Service-Learning, Volunteering and Inclusion from a Pre-Service Teacher’s Perspective
ISBN: 978-1-78714-185-8, eISBN: 978-1-78714-184-1
Publication date: 15 November 2017
This chapter explores a pre-service primary teacher’s personal experiences of service-learning, volunteerism and inclusion. The chapter initially considers literature on service-learning. A key point stemming from the literature is that service-learning can be a highly valuable activity for primary age children. Literature on volunteering is then reviewed. This literature highlights the positive impact of volunteering within society. The chapter then moves to the author’s personal experiences of volunteering and service-learning prior to entering university. At this point the author underlines her personal appreciation of the reflection component of service-learning. The chapter then features the author’s service-learning experiences while undertaking her four-year Bachelor of Education. These experiences include working with a child in the Western Australian Department of Child Protection and Family Support, a mission trip to the Philippines, and helping a Year 10 Aboriginal student. The author subsequently reflects on her service-learning and volunteering experiences. While commenting on the value of both, she notes the stronger impact that the service-learning experiences have had on her personally and professionally. The chapter then considers the author’s understanding of ways in which service-learning had positively impacted on her appreciation of inclusivity. Finally, the chapter outlines a range of future directions for the author as a consequence of her service-learning and volunteering experience. These include consolidating her teaching skills in the classroom, teaching in rural and remote communities of Western Australia, teaching in hard-to-staff schools, volunteering as a teacher overseas and designing effective service-learning programmes for primary-age students.
Nickels, H. (2017), "Service-Learning, Volunteering and Inclusion from a Pre-Service Teacher’s Perspective", Service-Learning (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 12), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 39-51.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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