Hybrid Social Enterprise Business Model Synergy: Creation of a Measure
ISBN: 978-1-78743-078-5, eISBN: 978-1-78743-077-8
Publication date: 14 November 2017
We contribute to the growing literature examining how social enterprises might best accommodate their hybrid structure when pursuing dual goals of social improvement and economic sustainability. Drawing on extant literature, the case is made for why synergy between the social and commercial business models that hybrid social enterprises employ should positively impact effectiveness in delivering organization outcomes. We then develop a method for comparing the synergy between the social and commercial business models employed within and across organizations, and test the method using a sample of seven social enterprises operating in different social fields. Results demonstrate that our method can be applied consistently across a range of social enterprise types and that variation in degree of synergy is considerable with overlap rates ranging from 9% to 77%. Using learning from this exploratory study, we develop propositions describing how and why social entrepreneurs develop business model synergy, the relationship between business model synergy and organizational performance, and suggest future research to test these propositions. Implications for theory development and practice are discussed.
Dao, H.C. and Martin, B.C. (2017), "Hybrid Social Enterprise Business Model Synergy: Creation of a Measure", Corbett, A.C. and Katz, J.A. (Ed.) Hybrid Ventures (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 19), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 151-185. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1074-754020170000019005
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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