
Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management

ISBN: 978-1-78754-314-0, eISBN: 978-1-78754-313-3

ISSN: 1064-4857

Publication date: 16 July 2019

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(2019), "Index", Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management (Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol. 18), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-274.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited


, 50, 63–64

Acquiescence (ARS)
, 220

, 26–27, 178

American Alliance of Museums
, 187

America’s Most Admired Companies (AMAC)
, 3–4

, 225–226

, 38

Arthur Andersen
, 59

Art museum reputation

challenges in maintaining
, 188

companies learn from
, 205–207

country and reputation of
, 202

cultural/economic roles of
, 187–188

degree of appreciation
, 192–193

degree of familiarity
, 200

key drivers impacting
, 196, 198

, 189–191

RepTrak® model for
, 191

reputation drivers
, 197

reputation ranking
, 193

reputation score of
, 194–195

, 204

study among visitors
, 189–204

Aspirational value
, 50–51

Barclays Bank’s LIBOR rigging
, 51, 59

Bhopal Chemicals’ actions
, 59

Breusch-Godfrey test
, 154–155

, 4

Buyer-supplier agreements
, 70

CAWI techniques
, 225

CAWI type survey
, 226

CCID. See Customer-company identification (CCID)

CCT. See Customer-company trust (CCT)

CFP. See Corporate financial performance (CFP)

Chilean economy
, 149–151

Chimelong Water Park, Guangzhou
, 188

, 37–38

Coefficient of media favorableness (CoMF)
, 145

, 131

CoMF of Chile

dependent variable
, 151–155

independent variables
, 151–153

predictors of
, 152–153

samples and data sources
, 153–154

statistical procedures
, 154–155

Communication style
, 130–132, 139

Component invariance test
, 231

Composite invariance
, 219

Configural invariance
, 217, 218

Consumer Initiated Integrity and Reputation Management Model
, 130

Context and signaling strategy
, 37

COO. See Country of origin (COO)

COO effect
, 147–149

Corporate financial performance (CFP)
, 38–39

Corporate reputation (CR)
, 1, 26, 72

, 98–99

customer-level outcomes of
, 99–101

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 24–25, 38

Country-of-origin effect (COO)
, 28, 146

, 33

Country RepTrak® report
, 40–41

Country reputation
, 33–34

Covariance-based SEM models (CB-SEM)
, 216

CR. See Corporate reputation (CR)

Creating shared value (CSV)
, 6, 24–25

Cross-cultural response styles
, 219–220

Cross-cultural studies
, 220

Cross-national reputation formation
, 70–71

CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

CSV. See Creating shared value (CSV)

, 128

“Currency” of values
, 52

Customer-based corporate reputation
, 98–99

Customer-company identification (CCID)
, 98

impact of reputation on
, 112–113

Customer-company trust (CCT)
, 98

impact of reputation on
, 110–111

Degree of invariance

MACS procedure
, 227–229

MICOM procedure
, 229–236

Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
, 215

Dis-acquiescence (DRS)
, 220

Domestic vs. global reputation management
, 31

Dyadic chains
, 70

, 178

Eduardo Frei
, 156

Effective GRM
, 41–42

Efficient GRM
, 39–40

Elo algorithm
, 179–180

, 80

Enacted values
, 50–52, 60

Equivalence, national samples
, 221

Espoused values
, 50–52, 60

, 50

External reputation
, 56–58

Extreme response style (ERS)
, 220

, 26–27, 132

FIDE Elo rating
, 179–180

Financial Times
, 150, 171

Firm reputation
, 28, 29–30

Firm-specific asset (FSA)
, 31

First-order autoregressive process
, 154–155

Fombrun’s framework
, 35–37

Forging Values Across America
, 52

Fortune measure
, 14–15

FSA. See Firm-specific asset (FSA)

G8 countries
, 4

GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)

GDP variation (IMACEC)
, 159

Globally heterogenous positions
, 42–43

Globally homogeneous positions
, 42–43

Global meritocracy
, 177

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
, 79–80

Global reputation management (GRM)
, 6, 24

signaling and effectiveness
, 41–42

signaling and efficiency
, 39–41

signaling efficiency vs. effectiveness
, 42–43

signaling strategies
, 43

Global reputation systems
, 168, 170–171, 177–180

Global strategic management

reputation study and
, 10–16

Global value chains

model of
, 77–83

and reputation
, 71–75

social cooperation
, 75–77

, 16

GLOBE culture study
, 4

, 26–27

Greater labor mobility
, 170

GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

GRM. See Global reputation management (GRM)

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 149

Harris Interactive (HI)
, 14

High location reputation
, 201–204

High museum reputation
, 201–204

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE)
, 8, 133

IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)

, 73

Independent self-construal (IND)
, 97–98

, 131

Industry reputation
, 31–32

, 97–98

Institutional work approach
, 168–169

Integrated business networks
, 70

Integrated value chains
, 75

Interdependent self-construal (INTER)
, 97–98

Internal reputation
, 53–56

International business strategy phenomenon
, 12–14

International business theories
, 10–12

International joint venture (IJV)
, 13

, 128

Item Response Theory (IRT)
, 215

Justice, principles of
, 76

Louvre, France
, 188

Low-context culture
, 139

, 5

Maclean’s ranking
, 171

Magic Kingdom, Disney
, 188

Mapping global reputation
, 2–6

applying the table
, 3–6

Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS)
, 215, 225–226

, 224, 228

degree of invariance
, 227–229

invariance analysis vs. MICOM
, 216–219

Measurement invariance
, 217

Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
, 9–10, 215, 225–226

degree of invariance
, 229–236

invariance analysis
, 225

MERCO database
, 15

, 168, 177–180

Metric equivalence

procedures to achieve
, 214

types of
, 214

Michelle Bachelet
, 157–158

MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)

Middle range scale (MRS)
, 220

MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)

MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)

MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)

Multigroup analysis (SEM)
, 9–10

Multilevel reputational outcome
, 37

Multilevel reputational value

country reputation
, 33–34

firm reputation
, 28, 29–30

industry reputation
, 31–32

purely domestic vs. global reputation management
, 31

Multinational corporation (MNC)
, 4–5

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
, 1

Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
, 78–79, 82–83

Mutual dependence
, 75

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
, 29–30

National culture
, 96–97

online reputation management
, 130–132

role of
, 101–102

National response style
, 220–221

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
, 8, 133

The New York Times
, 150

Normative model
, 71

NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Online reputation management
, 129–130, 139

national culture
, 130–132

and social media for
, 130–132

Organizational integrity hypernorm
, 78–80

Organizational value
, 50, 52

accountability system
, 63–64

Partial Least Squares (PLSs)
, 216

Patricio Aylwin
, 155–156

Permutation test
, 233

Pooled interdependent tasks
, 75

Principle of transparency
, 78–80

Producer-worker relationships
, 70

Rana Plaza factory collapse
, 74

RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)

Reciprocal interdependence
, 75

Regionally heterogeneous positions
, 42–43

Regionally homogeneous positions
, 42–43

Regional vs. global signaling strategy
, 39

Relationship turst
, 75

, 5

RepTrak model
, 191

RepTrak Pulse
, 14–16, 40, 189–190

RepTrak scale
, 225–226, 228

RepTrak system
, 221–222

RepTrak system of measurement
, 4


, 144

CCID impact on
, 112–113

CCT impact on
, 110–111

, 5

, 180

of countries
, 146–149

crucial management concept
, 144

customer-based corporate
, 98–99

definition, by Fombrun and van Riel
, 144

dimensions of
, 40

, 56–58

global aspects of
, 2

global value chains
, 71–75

, 74

, 53–56

international business strategy phenomenon
, 12–14

internationalization of
, 2

international measurement
, 14–16

managing a global
, 6–7

mapping global
, 2–6

measurement nature
, 8–10

, 171

model of value chain
, 77–83

multinational corporation (MNC)
, 4–5

national context and
, 7–8

in organizational field
, 144–145

risks management via values framework
, 59–64

secondary indicators of
, 15

as shared value
, 35–38

theoretical background
, 25–27

WOM impact on
, 114–115

Reputational damage
, 59–60

Reputational value
, 26

Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
, 99

Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
, 99

Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
, 99

Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27

Reputation metrics
, 221–224

Reputation Quotient (RQ)
, 5

Reputations, art museums

challenges in maintaining
, 188

companies learn from
, 205–207

country and reputation of
, 202

cultural/economic roles of
, 187–188

degree of appreciation
, 192–193

degree of familiarity
, 200

key drivers impacting
, 196, 198

, 189–191

RepTrak® model for
, 191

reputation drivers
, 197

reputation ranking
, 193

reputation score of
, 194–195

sponsoring a
, 204

study among visitors
, 189–204

Reputation study

and global strategic management
, 10–16

international business strategy phenomenon
, 12–14

international business theories
, 10–12

Reputation systems

global diffusion
, 169–172

, 175–176, 180

meritocracy and global
, 177–180

Reputation work
, 173–177

, 173, 174–175

, 174–176

, 174–175, 176

, 174–175, 176

, 174–175

, 174–175

, 174–175, 176–177

, 174–175, 176–177

Resource-based view (RBV)
, 29, 96

Ricardo Lagos
, 156–157

R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)

R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)

RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)

R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)

Scalar invariance
, 217

Sebastian Piñera
, 158

, 97–98, 103–105

SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)

Service efficacy
, 99

Shared reputational value
, 38–39, 43

Shared value
, 35–38

Signaling theory
, 42

Social interaction
, 170–171

Social media (SM)
, 128, 129–130

cross-tabulation of ownership
, 134, 135

cross-tabulation of reply
, 134–135

cross-tabulation of response
, 136

for online reputation management
, 130–132

SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)

, 79–80

State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
, 31

Stock exchange index (IPSA)
, 159

Structural equation models (SEMs)
, 215–216

TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)

Tesla Motors
, 42

Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76

The Times
, 171

Times Higher Education Supplement (THES)
, 171–172

Tobit model
, 159

Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
, 133

Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
, 36

, 170–171

TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)

, 136–137

, 132

Unique-concept interaction
, 221

Upheavals of Thought
, 80

U-shaped relationship
, 4–5, 12

US News
, 171


, 50–52, 60

, 52–53

, 50

Value chain reputation
, 70, 77–83

cross-cultural differences
, 83

empathetic thinking and feeling
, 80–81

, 75

and multistakeholder initiatives
, 82–83

normative model
, 71

organizational integrity hypernorm
, 78–80

organizational practices for
, 77–78

transparency principle
, 78–80

Value(s) framework
, 52–53, 59–64

accountability system
, 63–64

engage everyone from the organization
, 60–61

foundational practices
, 62–63

The Wall Street Journal
, 150

Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
, 136–137

Word-of-mouth (WOM)
, 98

impact of reputation on
, 114–115

World Values Survey
, 16

, 178