Many terms have been used in the text to describe different and similar styles of leadership, and it would not be appropriate to provide cross-references between them all. In each context the particular term used has been indexed. To access related information the reader should consult entries for the following leadership styles:
CEO, charismatic, contingent reward, FRLT, group, heroic, hierarchic, ideological, inspirational, instrumental, laissez-faire, mixed style, professional, role motivation, socialized, socialized charismatic, strategic, task, transactional, transactional contingent reward, transformational, visionary.
achievement motivation
, 24
, 403, 464
enhancing adaptability
, 400, 404–405, 408, 409, 410, 413, 420, 465
affliation motivation
, 25
, 252, 310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 331, 462
attachment behaviors
, 250–251, 252
attachment theory
, 250–253, 265
Adult Attachment Interview
, 255
analysis of relational processes
, 252–253
attachment styles
, 251
avoidant attachment
, 252
infant attachment
, 251
internal working models
, 251
attributed charisma
, 9, 42, 46, 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 62, 64
, 132, 250, 305, 402
Bass, Bernard
, 45, 111–123, 439–447
, 3–5
five leadership categories
, 9–10
new leadership models
, 4, 19, 405
transactional/transformational theory
, 9, 402
see also FRLT
behavioral sciences
, 442, 443
borderline attributes
, 461
Burns, J. M.
leadership theory
, 7, 95, 174, 241, 402, 451
care for others
, 242, 244–246, 254
CEO (chief executive officer) leadership
, 14, 229–232, 459–460
charisma and performance
, 201–202, 208
empirical evidence
, 210–211
environmental uncertainty
, 208–209, 215–216, 220–223
executive succession
, 203–204
executive tenure
, 203
executive’s functional background
, 203
executive’s role
, 380
implementation of strategic decisions
, 207–208
interaction with charismatic leadership
, 207
key behaviors
, 207
personal and leadership characteristics
, 204
, 213–222
role modelling
, 208
stimulating cohesion
, 208
strategic change
, 211–213
upper echelons theory
, 206–207
, 205, 207, 208
chaos and leadership
, 119–120
, 5, 6, 8, 14
, 9
corrected correlations ethical charisma
, 49
majestic charisma
, 212, 377
and narcissism
, 231, 281–283
, 112, 128, 151, 161, 182, 240, 253, 267, 320, 450, 458
, 26, 123, 128, 151, 153, 196, 241, 302, 319, 320, 450, 457
and stigma
, 269–287, 293
unethical charisma
, 435, 465
charismatic leadership
, 125–151, 176–186
American democratic performance
, 123
attribution of charisma
, 172
behavior analysis
, 146
behavioral evaluation
, 139
behavioral observation
, 136
, 126, 128, 133, 137, 138, 140, 143
biographies selected for study
, 135–136
borderline behavior
, 161
career point behavior changes
, 139–140, 144–145
CEO charisma
, 14, 208, 222, 230, 459
cognitive processing research
, 293
compared with ideological
, 128, 133, 137, 138, 140, 143
Conger and Kanungo’s theory
, 128, 143–151
, 17, 90
distinguished from other styles
, 8, 127, 153, 172–176
distrusted by Founding Fathers
, 122
emotion framework
, 312–315
and emotions
, 143
empowering behaviors
, 168, 171–172, 174, 175
environmental context
, 14
focussing on Bass’s five categories
, 166–167
follower-centered models
, 143, 309–310, 315
heroic charisma
, 111–112
, 88–89
influence processes
, 78, 79, 301, 321, 400, 462, 465
interactive building-up
, 293–294
interdependency-oriented models
, 95
leader-centered models 170–171
leader relationships
, 170–171
majestic charisma
, 212, 377
military organizations
, 14, 352, 391
missionary charisma
, 7–8, 168–172
moral perspectives
, 450
paternalistic charisma
, 247–248
performance of leaders in crises
, 181–182
personal behaviors
, 168–170
personalized charismatics
, 111–112, 128, 151, 161, 181–182, 197, 240, 253, 267, 320–321, 450
prescriptive mental models
, 125–126, 133, 155, 456
Pygmalion effect
, 10, 78, 338, 340, 342, 347, 350–351, 353, 354, 463
research deficits
, 295
research results
, 365
role motivation theory implications
, 365–382
sample for prescriptive mental models
, 125–126, 133, 155, 456
socialized charismatics
, 26, 122, 128, 151, 196, 319–320
strategic change
, 211–213, 220, 459
upper echelons theory
, 201–223
vision in follower motivation
, 127–128
vision tested by mental models
, 128–132
Weber’s three dimensions
, 168–172
chief executive officer see CEO
childhood influences
attachment theory
, 250–253, 265–268
psychological infrastructure
, 240–249
socialized charismatic leaders
, 122–123, 196, 319, 450
, 207, 318, 369, 415–416
work group cohesion scale
, 416
collectivist societies
, 16
emergence of leadership
, 23–24
communication and cooperation
, 416
work group characteristics
, 416–417
, 136, 184, 440
, 119, 155
and leadership
, 440
in decision process
, 372, 440
early predictions on impact
, 443
, 440
Conger, J. A.
, 8
Conger and Kanungo’s theory
, 20, 94, 168, 170–171, 184
contingent reward leadership
, 10, 17
transactional leadership factor
, 42, 72
contingent reward scale
, 52, 63, 64
correlation with outcome
, 56, 63–64
, 178
and charismatic followership
, 176–179, 458
Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations
, 120
Declaration of Independence (United States)
, 116, 122–123
Downton, J. V.
, 5
leadership theory
, 5–7
dyadic models of leadership
, 91–92
education see management education
and leadership research
, 304–312
positive and negative
, 302–303, 318
emotion framework
, 312–315
, 315–322
emotion-coping skills
, 307
emotional intelligence
, 304–312
ability-oriented model
, 305–306
and leadership effectiveness
, 306–307
, 299–322
identification and use
, 302–303
empowering behaviors
, 171–172
charismatic leadership
, 168–172
enhancing adaptability
, 400, 404–405, 410, 413, 414
and transformational leadership
, 404–405
entrepreneurial jungle fighter
, 173
environmental conditions
, 12, 14, 17, 22
and charismatic effect
, 170, 176
executives see CEO leadership
exploration behavior system
, 49, 251
Federalist Papers
, 111, 112, 113
five “i”s
, 9–10
idealized influence (behaviors)
, 9
individualized consideration, inspirational
, 9–10
motivation, intellectual stimulation
, 10
see also idealized influence (attributed)
, 9
altruistic motivation
, 94
, 178, 301, 458
charismatic followership
, 176–185
collective self
, 83–85, 90, 92, 95
, 94
emotional bonding with leaders
, 238
, 93, 95, 97, 104
follower outcomes
, 104
followers’ contribution to relationship
, 265
growth and empowerment
, 93–94
, 89
individuals/ groups
, 24, 40, 42, 49
levels of self-identity
, 81–82
personal identification
, 80, 93–95, 104–106
relational interactions
, 94
relational self
, 82–89, 455
response to Pygmalion effect
, 78, 337, 338, 341
social identification
, 80–81, 92–96
, 153, 170, 177
work facilitation
, 22, 36
Founding Fathers
commitment to democratic liberty
, 122
concern for order
, 119
distrust of charismatic leadership
, 122, 172
fear of popular government
, 118
FRLT see Full-Range Leadership Theory (FRLT)
Full-Range Leadership Theory (FRLT)
, 3–27
conception of FRLT
, 5–7
dispositional variables
, 23–27
, 8
factor comparison
, 21
factor structure (five “i”s)
, 9–10
, 19
integration of related theories
, 7–8
leadership and culture
, 16
leadership motive pattern
, 23–24
leadership outcomes
, 10–11
MLQ see Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
multisample analysis
, 12
transformational behaviors
, 11
, 11–13
variation in leadership style
, 15
genetic influences
personality traits
, 247
goal attainment
, 9, 129
key goals
, 130
key impinging causes
, 130
goal facilitation
, 17, 22
grounded theory methodology
, 401
group leadership
role motivation theory
, 374
theory development
, 389
heroic leadership
, 112, 122, 371, 372
distrusted by Founding Fathers
, 111–112
hierarchic leadership
, 371–372
role motivation theory
, 371–372
theory development
, 371–372
House, R.J.
House and Shamir’s theory
, 20, 22
leadership theory
, 3–27, 35–36
, 414–415
measure applied to SPL
, 416
idealized influence
, 79, 91, 104, 111, 123, 127, 238, 246, 253, 319, 413, 444
leader performance
, 127
idealized influence (attributed)
, 9
idealized influence (behaviors)
, 9
catalyst to charismatic effect
, 14
ideological leadership
, 125
behavior analysis
, 126, 128, 133, 134, 136–139
behavioral evaluation
, 139
behavioral observation
, 143
, 126, 128, 133–136, 152–154
biographies selected for study
, 134–136
career point behavior changes
, 139, 143
compared with charismatic
, 125–155
personalized ideologues
, 151, 153
prescriptive mental models
, 126, 133, 134, 155
research analyses
, 139–140
research results
, 140–151
sample for prescriptive mental models
, 134
socialized ideologues
, 151
vision in follower motivation
, 127, 128
vision tested by mental models
, 125–155
impression dimensions
, 294
impression management strategy
, 462
individualist societies
, 16
emergence of leadership
, 5, 13–14, 16, 23, 178–179, 186, 370–371, 458
individualized consideration
, 10, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 42, 57, 64, 73, 79, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 104, 111, 123, 127, 238, 295, 444, 445, 465
five “i”s
, 9–10
leader performance
, 127
individualized leader
, 92, 175, 196, 303, 461
perception of leadership
, 26, 207
, 74, 127, 204, 414
measure applied to SPL
, 416
inspirational leadership
, 111, 123, 206, 207, 307
inspirational motivation
five “i”s
, 9–10
leader performance
, 238
instrumental leadership
, 19, 22–23, 27, 36
intellectual stimulation
five “i”s
, 10
leader performance
, 79, 127, 220
internal working models
, 251–252, 255
internal world of transformational leadership
, 237–257
internal-external efficacy model
, 343–346
of ability to be a role model
, 253
of basic trust and confidence
, 253
internationalization of business
, 443
intra-psychic processes, analysis
, 252, 254
Kanungo, R. N.
Conger and Kanungo’s theory
, 8, 14, 20, 22, 80, 94, 128, 133, 143, 169, 170, 171, 178, 187, 302
Kohut, H.
concept of narcissism
, 240
laissez-faire leadership
, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 22, 73, 444
, 15
laissez-faire leadership scale
correlation with outcome
, 10
meta-analysis findings
, 49
leader expectations
follower performance
, 16, 20, 22, 329, 331–332
see also Pygmalion training
, 23, 72, 85, 126, 132, 198, 203, 218, 242, 243, 246, 250, 256, 305, 321, 340, 345, 359, 402, 417, 463
borderline attributes
, 461
cognitive processing research
, 321, 396
and emotion research
, 313
emotional intelligence
, 304–308, 321, 322, 331–332
global affect
, 308–310
House and Shamir’s theory
, 20, 22
implications of specific emotions
, 321–322
impression continuum
, 293–294
impression dimensions
, 294
influence of vision
, 153
prototypical attributes
, 461
reaction to follower needs
, 17
, 461
social processes
, 400, 401, 407, 408, 409, 412, 414, 416, 420, 426, 427, 434–435, 465
see also leadership styles as listed in Index Note
leadership archetypes
, 293–294
leadership motive pattern (LMP)
, 23, 25–27
leadership performance
, 129
linkage with satisfaction
, 41
leadership performance outcomes meta-analysis
, 11
leadership research history
personality-based approaches
, 23
leadership theory
contingent-reward leadership
, 10, 11, 17, 42, 72, 295
future trends
, 445–447
path-goal leadership
, 17, 449
role motivation
, 365–392, 395–397
use of organizational forms
, 389–390
Lincoln, Abraham
, 116, 123
LMP see leadership motive pattern
access to information
community involvement
, 338
ethical considerations
, 447
focus on behavioral science
, 442–443
focus on social science
, 442–443
future trends
, 445–447
intellectual process
, 441
management education
on-line programmes
, 440
programmed instruction packages
, 441
, 10–12, 17, 52–53, 63, 414, 452
management-by-exception active
, 10–11, 48, 52–53, 56–57
transactional leadership factor
, 444
management-by-exception active scale
correlation with outcome
, 56
meta-analysis findings
, 56
management-by-exception passive
, 10–11, 49, 52, 56, 57, 63, 413, 423
transactional leadership factor
, 444
management-by-exception passive scale
, 48
correlation with outcome
, 48
meta-analysis findings
, 48
manager expectations
follower performance
, 338
see also Pygmalion training
means efficacy
, 337–356, 359–362, 463
mental models
cognitive foundation of vision
, 126, 456
, 126
impact on team performance
, 129
see also prescriptive mental models, vision
military organizations
charismatic leadership
, 14, 391
leadership skills
, 14, 352, 391
mixed style leadership
behavior analysis
, 139–140
biographies selected for study
, 134
research results
, 140–151
sample for prescriptive mental models
, 133–134
vision in follower motivation
, 128
MLQ see Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
moral perspectives
charismatic leadership
, 6–8, 168
implicit and explicit
, 24
socialized charismatic leadership
, 122, 123, 319, 320
transformational leadership
, 6–10, 16, 17, 20, 24–26, 79, 82–83, 91, 93–96
motive patterns
role motivation theory
, 366, 369
emergence of leadership
, 23
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)
CEO assessment
, 215
CEO charisma
, 210
factor structure
, 18, 35
future research
, 64, 65
measurement of performance outcomes
, 72
measures of satisfaction and effectiveness
, 50, 54
MLQ form 5R
, 64
MLQ form 5X
, 64, 72
SPL research
, 413
transformational behaviors
, 105
, 231, 294
and charisma
, 295–296
Kohut’s concept
, 240
national culture
, 15–17, 98
variation in leadership style
, 435
negative affectivity
, 308, 330
, 245, 248–249
transformational leadership
, 352, 460
, 79, 246–248, 310, 316, 319
genetic and childhood origins
, 247
transformational leadership
, 36
organization change
, 439–440
flexible organizations
, 439–444
organizational citizenship
, 96, 412, 415
constructs measures in SPL 407
organizational context
, 64, 85, 89
organizational leadership
, 8, 405
future trends
, 405–406
progress from 1967
, 440
social processes
, 399–400
, 404
passive-avoidant transactional leadership
performance measures
, 42
path-goal theory
, 17, 19, 449
peer group influences
, 243, 256
personal behaviors
, 173, 174, 175
charismatic leadership
, 168, 169, 170–171
, 23, 74, 247, 248, 255, 293, 294, 295
and leadership
, 248–249, 308, 390
personalized leaders
, 134, 146, 152, 177, 181–182, 184–185, 301, 320
emotion framework
, 312–315
PLS (Pygmalion leadership style) see Pygmalion training
positive affectivity
, 308, 330
prescriptive mental models
, 125, 134, 155, 159
, 126, 133, 456
see also mental models, vision
private organizations
leadership outcomes
, 53–56
meta-analysis correlations
, 53
professional leadership
role motivation theory
, 372–373
theory development
, 370–375
promulgating vision
key social processes
, 405–406
psychological infrastructure
, 240–249
psychological measures
revealing CEO values
, 205
psychological substructure
transformational leadership
, 237, 239
public organizations
leadership outcomes
, 53–56
meta-analysis correlations
, 43–44, 52, 53
Publius, authors of the Federalist Papers
commitment to democratic liberty
, 122
concern for order
, 119
distrust of charismatic leadership
, 122
fear of popular government
, 117, 118
punishment situations
, 310
Pygmalion leadership
, 340, 341
Pygmalion training
, 337–356
application validity
, 343
, 340–341, 345–346
experiment comparisons
, 349
field experiments in PLS
, 340
internal-external efficacy model
, 343–346
leadership workshop
, 340
, 339–340
role of deception
, 342
relational processes
, 252
resolving uncertainty
social processes
, 403–410
responsibility disposition
, 24, 25
role motivation theory
, 365
four organizational forms
, 367–369
, 369–370
motive patterns
, 369–370
outcome measures
, 377–378
research conclusions and implications
, 390–392
research measures
, 376–377
research method
, 375–382
research results
, 382–387
Sashkin, M.
Sashkin’s theory
, 22
, 305, 306, 307, 462
Pygmalion training
, 337, 340, 343–346, 347, 349, 355, 356
transformational leaders
, 104, 105, 106, 171–172, 242–243, 254
charismatic followership
, 177–178, 181–185
self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP)
, 338
self-sacrificing leader
, 175, 176
SFP see self-fulfilling prophecy
Shamir, B.
House and Shamir’s theory
, 20, 22
social dramatization
, 461
social processes of leadership (SPL)
leadership outcomes
, 407, 417
pilot study
, 408
research conclusions
, 423–427
research results
, 418–423
sample and procedure
, 411–418
social support work group characteristics
, 416
socialized charismatic leadership
, 122
American democratic performance
, 123
childhood influences
, 239, 240
emotion framework
, 315–322
, 301
preferred by Founding Fathers
, 111, 112, 455, 456
socialized leadership
, 25, 26, 146, 151, 152, 177, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 320
SPL see social processes of leadership stigma and charisma
stigmatized characteristics
, 461
strategic change
, 211
interaction with charismatic leadership
, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223
research measures
, 214–217
research models
, 217–218
research results
, 218–222
research sample
, 214
upper echelon theory
, 201–223
strategic leadership
upper echelons theory
, 202, 207, 211, 217, 222, 459
strategic management
, 201, 202
tacit knowledge
, 22, 26, 27
Taiwan, leadership styles
, 17
task leadership
role motivation theory
, 373–374
theory development
, 373–374
transactional contingent reward leadership
, 42, 64, 72
performance measured
, 62, 91
transactional leadership
augmentation hypothesis
, 9
, 14–15
, 10
factor structure
, 12, 18
and personalized charismatic
, 112, 128, 151, 320, 450
, 6, 10, 42, 43, 72, 73, 74, 79, 112, 127, 265, 444
, 10, 42, 43, 52, 53
see also FRLT
transactional leadership scales
correlation with outcome
, 10, 52, 57, 380
meta-analysis of performance
, 43, 52, 53
transformational leadership
attachment theory conceptual framework
, 26, 250
augmentation hypothesis
, 9
, 14, 15
care for others
, 242, 244–246
, 244, 248, 254
characterization by intra-psychic processes
, 254
childhood influences on leaders
, 239, 240
compared with good parenthood
, 245
developmental conceptualization
, 249–257
distrusted by Founding Fathers
, 122
dyadic models
, 91, 92, 93, 97
emotion framework
, 312–322
emotion-coping skills
, 307
emotional bonding with followers
, 238
emotional intelligence
, 299, 304–308
and enhancing adaptability
, 403, 404–405
five “i”s see five “i”s
followers see followers future trends
influence processes
, 78, 79, 104, 315, 316
intellectual stimulation
, 10, 79
, 237, 240–242
multiple levels of analysis
, 445, 466
, 248–249
, 246–248
organizational context
, 13, 83, 85, 89, 465
outcomes at organizational level
, 93, 467
outcomes at personal level
, 93
performance measures
, 414
psychological substructure
, 239
role motivation theory implications
, 390–392
, 42, 43, 52, 53, 57, 64, 72, 91, 105, 413
, 104, 105, 106, 242–243, 254
, 128–132, 456, 457
vision tested by mental models
, 127–134
see also FRLT
transformational leadership scales
correlation with outcome
, 52, 53, 57
meta-analysis of performance
, 42
social processes of leadership
, 417
resolving uncertainty
, 403–410
United Nations
Commission on Human Rights
, 120
Declaration of Human Rights
, 120, 121
United States
Declaration of Independence
, 116, 121, 122
New Deal
, 116
United States Constitution
aristocratic hierarchy
, 120
consequences of electoral system
, 118
democratic political participation
, 123
distinction between law and equity
, 121
Electoral College
, 113, 114, 116, 117
enfranchisement of all Americans
, 122
, 116, 121
presidential election of 2000
, 112, 113
protection of minorities
, 116
provision for federal elections
, 112
selection of president and vice president
, 113, 114
two party system
, 113
United States Supreme Court
, 113–114, 121
upper echelons theory
charismatic leadership
, 202–203, 204, 206, 222
newer frameworks
, 206
strategic change
, 211–213
value maintenance, ideological leadership
, 133
absolute values
, 115
catalyst to charismatic effect
, 14, 151
CEO values
, 205
distinguish transformational leadership
, 112
espoused and actual
, 24
, 12
promulgating vision
, 405–406
transformational leadership
, 127–128
see also mental models, prescriptive mental models
vision-related behaviors
charismatic leadership
, 168, 169–170, 172, 174, 175
visionary leadership
key developmental processes
, 22, 130
prescriptive model
, 130, 133
Washington, George
, 125–126, 155, 456
farewell address
, 126
Weber, Max
conception of the charismatic leader
, 5, 8, 168
three key dimensions
, 168
future role and influence
, 466
workload sharing
, 416
work group characteristics
, 416–417
Zaleznik, A.
leadership theory
, 6, 241, 499