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Employee Learning Agility as an Antecedent of Knowledge Sharing in the Supply Chain: An Examination Through the Lens of Conservation of Resource Theory

Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain

ISBN: 978-1-83608-033-6, eISBN: 978-1-83608-032-9

Publication date: 25 July 2024


Based on the conservation of resource (COR) theory, this study explores employees’ learning agility (ELA) as an antecedent of knowledge sharing behaviour, specifically in the supply chain environment. However, such discretionary behaviour can be negatively affected by the prevalence of psychological contract breaches. According to COR theory, employees' resources (knowledge, ability and skills) act as motivational factors that employees strive to protect, retain and at the same time invest in favour of obtaining more resources. On the other hand, when resource loss weighs more than resource gain, an individual agitated with resource depletion will minimise resource loss by decreasing their effort for future displays of resources. A random sample of 418 participants from the public sector in the Fiji Islands yielded a sample of 418 participants. The proposed model was analysed through structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine its fit. The analysis supports the proposed theoretical framework, providing a new dimension for ELA as an unexplored phenomenon for knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) in the supply chain. The study specifically draws the attention of policymakers on industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG09), where immediate actions are needed to create resilient supply chain management through ELA. Research shows that agile employees can easily adapt to unexpected changes, actively participate in discussions and quickly contribute to innovative and creative solutions. KSB can be further developed through a culture of learning and sharing, rewards for KSB, psychological support and upholding its promised obligations through regular communication, establishing a more resilient supply chain management.



Kumar, S.S., Tubuna, K., Lal, A.A., Prasad, R.R. and Lingam, S. (2024), "Employee Learning Agility as an Antecedent of Knowledge Sharing in the Supply Chain: An Examination Through the Lens of Conservation of Resource Theory", Elias, A.A., Pepper, M., Gurumurthy, A. and Shukla, A.K. (Ed.) Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain (Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, Vol. 12), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 93-114.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Shalendra Satish Kumar, Karalaini Tubuna, Avisekh Asish Lal, Rajneel Ravinesh Prasad and Shiu Lingam. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited