Long Wave of Rural Research from Combating Poverty to Sustaining Ecosystems
ISBN: 978-1-78560-797-4, eISBN: 978-1-78560-796-7
Publication date: 25 July 2016
The differences of urban and rural as social spaces, their functions in society, as well as their mutual dependence have been a subject of scientific thinking since the antique times. This chapter revisits the topic from a sociological point of view, studying the evolution of the functions of rural in relation to urban, and how this evolution was reflected in the basic streams of rural research. The text ends by discussing rural research in relation to present social, economic and ecological tendencies. It is argued that the post-productionist phase of rural studies is losing its plausibility, because of the return of material functions for the countryside, during such recent trends as the global food crises and the greenhouse effect. This chapter discusses the prognosis made by the three founding fathers of rural sociology, Pitirim Sorokin, Carle C. Zimmerman and Charles J. Galpin (1932) that the society is melting together into a ‘rurban’ society, and takes distance from this prognosis for several reasons, for example because ecological tendencies seem to renew rather than diminish the differences between rural and urban. It is further argued that ecosystems have increasing impacts on societies in the form of adapted ‘greenhouse rationalism’. Such changes place rural research in a crossroads, posing the question whether to pay attention to increasingly important impacts of ecosystems on society, or not.
This chapter is based on the writer’s presentation in the XXIIIth Conference of European Society for Rural Sociology in Firenze 30.7.2013. I am grateful to Ilkka Alanen, whose works and words on sociology and its rural branch have inspired me to work with rural–urban thematics, to Juha Kantanen, whose initiative and collaboration to study Yakutian Cattle gave me the chance to learn about the crucial importance of biodiversity to society, as well as to Ann-Mari Sätre, who gave valuable comments on the manuscript. Finally, Laura Kauppila made the English language checking.
Granberg, L. (2016), "Long Wave of Rural Research from Combating Poverty to Sustaining Ecosystems", Metropolitan Ruralities (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Vol. 23), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 68-91. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1057-192220160000023005
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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