Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management
ISBN: 978-1-78754-314-0, eISBN: 978-1-78754-313-3
ISSN: 1064-4857
Publication date: 16 July 2019
(2019), "Index", Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management (Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol. 18), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-274.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Accountability, 50, 63–64
Acquiescence (ARS), 220
Amazon, 26–27, 178
American Alliance of Museums, 187
America’s Most Admired Companies (AMAC), 3–4
AMOS 22, 225–226
Apple, 38
Arthur Andersen, 59
Art museum reputation
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Aspirational value, 50–51
Barclays Bank’s LIBOR rigging, 51, 59
Bhopal Chemicals’ actions, 59
Breusch-Godfrey test, 154–155
Buyer-supplier agreements, 70
CAWI techniques, 225
CAWI type survey, 226
CCID. See Customer-company identification (CCID)
CCT. See Customer-company trust (CCT)
CFP. See Corporate financial performance (CFP)
Chilean economy, 149–151
Chimelong Water Park, Guangzhou, 188
Coca-Cola, 37–38
Coefficient of media favorableness (CoMF), 145
Collectivism, 131
CoMF of Chile
dependent variable, 151–155
independent variables, 151–153
predictors of, 152–153
samples and data sources, 153–154
statistical procedures, 154–155
Communication style, 130–132, 139
Component invariance test, 231
Composite invariance, 219
Configural invariance, 217, 218
Consumer Initiated Integrity and Reputation Management Model, 130
Context and signaling strategy, 37
COO. See Country of origin (COO)
COO effect, 147–149
Corporate financial performance (CFP), 38–39
Corporate reputation (CR), 1, 26, 72
customer-based, 98–99
customer-level outcomes of, 99–101
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 24–25, 38
Country-of-origin effect (COO), 28, 146
, 33
Country RepTrak® report, 40–41
Country reputation, 33–34
Covariance-based SEM models (CB-SEM), 216
CR. See Corporate reputation (CR)
Creating shared value (CSV), 6, 24–25
Cross-cultural response styles, 219–220
Cross-cultural studies, 220
Cross-national reputation formation, 70–71
CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
CSV. See Creating shared value (CSV)
Culture, 128
“Currency” of values, 52
Customer-based corporate reputation, 98–99
Customer-company identification (CCID), 98
impact of reputation on, 112–113
Customer-company trust (CCT), 98
impact of reputation on, 110–111
Degree of invariance
MACS procedure, 227–229
MICOM procedure, 229–236
Differential Item Functioning (DIF), 215
Dis-acquiescence (DRS), 220
Domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Dyadic chains, 70
eBay, 178
Eduardo Frei, 156
Effective GRM, 41–42
Efficient GRM, 39–40
Elo algorithm, 179–180
Emotions, 80
Enacted values, 50–52, 60
Equivalence, national samples, 221
Espoused values, 50–52, 60
Ethic, 50
External reputation, 56–58
Extreme response style (ERS), 220
Facebook, 26–27, 132
FIDE Elo rating, 179–180
Financial Times
, 150, 171
Firm reputation, 28, 29–30
Firm-specific asset (FSA), 31
First-order autoregressive process, 154–155
Fombrun’s framework, 35–37
Forging Values Across America, 52
Fortune measure, 14–15
FSA. See Firm-specific asset (FSA)
G8 countries, 4
GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)
GDP variation (IMACEC), 159
Globally heterogenous positions, 42–43
Globally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Global meritocracy, 177
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 79–80
Global reputation management (GRM), 6, 24
signaling and effectiveness, 41–42
signaling and efficiency, 39–41
signaling efficiency vs. effectiveness, 42–43
signaling strategies, 43
Global reputation systems, 168, 170–171, 177–180
Global strategic management
reputation study and, 10–16
Global value chains
model of, 77–83
and reputation, 71–75
social cooperation, 75–77
GLOBE culture study, 4
Google, 26–27
Greater labor mobility, 170
GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRM. See Global reputation management (GRM)
Gross domestic product (GDP), 149
Harris Interactive (HI), 14
High location reputation, 201–204
High museum reputation, 201–204
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE), 8, 133
IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)
IKEA, 73
Independent self-construal (IND), 97–98
Individualism, 131
Industry reputation, 31–32
IND vs. INTER, 97–98
Institutional work approach, 168–169
Integrated business networks, 70
Integrated value chains, 75
Interdependent self-construal (INTER), 97–98
Internal reputation, 53–56
International business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
International business theories, 10–12
International joint venture (IJV), 13
Internet, 128
Item Response Theory (IRT), 215
Justice, principles of, 76
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
CAWI techniques, 225
CAWI type survey, 226
CCID. See Customer-company identification (CCID)
CCT. See Customer-company trust (CCT)
CFP. See Corporate financial performance (CFP)
Chilean economy, 149–151
Chimelong Water Park, Guangzhou, 188
Coca-Cola, 37–38
Coefficient of media favorableness (CoMF), 145
Collectivism, 131
CoMF of Chile
dependent variable, 151–155
independent variables, 151–153
predictors of, 152–153
samples and data sources, 153–154
statistical procedures, 154–155
Communication style, 130–132, 139
Component invariance test, 231
Composite invariance, 219
Configural invariance, 217, 218
Consumer Initiated Integrity and Reputation Management Model, 130
Context and signaling strategy, 37
COO. See Country of origin (COO)
COO effect, 147–149
Corporate financial performance (CFP), 38–39
Corporate reputation (CR), 1, 26, 72
customer-based, 98–99
customer-level outcomes of, 99–101
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 24–25, 38
Country-of-origin effect (COO), 28, 146
, 33
Country RepTrak® report, 40–41
Country reputation, 33–34
Covariance-based SEM models (CB-SEM), 216
CR. See Corporate reputation (CR)
Creating shared value (CSV), 6, 24–25
Cross-cultural response styles, 219–220
Cross-cultural studies, 220
Cross-national reputation formation, 70–71
CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
CSV. See Creating shared value (CSV)
Culture, 128
“Currency” of values, 52
Customer-based corporate reputation, 98–99
Customer-company identification (CCID), 98
impact of reputation on, 112–113
Customer-company trust (CCT), 98
impact of reputation on, 110–111
Degree of invariance
MACS procedure, 227–229
MICOM procedure, 229–236
Differential Item Functioning (DIF), 215
Dis-acquiescence (DRS), 220
Domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Dyadic chains, 70
eBay, 178
Eduardo Frei, 156
Effective GRM, 41–42
Efficient GRM, 39–40
Elo algorithm, 179–180
Emotions, 80
Enacted values, 50–52, 60
Equivalence, national samples, 221
Espoused values, 50–52, 60
Ethic, 50
External reputation, 56–58
Extreme response style (ERS), 220
Facebook, 26–27, 132
FIDE Elo rating, 179–180
Financial Times
, 150, 171
Firm reputation, 28, 29–30
Firm-specific asset (FSA), 31
First-order autoregressive process, 154–155
Fombrun’s framework, 35–37
Forging Values Across America, 52
Fortune measure, 14–15
FSA. See Firm-specific asset (FSA)
G8 countries, 4
GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)
GDP variation (IMACEC), 159
Globally heterogenous positions, 42–43
Globally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Global meritocracy, 177
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 79–80
Global reputation management (GRM), 6, 24
signaling and effectiveness, 41–42
signaling and efficiency, 39–41
signaling efficiency vs. effectiveness, 42–43
signaling strategies, 43
Global reputation systems, 168, 170–171, 177–180
Global strategic management
reputation study and, 10–16
Global value chains
model of, 77–83
and reputation, 71–75
social cooperation, 75–77
GLOBE culture study, 4
Google, 26–27
Greater labor mobility, 170
GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRM. See Global reputation management (GRM)
Gross domestic product (GDP), 149
Harris Interactive (HI), 14
High location reputation, 201–204
High museum reputation, 201–204
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE), 8, 133
IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)
IKEA, 73
Independent self-construal (IND), 97–98
Individualism, 131
Industry reputation, 31–32
IND vs. INTER, 97–98
Institutional work approach, 168–169
Integrated business networks, 70
Integrated value chains, 75
Interdependent self-construal (INTER), 97–98
Internal reputation, 53–56
International business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
International business theories, 10–12
International joint venture (IJV), 13
Internet, 128
Item Response Theory (IRT), 215
Justice, principles of, 76
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
eBay, 178
Eduardo Frei, 156
Effective GRM, 41–42
Efficient GRM, 39–40
Elo algorithm, 179–180
Emotions, 80
Enacted values, 50–52, 60
Equivalence, national samples, 221
Espoused values, 50–52, 60
Ethic, 50
External reputation, 56–58
Extreme response style (ERS), 220
Facebook, 26–27, 132
FIDE Elo rating, 179–180
Financial Times
, 150, 171
Firm reputation, 28, 29–30
Firm-specific asset (FSA), 31
First-order autoregressive process, 154–155
Fombrun’s framework, 35–37
Forging Values Across America, 52
Fortune measure, 14–15
FSA. See Firm-specific asset (FSA)
G8 countries, 4
GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)
GDP variation (IMACEC), 159
Globally heterogenous positions, 42–43
Globally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Global meritocracy, 177
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 79–80
Global reputation management (GRM), 6, 24
signaling and effectiveness, 41–42
signaling and efficiency, 39–41
signaling efficiency vs. effectiveness, 42–43
signaling strategies, 43
Global reputation systems, 168, 170–171, 177–180
Global strategic management
reputation study and, 10–16
Global value chains
model of, 77–83
and reputation, 71–75
social cooperation, 75–77
GLOBE culture study, 4
Google, 26–27
Greater labor mobility, 170
GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRM. See Global reputation management (GRM)
Gross domestic product (GDP), 149
Harris Interactive (HI), 14
High location reputation, 201–204
High museum reputation, 201–204
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE), 8, 133
IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)
IKEA, 73
Independent self-construal (IND), 97–98
Individualism, 131
Industry reputation, 31–32
IND vs. INTER, 97–98
Institutional work approach, 168–169
Integrated business networks, 70
Integrated value chains, 75
Interdependent self-construal (INTER), 97–98
Internal reputation, 53–56
International business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
International business theories, 10–12
International joint venture (IJV), 13
Internet, 128
Item Response Theory (IRT), 215
Justice, principles of, 76
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
G8 countries, 4
GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)
GDP variation (IMACEC), 159
Globally heterogenous positions, 42–43
Globally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Global meritocracy, 177
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 79–80
Global reputation management (GRM), 6, 24
signaling and effectiveness, 41–42
signaling and efficiency, 39–41
signaling efficiency vs. effectiveness, 42–43
signaling strategies, 43
Global reputation systems, 168, 170–171, 177–180
Global strategic management
reputation study and, 10–16
Global value chains
model of, 77–83
and reputation, 71–75
social cooperation, 75–77
GLOBE culture study, 4
Google, 26–27
Greater labor mobility, 170
GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRM. See Global reputation management (GRM)
Gross domestic product (GDP), 149
Harris Interactive (HI), 14
High location reputation, 201–204
High museum reputation, 201–204
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE), 8, 133
IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)
IKEA, 73
Independent self-construal (IND), 97–98
Individualism, 131
Industry reputation, 31–32
IND vs. INTER, 97–98
Institutional work approach, 168–169
Integrated business networks, 70
Integrated value chains, 75
Interdependent self-construal (INTER), 97–98
Internal reputation, 53–56
International business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
International business theories, 10–12
International joint venture (IJV), 13
Internet, 128
Item Response Theory (IRT), 215
Justice, principles of, 76
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
IJV. See International joint venture (IJV)
IKEA, 73
Independent self-construal (IND), 97–98
Individualism, 131
Industry reputation, 31–32
IND vs. INTER, 97–98
Institutional work approach, 168–169
Integrated business networks, 70
Integrated value chains, 75
Interdependent self-construal (INTER), 97–98
Internal reputation, 53–56
International business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
International business theories, 10–12
International joint venture (IJV), 13
Internet, 128
Item Response Theory (IRT), 215
Justice, principles of, 76
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
Louvre, France, 188
Low-context culture, 139
MAC, 5
Maclean’s ranking, 171
Magic Kingdom, Disney, 188
Mapping global reputation, 2–6
applying the table, 3–6
Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis (MACS), 215, 225–226
analysis, 224, 228
degree of invariance, 227–229
invariance analysis vs. MICOM, 216–219
Measurement invariance, 217
Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM), 9–10, 215, 225–226
degree of invariance, 229–236
invariance analysis, 225
MERCO database, 15
Meritocracy, 168, 177–180
Metric equivalence
procedures to achieve, 214
types of, 214
Michelle Bachelet, 157–158
MICOM. See Measurement Invariance of Composite Models (MICOM)
Middle range scale (MRS), 220
MNC. See Multinational corporation (MNC)
MNEs. See Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
MSI. See Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs)
Multigroup analysis (SEM), 9–10
Multilevel reputational outcome, 37
Multilevel reputational value
country reputation, 33–34
firm reputation, 28, 29–30
industry reputation, 31–32
purely domestic vs. global reputation management, 31
Multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
Multinational enterprises (MNEs), 1
Multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs), 78–79, 82–83
Mutual dependence, 75
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30
National culture, 96–97
online reputation management, 130–132
role of, 101–102
National response style, 220–221
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 8, 133
The New York Times
, 150
Normative model, 71
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Online reputation management, 129–130, 139
national culture, 130–132
and social media for, 130–132
Organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
Organizational value, 50, 52
accountability system, 63–64
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
Partial Least Squares (PLSs), 216
Patricio Aylwin, 155–156
Permutation test, 233
Pooled interdependent tasks, 75
Principle of transparency, 78–80
Producer-worker relationships, 70
Rana Plaza factory collapse, 74
RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)
Reciprocal interdependence, 75
Regionally heterogeneous positions, 42–43
Regionally homogeneous positions, 42–43
Regional vs. global signaling strategy, 39
Relationship turst, 75
RepTrak, 5
RepTrak model, 191
RepTrak Pulse, 14–16, 40, 189–190
RepTrak scale, 225–226, 228
RepTrak system, 221–222
RepTrak system of measurement, 4
building, 144
CCID impact on, 112–113
CCT impact on, 110–111
comparative, 5
concept, 180
of countries, 146–149
crucial management concept, 144
customer-based corporate, 98–99
definition, by Fombrun and van Riel, 144
dimensions of, 40
external, 56–58
global aspects of, 2
global value chains, 71–75
interdependence, 74
internal, 53–56
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
internationalization of, 2
international measurement, 14–16
managing a global, 6–7
mapping global, 2–6
measurement nature, 8–10
measuring, 171
model of value chain, 77–83
multinational corporation (MNC), 4–5
national context and, 7–8
in organizational field, 144–145
risks management via values framework, 59–64
secondary indicators of, 15
as shared value, 35–38
theoretical background, 25–27
WOM impact on, 114–115
Reputational damage, 59–60
Reputational value, 26
Reputation for market prominence (R-MP), 99
Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE), 99
Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE), 99
Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak®
, 26–27
Reputation metrics, 221–224
Reputation Quotient (RQ), 5
Reputations, art museums
challenges in maintaining, 188
companies learn from, 205–207
country and reputation of, 202
cultural/economic roles of, 187–188
degree of appreciation, 192–193
degree of familiarity, 200
key drivers impacting, 196, 198
measuring, 189–191
RepTrak® model for, 191
reputation drivers, 197
reputation ranking, 193
reputation score of, 194–195
sponsoring a, 204
study among visitors, 189–204
Reputation study
and global strategic management, 10–16
international business strategy phenomenon, 12–14
international business theories, 10–12
Reputation systems
global diffusion, 169–172
internationalized, 175–176, 180
meritocracy and global, 177–180
Reputation work, 173–177
building, 173, 174–175
communicating, 174–176
consuming, 174–175, 176
deconstructing, 174–175, 176
evaluating, 174–175
maintaining, 174–175
outcomes, 174–175, 176–177
process, 174–175, 176–177
Resource-based view (RBV), 29, 96
Ricardo Lagos, 156–157
R-MP. See Reputation for market prominence (R-MP)
R-PSE. See Reputation for product and service efficacy (R-PSE)
RQ. See Reputation Quotient (RQ)
R-SE. See Reputation for societal ethicality (R-SE)
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
Scalar invariance, 217
Sebastian Piñera, 158
Self-construal, 97–98, 103–105
SEM. See Multigroup analysis (SEM)
Service efficacy, 99
Shared reputational value, 38–39, 43
Shared value, 35–38
Signaling theory, 42
Social interaction, 170–171
Social media (SM), 128, 129–130
cross-tabulation of ownership, 134, 135
cross-tabulation of reply, 134–135
cross-tabulation of response, 136
for online reputation management, 130–132
SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Stakeholders, 79–80
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 31
Stock exchange index (IPSA), 159
Structural equation models (SEMs), 215–216
TCI. See Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI)
Tesla Motors, 42
Theory of Justice as Fairness
, 76
The Times
, 171
Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), 171–172
Tobit model, 159
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 133
Transaction cost internalization theory (TCI), 36
TripAdvisor, 170–171
TSE, p48. See Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
t-test, 136–137
Twitter, 132
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
Unique-concept interaction, 221
Upheavals of Thought
, 80
U-shaped relationship, 4–5, 12
US News
, 171
enacted, 50–52, 60
frameworks, 52–53
organizational, 50
Value chain reputation, 70, 77–83
cross-cultural differences, 83
empathetic thinking and feeling, 80–81
integrated, 75
and multistakeholder initiatives, 82–83
normative model, 71
organizational integrity hypernorm, 78–80
organizational practices for, 77–78
transparency principle, 78–80
Value(s) framework, 52–53, 59–64
accountability system, 63–64
engage everyone from the organization, 60–61
foundational practices, 62–63
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
The Wall Street Journal
, 150
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 136–137
Word-of-mouth (WOM), 98
impact of reputation on, 114–115
World Values Survey, 16
Yelp, 178
- Prelims
- Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management
- Section I Managing a Global Reputation
- Global Reputation Management: Understanding and Managing Reputation as Shared Value across Borders
- The Role of Values in the Creation and Maintenance of an Organization’s Reputation
- Global Value Chains, Reputation, and Social Cooperation
- Section II National Context and Reputation
- Does Country Really Matter? Exploring the Contextual Effect of Individual Self-construal in Reaping the Relational Benefits of Customer-based Reputation
- National Culture Characteristics for Managing Corporate Reputation and Brand Image Using Social Media
- Economic Indicators Affecting the Media Reputation of a Country: The Case of Chile (1990–2015)
- Section III The Nature of Reputation Measurement
- Praemia Virtutis Honores? The Making of Global Reputations and the False Promise of Meritocracy
- Why Do People Love Museums So Much? Empirical Evidence about the Stellar Reputations of Art Museums and What Companies Can Learn From It
- The Reputation of Companies across Different Countries: Some Keys to Validating the Comparison of Results
- Index