CA UFE Competency Map (CA-CM)
, 92
CAC 40 companies, importance of water topic for
, 44–49
Canadian accountants
, 103
Canadian Accounting Education Landscape
, 83–84
Canadian CPA Competency Map
, 69
Canadian CPA Education Program
, 73, 74
analysis and results
, 86
CA, CGA, and CMA Maps
, 91–97
Canadian Accounting Education Landscape
, 83–84
care about sustainability education
, 75
AAA-IMA Framework for Accounting Education
, 77–80
, 81–82
, 80–81
investing in innovative teaching practices
, 77
Pathways Commission
, 76
relevant competencies in curricula
, 76–77
, 97–99
challenges in teaching sustainability
, 82–83
content analysis
, 99–100
CPA Canada
, 103
future direction
, 105–106
interviews and supporting documentation
, 100–103
methodological approach
, 84–85
research framework and literature review
, 74
, 74–75
content analysis comparing to International Recommendations and CGMA
, 86–88
Canadian CPA training programs
, 69
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
, 73
Canadian professional accountants
, 73
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
, 146
, 43
climate change
, 58
water disclosure responses
, 36
CEO Water Mandate (2014)
, 42, 58
Certified General Accountants (CGA)
, 83, 91, 107n, 8, 108n10
keyword counts
, 97
qualitative analysis
, 93
qualitative comparison of legacy competency maps
, 94–96
quantitative analysis
, 92
sustainability keyword breakdown for legacy competency maps
, 92
traditional accounting
, 93, 97
See also Chartered Accountants (CA)
Certified General Accountants of Canada (CGA-Canada)
, 73
Certified Management Accountants (CMA)
, 83, 108n, 13, 108n, 14, 108–109n15
CGA Competency Map (CGA-CM)
, 92
Chartered Accountants (CA)
, 83, 91, 107–108n, 9, 108n, 11, 109n11
keyword counts
, 97
qualitative analysis
, 93
qualitative comparison of legacy competency maps
, 94–96
quantitative analysis
, 92
sustainability keyword breakdown for legacy competency maps
, 92
traditional accounting
, 93, 97
See also Certified General Accountants (CGA)
Chartered Global Management Accountants (CGMA)
, 76, 81–82, 97
, 97–99
CGMA Syllabus
, 98
environmental competency focus for
, 99
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
, 81, 82
Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)
, 69, 73, 84, 103
CMA Competency Map (CMA-CM)
, 92
CMA Maps
, 91
keyword counts
, 97
qualitative analysis
, 93
qualitative comparison of legacy CMs
, 94–96
quantitative analysis
, 92
sustainability keyword breakdown for legacy CMs
, 92
traditional accounting
, 93, 97
CNC recommendation 2003-R02
, 117
Coercive isomorphism
, 139–140
“Communication relations”
, 148
“Community Relations White Papers”
, 148
Company water profile
, 42
Competency Map (CM)
, 77, 107n3
qualitative comparison of legacy
, 94–96
sustainability keyword breakdown for legacy
, 92
, 106n1
, 106
, 77–80
“Comply or explain” principle
, 70, 115, 118, 120–121, 124
, 85
semi-structured interviews
, 85
of social audit reports
, 20–22
Conseil National de la Comptabilite
, 130n4
Content analysis approach
, 84
Continuing professional learning and development (CPLD)
, 108
Convergence–divergence dichotomy
, 137
Cooperative engagement
, 159
Coordinated market economies (CMEs)
, 137, 141, 142
Corporate carbon accounting field
, 33–34
Corporate citizenship
, 148
Corporate disclosure decisions
, 15
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 6, 11, 69, 84, 98, 136–137, 140
Carroll’s definition
, 138
“Corporate Social Responsibility Reports”
, 147
Corporate water accounting
, 39
analytical framework
, 43–44
Australian General-Purpose Water Accounting (2012)
, 40
environmental accountings
, 35
literature review on
, 34–36
research design
, 36
data analysis
, 37
data collection
, 36–37
Water ISO Standard 14046 (2014)
, 40–41
, 39–40
Corporate Water Disclosure Guidelines (2014)
, 42
Corrective action plans (CAPs)
, 9
CPA Canada Competency Map
, 86
comparison of sustainability content keywords
, 89
qualitative analysis
, 89–91
quantitative analysis
, 86, 89
CPA Competency Map (CPA-CM)
, 85, 86, 100
committee members
, 85
Creating shared value (CSV)
, 151
Cross-fertilization between new institutionalism and VOC approach
, 141–143
Cross-fertilizing mechanism
CSR reporting as mirror of political economy
, 152–162
stand-alone CSR reporting as standardized management practice
, 150–152
CSR reporting
, 136
in Brazil and South Korea
, 137–138
cross-fertilizing mechanism in Brazil and South Korea
, 150–162
as globally diffused CSR practice
, 138–139
method and research context
comparative case study
, 143–145
data and data analysis
, 147–150
telecommunication companies in Brazil and South Korea
, 145–147
understanding global diffusion and adaptation
, 139–143
CSR/sustainability reports
, 148
IBASE social reporting model
, 157
IndustriALL Global Union
, 10
Innovative teaching practices, investing in
, 77
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
, 76
Institutional environments
, 144
“Integrated Sustainability Report”
, 147, 152
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 33
International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB)
, 73, 80–81
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)
, 75
International Education Standards (IES)
, 73
, 2, 80
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
, 73
International Governmental Working Group of Experts on ISAR
, 166n1
International Labour Organization (ILO)
, 7
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 145
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
, 34, 57, 58
International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR)
, 166n1
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
, 33
International Water accounting field
, 37, 59
assessing business risks and opportunities
, 38
Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
, 38
GEMI water sustainability tool
, 38
Global Water Tool
, 38
Water Risk Filter
, 38–39
investor-led initiatives on water stewardship
, 42–43
secondary data collected for assessing
, 41
water reporting
, 41
Corporate Water Disclosure Guidelines (2014)
, 42
European Water Stewardship Standards (2012)
, 42
Water KPIs GRI 4 (2013) and Water Protocol(2003)
, 41–42
See also Corporate water accounting
, 100–103
, 28
question guide
, 29
Investor-led initiatives on water stewardship
, 42–43
Isomorphic change mechanisms
, 139
Social accounting
primary objectives
, 16
, 14
Social and environmental accounting (SEA)
, 69
Social audit
, 6, 7, 9, 11–14
accountability theory
, 14
confidentiality of social audit reports
, 20–22
, 11
expectation gap
, 11–14, 22
, 17–22
perceptions of stakeholders about
, 18–20
, 17
research method
, 16–17
SA 8000
, 12
theoretical underpinning of study
, 14–16
Social compliance department
, 22
“Social contributions”
, 148
Social responsibility
, 148
Societal institutionalism
, 141
Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA Canada)
, 73
‘Soft law’ instruments
, 115
South Korea
changes in
, 161
comparative case study
, 143–145
comparison with Brazil
, 164
CSR reporting in
, 137–138
cross-fertilizing mechanism
, 150–162
differences between both South Korean firms
, 160–162
stakeholder relationships in network market economy
, 157–160
stand-alone CSR reports
, 148–149
telecommunication companies in
, 145–147
South Korean telecommunication sector
, 146–147
ST Microelectronics (the Netherlands)
, 130n10
Stakeholder relationships in hierarchical market economy
, 152–155
South Korea
, 157–160
, 20–21
, 56
social audits about stakeholder perceptions
, 18–20
theory approach
, 101
Stand-alone CSR reports
, 148–149
as standardized management practice
, 150–152
Standardized management practice
, 150–152
, 149–150, 153, 155, 158, 161
, 72, 74–75, 107n7
care about sustainability education
, 75
AAA-IMA Framework for Accounting Education
, 77–80
, 81–82
, 80–81
investing in innovative teaching practices
, 77
Pathways Commission
, 76
relevant competencies in curricula
, 76–77
challenges in teaching
, 82–83
Sustainability Accounting course
, 105
Sustainability reports, assurance of
, 75
“Sustainability Reports”
, 147