Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe
ISBN: 978-1-78973-608-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-607-6
ISSN: 1479-3644
Publication date: 30 May 2019
(2019), "Index", Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe (Diversity in Higher Education, Vol. 23), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 141-144.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Abawi, Zuhra, 91–92
Aboriginal people, 111
Academia, 91–93, 97, 103
Academic environment, 28
Academy, 47–62
critical race theory, 51
decolonizing, 53
education, 52–55
finding my footing, 52–55
navigational moves, 51–52
self–care, 57
spirituality, 55–56
supportive network, 58
theoretical framing, 51
walking steady, 52–55
Acquaintances, 39, 41
Advocacy, 17
AEA. See American Evaluation Association
African Americans (AAs), 123, 129
African diasporic populations, 101
African universities, 100
Alexandria, 100
American Evaluation Association (AEA), 73
Animosity, 17
Anti-Black Racism Strategy
, 48
Anti-colonial, 53
Anticolonial thought, 90–91
Antipathetic, 17
Baby Boomers, 14
Bartow County, 8
Bias, 127, 131
Black faculty, 58
Black legal scholarship, 110
Black women, 92, 99
Boyers, Ernest, 117
The Business Case for Racial Equity
, 14
Campus conversations, 7-23
Canadian education discourse, 118
Canadian education system, 110
Canadian population, 48
Canadian universities, 92–93, 99
Carty, Linda, 99
Centre for Evaluation, Quality, and Inspection (EQI), 65
The Circuit Rider’s Wife
, 12
Classroom incivility (CI), 128
Clinton, Bill, 8-9
Cognitive, 68
Colonial encounter, 50
Colonial university, 100
Colonialism, 88, 101
Colorism, 131
Commuting, 39
CORED. See Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED)
Counter-storytelling, 116
Counts, George, 117
“Crabs-in-the-barrel” behaviors, 126, 132
CREA. See Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Illinois
Critical Race Theory (CRT), 47-62, 110–111, 117–118
challenge student’s thinking, 116
challenges of, 117
counter-storytelling, 118
dealing social issues, 116
examining educational issues, 118
inclusion and tolerance, 111
naming one’s own reality, 111, 115
origin of, 110
tenets of, 110
theoretical framework, 118
Critical social theory, 117
CRT. See critical race theory
Culturally Responsive Assessment, 68-69
Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Illinois (CREA), 65
Dare the School Build a New Social Order
, 117
DCU. See Dublin City University
Decolonizing education, 52-55
Decolonizing the academe, 101
Diversity, 48
Donnor, Jamel, 111
Dublin City University (DCU), 65
Du Bois, W. E. B., 90
Eddo-Lodge, Reni, 9
Elementary Mathematics Foundations and Methodology Courses, 111
Empathy, 17
Employment Equity Act
, 109
Empowerment, 47-62
Epistemologies, 88–89, 91, 101–103
EQI. See Centre for Evaluation, Quality, and Inspection
Equity, 47
Erasmus program, 79
Ethnic oneness, 50
Eurocentric epistemologies, 101
European renaissance, 100
Euro-western dominant knowledge, 101
Eyes on the Prize
, 14
Faculty, segregation, 102
Faculty of Color (FOC), 126
Fanon, Frank, 90
Fixation on racism, 17
Freed slaves, 50
Freire, Paulo, 117
Galabuzi, Grace Edward, 109
Garvey, Marcus, 50
Garveyism movement, 50
Generation X, 14
Ghanaian PhD graduates, 25-45
Guinier, Lani, 8-9
Harris, Cora, 8
Henderson, George, 9
Higher education, 26, 102–103
Hill, Jody Leon, 8
Hoover, J. Edgar, 15
Horizontal violence, 132
Immigrant, 51-52
, 13
Indifference, 16–17
Indigeneity, 90, 101
Indigenous faculty, 94, 102
Indigenous knowledge, 91, 100–101
Interest of fairness, 10
International students, 26, 34, 40, 41
K-12, 48
Kennesaw State University (KSU), 8
Kenya, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 15
KSU. See Kennesaw State University
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Campus conversations, 7-23
Canadian education discourse, 118
Canadian education system, 110
Canadian population, 48
Canadian universities, 92–93, 99
Carty, Linda, 99
Centre for Evaluation, Quality, and Inspection (EQI), 65
The Circuit Rider’s Wife
, 12
Classroom incivility (CI), 128
Clinton, Bill, 8-9
Cognitive, 68
Colonial encounter, 50
Colonial university, 100
Colonialism, 88, 101
Colorism, 131
Commuting, 39
CORED. See Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED)
Counter-storytelling, 116
Counts, George, 117
“Crabs-in-the-barrel” behaviors, 126, 132
CREA. See Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Illinois
Critical Race Theory (CRT), 47-62, 110–111, 117–118
challenge student’s thinking, 116
challenges of, 117
counter-storytelling, 118
dealing social issues, 116
examining educational issues, 118
inclusion and tolerance, 111
naming one’s own reality, 111, 115
origin of, 110
tenets of, 110
theoretical framework, 118
Critical social theory, 117
CRT. See critical race theory
Culturally Responsive Assessment, 68-69
Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Illinois (CREA), 65
Dare the School Build a New Social Order
, 117
DCU. See Dublin City University
Decolonizing education, 52-55
Decolonizing the academe, 101
Diversity, 48
Donnor, Jamel, 111
Dublin City University (DCU), 65
Du Bois, W. E. B., 90
Eddo-Lodge, Reni, 9
Elementary Mathematics Foundations and Methodology Courses, 111
Empathy, 17
Employment Equity Act
, 109
Empowerment, 47-62
Epistemologies, 88–89, 91, 101–103
EQI. See Centre for Evaluation, Quality, and Inspection
Equity, 47
Erasmus program, 79
Ethnic oneness, 50
Eurocentric epistemologies, 101
European renaissance, 100
Euro-western dominant knowledge, 101
Eyes on the Prize
, 14
Faculty, segregation, 102
Faculty of Color (FOC), 126
Fanon, Frank, 90
Fixation on racism, 17
Freed slaves, 50
Freire, Paulo, 117
Galabuzi, Grace Edward, 109
Garvey, Marcus, 50
Garveyism movement, 50
Generation X, 14
Ghanaian PhD graduates, 25-45
Guinier, Lani, 8-9
Harris, Cora, 8
Henderson, George, 9
Higher education, 26, 102–103
Hill, Jody Leon, 8
Hoover, J. Edgar, 15
Horizontal violence, 132
Immigrant, 51-52
, 13
Indifference, 16–17
Indigeneity, 90, 101
Indigenous faculty, 94, 102
Indigenous knowledge, 91, 100–101
Interest of fairness, 10
International students, 26, 34, 40, 41
K-12, 48
Kennesaw State University (KSU), 8
Kenya, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 15
KSU. See Kennesaw State University
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Eddo-Lodge, Reni, 9
Elementary Mathematics Foundations and Methodology Courses, 111
Empathy, 17
Employment Equity Act
, 109
Empowerment, 47-62
Epistemologies, 88–89, 91, 101–103
EQI. See Centre for Evaluation, Quality, and Inspection
Equity, 47
Erasmus program, 79
Ethnic oneness, 50
Eurocentric epistemologies, 101
European renaissance, 100
Euro-western dominant knowledge, 101
Eyes on the Prize
, 14
Faculty, segregation, 102
Faculty of Color (FOC), 126
Fanon, Frank, 90
Fixation on racism, 17
Freed slaves, 50
Freire, Paulo, 117
Galabuzi, Grace Edward, 109
Garvey, Marcus, 50
Garveyism movement, 50
Generation X, 14
Ghanaian PhD graduates, 25-45
Guinier, Lani, 8-9
Harris, Cora, 8
Henderson, George, 9
Higher education, 26, 102–103
Hill, Jody Leon, 8
Hoover, J. Edgar, 15
Horizontal violence, 132
Immigrant, 51-52
, 13
Indifference, 16–17
Indigeneity, 90, 101
Indigenous faculty, 94, 102
Indigenous knowledge, 91, 100–101
Interest of fairness, 10
International students, 26, 34, 40, 41
K-12, 48
Kennesaw State University (KSU), 8
Kenya, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 15
KSU. See Kennesaw State University
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Galabuzi, Grace Edward, 109
Garvey, Marcus, 50
Garveyism movement, 50
Generation X, 14
Ghanaian PhD graduates, 25-45
Guinier, Lani, 8-9
Harris, Cora, 8
Henderson, George, 9
Higher education, 26, 102–103
Hill, Jody Leon, 8
Hoover, J. Edgar, 15
Horizontal violence, 132
Immigrant, 51-52
, 13
Indifference, 16–17
Indigeneity, 90, 101
Indigenous faculty, 94, 102
Indigenous knowledge, 91, 100–101
Interest of fairness, 10
International students, 26, 34, 40, 41
K-12, 48
Kennesaw State University (KSU), 8
Kenya, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 15
KSU. See Kennesaw State University
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Immigrant, 51-52
, 13
Indifference, 16–17
Indigeneity, 90, 101
Indigenous faculty, 94, 102
Indigenous knowledge, 91, 100–101
Interest of fairness, 10
International students, 26, 34, 40, 41
K-12, 48
Kennesaw State University (KSU), 8
Kenya, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 15
KSU. See Kennesaw State University
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 111
Liberal Racism
, 10
Malidoma, Patrice, 90
Mandela, Nelson, 99
Mandela, Winnie, 99
Medieval universities, 100
Mentoring, 138
Microaggressions, 53, 121, 125–128, 131–132, 134
Millennial generations, 14
Ministry of Education (MOE), 95
MMs. See Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs)
MOE. See Ministry of Education (MOE)
Monochromatic Microaggressions (MMs), 126–127
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Navigation, 25-45
Ndwiga, Zachary Njagi, 95–98
No Campus for White Men
, 10
Non-Irish nationals, 65
Non-tenured faculty, 102
Obsession on race, 17
Oluo, Ijeoma, 9-10
Oppression, 88–89, 92–93, 126–129, 131–132
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Participants profile, 29
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 117
People of Color (POC), 128
Performance-based assessment, 75
PhD programs, 25–45
challenges encountered, effects of, 39
challenges, 32
commutation, 39
cultural differences, 35–36
cutting off social ties, 32–33
delay in making progress, 42–43
financial constraints, 33–34
health risks, 41–42
language differences, 35–36
life risks, 41–42
loss of social capital, 39–41
managing time, 34–35
materials availability, 36–37
methodology, 27–28
motivation factors, 28–32
proposal defence, 38–39
thesis defence, 38–39
Political correctness, 10
Postsecondary Education (PSE) landscape, 88
Precarious labor, 92, 102
Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue (CORED), 11
Progressing culturally, 63-85
Progressive Racism
, 10
Quota queen, 8
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Race, 7–23, 51-52
advocacy, 18–19
attitudes, 12–15
confronting indifference in racial dialog, 15–18
empathy, 18–19
ethnic dialog, 12–15
racial dialog, 12–15
Race in the University
, 9
Racial minorities, 109
Racialization, 88, 92, 109–110
Racialized faculty, 94, 102, 108, 116, 118
Racialized groups, 109
See also Racial minorities; Visible minorities.
Racialized inequities, 109
Rastafarian movement, 50
Research 1 (R1) University, 123
Responsive assessment, 63–85
assessment modes, 75–76
background, 64–66
criteria for, 75
culture, 70
culture, definition of, 67–69
dimensions of, 71–72
exercise in designing, 76–77
fairness in assessment, 69–70
identified cultural dimensions, 72–73
language matters, 70–71
pilot study, 77–80
rationale, 64–66
researchers of students, 73
researching the self, 73–75
validity, 70
Resistance, 47-62
Royal Technical College, 100
SADC. See Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Saturday Evening Post
, 12
Silent generation, 14
“silver linings follow every cloud”, 122
Smith, Linda, 90
Solomon, R. Patrick, 115
Solórzano, Damiel, 111
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 26
A Southern Woman’s Viewpoint
, 13
Story telling, 49
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
Teaching, 111–117
difficult issues, 113–114
in higher education, 111–116
lessons learned, 115–116
as relational, 117
role as faculty advisor, 114–115
Teaching–learning process, 117
Tenured faculty, 102
Trudeau, Justin, 48
Turtle Island, 102
Universities in Canada, 102
University education, 100
University of Sanctuary, 65
Unspoken rage, 10
Urban Diversity Initiative program, 115
Urban Education, Social and Cultural Foundations and Issues in Education, 111
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
The Valley, 8
Visible minorities, 109
Voting Rights Act, 9
Wa Thiong’o, Nugui, 90
Walk steady, keep going, 50
Wane, Njoki, 98–100
Wells, Ida B., 99
White Anglo veterans, 102
White Fragility
, 10
White Rage
, 10
Whiteness, 94, 101
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race
, 10
Women of Color (WOC), 132
World Conference on Education for All (1990), 95
York University, 115
York University, 115
- Prelims
- Introduction The Great Gulf Between Our Progress Yesterday and Our Survival Tomorrow: Swimming in The Academe Ocean
- Talk Is Cheap: The Prospects and Problems with Campus Conversations on Race
- Navigating Through PhD Programs: Experiences of Ghanaian PhD Graduates from Universities Across the Globe
- Walk Steady, Keep Going: Navigational Moves of Empowerment, Resistance, and Sustenance in the Academy
- Progressing Culturally Responsive Assessment for Higher Education Institutions
- Navigating the Politics of the Academe
- Negotiating University Teaching in Canada using Critical Race Theory: Having to Continually Prove Oneself in Academia
- “She Don’t [does not] Belong Here:” Silver Linings amid the Ivory Tower
- Index