A Tool for Thinking
A. C. Littleton’s Final Thoughts on Accounting: A Collection of Unpublished Essays
ISBN: 978-1-78635-390-0, eISBN: 978-1-78635-389-4
Publication date: 15 October 2016
Accounting is a systematic method of providing experience-tested data as a basis for future decisions. That experience, which is much more dependable than expectations, is open to diagnosis as an approach to decisions. An analytical recording of experience can stimulate an interpretative reading of the results of prior policy. This can be a road toward learning from experience. Ratner (1939) foresees this development, stating that “[e]nds which could justify themselves to reason [should] take the place of custom as guides to conduct (p. 288).” As such, functional theory can be useful even to practical roles, as theory can improve practice and good practices can improve business decisions.
(2016), "A Tool for Thinking", A. C. Littleton’s Final Thoughts on Accounting: A Collection of Unpublished Essays (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought, Vol. 20), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 259-268. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-350420160000020050
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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