Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry
ISBN: 978-1-78769-842-0, eISBN: 978-1-78769-841-3
ISSN: 1476-2854
Publication date: 6 August 2020
(2020), "Index", Gee, S. (Ed.) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 175-178.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Advertisements, 6
American television, 22
beer, 11–14
narratives, 13
sport-related alcohol, 10
sport-seated beer, 12
After-party, 91–92
Ageing, 84–88
Alcohol consumption, 51–52, 86–88
abstinence, 103–104
brands advertising, 1, 2, 13, 102
Brazilian sports stadiums, 2
consumption, 5, 33, 49
FIFA World Cup, 2014, 2, 105–106
hangover, 106–107
industry, 48
Japan, 70
logos, 1
New Zealand, 165
promotions, 65
research, 149–151
sale and supply, 4
social identity, 84
sponsorship, 3
strictly regulated context, 116–118
Super Bowl, 13
American beer industry, 10
Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI), 2, 12, 13, 17
Attitude toward Sponsorship (ATS), 56
Australian Masters Games (AMG), 84, 88
drinking, 89–92
Australian Open, 1
Battle of Pacaembu, 100–101
Behavioural bind, 168
Bonding without intimacy, 12
Brazil, 2
alcohol per capita, 103
2014 FIFA World Cup, 107
football, 103
heavy episodic drinking (HED), 103
Brazilian Attorney General, 107
Bud Light, 13
Budweiser Bill, 2
Carp Releasing Exorcism, 73
‘City Girl’, 35
Combat sports, 120
Conative loyalty, 50, 53, 61, 62
Confederation for South America (CONMEBOL), 107
‘The Dance’, 37–39
Data collections
conflict, 152–153
guilty knowledge, 152
initiation ceremonies, 153–156
qualitative methods, 151
responsibilities, 156
wisdom, 158
Decision-makers awareness, 101
Drinking capital, 76
Elder Southern Man (ESM), 35
Emasculation, 21
Ethics, 168–170
alcohol sponsors, 54
definition, 150
inebriation, 164
narrative ethics, 10, 13
philosophy, 149
research, 152, 157
Evin law
alcoholism, 116
alcohol publicity/promotion limit, 124
Bachelot law, 117
ban of alcohol sales, 117
French legislation, 116
Internet, 118
sport organizations, 126, 127
wine tourism, 125
Favourability, 52, 55, 60
FIFA safety Guidelines, 104
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
‘Football Trick’, 22
‘Game Day’, 21
Gender, 5
masculine, 10
politics, 24
and sponsorship, 53–54
team identification (TID), 58–60
Globalization, 42
Government-sport-alcohol nexus
Swedish alcohol policy, 134–135
Swedish government sport policy, 135–136
Swedish sport movement, 136–137
Government sport policy, 133, 135–136
Handlebar Mustache, 17
Healthy sportsmen
hierarchical classification, 120
psychoactive substance use, 120–121
regular dancing and gymnastic group, 121
security consensus, 122
sporting cultures, 119–120
third half-time players, 122
Heavy episodic drinking (HED), 103
Hegemonic drinking, 71
Hegemonic masculinity, 71
Heterosocial drinking spaces, 75–77
Himbos, 18–22
‘Hockey Legends’commercial, 16
Holy trinity, 32–34
Homosocial cultural learning, 79
Intensive martial arts group, 120
Intensive strength, 120
Intensive team sports, 120
Intercollegiate sport, 50
drinking culture, 70
Kirin Company, 37
masculinity, 73
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Carp Releasing Exorcism, 73
‘City Girl’, 35
Combat sports, 120
Conative loyalty, 50, 53, 61, 62
Confederation for South America (CONMEBOL), 107
‘The Dance’, 37–39
Data collections
conflict, 152–153
guilty knowledge, 152
initiation ceremonies, 153–156
qualitative methods, 151
responsibilities, 156
wisdom, 158
Decision-makers awareness, 101
Drinking capital, 76
Elder Southern Man (ESM), 35
Emasculation, 21
Ethics, 168–170
alcohol sponsors, 54
definition, 150
inebriation, 164
narrative ethics, 10, 13
philosophy, 149
research, 152, 157
Evin law
alcoholism, 116
alcohol publicity/promotion limit, 124
Bachelot law, 117
ban of alcohol sales, 117
French legislation, 116
Internet, 118
sport organizations, 126, 127
wine tourism, 125
Favourability, 52, 55, 60
FIFA safety Guidelines, 104
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
‘Football Trick’, 22
‘Game Day’, 21
Gender, 5
masculine, 10
politics, 24
and sponsorship, 53–54
team identification (TID), 58–60
Globalization, 42
Government-sport-alcohol nexus
Swedish alcohol policy, 134–135
Swedish government sport policy, 135–136
Swedish sport movement, 136–137
Government sport policy, 133, 135–136
Handlebar Mustache, 17
Healthy sportsmen
hierarchical classification, 120
psychoactive substance use, 120–121
regular dancing and gymnastic group, 121
security consensus, 122
sporting cultures, 119–120
third half-time players, 122
Heavy episodic drinking (HED), 103
Hegemonic drinking, 71
Hegemonic masculinity, 71
Heterosocial drinking spaces, 75–77
Himbos, 18–22
‘Hockey Legends’commercial, 16
Holy trinity, 32–34
Homosocial cultural learning, 79
Intensive martial arts group, 120
Intensive strength, 120
Intensive team sports, 120
Intercollegiate sport, 50
drinking culture, 70
Kirin Company, 37
masculinity, 73
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Elder Southern Man (ESM), 35
Emasculation, 21
Ethics, 168–170
alcohol sponsors, 54
definition, 150
inebriation, 164
narrative ethics, 10, 13
philosophy, 149
research, 152, 157
Evin law
alcoholism, 116
alcohol publicity/promotion limit, 124
Bachelot law, 117
ban of alcohol sales, 117
French legislation, 116
Internet, 118
sport organizations, 126, 127
wine tourism, 125
Favourability, 52, 55, 60
FIFA safety Guidelines, 104
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
‘Football Trick’, 22
‘Game Day’, 21
Gender, 5
masculine, 10
politics, 24
and sponsorship, 53–54
team identification (TID), 58–60
Globalization, 42
Government-sport-alcohol nexus
Swedish alcohol policy, 134–135
Swedish government sport policy, 135–136
Swedish sport movement, 136–137
Government sport policy, 133, 135–136
Handlebar Mustache, 17
Healthy sportsmen
hierarchical classification, 120
psychoactive substance use, 120–121
regular dancing and gymnastic group, 121
security consensus, 122
sporting cultures, 119–120
third half-time players, 122
Heavy episodic drinking (HED), 103
Hegemonic drinking, 71
Hegemonic masculinity, 71
Heterosocial drinking spaces, 75–77
Himbos, 18–22
‘Hockey Legends’commercial, 16
Holy trinity, 32–34
Homosocial cultural learning, 79
Intensive martial arts group, 120
Intensive strength, 120
Intensive team sports, 120
Intercollegiate sport, 50
drinking culture, 70
Kirin Company, 37
masculinity, 73
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
‘Game Day’, 21
Gender, 5
masculine, 10
politics, 24
and sponsorship, 53–54
team identification (TID), 58–60
Globalization, 42
Government-sport-alcohol nexus
Swedish alcohol policy, 134–135
Swedish government sport policy, 135–136
Swedish sport movement, 136–137
Government sport policy, 133, 135–136
Handlebar Mustache, 17
Healthy sportsmen
hierarchical classification, 120
psychoactive substance use, 120–121
regular dancing and gymnastic group, 121
security consensus, 122
sporting cultures, 119–120
third half-time players, 122
Heavy episodic drinking (HED), 103
Hegemonic drinking, 71
Hegemonic masculinity, 71
Heterosocial drinking spaces, 75–77
Himbos, 18–22
‘Hockey Legends’commercial, 16
Holy trinity, 32–34
Homosocial cultural learning, 79
Intensive martial arts group, 120
Intensive strength, 120
Intensive team sports, 120
Intercollegiate sport, 50
drinking culture, 70
Kirin Company, 37
masculinity, 73
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Intensive martial arts group, 120
Intensive strength, 120
Intensive team sports, 120
Intercollegiate sport, 50
drinking culture, 70
Kirin Company, 37
masculinity, 73
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
abstinence, 103–104
alcohol sale, 124
FIFA World Cup, 105–106
French, 116
liquor licence, 172
multiple streams framework, 101–102
violence, 102–103
‘Liteguard Training Academy’, 21–22
Low participation group, 120
Manhood formula, 12
Manual on masculinity, 12, 33
Masculinity, 10, 11–12, 31–34
construction, 20
contemporary crisis, 31
definitions, 23
fragility, 22
hegemonic, 71, 87, 121
mythical, 18
rugby players, 122
and sport, 13–14
traditional masculinity, 119
Masters Games, 86, 87
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 54
Media, 4
beer and liquor ads, 25
Brazilian, 109
commentary, 92
coverage and sponsorship, 3
French, 123
policy debates, 92
research agendas, 92
Megaevents, 105, 165
#MeToo movement, 30
Michelob Ultra, 18
Misandry, 10, 14, 23
Moral judgements, 149, 168
Multiple streams framework, 101–102
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
National Football League (NFL), 4
National Public Radio, 3
New Zealand Breweries Limited (NZB), 34
Non-ABI commercials, 17
Non-competitive individual sports group, 120
Older athletes, 84, 86, 94
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Pimp Your Ride, 19, 20
Politics stream, 101
Positional paradox, 167
Promotional culture, 32
Ready-to-drink (RTD), 73
‘Real men’, 14–18
Regular dancing and gymnastic group, 120
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Sake, 72
Shinto ceremony, 75
Situational standpoint, 166
Speight’s ‘Southern Man’, 35
Sponsorship, 3, 4, 52–53
alcohol, 3, 4
contract, 1
corporate, 50
gender, 53–54
investment, 1
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 48
Sporting events
alcohol companies marketing activities, 125
human achievement, 123
misconducts, 124
self-control, 123
Sports, 11–12, 14–22, 31–34
and ageing, 84–88
alcohol sponsorship, 3, 5
beer advertising, 13–14
clubs and organizations, 5, 74
holy trinity, 5
Japanese, 70
normalizing alcohol, 1
older athletes, 84
sponsorship investment, 1
Statute for Supporters’ Defense, Article 13-A, 106
Swedish alcohol–sport paradox
alcohol policy, 132–133
commercialization, 138
drinking problem, 137–139
government-sport-gambling nexus, 137
professionalization, 138
safeguarding, 139
sport policy, 133–134
Systematic indicators, 101
Tactical drinking, 77–80
Team identification (TID), 61
definition, 52
prevalence, 53
‘Tie Breaking’, 21
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA), 102
University club drinking, 74–75
University Favourability (FAV), 56
University kendo, 70, 72, 75, 78
Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, 4
Vestigial hypermasculinity, 12, 17
Violence, 100, 101–102, 102–103
acts, 106
causes of, 101
manifestation, 103
Project, 11
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
Welfare state project, 134
Women, 2, 118–123
alcohol sponsorship, 3
football World Cup, 3
hockey, 3
Japanese society, 81
peripheral participation, 70
soccer, 3
World Health Organization (WHO), 103
World Men’s Handball Championship, 125
Younger Southern Man (YSM), 35
- Prelims
- Introduction: Contextualizing the Sport and Alcohol Relationship for Social Inquiry
- Chapter 1 Real Men, Himbos and Bros: Continuity and Change in the Portrayal of Masculinities in Sport-dirtied Beer Advertising
- Chapter 2 Contemporary Trends in Sport, Beer Advertising and Masculinity: New Zealand's Speight's ‘Southern Man’ 2.0
- Chapter 3 Examining the Impact of a New Beer Sponsor on Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions toward American College Football Teams
- Chapter 4 Tactical Drinking in a Female University Kendo Club
- Chapter 5 Sport, Alcohol and Older Athletes
- Chapter 6 Brazil's Legislation of Alcohol Consumption by Sports Fans and the 2014 FIFA World Cup
- Chapter 7 Alcohol and Sport in France: An Unsettled Field
- Chapter 8 The Swedish Alcohol–Sport Paradox: Sport's Drinking Problem and the Politics of Forwarding
- Chapter 9 Researching Drinking Cultures in Sport: Making Difficult Ethical Decisions
- Chapter 10 ‘Fun Sponge!’ and Other Conjectures: Conducting Field Research in Sport and Alcohol
- Index