Responding to the Grand Challenges in Health Care via Organizational Innovation
ISBN: 978-1-80382-320-1, eISBN: 978-1-80382-319-5
ISSN: 1474-8231
Publication date: 12 December 2022
(2022), "Index", Shortell, S.M., Burns, L.R. and Hefner, J.L. (Ed.) Responding to the Grand Challenges in Health Care via Organizational Innovation (Advances in Health Care Management, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 191-201.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Stephen M Shortell, Lawton Robert Burns and Jennifer L. Hefner. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
A3 thinking, 25
Absent theory, 103–104
Academic researchers, 58
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), 81–82, 99, 115, 135–137
ACO REACH program, 135–136
Accountable Health Communities Model, 93–94
Action, 172–174, 179
Active Implementation Frameworks (AIFs), 54–55
Advanced imaging technology, 68
Advancing Care Together initiative (ACT initiative), 52–53
AF4Q networks, 121
Affiliation networks, 114–115
Affordable Care Act, 28
Algorithmic aversion, 80
Algorithmic Bias, 78–79
Aligning Forces for Quality Alliances, 99–100, 103
Aligning Forces for Quality initiative, 94, 99–100
Aligning Forces for Quality program, 94
Alliance committees, 98–99
Alliance formation, 91
Alliance maturity, 91
Alliance timelines, 91
Alternative payment models (APMs), 81–82, 134
challenges to adoption, 140–144
landscape of US health care, 136–138
physician practice within organizations, 138–140
research, 144–146
rising costs of care continue to challenge US health care system, 134–136
American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2
American Academy of Family Physicians Social Needs Screening Tool, 154
American health care system, 135
Anchor institutions, 179
Area Agencies on Aging, 114–115
Artificial intelligence (AI), 68, 75
AI-assistance, 75–76
AI-based software, 68
AI-based solutions, 78–79
broader factors shaping future of AI in care delivery, 81–82
challenges for health care organizations, 77–81
in health care, 75–77
managing new technology within organizations, 79–81
potential pitfalls of AI in health care organizations, 78–79
predictive algorithms, 77–78
uneven playing field, 77–78
340B program, 137
Birmingham’s Institutional Review Board, 113
“Black box” algorithmic suggestions, 80–81
Black Lives Matter
movement, 2
protests, 11
Blacks, 176
Blue Cross, 142–143
Boundary spanning, 97
Bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
Business strategy, 29
Capability development, 37–39
Care management, 145–146
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, 135–136
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCs), 54, 60–61, 153–154
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Compare, 26–27
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 134
Change management, role of, 36
Chaos theory, 2
Chief diversity officer (CDO), 176–177
Choosing Wisely campaign, 142
Classification systems, 116
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), 115–116
Clinical data analytics, 71
Clinical delivery solution-innovations, 48
Collaboration, 114
Collaborative governance concept, 117
College’s coordinating mechanisms, 10
Communication, 11, 37, 39
Community Care Days, 12–13, 18
Community Care Network, 93–94, 100, 114–115
Community Care Team, 10
Community health collaboratives, 114–115
Community partnerships, 114–115
Community-based organizations, 95–96, 101–102
Community-based social service organizations, 90
Complex causal mechanisms, 121–122
Complex interventions, CFIR and CFIR-PR for, 33–34
Comprehensive Joint Replacement initiative (CJR initiative), 141
Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program, 73
Computer vision, 75–76
Conceptual clarity, 116
Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), 32
CFIR-PR “Implementation Measures”, 35
CFIR-PR for complex interventions, 33–34
for complex interventions, 33–34
Contracts, 98–99
Cooperation, 114
Coordinated care networks, 114–115
Coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Coordination, 114
Core concepts, 112–113
organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
pandemic, 78–79, 168
protocols, 10
“Cowboy” culture, 6
Crisis, 2, 15–16
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after, 17
diversity and stability in, 16
Critical crossroads, 91
Cross-sector alliances, 90, 93–94, 102
in health care, 90, 102–103
Cross-sector health care alliances, 91
Cross-sector strategic alliances, 90
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies, 91–94
critical crossroads, 102–103
critical domains for conceptualization and theoretical application, 104
financing, 101–102
formation, 94–96
governance and decision-making, 98–100
maturity, 96–102
moving forward work on, 103–105
partner selection, 95–96
role of policy, 100–101
work of, 96–98
Cross-sectoral partnerships, 114–115, 121–122
Crossroads, critical, 102–103
Cultural competence training, 175–176
Cultural competency, 171
Culturally appropriate patient care, 175
Culturally competent care, 176
Culture, 146
Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), 6
Dataset Shift, 78–79
Decision-making, 98–100
structure, 98–99
use of data to inform, 37–39
Diabetic patients, 97–98
Diagnosis-related group system (DRG system), 140–141
Digital AI tools, 79–80
Digital divide, 71
Digital health, 68
technologies, 75
tools, 68
Digital revolution, 75
Digital transformation, 69
Digitally assisted rapid cycle testing (DA-RCT), 55
Diverse representation in executive leadership and governance, 176–177
Diverse stakeholders, 112
Diversity, 8
climate, 175
in crises, 16
full embrace of, 13
leadership, 175
training, 177–178
value signaling, 173–174
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 168
initiatives, 169
key terms and definitions, 169
Dyadic alliances, 105
Economists, 126
Electronic health record (EHR), 27–28, 68, 155–156
adoption, 68–69
capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, aligning, 73–75
data, 77–78
EHR-based datasets, 75–76
EHR-based organizational redesign, 75
functionalities, 71
realizing consistent value from enterprise, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Electronic screening and referral, 157–159
Emergency management group (EMG), 50
Emergency management system (EMS), 50
Emergent-vs-deliberate networks, 115
Emotional ambivalence, 8, 12
Epic electronic health record, 145
Equitable and inclusive workforce diversity, 177–178
“#123forEquity” Campaign, 174
Equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155, 159–160
barriers and facilitators, 160
electronic screening and referral, 157–159
future research and practice, 161–162
paper screening and referral, 156–157
quality improvement evaluation, 159
setting, 155–156
Evidence based implementation strategy (EBIS), 49
Evidence based innovation (EBI), 49
Evidence-based system for innovation support (EBSIS), 54
External shocks, 16
Facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
Fake news, 17
Family resource connection (FRC), 156–157
Federal incentives, 69–70
Fee-for-service payment models (FFS payment models), 81–82, 135
Fidelity of innovation, 49
Financial incentives, 138–139
Financing, 101–102
cross-sector work, 101–102
Five-stage process, 24–25
Formal governance, 98–99
Funding sources, 103
Gender parity, 178–179
Generations deep social inequities, 96
Getting to Outcome Framework (GTO Framework), 54
Global emergency, 15
Google Scholar, 171
Governance, 98, 100
approach, 113
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
central concepts, 114–120
knowledge gaps, challenges to studying them, and potential solutions, 120–126
mechanisms, 118–119
network governance, 116–120
networks and network types, 114–116
networks as multilevel entities, 125–126
temporal aspects of networks and network governance, 124–125
way single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Group purchasing organizations, 114–115
Hardware, 68
Harvard Business Review, 171
Health care consortia, 114–115
Health equity, 155, 168, 170
action, 174–179
advancing diversity to achieve, 171–173
intention, 173–174
learning and effectiveness, 180–181
method, 171
outcomes, 179–180
recommendations, 181–185
tourism, 182
Health information exchange networks, 114–115
Health Leads tool, 154, 156
Health maintenance organizations, 143–144
Health Opportunities Pilot, 101
Health policymakers, 15
Health service delivery innovations
example of improve-mentation in practice, 49–52
gaps in knowledge and practice and research agenda, 55–56
improve-mentation methodologies, 52–55
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by researchers, 56–62
Health system digitization
AI challenges for health care organizations, 77–81
aligning EHR capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, 73–75
artificial intelligence and machine learning in health care, 75–77
broader factors shaping future of AI in care delivery, 81–82
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and next digital revolution, 75
realizing consistent value from enterprise EHRS, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Health systems, 114
Health care, 77–78
artificial intelligence and machine learning in, 75–77
bread and butter studies of network governance in, 121–122
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies to cross-sector alliances in, 91–94
delivery organizations, 76, 78–79
equity, 151–152, 155
health care-focused organizations, 99
HRO in, 30–31
industry, 92
leadership, 18
lean in, 25–28
lean six sigma in, 29–30
management, 114
networks, 124–126
personnel, 56–58
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
sector, 90
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
systems, 97–98, 103
Health care organizations, 9, 24, 39, 68–69, 95–98, 102, 140, 142, 154, 161, 169
AI challenges for, 77–81
design of risk-contacting programs, 142–144
lessons for, 18
potential pitfalls of AI in, 78–79
High Reliability Health Care Maturity model (HRHCM model), 31
High reliability organization (HRO), 30
in health care, 30–31
Higher education, 9
Hispanics, 176
HITECH era, 77
Holding environments, 5, 10, 14
Horizontal integration of physicians into larger practices, 137
Hospital, 97–98
out-reach care management innovation, 47–48
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
Housing agency, 97–98
Human resource management literature, 170
Humble leadership, 17
Immigrants, 176
Implementation, 49, 59, 61
concepts, 50–51
conceptual frameworks for, 32–39
measures, 34
process, 33–35
science, 24, 32–33, 48
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to, 61–62
plans, 60
Improve-mentation, 56
AIF, 54–55
approach, 48, 50–51
GTO Framework, 54
IIF, 55
learning evaluation, 52–53
methodologies, 52–53, 55
in practice, 49–52
project, 56–58
researcher competence and organizational capacity for, 56–59
researchers, 60–61
Individuals, 33
with individuals/teams, 34–35
Informal governance, 98–99
Information exchange, 71
Information systems, 145
Inner setting, 33–35
reflective of, 35–36
Innovation, 18, 47–49, 59, 61
impact of crises on pace of, 16
Institute for Diversity, 171
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 174
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 30
learning system concept, 52–53
Institutional theory, 94
Institutions of higher education, 9, 18
Integrated delivery networks, 91–92, 114
Integrated delivery systems, 78
Integrated Improve-Mentation Framework (IIF), 55
Integration across intraorganizational boundaries, 37–39
Intention, 172–174
Inter-provider variation, 71–72
Interactive crises, 14–16
Interactive systems framework (ISF), 54
Interagency collaboration, 114–115
Internal shocks, 16
Interorganizational networks, 114–115
Interrupted time series design, 39–40
Intervention, 33
Intervention Outcomes, 34
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 6
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Capability development, 37–39
Care management, 145–146
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, 135–136
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCs), 54, 60–61, 153–154
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Compare, 26–27
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 134
Change management, role of, 36
Chaos theory, 2
Chief diversity officer (CDO), 176–177
Choosing Wisely campaign, 142
Classification systems, 116
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), 115–116
Clinical data analytics, 71
Clinical delivery solution-innovations, 48
Collaboration, 114
Collaborative governance concept, 117
College’s coordinating mechanisms, 10
Communication, 11, 37, 39
Community Care Days, 12–13, 18
Community Care Network, 93–94, 100, 114–115
Community Care Team, 10
Community health collaboratives, 114–115
Community partnerships, 114–115
Community-based organizations, 95–96, 101–102
Community-based social service organizations, 90
Complex causal mechanisms, 121–122
Complex interventions, CFIR and CFIR-PR for, 33–34
Comprehensive Joint Replacement initiative (CJR initiative), 141
Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program, 73
Computer vision, 75–76
Conceptual clarity, 116
Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), 32
CFIR-PR “Implementation Measures”, 35
CFIR-PR for complex interventions, 33–34
for complex interventions, 33–34
Contracts, 98–99
Cooperation, 114
Coordinated care networks, 114–115
Coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Coordination, 114
Core concepts, 112–113
organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
pandemic, 78–79, 168
protocols, 10
“Cowboy” culture, 6
Crisis, 2, 15–16
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after, 17
diversity and stability in, 16
Critical crossroads, 91
Cross-sector alliances, 90, 93–94, 102
in health care, 90, 102–103
Cross-sector health care alliances, 91
Cross-sector strategic alliances, 90
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies, 91–94
critical crossroads, 102–103
critical domains for conceptualization and theoretical application, 104
financing, 101–102
formation, 94–96
governance and decision-making, 98–100
maturity, 96–102
moving forward work on, 103–105
partner selection, 95–96
role of policy, 100–101
work of, 96–98
Cross-sectoral partnerships, 114–115, 121–122
Crossroads, critical, 102–103
Cultural competence training, 175–176
Cultural competency, 171
Culturally appropriate patient care, 175
Culturally competent care, 176
Culture, 146
Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), 6
Dataset Shift, 78–79
Decision-making, 98–100
structure, 98–99
use of data to inform, 37–39
Diabetic patients, 97–98
Diagnosis-related group system (DRG system), 140–141
Digital AI tools, 79–80
Digital divide, 71
Digital health, 68
technologies, 75
tools, 68
Digital revolution, 75
Digital transformation, 69
Digitally assisted rapid cycle testing (DA-RCT), 55
Diverse representation in executive leadership and governance, 176–177
Diverse stakeholders, 112
Diversity, 8
climate, 175
in crises, 16
full embrace of, 13
leadership, 175
training, 177–178
value signaling, 173–174
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 168
initiatives, 169
key terms and definitions, 169
Dyadic alliances, 105
Economists, 126
Electronic health record (EHR), 27–28, 68, 155–156
adoption, 68–69
capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, aligning, 73–75
data, 77–78
EHR-based datasets, 75–76
EHR-based organizational redesign, 75
functionalities, 71
realizing consistent value from enterprise, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Electronic screening and referral, 157–159
Emergency management group (EMG), 50
Emergency management system (EMS), 50
Emergent-vs-deliberate networks, 115
Emotional ambivalence, 8, 12
Epic electronic health record, 145
Equitable and inclusive workforce diversity, 177–178
“#123forEquity” Campaign, 174
Equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155, 159–160
barriers and facilitators, 160
electronic screening and referral, 157–159
future research and practice, 161–162
paper screening and referral, 156–157
quality improvement evaluation, 159
setting, 155–156
Evidence based implementation strategy (EBIS), 49
Evidence based innovation (EBI), 49
Evidence-based system for innovation support (EBSIS), 54
External shocks, 16
Facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
Fake news, 17
Family resource connection (FRC), 156–157
Federal incentives, 69–70
Fee-for-service payment models (FFS payment models), 81–82, 135
Fidelity of innovation, 49
Financial incentives, 138–139
Financing, 101–102
cross-sector work, 101–102
Five-stage process, 24–25
Formal governance, 98–99
Funding sources, 103
Gender parity, 178–179
Generations deep social inequities, 96
Getting to Outcome Framework (GTO Framework), 54
Global emergency, 15
Google Scholar, 171
Governance, 98, 100
approach, 113
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
central concepts, 114–120
knowledge gaps, challenges to studying them, and potential solutions, 120–126
mechanisms, 118–119
network governance, 116–120
networks and network types, 114–116
networks as multilevel entities, 125–126
temporal aspects of networks and network governance, 124–125
way single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Group purchasing organizations, 114–115
Hardware, 68
Harvard Business Review, 171
Health care consortia, 114–115
Health equity, 155, 168, 170
action, 174–179
advancing diversity to achieve, 171–173
intention, 173–174
learning and effectiveness, 180–181
method, 171
outcomes, 179–180
recommendations, 181–185
tourism, 182
Health information exchange networks, 114–115
Health Leads tool, 154, 156
Health maintenance organizations, 143–144
Health Opportunities Pilot, 101
Health policymakers, 15
Health service delivery innovations
example of improve-mentation in practice, 49–52
gaps in knowledge and practice and research agenda, 55–56
improve-mentation methodologies, 52–55
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by researchers, 56–62
Health system digitization
AI challenges for health care organizations, 77–81
aligning EHR capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, 73–75
artificial intelligence and machine learning in health care, 75–77
broader factors shaping future of AI in care delivery, 81–82
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and next digital revolution, 75
realizing consistent value from enterprise EHRS, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Health systems, 114
Health care, 77–78
artificial intelligence and machine learning in, 75–77
bread and butter studies of network governance in, 121–122
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies to cross-sector alliances in, 91–94
delivery organizations, 76, 78–79
equity, 151–152, 155
health care-focused organizations, 99
HRO in, 30–31
industry, 92
leadership, 18
lean in, 25–28
lean six sigma in, 29–30
management, 114
networks, 124–126
personnel, 56–58
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
sector, 90
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
systems, 97–98, 103
Health care organizations, 9, 24, 39, 68–69, 95–98, 102, 140, 142, 154, 161, 169
AI challenges for, 77–81
design of risk-contacting programs, 142–144
lessons for, 18
potential pitfalls of AI in, 78–79
High Reliability Health Care Maturity model (HRHCM model), 31
High reliability organization (HRO), 30
in health care, 30–31
Higher education, 9
Hispanics, 176
HITECH era, 77
Holding environments, 5, 10, 14
Horizontal integration of physicians into larger practices, 137
Hospital, 97–98
out-reach care management innovation, 47–48
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
Housing agency, 97–98
Human resource management literature, 170
Humble leadership, 17
Immigrants, 176
Implementation, 49, 59, 61
concepts, 50–51
conceptual frameworks for, 32–39
measures, 34
process, 33–35
science, 24, 32–33, 48
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to, 61–62
plans, 60
Improve-mentation, 56
AIF, 54–55
approach, 48, 50–51
GTO Framework, 54
IIF, 55
learning evaluation, 52–53
methodologies, 52–53, 55
in practice, 49–52
project, 56–58
researcher competence and organizational capacity for, 56–59
researchers, 60–61
Individuals, 33
with individuals/teams, 34–35
Informal governance, 98–99
Information exchange, 71
Information systems, 145
Inner setting, 33–35
reflective of, 35–36
Innovation, 18, 47–49, 59, 61
impact of crises on pace of, 16
Institute for Diversity, 171
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 174
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 30
learning system concept, 52–53
Institutional theory, 94
Institutions of higher education, 9, 18
Integrated delivery networks, 91–92, 114
Integrated delivery systems, 78
Integrated Improve-Mentation Framework (IIF), 55
Integration across intraorganizational boundaries, 37–39
Intention, 172–174
Inter-provider variation, 71–72
Interactive crises, 14–16
Interactive systems framework (ISF), 54
Interagency collaboration, 114–115
Internal shocks, 16
Interorganizational networks, 114–115
Interrupted time series design, 39–40
Intervention, 33
Intervention Outcomes, 34
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 6
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Economists, 126
Electronic health record (EHR), 27–28, 68, 155–156
adoption, 68–69
capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, aligning, 73–75
data, 77–78
EHR-based datasets, 75–76
EHR-based organizational redesign, 75
functionalities, 71
realizing consistent value from enterprise, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Electronic screening and referral, 157–159
Emergency management group (EMG), 50
Emergency management system (EMS), 50
Emergent-vs-deliberate networks, 115
Emotional ambivalence, 8, 12
Epic electronic health record, 145
Equitable and inclusive workforce diversity, 177–178
“#123forEquity” Campaign, 174
Equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155, 159–160
barriers and facilitators, 160
electronic screening and referral, 157–159
future research and practice, 161–162
paper screening and referral, 156–157
quality improvement evaluation, 159
setting, 155–156
Evidence based implementation strategy (EBIS), 49
Evidence based innovation (EBI), 49
Evidence-based system for innovation support (EBSIS), 54
External shocks, 16
Facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
Fake news, 17
Family resource connection (FRC), 156–157
Federal incentives, 69–70
Fee-for-service payment models (FFS payment models), 81–82, 135
Fidelity of innovation, 49
Financial incentives, 138–139
Financing, 101–102
cross-sector work, 101–102
Five-stage process, 24–25
Formal governance, 98–99
Funding sources, 103
Gender parity, 178–179
Generations deep social inequities, 96
Getting to Outcome Framework (GTO Framework), 54
Global emergency, 15
Google Scholar, 171
Governance, 98, 100
approach, 113
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
central concepts, 114–120
knowledge gaps, challenges to studying them, and potential solutions, 120–126
mechanisms, 118–119
network governance, 116–120
networks and network types, 114–116
networks as multilevel entities, 125–126
temporal aspects of networks and network governance, 124–125
way single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Group purchasing organizations, 114–115
Hardware, 68
Harvard Business Review, 171
Health care consortia, 114–115
Health equity, 155, 168, 170
action, 174–179
advancing diversity to achieve, 171–173
intention, 173–174
learning and effectiveness, 180–181
method, 171
outcomes, 179–180
recommendations, 181–185
tourism, 182
Health information exchange networks, 114–115
Health Leads tool, 154, 156
Health maintenance organizations, 143–144
Health Opportunities Pilot, 101
Health policymakers, 15
Health service delivery innovations
example of improve-mentation in practice, 49–52
gaps in knowledge and practice and research agenda, 55–56
improve-mentation methodologies, 52–55
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by researchers, 56–62
Health system digitization
AI challenges for health care organizations, 77–81
aligning EHR capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, 73–75
artificial intelligence and machine learning in health care, 75–77
broader factors shaping future of AI in care delivery, 81–82
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and next digital revolution, 75
realizing consistent value from enterprise EHRS, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Health systems, 114
Health care, 77–78
artificial intelligence and machine learning in, 75–77
bread and butter studies of network governance in, 121–122
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies to cross-sector alliances in, 91–94
delivery organizations, 76, 78–79
equity, 151–152, 155
health care-focused organizations, 99
HRO in, 30–31
industry, 92
leadership, 18
lean in, 25–28
lean six sigma in, 29–30
management, 114
networks, 124–126
personnel, 56–58
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
sector, 90
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
systems, 97–98, 103
Health care organizations, 9, 24, 39, 68–69, 95–98, 102, 140, 142, 154, 161, 169
AI challenges for, 77–81
design of risk-contacting programs, 142–144
lessons for, 18
potential pitfalls of AI in, 78–79
High Reliability Health Care Maturity model (HRHCM model), 31
High reliability organization (HRO), 30
in health care, 30–31
Higher education, 9
Hispanics, 176
HITECH era, 77
Holding environments, 5, 10, 14
Horizontal integration of physicians into larger practices, 137
Hospital, 97–98
out-reach care management innovation, 47–48
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
Housing agency, 97–98
Human resource management literature, 170
Humble leadership, 17
Immigrants, 176
Implementation, 49, 59, 61
concepts, 50–51
conceptual frameworks for, 32–39
measures, 34
process, 33–35
science, 24, 32–33, 48
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to, 61–62
plans, 60
Improve-mentation, 56
AIF, 54–55
approach, 48, 50–51
GTO Framework, 54
IIF, 55
learning evaluation, 52–53
methodologies, 52–53, 55
in practice, 49–52
project, 56–58
researcher competence and organizational capacity for, 56–59
researchers, 60–61
Individuals, 33
with individuals/teams, 34–35
Informal governance, 98–99
Information exchange, 71
Information systems, 145
Inner setting, 33–35
reflective of, 35–36
Innovation, 18, 47–49, 59, 61
impact of crises on pace of, 16
Institute for Diversity, 171
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 174
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 30
learning system concept, 52–53
Institutional theory, 94
Institutions of higher education, 9, 18
Integrated delivery networks, 91–92, 114
Integrated delivery systems, 78
Integrated Improve-Mentation Framework (IIF), 55
Integration across intraorganizational boundaries, 37–39
Intention, 172–174
Inter-provider variation, 71–72
Interactive crises, 14–16
Interactive systems framework (ISF), 54
Interagency collaboration, 114–115
Internal shocks, 16
Interorganizational networks, 114–115
Interrupted time series design, 39–40
Intervention, 33
Intervention Outcomes, 34
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 6
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Gender parity, 178–179
Generations deep social inequities, 96
Getting to Outcome Framework (GTO Framework), 54
Global emergency, 15
Google Scholar, 171
Governance, 98, 100
approach, 113
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
central concepts, 114–120
knowledge gaps, challenges to studying them, and potential solutions, 120–126
mechanisms, 118–119
network governance, 116–120
networks and network types, 114–116
networks as multilevel entities, 125–126
temporal aspects of networks and network governance, 124–125
way single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Group purchasing organizations, 114–115
Hardware, 68
Harvard Business Review, 171
Health care consortia, 114–115
Health equity, 155, 168, 170
action, 174–179
advancing diversity to achieve, 171–173
intention, 173–174
learning and effectiveness, 180–181
method, 171
outcomes, 179–180
recommendations, 181–185
tourism, 182
Health information exchange networks, 114–115
Health Leads tool, 154, 156
Health maintenance organizations, 143–144
Health Opportunities Pilot, 101
Health policymakers, 15
Health service delivery innovations
example of improve-mentation in practice, 49–52
gaps in knowledge and practice and research agenda, 55–56
improve-mentation methodologies, 52–55
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by researchers, 56–62
Health system digitization
AI challenges for health care organizations, 77–81
aligning EHR capabilities with organizational improvement priorities, 73–75
artificial intelligence and machine learning in health care, 75–77
broader factors shaping future of AI in care delivery, 81–82
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and next digital revolution, 75
realizing consistent value from enterprise EHRS, 69–75
variation in EHR use, 71–73
Health systems, 114
Health care, 77–78
artificial intelligence and machine learning in, 75–77
bread and butter studies of network governance in, 121–122
challenges to applying strategic alliances studies to cross-sector alliances in, 91–94
delivery organizations, 76, 78–79
equity, 151–152, 155
health care-focused organizations, 99
HRO in, 30–31
industry, 92
leadership, 18
lean in, 25–28
lean six sigma in, 29–30
management, 114
networks, 124–126
personnel, 56–58
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
sector, 90
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
systems, 97–98, 103
Health care organizations, 9, 24, 39, 68–69, 95–98, 102, 140, 142, 154, 161, 169
AI challenges for, 77–81
design of risk-contacting programs, 142–144
lessons for, 18
potential pitfalls of AI in, 78–79
High Reliability Health Care Maturity model (HRHCM model), 31
High reliability organization (HRO), 30
in health care, 30–31
Higher education, 9
Hispanics, 176
HITECH era, 77
Holding environments, 5, 10, 14
Horizontal integration of physicians into larger practices, 137
Hospital, 97–98
out-reach care management innovation, 47–48
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
Housing agency, 97–98
Human resource management literature, 170
Humble leadership, 17
Immigrants, 176
Implementation, 49, 59, 61
concepts, 50–51
conceptual frameworks for, 32–39
measures, 34
process, 33–35
science, 24, 32–33, 48
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to, 61–62
plans, 60
Improve-mentation, 56
AIF, 54–55
approach, 48, 50–51
GTO Framework, 54
IIF, 55
learning evaluation, 52–53
methodologies, 52–53, 55
in practice, 49–52
project, 56–58
researcher competence and organizational capacity for, 56–59
researchers, 60–61
Individuals, 33
with individuals/teams, 34–35
Informal governance, 98–99
Information exchange, 71
Information systems, 145
Inner setting, 33–35
reflective of, 35–36
Innovation, 18, 47–49, 59, 61
impact of crises on pace of, 16
Institute for Diversity, 171
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 174
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 30
learning system concept, 52–53
Institutional theory, 94
Institutions of higher education, 9, 18
Integrated delivery networks, 91–92, 114
Integrated delivery systems, 78
Integrated Improve-Mentation Framework (IIF), 55
Integration across intraorganizational boundaries, 37–39
Intention, 172–174
Inter-provider variation, 71–72
Interactive crises, 14–16
Interactive systems framework (ISF), 54
Interagency collaboration, 114–115
Internal shocks, 16
Interorganizational networks, 114–115
Interrupted time series design, 39–40
Intervention, 33
Intervention Outcomes, 34
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 6
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Immigrants, 176
Implementation, 49, 59, 61
concepts, 50–51
conceptual frameworks for, 32–39
measures, 34
process, 33–35
science, 24, 32–33, 48
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to, 61–62
plans, 60
Improve-mentation, 56
AIF, 54–55
approach, 48, 50–51
GTO Framework, 54
IIF, 55
learning evaluation, 52–53
methodologies, 52–53, 55
in practice, 49–52
project, 56–58
researcher competence and organizational capacity for, 56–59
researchers, 60–61
Individuals, 33
with individuals/teams, 34–35
Informal governance, 98–99
Information exchange, 71
Information systems, 145
Inner setting, 33–35
reflective of, 35–36
Innovation, 18, 47–49, 59, 61
impact of crises on pace of, 16
Institute for Diversity, 171
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 174
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 30
learning system concept, 52–53
Institutional theory, 94
Institutions of higher education, 9, 18
Integrated delivery networks, 91–92, 114
Integrated delivery systems, 78
Integrated Improve-Mentation Framework (IIF), 55
Integration across intraorganizational boundaries, 37–39
Intention, 172–174
Inter-provider variation, 71–72
Interactive crises, 14–16
Interactive systems framework (ISF), 54
Interagency collaboration, 114–115
Internal shocks, 16
Interorganizational networks, 114–115
Interrupted time series design, 39–40
Intervention, 33
Intervention Outcomes, 34
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 6
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Kaizen event, 25
Knowledge gaps, 116–120
Knowledge seeking, 179
, 15
Leaders, 23–25
Leadership, 93–94, 100, 119
managing paradox as leadership task, 11
Lean, 24–25
in health care, 25–28
research on lean and hospital-wide performance, 26–27
research on lean primary care redesign, 27–28
systematic reviews of lean research, 25–26
use of lean experts, 37–39
Lean enterprise. See Lean management
Lean Enterprise Transformation (LET), 32
Lean Enterprise Transformation Evaluation Model (LEM), 36–37, 39
Lean management, 25
components of, 25
in health care, 25–28
system, 24–28
Lean production. See Lean management
Lean six sigma, 24, 29–30
in health care, 29–30
Lean thinking. See Lean management
Lean transformation
applications to, 34–36
high-level principles for, 24–25
Learning, 172–173
evaluation, 52–53
Learning and effectiveness paradigm, 171–173, 180–181
Logic models, 61
frameworks, 51–52
theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
Long-term crises, 14–16
Low Quality Technology, 78–79
Low-quality AI prediction models, 78–79
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Machine learning (ML), 75–76
in health care, 75–77
machine learning-based software, 68
Management innovation, 47–48
Management research, 79
Management theory, 3
Managers, 23–25
Mann Gulch fire disaster, 3–4
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 6
Material resources, 11
Mathematics, 2
Mature funding models, 102
Medicaid, 94
Medicaid ACO program, 101
Medicaid Coordinated Care Organizations, 101
Medical tourism, 16
Medicare, 94, 134
ACO program, 142–143
Medicare’s CPC + pilot program, 139–140
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), 145
Member engagement, 93–94
Mental health systems, 117
Meso level networks, 119–120
Micro-level networks, 119–120
Motorola, 29
Multiinstitutional arrangements, 114
Multilevel entities, networks as, 125–126
Multiple baseline design, 40
Multisector health alliances, 91–92
Multistakeholder alliances, 114, 121–122
National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 171
National data sources, 26–27
National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), 54–55
Native Americans, 176
NATO 10 functions model, 50
NATO emergency response system, 48
Natural language processing, 75–76
Negative emotions, 8
Network governance, 116, 119–120
bread and butter studies of network governance in health care, 121–122
temporal aspects of network governance, 124–125
Networks, 112, 114
concepts, 112
as multilevel entities, 125–126
and network types, 114–116
temporal aspects of, 124–125
New normal after crisis, deleterious effects of adapting to, 17
No Surprises Act, 137–138
Nonlinear coordinating mechanisms, 10
Normal Accidents
, 3
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
“One-size-fits-all” approach, 70
Open innovation, 80–81
Open systems theory, 3
Oppressive systems, 173
Oregon’s approach, 101
Organization culture, 37–39
Organization Transformation Model, 32
Organization weather crisis, factors from literature that helped, 9–11
Organization’s EHR system (Epic®), 28
Organizational “ambidexterity”, 7–8
Organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Organizational change, 7–8
Organizational climate, 175
Organizational leadership, 5
Organizational learning, 4, 180
Organizational lens, 168
Organizational process redesigns, 32
Organizational reflection, 4
Organizational resilience
impact of crises on pace of innovation, 16
deleterious effects of adapting to new normal after crisis, 17
diversity, 8
diversity and stability in crises, 16
emerging ideas in literature, 7–8
emotional ambivalence, 8
empirical literature on, 5–7
external and internal shocks, 16
gaps in literature and directions for future research, 14–17
illustration, 8–14
lessons for health care organizations, 18
long-term and short-term, successive, and interactive crises, 14–16
managing paradox, 7–8
methodological advances needed, 17
theoretical literature on, 3–5
Organizational response to covid-19 crisis, 8–14
additional factors in literature that warrant more research, 11–13
factors from literature that helped organization weather crisis, 9–11
limits to success, 13
setting, 9
strategic offense and future, 14
Organizational strategy, alignment of, 37–39
Organizational Transformation Model (OTM), 36–37
five domains, 36–37
Organizations, 97–98
managing new technology within, 79–81
Outcomes, 172–173, 179–180
Outer setting, 33
Paper screening and referral, 156–157
as leadership task, 11
managing, 7–8
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), 152–153
Patient cultural competence, 175
Patient engagement (PE), 151–153
equity-focused, social needs screening implementation, 155–160
health care equity, 155
social determinants of health, 153–154
Patient transfer networks, 114–115
Patient-generated health data (PGHD), 75
Patriarchy, 173
Per member per month payment (PMPM payment), 139–140
Permanent social dispossession, 15–16
Phased intervention, 39–40
Physician acquisition by nonprovider firms, 137–138
Physician organizations, 137–138
Physician practice within organizations, 138–140
Physician–medical assistant care teams, 35–36
Plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle), 25, 52–55
“Plug-and play” algorithms, 79–80
policy-driven initiatives, 94
role of, 100–101
Positive emotions, 8
Postcrisis process, 5
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 17
Power differentials, 99
Practice culture, 35–36
Preferred provider organization model (PPO model), 143–144
Primary and community health care services (P&CHc), 50
Primary care physicians (PCPs), 27
Primary coordinating mechanisms, 9–10
Private equity firms, 137–138
Process Redesign (PR), 33–34
Professional work, 35–36
Programme theory, 51–52, 61
Psychological safety, 12
Public commitments to diversity and health equity, 174
Public health agencies, 90
Public sectors, 90
Pubmed, 171
“Purpose-oriented” networks, 117–119
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Quadruple, 112
Qualitative comparative analysis, 121–122
Qualitative research methods, 40–41
Quality Implementation Framework, 54
Quality improvement (QI), 48, 158
evaluation, 159
Quality Improvement Tool (QIT), 54
Quality of care, 138–139
Quantitative methods, 121–122
Quantitative research methods, 40–41
Racism, 173
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 39
Rapid cycle testing, 51–52, 55
Rapid process improvement events (RPIEs), 37–39
Rational organizations, 139
Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health program (REACH program), 135–136
Referral, 93–94, 96
Reimbursement models, 81–82
Relational lens, 5
Remote patient monitoring, 48
Research agenda, 112–113
gaps in knowledge and practice and, 55–56
knowledge gaps about improve-mentation, research agenda and strategies, 57
Researcher competence for improve-mentation, 56–59
Researchers, 52, 56, 58
compare plan, 60
create logic model theory of elements contributing to outcomes, 60–61
describing innovation and implementation, 59–61
documenting researcher’s role and feedback to implementers, 61–62
knowledge gaps and recent resolutions developed by, 56–62
primary user of research, 59–60
researcher competence and organizational capacity for improve-mentation, 56–59
Resilience, 4
Resource dependence, 123
Resource dependency theory, 94–95
Risk-contacting programs, design of, 142–144
Robotic process, 80
Robotic process automation (RPA), 75–76
Rules of engagement, 73–74
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Scale out, 49
Scale up, 49
design challenges/state of, 78–79
and researcher, 49
Screening, 93–94, 96
Senior leadership team, 9–10
Sensemaking, 3–4, 11
Service delivery solution-innovations, 48
Sexism, 173
Short-term crises, 14–16
Signaling, 173–174
Single intervention, 39–40
Single organizations manage networks, 122–123
Six sigma, 24, 29–30
Social care consortia, 114–115
Social determinants of health (SDOH), 90, 93–94, 100, 151–154
Social media, 183
Social needs, 155
Social risk factors of health, 90
Social services sectors, 90
Sociologists, 126
Software, 68
Stability in crises, 16
Staff engagement, 37–39
Staffing levels, 37–39
State-reported medical events (SRME), 31
Stepped-wedge design, 40
Storytelling, 11
Strategic alliances. See also Cross-sector strategic alliances, 91–92, 114
studies to cross-sector alliances in health care, 91–94
Strategic choice theory, 123
Strategic diversity management, 175
Strategic human resource management, 175
Strategic offense and future, 14
Strategic partnerships for solutions, 179
Structural racism, 173, 180–181
Study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Successive crises, 14–16
Sustainability, 49, 93–94
of cross-sector alliances, 103
of US health care system, 134
Swedish Karolinska Institute, 58
Systems philosophy, 24–25
Systems thinking, 51–52
Technological determinism, 70
Telehealth, 16
Thematic analysis techniques, 40–41
Toyota, 24–25
“Traditional” organizational theories, 123
Transaction cost economics theory, 94–95
Transformational performance improvement (TPI), 23–24
applications to lean transformation, 34–36
CFIR and CFIR-PR for Complex Interventions, 33–34
conceptual frameworks for implementation, 32–39
facilitators and barriers to TPI implementation, 36–39
HRO, 30
implementation, 32–33
implementation, facilitators and barriers to, 36–39
knowledge needed to advance field, 31–41
lean management system, 24–28
role of change management, 36
six sigma and lean six sigma, 29–30
study designs for evaluating real world transformations, 39–41
Trust, 119
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
United Health Group, 137–138
United Nations, 15
US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 169
US context, 100
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 169
US Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 31
US health care system. See also Digital health
landscape, 136–138
rising costs of care continue to challenge, 134–136
US organizations, 168
Value-based payment incentives, 73
Variation in EHR Use, 71–73
Vassar College, 9
, 9–10, 13
Vertical integration of physician practices within hospitals, 136–137
Veteran/Patient Engagement, 37–39
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
“Weak” AI–algorithms, 81
Whole system TPI, 33
Wicked problems, 112
Work process, 25
redesign, 33–34
Work-relative value units (wRVU), 27–28
Workforce diversity training, 177–178
World Health Organization (WHO), 15
Yin’s method, 6
Zoom, 113
Zoom, 113
- Prelims
- Dealing with Unexpected Crises: Organizational Resilience and Its Discontents
- Transformational Performance Improvement: Why Is Progress so Slow?
- Improve-mentation for Faster Testing and Spread of Health Service Delivery Innovations
- Management Opportunities and Challenges After Achieving Widespread Health System Digitization
- Cross-Sector Strategic Alliances Between Health Care Organizations and Community-Based Organizations: Marrying Theory and Practice
- Charting a Course: A Research Agenda for Studying the Governance of Health Care Networks
- Alternative Payments and Physician Organizations
- Addressing Equity and Social Needs: The New Frontier of Patient Engagement Research
- Learning Through Diversity: Creating a Virtuous Cycle of Health Equity in Health Care Organizations
- Index