
shared, 38
Decolonization, 259
Deference, 9
Democracy, 44, 45, 80, 83, 220
Democratic leadership, 38
Democratic participation, 211
Democratic schooling, 36, 44–48
Department of Budget and Management (DBM), 208
Developmental leadership, 80
Development Studies, 259
Discrimination, 5–7, 9–12, 14, 16–18, 36, 99, 108, 113, 115, 178, 237, 240, 250, 280, 298, 299
gender, 6, 77, 97
patterns in employment practices, 9–10
Disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
Distributive justice, 108
Diversity, 18, 36, 46, 49, 58–59, 66, 79, 95, 113, 118–120, 122, 123, 129, 136, 168, 177, 181, 182, 186, 188, 189, 193, 195–197, 205, 211, 231, 236, 298
Documentation of female perspective, 9–12
Dominance, 9
power as, 38
Double Blind theory, 60, 61
Draper, Sharon, 174
Educational administration
women in, 8
see also school administration
Educational background, of leaders, 26–27
Educational inequity, 39
Educational leadership, 1–20
Eichmann, Adolf, 84
Emotional intelligence, 37, 47, 79, 210
Emotionalism, 9
Empathy, 79, 119, 205, 210, 214, 216, 226
Employment, 9, 57, 62–63, 170, 205, 216
discrimination, 6
Empowerment, 18, 39, 62, 122, 154, 192, 194, 197, 227, 228, 258, 268, 271
staff, 39
Entrepreneurship, 207–208
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 6
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), 25
Equal Pay Act (EPA), 6
Equity, 44, 45, 186
achievement, 43
gender, 18
programmatic, 43
systemic, 39
teacher quality, 43
Ethical decision-making, 219–232
Ethical understanding, 211
Ethnicity, 8, 36, 39, 40, 49, 83, 96, 107–123, 133, 135, 147, 150, 153, 171, 177, 281, 288, 292, 300
see also Race
Evans-Apprey, Cheryl, 171, 175, 176
Excellence, 39
Face exclusion from informal networks, 77
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 6
Feedback, teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of, 289–291
Female leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
and leadership, 130–131
see also Women’s leadership
Feminist Critical Theory, 20
Feminist theory, 139–140
Filipino women, as educational leaders, 203–216
21st-century skills, 207–212
Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE), 25
“Fire,”, 173
Flashes of Thought
, 70
Flexibility, 210
Four-Part Model System, 10, 11
Gender, 7–8, 12, 39
bias, 59
discrimination, 6, 10, 77, 97
disparity, in leadership position, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
diversity, 58–59
duality of, toward critical leadership, 145–164
dynamics, 57–58
and educational background, relationship between, 28–30
equity, 18
identity, 14
imbalance, in leadership position, 5, 6
intersectionality of, 281
and leadership, 47–48
of U.S. school principles, 3
roles and responsibilities, 147–148
segregation, 6
Glass Ceiling Act, 7
Glass Ceiling Commission, 7, 280
Global citizenship, 205–206, 211
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Globalization, 205
“Groove Line,”, 173
Gurion, Ben, 83–85
Hamer, Fanny Lou, 177
Harassment, workplace, 77
Hegemony, 103, 164n2, 176, 268
Height, Dorothy, 177
He Kākano
, 158
Higher education, African American women leaders in, 91–103
celebrating, 99–102
historical perspectives of, 92–94
personal lived experiences, 97–99
professional lived experiences, 95–96
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 204, 207, 209, 212, 213, 215, 216
, 83
Howard-Baptiste, Shewanee D.
school experiences of, 169–172
Hui Taumata (national leadership forum for Māori in education), 152
Human Development Report 2014
, 221
Hurston, Zora Neal, 176
Identity, 17, 36, 39, 40, 42, 76, 133, 136–137, 140, 149, 159, 170, 188, 192, 243, 251, 282
gender, 14
national, 206, 211
workplace, 156–157, 191, 236
Inclusive leadership, 38
Independence, 39, 62
Independent learning, 211
Indigenous educational leadership, 131–132, 147, 157
Inequality(ies), 59
salary, 77
systemic, school leaders’ contextual awareness of, 41–42
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 206, 211–212
Inspiration, 38
Integrity, 205, 211
Intelligence, emotional, 37, 47, 79, 210
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 57–58
Intercultural understanding, 211
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), 24
International Advocate Legal Services, 62
International Labour Congress, 83
International organizations (IOs)
leadership structures of, 23–32
Intrapersonal skills, 205, 206, 210–211
Investing in Diversity
, 195, 197
Arab and Jewish education system, women principals’ role in, 107–123
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Ivory Towers, 169, 177, 178
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 93, 101–102
Jameson, Mae, 176
Jenkins, Sabetha, 100
Jenny, 269–272
Jewish education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Job satisfaction, 282
Johnson, Brent E.
school experiences of, 172–176
Johnson, Iris, 175
Joyful Women Organization, 268
cultural, 108
distributive, 108
ethic of, 222, 227
relational, 108
social. See Social justice
Juvenile justice system, 47
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Educational administration
women in, 8
see also school administration
Educational background, of leaders, 26–27
Educational inequity, 39
Educational leadership, 1–20
Eichmann, Adolf, 84
Emotional intelligence, 37, 47, 79, 210
Emotionalism, 9
Empathy, 79, 119, 205, 210, 214, 216, 226
Employment, 9, 57, 62–63, 170, 205, 216
discrimination, 6
Empowerment, 18, 39, 62, 122, 154, 192, 194, 197, 227, 228, 258, 268, 271
staff, 39
Entrepreneurship, 207–208
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 6
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), 25
Equal Pay Act (EPA), 6
Equity, 44, 45, 186
achievement, 43
gender, 18
programmatic, 43
systemic, 39
teacher quality, 43
Ethical decision-making, 219–232
Ethical understanding, 211
Ethnicity, 8, 36, 39, 40, 49, 83, 96, 107–123, 133, 135, 147, 150, 153, 171, 177, 281, 288, 292, 300
see also Race
Evans-Apprey, Cheryl, 171, 175, 176
Excellence, 39
Face exclusion from informal networks, 77
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 6
Feedback, teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of, 289–291
Female leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
and leadership, 130–131
see also Women’s leadership
Feminist Critical Theory, 20
Feminist theory, 139–140
Filipino women, as educational leaders, 203–216
21st-century skills, 207–212
Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE), 25
“Fire,”, 173
Flashes of Thought
, 70
Flexibility, 210
Four-Part Model System, 10, 11
Gender, 7–8, 12, 39
bias, 59
discrimination, 6, 10, 77, 97
disparity, in leadership position, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
diversity, 58–59
duality of, toward critical leadership, 145–164
dynamics, 57–58
and educational background, relationship between, 28–30
equity, 18
identity, 14
imbalance, in leadership position, 5, 6
intersectionality of, 281
and leadership, 47–48
of U.S. school principles, 3
roles and responsibilities, 147–148
segregation, 6
Glass Ceiling Act, 7
Glass Ceiling Commission, 7, 280
Global citizenship, 205–206, 211
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Globalization, 205
“Groove Line,”, 173
Gurion, Ben, 83–85
Hamer, Fanny Lou, 177
Harassment, workplace, 77
Hegemony, 103, 164n2, 176, 268
Height, Dorothy, 177
He Kākano
, 158
Higher education, African American women leaders in, 91–103
celebrating, 99–102
historical perspectives of, 92–94
personal lived experiences, 97–99
professional lived experiences, 95–96
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 204, 207, 209, 212, 213, 215, 216
, 83
Howard-Baptiste, Shewanee D.
school experiences of, 169–172
Hui Taumata (national leadership forum for Māori in education), 152
Human Development Report 2014
, 221
Hurston, Zora Neal, 176
Identity, 17, 36, 39, 40, 42, 76, 133, 136–137, 140, 149, 159, 170, 188, 192, 243, 251, 282
gender, 14
national, 206, 211
workplace, 156–157, 191, 236
Inclusive leadership, 38
Independence, 39, 62
Independent learning, 211
Indigenous educational leadership, 131–132, 147, 157
Inequality(ies), 59
salary, 77
systemic, school leaders’ contextual awareness of, 41–42
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 206, 211–212
Inspiration, 38
Integrity, 205, 211
Intelligence, emotional, 37, 47, 79, 210
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 57–58
Intercultural understanding, 211
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), 24
International Advocate Legal Services, 62
International Labour Congress, 83
International organizations (IOs)
leadership structures of, 23–32
Intrapersonal skills, 205, 206, 210–211
Investing in Diversity
, 195, 197
Arab and Jewish education system, women principals’ role in, 107–123
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Ivory Towers, 169, 177, 178
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 93, 101–102
Jameson, Mae, 176
Jenkins, Sabetha, 100
Jenny, 269–272
Jewish education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Job satisfaction, 282
Johnson, Brent E.
school experiences of, 172–176
Johnson, Iris, 175
Joyful Women Organization, 268
cultural, 108
distributive, 108
ethic of, 222, 227
relational, 108
social. See Social justice
Juvenile justice system, 47
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Gender, 7–8, 12, 39
bias, 59
discrimination, 6, 10, 77, 97
disparity, in leadership position, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
disproportionate representation, in gifted programs, 40–41
diversity, 58–59
duality of, toward critical leadership, 145–164
dynamics, 57–58
and educational background, relationship between, 28–30
equity, 18
identity, 14
imbalance, in leadership position, 5, 6
intersectionality of, 281
and leadership, 47–48
of U.S. school principles, 3
roles and responsibilities, 147–148
segregation, 6
Glass Ceiling Act, 7
Glass Ceiling Commission, 7, 280
Global citizenship, 205–206, 211
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Globalization, 205
“Groove Line,”, 173
Gurion, Ben, 83–85
Hamer, Fanny Lou, 177
Harassment, workplace, 77
Hegemony, 103, 164n2, 176, 268
Height, Dorothy, 177
He Kākano
, 158
Higher education, African American women leaders in, 91–103
celebrating, 99–102
historical perspectives of, 92–94
personal lived experiences, 97–99
professional lived experiences, 95–96
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 204, 207, 209, 212, 213, 215, 216
, 83
Howard-Baptiste, Shewanee D.
school experiences of, 169–172
Hui Taumata (national leadership forum for Māori in education), 152
Human Development Report 2014
, 221
Hurston, Zora Neal, 176
Identity, 17, 36, 39, 40, 42, 76, 133, 136–137, 140, 149, 159, 170, 188, 192, 243, 251, 282
gender, 14
national, 206, 211
workplace, 156–157, 191, 236
Inclusive leadership, 38
Independence, 39, 62
Independent learning, 211
Indigenous educational leadership, 131–132, 147, 157
Inequality(ies), 59
salary, 77
systemic, school leaders’ contextual awareness of, 41–42
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 206, 211–212
Inspiration, 38
Integrity, 205, 211
Intelligence, emotional, 37, 47, 79, 210
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 57–58
Intercultural understanding, 211
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), 24
International Advocate Legal Services, 62
International Labour Congress, 83
International organizations (IOs)
leadership structures of, 23–32
Intrapersonal skills, 205, 206, 210–211
Investing in Diversity
, 195, 197
Arab and Jewish education system, women principals’ role in, 107–123
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Ivory Towers, 169, 177, 178
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 93, 101–102
Jameson, Mae, 176
Jenkins, Sabetha, 100
Jenny, 269–272
Jewish education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Job satisfaction, 282
Johnson, Brent E.
school experiences of, 172–176
Johnson, Iris, 175
Joyful Women Organization, 268
cultural, 108
distributive, 108
ethic of, 222, 227
relational, 108
social. See Social justice
Juvenile justice system, 47
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Identity, 17, 36, 39, 40, 42, 76, 133, 136–137, 140, 149, 159, 170, 188, 192, 243, 251, 282
gender, 14
national, 206, 211
workplace, 156–157, 191, 236
Inclusive leadership, 38
Independence, 39, 62
Independent learning, 211
Indigenous educational leadership, 131–132, 147, 157
Inequality(ies), 59
salary, 77
systemic, school leaders’ contextual awareness of, 41–42
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 206, 211–212
Inspiration, 38
Integrity, 205, 211
Intelligence, emotional, 37, 47, 79, 210
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 57–58
Intercultural understanding, 211
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), 24
International Advocate Legal Services, 62
International Labour Congress, 83
International organizations (IOs)
leadership structures of, 23–32
Intrapersonal skills, 205, 206, 210–211
Investing in Diversity
, 195, 197
Arab and Jewish education system, women principals’ role in, 107–123
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Ivory Towers, 169, 177, 178
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 93, 101–102
Jameson, Mae, 176
Jenkins, Sabetha, 100
Jenny, 269–272
Jewish education system in Israel, women principals’ role in, 107–123
female principals’ activities, to promote social justice, 119–121
injustice in childhood, determination and awareness of, 115–116
school policy establishment, 118–119
sensitivity, development of, 116–117
Jewish State of Israel, 83
Job satisfaction, 282
Johnson, Brent E.
school experiences of, 172–176
Johnson, Iris, 175
Joyful Women Organization, 268
cultural, 108
distributive, 108
ethic of, 222, 227
relational, 108
social. See Social justice
Juvenile justice system, 47
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
K-12 education system
administrative positions, women in, 5–6, 7, 12
Black feminist thought in, 179–182
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017
, 153
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012
, 153
, 148
Kaupapa Māori, 163–164n2
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success
, 157, 164n3
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), 67–69
Kōhanga Reo
, 154
Labor Zionist Organization, 98
Latino Critical Theory, 20
educational background of, 26–27
systemic inequities, contextual awareness of, 41–42
Arab women in, 57–61
Black women in, 176–178
collaborative, 38
consultative, 215
critical, 145–164, 185–200
culturally responsive, 187, 189–190
democratic, 38
developmental, 80
ethical, 219–232
gender and, 47–48
gender disparity in, 13, 18, 25–26, 30–31
inclusive, 38
indigenous educational, 131–132, 147, 157
influence of, 156
journey, 190–198
learning, 80
minority women’s representation in, 167–183
narratives, 63
organic, 80
orientation, 45–47
participatory, 38, 215
servant, 80
social justice, 187, 189–190
for social justice, ethos of, 78–80
status, in UAE, 62–63
structures, of international organizations, 23–32
symbiotic, 80
transformational, 39, 79, 80, 131
transformative, 131, 133–134, 156, 187–188
women. See Women’s leadership
Leading for Equity
, 195
Learning leadership, 80
Legal context, for women leadership, 6–7
Lindsey, 173
Listening to the voices of others, 42
Lyons, Mary, 180
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Malawi, 257–258
Male leadership candidates, leadership styles of, 279–293
, 146, 156
Mana tane (leadership of men), 148
Mana tangata
, 148
Mana wahine (leadership of women), 148
Mana whenua (guardianship of the land), 148
Mangum, Elmira, 102
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
Marginal(ity/ization), 108, 179, 188
Matariki (Māori new year), 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 176
McDemmond, Marie, 101
Media and information literacy, 206, 211–212
Meir, Golda, 80–86
as activist, 83
as delegate at the Women’s Labour Convention, 83
education, 81–82
as Foreign Minister, 84–85
as head of Jewish Agency’s Political Department, 84
as Israel’s ambassador to Russia, 84
Israel’s Declaration of Independence and, 83
marriage, 82
National Bond Program and
as Prime Minister, 86
role in Six Day War, 85
as Secretary General, 85
United Labour Party and, 85–86
Women’s Workers’ Council and, 82–83
Men and women leaders, distinction between, 213–214
Mentoring, 281
Mentorship, 247–248
Mentorship opportunities, lack of, 77
Meyerson, Morris, 98
Middle East–North Africa (MENA)
women leadership in, 56, 57, 63–64
Mihi (greetings), 158
Minority women’s representation in leadership, 167–183
Modernization, 205
Mosley-Howard, Gerri Susan, 175, 176
Motivation, 38
Multicultural education, 131
My Vision
, 70
National Administrative Guidelines (NAGs), 152
National Certificate of Educational Achievement, 162
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 64, 66
National Education Goals (NEGs), 152
National identity, 211
Negotiation, aggressive, 77
New York City public school, 238
New Zealand (NZ)
duality of gender toward critical leadership, 145–164
historical context, 150
influence of leadership, 156
Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS), 127–142
policy response, 153
resistance, 151
revitalization, 151
society, fabric of, 149–150
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
vision, setting, 152
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 24
Nuremburg Laws, 83
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Obama, Michelle, 177, 237
Occupational discrimination
women in, 7
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 188
Open-mindedness, 205
Oppression, 59, 78, 188
Organic leadership, 80
Organizational skills, 210
P-12 education system, 36
Panchayat Period, 220
“paradigm shift” model, 1–20, 169
Participatory action research (PAR), 257, 258, 262, 274
Participatory leadership, 215
Passion, 42–43
Passivity, 9
Patterson, Mary Jane, 99
Pedagogy, 281
Peel Commission, 83
Perseverance, 210
Persistence, 43–44
Personal lived experiences, 97–99
Person-situation Interactionist Model, 222, 223
Phenomenology, 44
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), 208
Player, Willa Beatrice, 99
Policy response, 153
Postcolonialism, 259
Poverty, 40, 198, 213
Power, 14, 15, 38–39, 154
as authority, 38
as dominance, 39
Pōwhiri (formal cultural rituals of encounter), 147, 148
Practice, 36, 43, 131–132
Prejudice, 282
Principals, 3, 16–17, 47, 239–240, 280
secondary school, 46, 48
social justice leadership of, in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
types of activity, 111
urban, 48
Privilege, 39, 48, 154
Problem-solving, 38
Profession, ethic of, 222
Professional lived experiences, 95–96
Programmatic equity, 43
Public school administration
women in, 7
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), 45
Qualities of awareness, 211
Queen Bee Syndrome, 12
Race(ism), 6, 8, 35–49, 60, 81, 92, 94, 97, 98, 133, 134, 146, 150, 171, 179, 181, 187, 188, 194, 252, 281, 283, 288, 292, 297
see also Ethnicity
Racial demographics, 188
Rashid, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin, 70
Reasoned decision-making, 208–209
Reflective thinking, 209
Regional disparity, in leadership position, 24, 26–32
Reid, Pamala Totman, 102
Relational justice, 108
Relationships, 147, 148, 160–162
complementary, 157
interpersonal, 160
professional, 159
Resiliency, 205
Resistance, 151, 197
Resistance to change, 46
Resourcefulness, 205, 208
Respect, 161
for diversity, 211
for the environment, 211
Responsibility, 39, 211
Revitalization, 151
Risk-taking, 211
R.O.A.D.M.A.P., 181
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Safe School Policy and Regulation, 193
Safe Schools Act, 193
Salary inequalities, 77
Scholarship, 131
School administration
women in, 2–3, 5–6
see also Educational administration; K-12 education system
democratic, 36, 44–48
identities and, 39–41
School leaders
contextual awareness of systemic inequities, 41–42
School reform, culture and critical leadership in, 156–157
Secondary school principals, 46, 48
Segregation, 46
gender, 6
academic, 41
Self-abasement, 9
Self-awareness, 47, 210, 211
Self-determination (rangatiratanga), 151, 156
Self-development, 62
Self-discipline, 210
Self-efficacy, 77
Self-esteem, 77, 240
Self-knowledge, 37
Self-motivation, 211
Self-respect, 211
Self-sufficiency, 39
Sense of belonging, 211
Sense of self, 247
Servant leadership, 80
Servility, 251
Sexual harassment, 6
Shared decision-making, 38
Sharett, Moshe, 84
Sheerin, Fintan, 273–275
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Leaders Program, 70
Sheikh Nahayan, 64, 86–87
Shifting, 237, 250
Simmons, Ruth, 93, 100–101
Sisterachry, 59–61
Sister Meriam, 174
Social class, 40
Social justice (SJ), 36, 37, 39, 44–48, 299–300
awareness, 42
defined, 109
Social justice leadership, 187, 189–190
ethos of, 78–80
in Jewish and Arab schools, 107–123
Social Risk Index Data, 197
Socioeconomic status (SES), 39, 40, 47
Spelman, 100
Spirituality, 48
Sponsorship, lack of, 77
Staff empowerment, 39
Stereotype(ing), 96, 150, 179, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 250, 251, 258, 281–284, 292, 300
Stonebanks, Christopher Darius, 264–269
Superintendents, 3–4
Supportive loved ones, 249–250
Symbiotic leadership, 80
Systemic equity, 39
Taliaferro-Baszile, 171
Tapu (spirituality), 149
Teacher quality equity, 43
Teamwork, 210
Te Ara Hou. See Māori Achievement Collaboratives, The (MACS)
Te Reo Māori, 158
Terrell, Professor, 175
“Skin Tight,”, 173
“The New Negro,”, 251
Theory of participation, 214–215
Thornton, Gerry Sue, 93, 100
Tikanga (customary cultural practices), 147, 159
Timidity, 9
Tokenism, 15
Tolerance, 49, 193, 194, 205, 214, 211
Toronto Board of Education (TDSB), 194
Trajectory of Ethical, Responsible, and Authentic leadership (TERA), 222–223, 230
Transformational leadership, 39, 79, 80, 131
Transformational leadership theory, 38
Transformative leadership, 131, 133–134, 187–188
principles of, 156
Transformative Praxis: Malawi (TPM), 257, 258, 275
Transparency, 228
Transversal competencies, 205–206
Treaty of Waitangi, 150, 152, 156, 163n1
Tribal Critical Race Theory, 20
Trust building, 78
Truth, Sojourner, 177, 180
Tubman, Harriet, 177
21st-century skills, 204, 205–206
Filipino women educational leaders, 207–212
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Unconscious Images, 61
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 55–71
cultural feminism and leadership narratives, 63
employment and leadership status in, 62–63
women leadership in, 57–61
United Nations Social Development Network, 204
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 268
Urban principals, 48
U.S. Department of Labor, 280
Values-orientation, 45–47
Verisimilitude, 252
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
Wahinetoa (warrior woman), 147
Wairua (spirituality), 148
Walker, Madam C.J., 177
Whaikōrero (formal speech making), 148
Whakairo (traditional carvings), 160
Whakapapa (genealogy), 131, 148
, 146
, 159
Wheadon, Rosetta, 99
Williams, Boyce C., 56, 57, 63, 64–66
Winfrey, Oprah, 177
leadership. See Women’s leadership
superintendents, 3–4
in U.S. workforce, national perspective of, 4–7
Women’s Labour Convention, 83
Women’s leadership, 76–78, 193–198
barriers to, 12–15, 76–78
benefits of, 65–66
continuous training and guidance, 68–69
distinguished from men leadership, 213–214
insights of, 66
legal context for, 6–7
in new millennium, 15–18
in occupational discrimination, 7
in public school administration, 7
race and, 47–48
recommendations for, 86–87
in school administration, 2–3, 5–6
values of, 65, 69
Women’s Place Model, 10
Women’s Workers’ Council, 82–83
Workplace harassment, 77
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Global Gender Gap Index (GGG), 62
Yearbook of International Organizations 2007–2008
, 27
Yearbook of International Organizations 2015–2016
, 24
- Prelims
- Paradigm Shift or Paradigm Stasis? An Analysis of Research on U.S. Women in Educational Leadership from 1980 to 2004
- Leadership Structures of Major International Organizations: An Exploration of Gender and Regional Disparities
- Negotiating Race and Gender in Marginalized Work Settings
- Emiratiyat Embracing a Shifting World: Ways of Knowing Leadership in the United Arab Emirates
- Women, Leadership, and Education as Change
- African American Women Leaders in Higher Education
- Gender, Ethnicity, and Social Justice Leadership: Female Jewish and Arab School Principals in Israel
- Te Ara Hou – The Māori Achievement Collaboratives (MACS): Revolutionizing Indigenous Student Learning through Women’s Educational Leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Let Me Act the Part of a Man: Duality of Genders toward Critical Leadership
- Done Well or Not Done at All: Increasing Minority Women’s Representation in Leadership
- Navigating the Path of Critical Leadership: Tensions and Possibilities of the Leadership Journey
- Filipino Women as Educational Leaders: Widening Windows of Opportunities in ASEAN 2015
- Ethical Decision Making among Women Education Leaders: A Case of Nepal
- Authenticity and the Female African American School Leader
- Just Give the Money to the Women: Overly Simplified Advice that Works in International Education, Health, and Development Initiatives
- Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions on Female and Male Leadership Candidates’ Leadership Styles
- Epilogue: Linking Our Stories to a Common Enemy?
- About the Authors
- Index