Beyond the Common Core and the Politics of Education Reform: The Role of School Counselors and Teachers in Facilitating the College and Career Readiness of Urban Students
The Obama Administration and Educational Reform
ISBN: 978-1-78350-709-2
Publication date: 1 December 2014
President Obama’s policies, while broad in scope, offer some specific attention to college and career readiness (CCR) and are necessary for urban youth to realize their career potentials. However, by primarily defining CCR in terms of academic achievement, many of the previously mentioned policies ignore the varied college access skills needed to ensure successful preparation for, enrollment in, and graduation from postsecondary institutions.
This chapter explores the current definition of CCR represented in the Obama administration’s policies, while also expanding the definition to include missing policy pieces related to college access.
The underutilization of school counselors and classroom teachers as college access facilitators who can expand CCR for urban schools is addressed. The paper discusses recent Obama administration initiatives and recommendations for urban schools and higher education institutions.
The administration initiatives and recommendations recently put in place by the Obama administration for urban schools and higher education institutions, if integrated within urban schools, may facilitate the realization of one of President Obama’s educational reform goals of ensuring that every student graduates from high school well prepared for college and a career.
Jones, K.R., van Belle, L.A., Johnson, G.V. and Simmons, R.W. (2014), "Beyond the Common Core and the Politics of Education Reform: The Role of School Counselors and Teachers in Facilitating the College and Career Readiness of Urban Students", The Obama Administration and Educational Reform (Advances in Education in Diverse Communities, Vol. 10), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 45-70.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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