Integrating the Social and Political Dimensions of Disability Into Life Course Theory

Disabilities and the Life Course

ISBN: 978-1-80455-202-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-201-8

ISSN: 1479-3547

Publication date: 31 July 2023


The purpose of this chapter is to reconsider the five principles of life course theory while centering disability status as an axis of inequality. We use existing research from the fields of the sociology of disability, disability studies, and aging and the life course to reflect on ways in which each life course principle can better attend to the experiences of disabled people. We start with the principle of time and place and discuss how cohort and period effects facilitate a deeper understanding of disabled people's experiences historically. Next, we analyze the principle of timing with an emphasis on cumulative dis/advantage to establish how disability status is an axis of inequality that contributes to the accumulation of social disadvantage and intersects with other axes of inequality (e.g., race, class, and gender). Then, we discuss the two principles of agency and linked lives and employ the concept of “bounded agency” to describe how ableism limits the agency of disabled people. Finally, we examine the principle of life-span development and discuss how adaptation and resilience are contextual and an ordinary part of human experiences. We conclude by offering recommendations for both life course and disability scholars to consider in hopes of broadening our theoretical and empirical knowledge about the lives of disabled people at every stage of the life course and the mechanisms by which resources are stratified by disability and age.



Latham-Mintus, K. and Landes, S.D. (2023), "Integrating the Social and Political Dimensions of Disability Into Life Course Theory", Dillaway, H.E., Shandra, C.L. and Bender, A.A. (Ed.) Disabilities and the Life Course (Research in Social Science and Disability, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 11-28.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Kenzie Latham-Mintus and Scott D. Landes. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Author Biographies

Kenzie Latham-Mintus, PhD, FGSA, is an Associate Professor of Sociology in the School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI. She received a PhD in Sociology from the University of Florida in 2011. Her research interests include health and aging with an emphasis on disability as well as chronic illness. Much of Latham-Mintus' research focuses on identifying and understanding health disparities among older adults. In 2017, she was selected as a Fellow of The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Dr. Latham-Mintus serves on several journal editorial boards including The Journals of Gerontology, Jounal of Social Sciences, and Journal of Aging and Health.

Scott D. Landes, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Faculty Associate in the Aging Studies Institute. He received a PhD in Sociology from the University of Florida in 2014. Informed by his interest in medical sociology, aging and the life course, and disability theory, the majority of his research focuses on health and mortality trends across the life course for disabled people, and for veterans. His other primary research focus addresses the intersections of disability and social theory.

Disability is a common and consequential part of the life course that is, perplexingly, often ignored by life course scholars. Increases in life expectancy over the past century mean longer lives, but typically with chronic health conditions and/or disability (; ). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (), 26% of adults in the United States, or 61 million people in the United States, are disabled, with variation in prevalence by age group, sex, and race-ethnicity. In wealthy nations, social, economic, and medical advancements have resulted in extended life expectancies for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, with the average age at death reaching the 60s for people with intellectual disability, and mid- to late 50s for people with Down syndrome or cerebral palsy (). Thus, the evidence is clear that a growing share of individuals can anticipate aging with disability. Yet, as an area of inquiry, disability across the life course remains severely underdeveloped. This is puzzling as disability experiences are punctuated by age-related variation and inequalities, topics of research typically addressed by life course scholars. The purpose of this chapter is to address this gap by reimaging existing life course theory through a disability lens.

Disability in old age is a common experience, yet the experiences of those who acquire impairment in later life compared with those who were born with or developed disability in early life are quite distinct (). Disability status is an axis of inequality, similar to other axes such as race, class, and gender that reflect larger systems of oppression (; ). Disabled people experience discrimination in all domains of life; employment, college graduation, and marriage rates are all lower for people with disabilities (; ; ). Because individual resources (e.g., power, wealth, and opportunities) are stratified by disability, people who are born with a disability or acquire disability early in life experience more cumulative disadvantage over their lifetime (; ; ).

Aging scholars frequently examine these phenomena but do so without considering how disability experiences vary across the life course. Furthermore, aging and disability scholars often view disability through different conceptual frameworks. Gerontologists and aging scholars typically apply a medicalized model of disability that conceptualizes disability as part of the normative aging process, ignoring the social and political dimensions of disability, while disability scholars – who emphasize the political and social dimensions of disability – often neglect the role of timing and the experiences of people who acquire disability in old age (). A lack of dialogue among these scholars leads to an incomplete picture of disability across the life course.

We argue that one reason for this lack of integration is that life course scholarship has ignored disability as an axis of inequality, and therefore, neglected to account for the social and political dimensions of disability within the major theories and frameworks, despite its centrality to key life course concepts. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to reexamine the five principles of life course theory (see ) while centering disability status as an axis of inequality. To do so, we use existing research from the fields of the sociology of disability, disability studies, and aging and the life course to reflect on ways in which each life course principle can better attend to the experiences of disabled people. We believe that this chapter provides a roadmap for scholars to better account for disability across the life course. In addition, it provides a needed critique of traditional interpretations of life course principles through the lens of disability, thereby improving dialogue between aging/life course and disability scholars.

An Overview of Life Course Theory

After four decades of work in the area, first outlined the four principles (a few years later, a fifth principle was added) of life course theory in the late 1990s. Broadly, life course theory focuses on understanding the interrelationships among sociohistorical structure and change, time, and human agency (, ). viewed life pathways as one of the more intriguing areas of study – noting that life transitions (e.g., entering school, birth of a first child, marriage) were important aspects of social trajectories. first two principles considered the role of time including historical time and place and timing in one's life. These principles underscore that life paths are shaped by sociohistorical forces and when someone experiences a life transition matters because the timing influences subsequent transitions and can have long-term consequences (). The additional two original principles focused on linked lives and agency. states that individuals live interdependent lives and that choices and actions occur within the “opportunities and constraints of history and social circumstances” (p. 4). In 2003, Elder and colleagues added a fifth principle: the principle of life-span development. It states that “[h]uman development and aging are lifelong processes” (). Taken together, over the past two decades, these principles have laid the foundation for much of contemporary life course scholarship; however, the word disability does not appear in or 2003 publication. Looking toward the future of disability and life course scholarship, we reexamine the five principles of life course theory centering disability and make recommendations, including the need for better disability-related measurement and data availability, so that scholars from both fields can expand our collective knowledge about disability across the life course.

Time, Place, and Timing

The Principle of Time and Place

The Principle of Time and Place: The life course of individuals is embedded and shaped by the historical times and places they experience over their lifetime.

(, p. 12)

According to , “[t]ime operates at both a sociohistorical and personal level” (p. 8). The first principle we discuss focuses on the sociohistorical aspects of time. Elder's () principle of time and place underscores that individual lives are “shaped” by historical and geographic context. Specifically, use the concepts of cohort and period effects to describe how historical context influences life pathways; cohort effects represent the unique sociohistorical conditions that people experience based on when they are born, whereas period effects represent the extent to which social changes influence current and successive cohorts in similar ways (). This aspect of the life course has been overlooked in much of the research focused on disability. To illustrate, the most used frameworks for understanding the disability experience within research literature over the past 50 years have been Nagi's Disablement Model (), Verbrugge's and Jette's Disablement Process (), and the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Death (ICF) (), which emphasize individual pathways from pathology to disability with little to no attention paid to sociohistorical and geographical context.

To varying degrees, each of these frameworks attempts to attend to the ways in which corporeal and environmental factors (often combining medical and social models of disability) impact functioning for disabled people. Beyond concerns with the way these frameworks separate the disabled person's bodily experience from the conceptualization of the disability (; ) and prioritize pathology as opposed to self-identification as the starting point for disability, we want to underscore the lack of attention to time and place – specifically related to historical period, geographical location, and birth cohort differences in the disability experience ().

This lack of attention to time and place shrouds the heterogeneity present within the disability experience. Scholars should consider possible cohort (variation in experiences based on birth cohort) and period effects (variation in experience based on social and historical conditions) on disability experience (). In the early part of the twentieth century, the US public policy severely marginalized and abused disabled people through specific policies around institutionalization and forced sterilization, as well as other state and local policies (; ; ; ). In addition, even after the deinstitutionalization movement, prior to the passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) to reform nursing homes, many disabled people were moved directly and without proper consent from state institutions to nursing homes (; ). Although the scale and severity of these abuses have generally decreased over time, for many countries including the United States, the institutionalization of disabled people in either large- or small-scale residential settings () and/or forced sterilization via court order continues today (; ).

Other social movements and resulting policies enacted in the latter part of the twentieth century had more beneficial effects (; ; ; ; ). The Disability Rights Movement (DRM) which started in the early 1980s advocated for policy changes that protected the rights of disabled people and were at least partially addressed in legislation (). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) enacted in 1975 increased disabled students' access to a free and appropriate education. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted in 1990 prohibited discrimination against disabled people in employment, education, and transportation, as well as other public and private places open to the general public. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) which was first adopted by the United Nations in 2006 to promote the rights of disabled people around the globe has been formally ratified by 184 countries to date. The uneven expansion of disability rights across time and nations emphasizes the central premise of this principle – individuals' lives need to be understood within the context of historical time and place.

Each of these policies, for good or ill, had immediate and long-term impacts on the psychological and physical well-being of disabled people. Thus, it is important for researchers to not only understand the history of disability () but also to consider how each policy may result in cohort and/or period effects that differentiate outcomes among disabled individuals. The recent conceptual work on the “life course cube” by offers a possible pathway forward by positing a time axis as a foundational aspect of life course studies that incorporates life course trajectories and changes in societal structures. We think this may be a good starting point for conceptually understanding how period and cohort effects (along with age effects or individual change over time) are at play in the lives of disabled people. Although demographic research into age–period–cohort trends in disability is well established (see ), we are only aware of one study that accounts for policy-change-related cohort effects in the disability experience. demonstrated it is important to account for cohort variation in access to public education when examining the effects of education on mortality outcomes among adults with intellectual and developmental disability. It will be important for future studies to expand this effort and more clearly attend to the ways in which time specified by age, period, and cohort effects factor into outcomes for disabled people.

The Principle of Timing

The Principle of Timing: The developmental antecedents and consequences of life transitions, events, and behavioral patterns vary according to their timing in a person's life.

(, p. 12)

The next principle we discuss addresses time at the individual level, which includes age effects. According to , important life events or transitions can take on different meanings for individuals depending on life stage. It is our goal to build upon this principle by examining how disability shapes life transitions, social trajectories, cumulative dis/advantage, and expand upon the relationship between life transitions and identity formation. When discussing life transitions, provide the example of early transitions (also known as “off time” or nonnormative transitions) into adult statuses, where leaving one's parental home or having children at young ages is associated with poorer mental health. They connect the different timing (and pile up) of life transitions to processes related to cumulative advantages and disadvantages ().

However, life transitions, and the related concept of cumulative dis/advantage, are intimately tied to disability experiences. For example, disabled adolescents and young adults often experience delayed or restricted life transitions due to fewer opportunities (e.g., inaccessible education and work environments) or overprotective guardians (). To illustrate, interviewed women with physical disabilities about their dating experiences; a major theme was identified as “delayed development of dating behaviors” (p. 47). The women interviewed discussed a lack of perceived romantic interest from peers, physical barriers to dating, inexperience with age-appropriate social skills, and interfering parents as reasons for entering romantic relationships at older ages than their able-bodied peers (). These off-time transitions may contribute to the lower rates of marriage among disabled adults ().

Social trajectories are composed of multiple life transitions and form “long-term patterns of stability and change…that can be reliably differentiated from alternate patterns” (). In general, the social trajectories of disabled adults vary in terms of education, work, and family formation, compared with abled adults, which were the foci of Elder's early work. Disabled Americans have fewer opportunities for normative life transitions and experience more off-time transitions, which influence subsequent transitions (e.g., barriers to going and graduating college limit work opportunities) (). These differing social trajectories are due to structural ableism – the systemic oppression of disabled people that occurs through social/cultural prejudice and social marginalization (; ) – and often reflect unequal life chances and cumulative dis/advantage.

Because disability is an axis of inequality, the timing of disability onset and duration with disability is related to cumulative dis/advantage. While view cumulative disadvantage as a key concept within life course theory, we continue in the tradition of other life course scholars (see ; ; ; ) who have better accounted for social stratification and systems of oppression such as classism, racism, and sexism to understand intracohort inequality. We extend this line of inquiry by including ableism into cumulative dis/advantage processes and integrating the timing of disability, whereas racism and sexism (and arguably classism) are typically associated with more static statuses such as race, ethnicity, and gender, disability is a more dynamic status – making the timing of when someone acquires a disability status an important consideration.

For those born with disability, experiences of discrimination in education and employment domains limit lifetime earnings (; ) and contribute to high rates of poverty among disabled Americans (). Moreover, disabled adults with a college education face significant barriers to labor force participation that translates into lower earnings despite their high levels of educational attainment (; ). In fact, regardless of education and training, disabled adults are less likely to be hired (; ), more likely to be fired (), less likely to receive a promotion (), more likely to receive lower pay (), and less likely to be satisfied with their job (), relative to abled adults. The longer an individual has a work-limiting condition/impairment, the larger the impact on their career trajectory and socioeconomic standing (), and, eventually, retirement savings and income. Each missed opportunity for career advancement leads to widening inequality for people aging with disability. For those who cannot participate in the labor force, the fragmented and underfunded entitlement programs aimed at preventing poverty among disabled Americans typically fail to do so (; ; ).

Across multiple life domains, there is compelling evidence of social disadvantage among disabled Americans. Yet, instead of understanding disability as an axis of inequality, life course researchers have often conceptualized disability as a medical problem that is the result of social and economic inequality across the life course. This is an important distinction. Previous research has documented that indicators of social disadvantage (e.g., childhood conditions or belonging to historically marginalized or minoritized groups) predict disability trajectories in mid- and later life (see ; ). Although this line of inquiry highlights that cumulative disadvantage is associated with increased risk of disability, it fails to account for disability, itself, in the accumulation of dis/advantages. As notes, disability is both the cause and consequence of social disadvantage. There is a wealth of empirical data demonstrating that historically marginalized and minoritized individuals are more likely to be disabled at every stage of the life course. However, intersectional approaches have been particularly useful in understanding how disability is an axis of inequality that intersects with other systems of oppression – leading to deeply unequal life chances for disabled women, Black, Indigenous, people of color, and LGBTQ persons (see ; ; ).

Finally, we want to highlight an area where disability studies can enhance our knowledge about the importance of timing, specifically for identity formation. Although briefly mention identity in relation to life transitions, we believe that more attention should be given to the subject within life course theory. Previous research underscores that the development of a disability identity (i.e., a self-concept that emphasizes disability pride) is associated with higher ratings of life satisfaction, more self-esteem, and self-efficacy among disabled people (; ). However, the development of a disability identity is intimately tied to age of disability onset (). Those born with disability are more likely to form a disability identity and reap the socioemotional benefits across the life course. Older adults who acquired disability in later life are much more likely to reject a disability identity and endorse the medical model of disability (). A disability identity can help resist stigma and serve as an important socioemotional resource for disabled individuals who experience nonnormative life transitions – ultimately, shaping experiences with cumulative dis/advantage and social trajectories more generally.

Agency, Linked Lives, and Life-Span Development

The Principles of Agency and Linked Lives

The Principle of Agency: Individuals construct their own life course through the choices and actions they take within the opportunities and constraints of history and social circumstance.

The Principle of Linked Lives: Lives are lived interdependently, and sociohistorical influences are expressed through this network of shared relationships.

(, pp. 11–13)

We purposefully discuss the two principles of agency and linked lives. Although this decision prevents a fuller discussion of some important topics related to linked lives, such as care partners and social supports, we think it necessary to underscore the intimate connection between the two – a tenet stressed in disability scholarship but to date not readily recognized by life course scholars. Human agency, defined as the ability to act intentionally in a way that helps determine future outcomes, is commonly conceptualized as an individual characteristic (; ). Elder's early work, as well as later work, with Hitlin takes a similar view, defining human agency as individual-level characteristics (; , ). adopt the view of that agency can be “bounded” by social structure, meaning levels of agency are associated with levels of privilege in the social structure with individuals with less privilege having more “bounded” or lower levels of agency. Especially in light of the earlier discussion of the negative effects of policies such as forced sterilization or institutionalization (; ), it is important to realize that many disabled people have experienced or continue to experience severe structural limitations on their agency that can have immediate and long-term effects on their ability to engage in agentic behavior (). In contrast, more recent public policies that increase accessibility to socioeconomic resources and fuller participation in society likely increase or augment agency in the lives of disabled people. Other research highlights how disabled individuals employ “strategies of resistance that embody individual and collective struggles for recognition” within ableist societies (, p. 200).

Yet, it is important for life course scholars to recognize that the boundedness of human agency among disabled people is not limited to the most severe social policies such as institutionalization. Instead, more common processes such as those specified for applying for and continuing to receive support for a disability can also bound agency. As carefully detail, many of these processes are layered with excess levels of administrative burden in the forms of bureaucracy, regulations, and endless paperwork that can further restrict agency by either delaying needed care or preventing the ability to engage in agentic decision or exercise their fundamental rights. For instance, demonstrate that the application and approval processes required to receive disability-related benefits are often more burdensome than for nondisability-related benefits such as retirement. In instances when the disabled person and their family need sought-after supports to fully participate in their lives, the administrative burden present within the care support can delay receipt of care and reduce the agency of all involved.

Even in instances when support services are secured, the guidelines put in place regarding continued receipt of services can also bound agency. highlights how interstate differences in Medicaid programs designed to provide personal care attendant (PCA) services for physically disabled people limit cross-state moves. In essence, receipt of these services in one state does not guarantee receipt of the same services when moving to a different state. As a result, disabled individuals reliant on these services experience a form of “intrastate confinement,” which reflects a severe instance of the bounding of human agency.

We think it imperative for life course scholars to carefully attend to the multiplicity of ways in which the human agency of disabled people is bound by the social structures of policies and their related administrative burden. Yet, it is also important to recognize that this is not the full extent of the barriers that exist for disabled people with regard to exercising their agency. Attention is also needed to the ways in which linked lives are intimately connected with human agency. According to , the principle of linked lives emphasizes that all lives are interdependent within networks of interpersonal relationships. As explain, linked lives can also bind human agency. In instances where individuals are dependent on support or care from others – a characteristic of the human condition that is universal, but more obvious in the lives of many disabled people – the ability to engage in agentic activity is directly related to the quality of these relationships (). Relationships that are not supportive, or in the worst instances are abusive, work to bound agency. In contrast, relationships that are supportive can help to maximize agency. In this vein, recent works by life course scholars such as Harrington on the role of grandparents in the lives of disabled children, on the influence of parents on children's health behaviors, as well as by disability scholars such as on how to better incorporate interdependence into research models provide insight into how to better account for the “inseparability” of agency and linked lives.

Finally, life course scholars should become more attuned to the ways in which both social structures and interpersonal relationships are often imbued with ableism. In sum, ableism is a preference for the nondisabled body and mind that is embedded within cultural values, interpersonal relationships, and social structures (; ). Similar to the argument of regarding the need for medical sociology to recognize the influence of ableism within this field, we think it is important for life course scholars to examine the ways in which ableism bounds the agency of disabled people. While this may occur in multiple ways in the lives we study, we must also be aware that ableism can bind agency via the decisions we make regarding whom we do/do not research, how we measure social statuses such as disability, as well as whether we adequately account for critical aspects of heterogeneity within the disability experience.

The Principle of Life-Span Development

The Principle of Life-Span Development: Human development and aging are lifelong processes.

(, p. 11)

The final principle that we consider is the principle of life-span development. recognize that humans experience biological, psychological, and social changes throughout their lives. This principle underscores that humans adapt to changing environments and challenges at every stage of the life course. Although human development captures a wide array of human behaviors and experiences, we address this principle by examining adaptation and resilience but highlight important critiques of how these concepts have historically been applied to disability experiences (). Drawing from and work, we employ a constructivist definition of resilience. states that resilience is the result of “negotiations between individuals and their environments for the resources to define themselves as healthy amidst conditions collectively viewed as adverse” (p. 342).

Adaptation and resilience are well represented in the aging with disability literature. Most people will experience age-related declines in function (e.g., vision, hearing, mobility, and/or cognition) (). Although this deficit view of aging is often overstated and not equally weighed with considerations of psychosocial well-being in later life (), changes to function or physical capacity are to be expected with advancing ages. Previous research documents that onset of disability in midlife often results in a temporary dip in life satisfaction, but, for most, life satisfaction returns to similar levels prior to onset after a period of adjustment (). However, adapting to these changes may be more or less difficult depending on one's past experiences, individual resources, and the environments in which one lives.

Prior research reveals high levels of perceived resilience among older adults aging with disability or chronic illness (; ). In focus groups of older adults aging with disability, found that many participants framed “successful aging” as being flexible and adaptable; resilience meant “an openness to selection, optimization, and compensation and to changes brought about by the disability condition” (p. 296). Flexibility and openness to doing things differently reflects a more subjective definition of resilience, which have been underscored in the disability studies literature. Equally, disability scholars have levied important critiques against applications of the concept of resilience that reaffirm positivistic and ableistic views (). For example, argue that psychological and ecological applications of resilience are too prescriptive with an emphasis on independence that often excludes the interdependence that is part of the lived fabric of the lives of disabled people (we would argue interdependence is part of the lives of all people; see ), and they propose that resilience is best “understood as contextual, subjective, and part of a meaning-making process” (p. 1392).

Like , we argue that resilience is ordinary and, by extension, adaptation, in all its forms, is part of the human experience. However, this does not mean that the role of the environment, including physical, social, attitudinal, and policy environments, should be overlooked. To illustrate, conducted focus groups with middle-aged persons with multiple sclerosis. Participants identified important barriers of resilience such as social stigma, social limitations, fatigue, and burnout (). Inaccessible environments restrict opportunities and exclude disabled people (). As gerontological work highlights, environments can be too demanding (e.g., inaccessible homes, buildings, and communities), but also not demanding enough (e.g., infantilizing caregiving arrangements) (). If resilience is an extension of adapting to one's environments, then it is important to emphasize that there are some environments that people cannot adapt to – they are simply too inhospitable. Yet, those environments are modifiable. Because resilience is contextual, resilience is not just the product of the person but also person–environment fit ().

Taken together, the current literature not only highlights the potential for resilience and adaptation among people aging with disability but also demonstrates the potential for past experiences, social relationships, and structural factors to limit (or enhance) experiences of resilience. This principle highlights that human development does not stop in young adulthood, which is often overlooked by researchers. However, we argue, alongside , that resilience and adaption should be viewed as normative, subjective, and contextual and also highlight the need for more supportive, accessible environments that increase person-environment fit.


As illustrated by our discussion, there is much work to do for life course scholars regarding their conceptualization and examination of disability. Although we included many starting points throughout our discussion, we want to focus attention at this point in the chapter on one specific change that we think is imperative for moving forward: measurement of disability status and timing in surveys. As notes, the principles of life course theory have “empirical origins” stemming from access to longitudinal studies of children, which highlight the mutually reinforcing relationship between theory and data. Our intention here is to underscore a fundamental problem that must be addressed before life course scholarship can move forward regarding any life course principle. Accordingly, how disability is measured in national surveys influences our (lack of) understanding of the disability experience across the life course.

In large part, national surveys (e.g., American Community Survey (ACS) and National Health and Interview Survey (NHIS)) in the United States currently use disability questions based upon suggestions of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (). Although we agree it is beneficial to standardize disability questions across national surveys, it is important to recognize that the Washington Group questions do not sufficiently: (1) attend to the heterogeneity in cognitive disability status – the use of one cognitive disability question does not allow differentiation between very different disability statuses such as intellectual and developmental disability, traumatic brain injury (TBI), Alzheimer's disease, etc. (; ) or (2) include mental health disability status ().

Although problematic simply due to the inability of these questions to fully capture the breadth of disability experience, it is important to understand that these deficiencies in the survey questions are life course issues. Differentiating between varying cognitive disabilities also relates to timing, as disabilities such as intellectual and developmental disability are lifelong and diagnosed during childhood, whereas disabilities such as TBI can occur at any stage of the life course and others often occur in later life (e.g., Alzheimer's disease). Mental health disabilities also matter with regard to development across the life course as well as regarding timing of onset and effect on subsequent trajectories (; ; ). In addition, the timing of major life events and transitions and associated resource availability has been connected to mental health outcomes (; ). Inattention to these important differences severely curtails our ability to better understand variation among people with these disabilities.

Similarly, there is an important heterogeneity among those who have acquired physical disability at different stages of the life course. Based on the principle of timing, we would anticipate that someone who acquires physical disability in early midlife versus in old age would accumulate more social disadvantage. However, there is a dearth of empirical data testing this hypothesis. We believe that this lack of research, in part, stems from limitations in our nationally representative surveys of older adults. For example, the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) has measures of childhood disability and childhood conditions and multiple contemporaneous measures of disability at ages 51 and older. However, information about the timing of onset of disability between ages 19–50 is more limited. Although researchers could construct an approximate date of onset by using the year of diagnosis question for specific health conditions or first year of impairment questions (), this is less than ideal as it does not reflect the true complexity of disability experiences, and these measures require hefty data management. Yet, the HRS is the only nationally representative, longitudinal survey of older adults that has some information about year or age of onset for health conditions, functional limitations, and work disability (). We believe that with more comprehensive and readily available measures (e.g., range of disability types, asked of all respondents, no elaborate skip patterns, etc.) across popular datasets, more researchers would investigate the role of time and timing of disability experiences.

It is important to note that addressing existing problems with the measurement of disability in national surveys is a baseline remedy. While necessary, it is only a first step. We would argue that beyond the need to address foundational issues regarding the time and timing of disabilities and impairments (e.g., year of onset, age of onset, and duration), it will also be important to develop measures that better capture the rich heterogeneity of disability experiences across the life course. Though space does not permit full development of these measures, at the least, life course research would benefit from high-quality measures of disability-related discrimination, experiences with structural barriers such as administrative burden, interdependent social relationships that include but also extend beyond close family, and contextual measures.


The purpose of this chapter was to revisit the five principles of life course theory () while centering disability as an axis of inequality. Our goal was to highlight how disability and life course scholars could benefit from an integration of social and political dimensions of disability into life course theory. Using the concepts of period and cohort effects, we demonstrated that disability experiences are highly contingent on sociohistorical context. We also documented how disability is related to life transitions, trajectories, and processes related to cumulative dis/advantage. We discussed the need to understand bounded agency in the context of ableism as well as linked lives. Finally, we argued that adaptation, as part of life-span development, was a lifelong process that was inherently ordinary, subjective, and contextual. Finally, we contend that, together with an underdeveloped theoretical framework, survey measurement has held back the extant literature. We hope that this chapter can provide a roadmap for life course and disability scholars by highlighting important gaps in the literature and expanding our understanding of the life course theory.


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