Disabilities and the Life Course
ISBN: 978-1-80455-202-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-201-8
ISSN: 1479-3547
Publication date: 31 July 2023
(2023), "Index", Dillaway, H.E., Shandra, C.L. and Bender, A.A. (Ed.) Disabilities and the Life Course (Research in Social Science and Disability, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 209-214.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Heather E. Dillaway, Carrie L. Shandra and Alexis A. Bender. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Ableism, 20, 92, 127
femininity as response to, 95–98
Accelerated disablement, 36
Acquired disability, 2
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), 185
Adaptation, 21
Adolescence, 60–61
Adulthood, 95
Adultification, 129
Age effects, 170
Agency, 5, 18, 22, 36, 41–42
principles, 18–20
use of, 53–54
Age–period–cohort effects, 15–16
Aging, 12
scholars, 13
Alzheimer’s disease, 22
American Community Survey (ACS), 22
American Time Use Survey (ATUS), 184, 188
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 8, 15, 39, 133
Americans’ Changing Lives (ACL), 169
Anthropologists, 3
Barrier(s), 15
Biographical disruptions, 39–40
Biographical interviews, 110
French disability policy, 112–114
to study policy reception, 111–114
Biography, 111–112
Bivariate analyses, 190–195
Black Americans, 32–33
adjusting to, 160
entering care, 154–156, 158, 161
exiting care, 156, 162
maintaining care and autonomy, 155–156, 158, 160
managing, 162
partner overload, 156
Care work, 128–129
career, 152
relationships, 146
roles, 4
types, 152
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 12
Cerebral palsy, 12
Change, 131
Childhood, 92
Children and Young Adults surveys (CNLSY), 132
Chronic health conditions, 92–93
Chronic illness, 146
Chronological age, 184
Class, 59–61
Classism, 17
Cognitive disabilities, 22–23
Cognitive disability, 2
Cohort, 173
Cohort effects, 14
College completion, 7–8
Congenital disability, 2
Constrained care partners, 156–160
Constrained caregiving, 8
Context, 7
Continuity, 8
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, 5
Continuous-time, discrete-state event history modeling, 169, 173–174
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), 15
Couples’ transitions, 8
Cumulative dis/advantage, 16, 169
Cumulative inequality theory, 36
Current Population Survey (CPS), 188
Daily living, 8–9
Daily time, 8–9
Deinstitutionalization movement, 15
Demographers, 3
Demyelination, 31–32
Depression, 31–32
Developmental disability, 22
Developmental psychologists, 3
Diagnosis, 5–6
Diagnosis pathways, 5–6, 30
Diagnostic delay, 34–35
Disability gap, 184
analysis, 189–190
data and methods, 188–190
literature review, 184–187
measures, 188–189
results, 190–202
Disability Rights Movement (DRM), 15
Disability-related educational policies
Maryse Cloutier, 115–116
reception of, 114–118
Victor Jaucourt, 117–118
Disability/disabilities, 2–4, 12, 51, 91, 133, 171
among salient identities, 52
identity, 6–7, 18
impact on siblings and challenges of disabled sibling research, 130–131
invoking disability, 61–62
policy, 108
scholars, 13
status, 12–13
studies scholars, 2–3
Disabled adolescents, 16
Disabled adults, 17
Disabled people, 51
Disabled sibling, 131
analysis, 134–135
data and methods, 131–134
research questions and hypotheses, 131
results, 135–139
Disabled young adults approach gender, 92
findings, 95–101
interviewee demographics, 94
methods, 92–95
Discrimination, 117
Disease modifying therapies (DMTs), 35
Disparities, 5–6
Doing disability, 92
Doing gender, 91–92
Down syndrome, 12
Drift hypothesis, 168
Ecological applications of resilience, 21
Economics of disability, 129
Economists, 3
Education, 114–115
Educational policy, 119–120
Elder’s model, 54
Embodied/embodiment, 91
Emotion work, 162
Emotional men accommodating femininity, 100–101
Emphasized femininity, 91
Employer group health (EGH), 15–16
Employment, 108
End stage kidney disease (see Kidney failure)
End stage renal disease (ESRD) (see Kidney failure)
Epidemiological studies, 32
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 32
Ethnicity, 168
Expectations, 92
Experience, 168
Families of disabled children, 127–129
emotional men accommodating, 100–101
as response to ableism, 95–98
tough women resisting, 98–100
Feminist disability perspective, 5–6
Feminist intersectional disability framework, 34
Feminist theorists, 91–92
Flexibility, 21
French disability policy, 112–114
Functional disability, 172–173, 176
Gender, 59, 61, 91, 129
and disability, 187
roles, 128–129
Generation, 170
Gerontologists, 13
Great Recession, 8, 169, 171
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 23
Health disparities, 30–31
Health outcomes, 179
Hegemonic masculinity, 91
Hemodialysis, 5
Historical time and place, 36, 38–39
History, 6
Human agency, 18–19
to inequalities, 51–53
labels to describe inequalities, 56–59
salience, 52
Illness trajectory, 31–32
Impairments, 4
Inclusion, 114
Income insecurity, 8
Individualized Education Program, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 15
Inequalities, 51
identities to inequalities, 51–53
methods, 54–56
reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
results, 56–64
studies, 55
Inequities, 30–31
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), 185
Intellectual disability, 22
Interdependent/interdependence, 5
International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), 2–3, 14
Intersectional approaches, 17–18, 41
Intersectional feminism, 37–38
Intersectional feminist disability approach, 38
Intersectional frameworks, 37–38
Intersectionality, 37–38, 52
Intrastate confinement, 19
Invisible disability, 2
Involuntary job loss, 172
Job insecurity, 167–168
Job precarity, 8
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
adjusting to, 160
entering care, 154–156, 158, 161
exiting care, 156, 162
maintaining care and autonomy, 155–156, 158, 160
managing, 162
partner overload, 156
Care work, 128–129
career, 152
relationships, 146
roles, 4
types, 152
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 12
Cerebral palsy, 12
Change, 131
Childhood, 92
Children and Young Adults surveys (CNLSY), 132
Chronic health conditions, 92–93
Chronic illness, 146
Chronological age, 184
Class, 59–61
Classism, 17
Cognitive disabilities, 22–23
Cognitive disability, 2
Cohort, 173
Cohort effects, 14
College completion, 7–8
Congenital disability, 2
Constrained care partners, 156–160
Constrained caregiving, 8
Context, 7
Continuity, 8
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, 5
Continuous-time, discrete-state event history modeling, 169, 173–174
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), 15
Couples’ transitions, 8
Cumulative dis/advantage, 16, 169
Cumulative inequality theory, 36
Current Population Survey (CPS), 188
Daily living, 8–9
Daily time, 8–9
Deinstitutionalization movement, 15
Demographers, 3
Demyelination, 31–32
Depression, 31–32
Developmental disability, 22
Developmental psychologists, 3
Diagnosis, 5–6
Diagnosis pathways, 5–6, 30
Diagnostic delay, 34–35
Disability gap, 184
analysis, 189–190
data and methods, 188–190
literature review, 184–187
measures, 188–189
results, 190–202
Disability Rights Movement (DRM), 15
Disability-related educational policies
Maryse Cloutier, 115–116
reception of, 114–118
Victor Jaucourt, 117–118
Disability/disabilities, 2–4, 12, 51, 91, 133, 171
among salient identities, 52
identity, 6–7, 18
impact on siblings and challenges of disabled sibling research, 130–131
invoking disability, 61–62
policy, 108
scholars, 13
status, 12–13
studies scholars, 2–3
Disabled adolescents, 16
Disabled adults, 17
Disabled people, 51
Disabled sibling, 131
analysis, 134–135
data and methods, 131–134
research questions and hypotheses, 131
results, 135–139
Disabled young adults approach gender, 92
findings, 95–101
interviewee demographics, 94
methods, 92–95
Discrimination, 117
Disease modifying therapies (DMTs), 35
Disparities, 5–6
Doing disability, 92
Doing gender, 91–92
Down syndrome, 12
Drift hypothesis, 168
Ecological applications of resilience, 21
Economics of disability, 129
Economists, 3
Education, 114–115
Educational policy, 119–120
Elder’s model, 54
Embodied/embodiment, 91
Emotion work, 162
Emotional men accommodating femininity, 100–101
Emphasized femininity, 91
Employer group health (EGH), 15–16
Employment, 108
End stage kidney disease (see Kidney failure)
End stage renal disease (ESRD) (see Kidney failure)
Epidemiological studies, 32
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 32
Ethnicity, 168
Expectations, 92
Experience, 168
Families of disabled children, 127–129
emotional men accommodating, 100–101
as response to ableism, 95–98
tough women resisting, 98–100
Feminist disability perspective, 5–6
Feminist intersectional disability framework, 34
Feminist theorists, 91–92
Flexibility, 21
French disability policy, 112–114
Functional disability, 172–173, 176
Gender, 59, 61, 91, 129
and disability, 187
roles, 128–129
Generation, 170
Gerontologists, 13
Great Recession, 8, 169, 171
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 23
Health disparities, 30–31
Health outcomes, 179
Hegemonic masculinity, 91
Hemodialysis, 5
Historical time and place, 36, 38–39
History, 6
Human agency, 18–19
to inequalities, 51–53
labels to describe inequalities, 56–59
salience, 52
Illness trajectory, 31–32
Impairments, 4
Inclusion, 114
Income insecurity, 8
Individualized Education Program, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 15
Inequalities, 51
identities to inequalities, 51–53
methods, 54–56
reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
results, 56–64
studies, 55
Inequities, 30–31
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), 185
Intellectual disability, 22
Interdependent/interdependence, 5
International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), 2–3, 14
Intersectional approaches, 17–18, 41
Intersectional feminism, 37–38
Intersectional feminist disability approach, 38
Intersectional frameworks, 37–38
Intersectionality, 37–38, 52
Intrastate confinement, 19
Invisible disability, 2
Involuntary job loss, 172
Job insecurity, 167–168
Job precarity, 8
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Ecological applications of resilience, 21
Economics of disability, 129
Economists, 3
Education, 114–115
Educational policy, 119–120
Elder’s model, 54
Embodied/embodiment, 91
Emotion work, 162
Emotional men accommodating femininity, 100–101
Emphasized femininity, 91
Employer group health (EGH), 15–16
Employment, 108
End stage kidney disease (see Kidney failure)
End stage renal disease (ESRD) (see Kidney failure)
Epidemiological studies, 32
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 32
Ethnicity, 168
Expectations, 92
Experience, 168
Families of disabled children, 127–129
emotional men accommodating, 100–101
as response to ableism, 95–98
tough women resisting, 98–100
Feminist disability perspective, 5–6
Feminist intersectional disability framework, 34
Feminist theorists, 91–92
Flexibility, 21
French disability policy, 112–114
Functional disability, 172–173, 176
Gender, 59, 61, 91, 129
and disability, 187
roles, 128–129
Generation, 170
Gerontologists, 13
Great Recession, 8, 169, 171
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 23
Health disparities, 30–31
Health outcomes, 179
Hegemonic masculinity, 91
Hemodialysis, 5
Historical time and place, 36, 38–39
History, 6
Human agency, 18–19
to inequalities, 51–53
labels to describe inequalities, 56–59
salience, 52
Illness trajectory, 31–32
Impairments, 4
Inclusion, 114
Income insecurity, 8
Individualized Education Program, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 15
Inequalities, 51
identities to inequalities, 51–53
methods, 54–56
reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
results, 56–64
studies, 55
Inequities, 30–31
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), 185
Intellectual disability, 22
Interdependent/interdependence, 5
International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), 2–3, 14
Intersectional approaches, 17–18, 41
Intersectional feminism, 37–38
Intersectional feminist disability approach, 38
Intersectional frameworks, 37–38
Intersectionality, 37–38, 52
Intrastate confinement, 19
Invisible disability, 2
Involuntary job loss, 172
Job insecurity, 167–168
Job precarity, 8
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Gender, 59, 61, 91, 129
and disability, 187
roles, 128–129
Generation, 170
Gerontologists, 13
Great Recession, 8, 169, 171
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 23
Health disparities, 30–31
Health outcomes, 179
Hegemonic masculinity, 91
Hemodialysis, 5
Historical time and place, 36, 38–39
History, 6
Human agency, 18–19
to inequalities, 51–53
labels to describe inequalities, 56–59
salience, 52
Illness trajectory, 31–32
Impairments, 4
Inclusion, 114
Income insecurity, 8
Individualized Education Program, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 15
Inequalities, 51
identities to inequalities, 51–53
methods, 54–56
reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
results, 56–64
studies, 55
Inequities, 30–31
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), 185
Intellectual disability, 22
Interdependent/interdependence, 5
International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), 2–3, 14
Intersectional approaches, 17–18, 41
Intersectional feminism, 37–38
Intersectional feminist disability approach, 38
Intersectional frameworks, 37–38
Intersectionality, 37–38, 52
Intrastate confinement, 19
Invisible disability, 2
Involuntary job loss, 172
Job insecurity, 167–168
Job precarity, 8
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
to inequalities, 51–53
labels to describe inequalities, 56–59
salience, 52
Illness trajectory, 31–32
Impairments, 4
Inclusion, 114
Income insecurity, 8
Individualized Education Program, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 15
Inequalities, 51
identities to inequalities, 51–53
methods, 54–56
reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
results, 56–64
studies, 55
Inequities, 30–31
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), 185
Intellectual disability, 22
Interdependent/interdependence, 5
International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), 2–3, 14
Intersectional approaches, 17–18, 41
Intersectional feminism, 37–38
Intersectional feminist disability approach, 38
Intersectional frameworks, 37–38
Intersectionality, 37–38, 52
Intrastate confinement, 19
Invisible disability, 2
Involuntary job loss, 172
Job insecurity, 167–168
Job precarity, 8
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Kidney failure, 4–6
Leisure time, 185
Life course, 109–110, 168, 184–185
analysis, 3
analytic strategy, 173–174
approach, 7
concepts and methods, 168
cube, 15–16
data, 172–173
disability and work precarity, 171
Great Recession, and precarious work, 169–171
lens to study of impairment and disability, 4
method, 172–174
paradigm, 3–4
results, 174–176
scholars, 3
standpoint, 108
Life course perspective, 3–5, 36–37, 129, 147–148
reflexivity through, 53–54
Life course theory, 5–6, 13–14
agency, linked lives, and life-span development, 18–22
principles, 13
time, place, and timing, 14–18
Life cycle, 53
Life stage, 2
Life stories, 111
Lifespan, 2
Lifespan development, 5, 18, 22
principles, 20–22
Linked lives, 5, 7–8, 18, 22, 36, 40–41, 54, 127–128, 148
Listwise deletion, 134–135
Lived experience, 7
Location in time and place, 148
Logistic regression tests, 134
Longitudinal OLS regression models, 173
Longitudinal regression analysis, 169
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Macro-level forces, 7
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31–32, 39
Marginalization, 2–3
Masculinity, 91
Master status, 52
Medicaid programs, 19
Medical sociology, 20
Mental health disabilities, 22–23
Micro-level effects, 7
Mild disability, 2
Milestone legislation, 39
Moderate disability, 2
Mothers with disability, 187, 201
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 5–6, 31, 35
agency, 41–42
diagnosis, treatment, and diagnostic delay, 34–35
disease characteristics, prevalence, and disparities, 31–34
historical time and place, 38–39
intersectional frameworks, 37–38
life course perspective, 36–37
linked lives, 40–41
timing of lives, 39–40
Multivariate analyses and interaction results, 195–201
Nagi’s Disablement Model (1965), 14
Narratives, 95
National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS), 22
National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (NKFG), 7
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 132
Naturalized care partners, 152–156
Naturalized caregiving, 8
Nonbinary individuals, 90
Nonnormative transitions, 16
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Off time transitions, 16
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), 15
Openness, 21
Oppression, 2–3
Pace, 40
Parental time, 128
Pathway, 3
Pattern, 40
Perceived income insecurity, 172
Perceived job insecurity, 172
Period effects, 14, 170
Peritoneal dialysis, 5
Personal care attendant (PCA), 19
Physical disability, 2, 23
Physical health, 4
Physiological process, 37
Place, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Policy making, 7
Policy reception
biographical interviews to study policy reception, 111–114
reception of disability-related educational policies, 114–118
state and life course, 109–110
Political scientists, 3
Precarious work, 169–171
Primary progressive MS (PPMS), 32
Principles, 5
Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS), 32
Psychological applications of resilience, 21
Public policies, 7, 109–110
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Qualitative studies, 130
Race, 59–61
Racism, 17
Reflexivity through life course perspective, 53–54
Regression models, 134–135
Rehabilitation, 146
Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS), 32
Relationships, 19–20
Resilience, 20–21
Resistance, 18–19
Resistant care partners, 160–162
Resistant caregiving, 8
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
School integration, 114–115
Secondary progressive MS (SPMS), 32
Self-agency, 4
Self-care, 156
Self-identifications, 53
of disability, 52
Self-perceptions, 52–53
Sensory disability, 2
Separate schooling, 7
Sequence, 40
Setting, 8
Severe disability, 2
Sexism, 17
care, 128–129
disability, 130
Skype, 93
Social class, 8
Social convoy model, 40–41
Social determinants of health, 29
Social historians, 3
Social location, 30
Social marginalization, 16–17
Social model of disability, 127
Social movements, 15
Social networks, 40–41
Social participation, 184
Social pathways, 7–8
Social Security Administration (SSA), 15
Social selection hypothesis, 168
Social structure, 36
Social support, 39
Social trajectories, 16–17
Social workers, 3
Social/cultural prejudice, 16–17
Sociologists, 3
Specific learning disorders (SLDs), 54–55
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 146
caregiving types and caregiving career, 152
data collection and analysis, 149–151
design, 148–149
findings, 151–162
life course perspective, 147–148
married women with, 147
methods, 148–151
naturalized care partners, 152–156
sample and setting, 149
sample characteristics, 151–152
Spoiled identity, 6–7
Spousal caregiving, 146
Springboard program, 7, 15, 17
Stigma, 6
Stress, 162
Structural ableism, 16–17
Structural inequalities, 184
Structural influences, 53–54
Structure, 4
Subjective inequalities, 53
Supervision, 128
Supplemental models, 201–202
Swift diagnosis, 35
Systemic oppression of disabled people, 16–17
Theory, 22
Time, 5, 14, 18
principle, 14–16
Time use, 184–185
approach, 185
disability and, 185–187
Timing, 14–18
and age effects, 5
of lives, 36, 39–40
in lives, 148
principle, 16–18
Trajectories, 39
Transitions, 39
indicators, 8
process, 6
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 22
Turning points, 39, 51
in disabled people’s lives, 54
in interpretations, 62–64
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 5–6
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 190
Verbrugge’s and Jette’s Disablement Process (1994), 14
Visible disability, 2
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), 15
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
Weathering, 37
White Americans, 33
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 131
Women with disabilities, 187
Women with physical disabilities, 16
Work precarity, 171
World Health Organization (WHO), 2
Young adulthood, 3, 91
analysis, 8–9
development, 3–4
findings, 9–13
indicators of dimensions of young-adulthood development, 10–11
interview guide, 8
isolation from age peers and questioning, 12–13
kidney failure, 4–6
methods, 7–9
perceived condition-related stigma and spoiled identity with kidney disease, 6–7
perceived stigma/spoiled identity, 12
study cohort characteristics, 9–10
study cohort recruitment, 7
Young disabled people, 3
- Prelims
- Introduction: Disabilities and the Life Course
- Integrating the Social and Political Dimensions of Disability Into Life Course Theory
- Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis Pathways: An Intersectional Feminist Disability Life Course Perspective
- Disability, Gender, or Something Else? Identity-Based Interpretations of Inequalities Over the Life Course in France
- Young-Adulthood Development in the Lived Experience of Persons With Kidney Failure: Challenges of Youth, Disability, and Transition
- Doing Gender, Doing Disability: How Disabled Young Adults Approach Gender in Response to Ableism
- The Reception of Disability Policy in France: A Qualitative Life Course Perspective on Policy Impact
- College Completion Among Young Adults With a Disabled Sibling
- Negotiating the Spousal Caregiving Relationship Following Spinal Cord Injury
- Disability and Precarious Work Over the Life Course: An Application of Key Concepts
- The Disability Gap in Time Use by Age Across the Life Course
- Index