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Professors as Academic Leaders: A ‘New Wave’ Critical Leadership-Informed Analysis of Doing Professorship in the United Kingdom

Linda Evans

International Perspectives on Leadership in Higher Education

ISBN: 978-1-80262-306-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-305-5

Publication date: 21 November 2022


Drawing upon the findings from three related research projects focused on academic leadership provided by university professors, in this chapter a leadership-sceptic lens is applied to the examination of the concepts of, first, leadership, and second, academic leadership. Discussion then focuses on the ways in which their perceptions of their leadership roles were found to influence how professors carried out their work, and with what effect(s). The key challenge is to persuade senior managers to remove their blinkers so that they may then see leadership not primarily as embodied in a person, but as influential agency that may – and does – occur in a myriad of ways, many of which go unnoticed and unrecognised, and are difficult to monitor and assess through formal performativity mechanisms.




I was fortunate to work with excellent co-investigators who made invaluable contributions to studies 1 and 2 – Matt Homer (University of Leeds), who worked as the statistician on both projects; Justine Mercer (University of Warwick), who was the co-investigator on study 2, and the co-investigator on study 1, Steve Rayner (formerly of Oxford Brookes, and then Newman, Universities).


Evans, L. (2022), "Professors as Academic Leaders: A ‘New Wave’ Critical Leadership-Informed Analysis of Doing Professorship in the United Kingdom", Blair, A., Evans, D., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (Ed.) International Perspectives on Leadership in Higher Education (International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 203-220.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Linda Evans. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited