
Research on Economic Inequality: Poverty, Inequality and Shocks

ISBN: 978-1-80071-558-5, eISBN: 978-1-80071-557-8

ISSN: 1049-2585

Publication date: 2 December 2021

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(2021), "Index", Bandyopadhyay, S. (Ed.) Research on Economic Inequality: Poverty, Inequality and Shocks (Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 29), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 297-304.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited



Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

Absolute change
, 108

Absolute polarization curve (APC)
, 140–141

Adjusted headcount ratio
, 111

Age pension schemes
, 14

Aggregate effect
, 117

, 7, 14–16

empirical analysis
, 16–27

, 6

theoretical background
, 7–14

Alternative parametric models for Lorenz curves
, 40

Alternative solution
, 32

Annualized absolute change
, 113–114


household characteristics of VRSII sample visá-vis city and urban
, 273–277

microdata used for matching
, 272

urban agglomerations of
, 269

Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH)
, 280

At-risk-of-poverty (ARP)
, 208

, 252

Atkinson indices
, 79

Attrition bias testing
, 191–193, 201–205

Average partial effects (APEs)
, 191

of state dependence
, 191–193

Bahia Blanca
, 269–270

Basic Monthly Current Population Survey
, 249

Bayesian framework
, 2, 32

Bayesian inference
, 32

approach based on parametric assumptions of income distribution
, 37–39

data and context
, 45–46

direct approach based on parametric Lorenz curves
, 40–43

empirical illustration using UK data
, 45

GICs for subgroups
, 48–49

GICs for whole population
, 46–48

for log-linear regression model
, 53

measuring pro-poor growth
, 33–37

for mixture of log-normals
, 54–55

Monte Carlo simulation
, 43–45

and tests for GIC
, 38–39

Bennett and Hatzimasoura index
, 2

Bipolarization index
, 139

Brent algorithm
, 50n2

Cardinal entities
, 2

Cardinalized ordinal data
, 9

Cardiovascular disease
, 78

Cash transfer benefits, matrix of
, 280–283

Catholic Church
, 270

Censored headcount ratio (CH)
, 112

, 170

intragenerational income mobility in
, 168

persistence at extremes of income distribution in
, 176–182

Chilean P-CASEN
, 173

China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)
, 15

Classic descriptive statistics
, 272

Classic Mintzer-type equations
, 16

Combined n-poverty indicator
, 250

Complementary Social Salary
, 287

Confidence intervals
, 32

Consumption equation
, 17–18

Contextual predictors
, 58

Country-specific threshold
, 252

, 249

basic household characteristics of VRSII sample visá-vis city and urban Argentina
, 273–277

living conditions in slum area during lockdown
, 277–289

lockdown measures
, 268–269

methodology for analysis
, 272–273

other microdata used for matching
, 272

, 1, 3–4

, 208

Rosas II Area and Bahia Blanca at Glance
, 269–270

survey design and data collection protocols
, 270–272

COVID-19, MEntal HEalth, Resilience, and Self-regulation (COME-HERE)
, 209, 210, 214, 226

longitudinal survey
, 210–211

Cumulative density functions (CDFs)
, 10

Cumulative distribution
, 38

Data quality
, 271

, 11

Demographic Health Survey (DHS)
, 106

Dibao effect
, 16

Dibao program
, 14

Dibao receipt
, 23

Dimensional inclusiveness
, 108, 116–118

Direct approach based on parametric Lorenz curves
, 40–43

Distribution-free empirical PGC
, 35

Distribution-free estimator
, 32–33

Distribution-free inference
, 34–37

Distribution-free method
, 43

Distributional change
, 150–154

Distributional effect
, 117

Distributional Gini coefficient (DISGINI)
, 11

“Divide by 4 rule”
, 73n6

Downward-looking status
, 96

Dynamic discrete choice models
, 173

Dynamic hierarchical model
, 60

Dynamic logistic hierarchical model
, 2

Dynamic logistic model
, 63

Dynamic ordered probit models based on random effects specifications
, 186–187

Earned income tax credit (EITC)
, 148

Econometric analysis
, 224–226

Econometric models
, 58

Econometric strategies
, 169, 182

initial conditions and correlated random effects problems in short-period panel data
, 185–186

modeling joint low-income and high-income persistence
, 182–184

Economic growth
, 32

Economic reforms
, 14

Economic security
, 138

Economic shocks
, 170

Economic strain
, 249–250

measures of
, 252–254

Economic uncertainty
, 170

, 209, 289

, 108, 113–114

, 120–127

Emergency family income (IFE)
, 280

, 209, 278–280

Epidemic shock
, 250

, 174

Euro-area households
, 250

, 208

Europe, poverty in
, 208

Europe 2020 strategy
, 249, 252

European households
, 248

, 252

, 79

Eurosystem HFCS
, 251

Ex ante harmonization
, 251

Explanatory variables
, 58

Extreme hypothetical shock
, 250, 255

Face-to-face activities
, 268

Family Expenditure Survey (FES)
, 32

Finances of European households

economic strain
, 249–250

empirical evidence
, 254–260

, 251–252

measures of economic strain
, 252–254

nationwide lockdown
, 248

pandemic shock
, 248–249

Financial assets
, 256

First-order Markov process
, 173

First-order Utopia–Dystopia index (FOUDI)
, 10

Food (in)security
, 285–289

Food insufficiency
, 4

Food poverty line
, 73n2

Food security
, 284, 288

Forecasts and mobility analysis
, 71–72

Foster–Greer–Thorbecke family (FGT family)
, 209

, 78

Foster–Wolfson bipolarization curve
, 140

Functional forms
, 41–42

and implied quantile functions
, 42

Gini coefficient
, 28n5, 283

Gini decompositions
, 20

Gini indices
, 79

Gini’s transvariation
, 11

Greatest degree of precedence (PRE-G)
, 81

Gross income
, 251

Gross national income (GNI)
, 106

Gross national product (GNP)
, 58

Growth incidence curve (GIC)
, 32–33

Bayesian inference and tests for
, 38–39

Bayesian inference for
, 42–43

for log-normal model
, 37–38

for mixtures of log-normal densities
, 38

pro-poor judgments using
, 33–34

for subgroups
, 48–49

for whole population
, 46–48

Harmonized survey
, 4

Hasse diagram
, 83

Hazard rate models
, 172

Headcount ratio
, 208

, 6

, 78

“Health poor” category
, 81

Health poverty
, 80

bootstrap confidence intervals for first-and second-order stochastic dominance
, 93

on ordinal variables and health poverty measurement
, 80–83

SAH category
, 78–79

SAH in 29 European countries in 2009 and 2018
, 83–91

Seth and Yalonetzky index
, 79

Heterogeneity analysis
, 209, 219–224

High-income persistence
, 171–172

Horizontal inclusiveness
, 108, 116

Household Wealth and Finance Consumption Survey
, 4

, 248

characteristics of VRSII sample visá-vis city and urban Argentina
, 273–277

demographic variable
, 272

deprivation indicators
, 272

economic income
, 157n4

, 208–209, 211

labor incomes
, 249

labor market attachment
, 176

poverty status
, 58

Human capital
, 16, 176

Human development
, 78

Human Development Report
, 111

Implied quantile functions
, 42

In-kind food aid
, 283–285

, 211

of multidimensional poverty
, 112

, 111

Income distribution

approach based on parametric assumptions of
, 37

Bayesian inference and tests for GIC
, 38–39

GIC for log-normal model
, 37–38

GIC for mixtures of log-normal densities
, 38

Income inequality
, 168

Income losses for middle class groups
, 268

Income mobility
, 168, 170–171

Income of financially poor households
, 256

“Income poor” households
, 254

Income position in Chile

annual income position at t conditional of income position
, 220

average partial effect of state dependence
, 191–193

, 170–173

data and definitions
, 173–176

econometric strategy
, 182–186

estimates of dynamic ordered probit models based on random effects specifications
, 186–187

estimation results
, 186

initial conditions and state dependence in both low income and high income
, 187–190

intragenerational income mobility
, 169–170

, 168–169

persistence at extremes of income distribution in Chile
, 176–182

testing attrition bias
, 201–205

Income poverty
, 4, 106, 110, 253

Income quintile group (IQG)
, 174

Income-based measures of poverty risk
, 253

, 106

performance in income and other social indicators
, 107

, 95–96

Individual heterogeneity
, 171

Individual wellbeing
, 14–15

, 1–2, 32, 95, 139–140, 168, 211, 268

as distance from equality
, 96–97

, 96

, 211

Intensity of multidimensional poverty
, 112

Inter-temporal dependency
, 170

Intermediate bipolarization

, 140

in Israel
, 144–145

Intermediate median income
, 3

Intermediate polarization
, 140

pro-middle class growth using approach to
, 141–144, 162–165

Intermittent slowdowns
, 106

International poverty line
, 106

Intragenerational income mobility in Chile
, 168

Inverse probability weights (IPW)
, 169

Israel, intermediate bipolarization in
, 144–145

Israeli equivalence scale
, 144

Kernel estimator
, 35

Kyrgyz Republic Integrated Sample Household Budget and Labor Force Survey (KIHS)
, 62

Kyrgyzstan, modeling poverty dynamics in
, 62–72

Labor force participation
, 139, 146

Latin America
, 168

Life satisfaction
, 100

Likelihood function
, 53

Likelihood ratio tests
, 18–19

Livelihoods during lockdown
, 277–278

Living conditions in slum area

, 289

, 278–280

food (in)security
, 285–289

in-kind food aid
, 283–285

livelihoods during lockdown
, 277–278

during lockdown
, 277

matrix of cash transfer benefits
, 280–283

, 7

Lockdown measures
, 268–270

living conditions in slum area during lockdown
, 277–289

Log-linear regression model, Bayesian inference for
, 53

Log-normal model
, 38, 43

Bayesian inference for mixture of
, 54–55

GIC for
, 37–38

Log-normal probability density function
, 37

Lorenz curve
, 2, 32–34, 95

alternative parametric models for
, 40

Bayesian inference for GIC
, 42–43

direct approach based on parametric
, 40–43

functional forms and implied quantile functions
, 42

three usual functional forms
, 41–42

M-point Gauss–Hermite quadrature
, 184

, 58

Macroeconomic forecasts
, 73n7

Main respondent (MR)
, 15

Marginal effects
, 19

Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques (MCMC techniques)
, 2, 59, 65

Markov models
, 185

of transition to poverty
, 173

Matching procedures
, 273

Material deprivation
, 250

Matrix of cash transfer benefits
, 280–283

Maximum inequality
, 97–100

, 100–102

Maximum likelihood estimation
, 61–62

Mean–variance adaptive Gauss–Hermite quadrature
, 184

meoprobit command
, 184

, 60

, 58

Middle class in economic development
, 138

Mincer equations
, 16

Minimum and maximum inequality
, 2–3

Minimum inequality
, 96–97

Mixture model method
, 38, 139

, 170, 195n1

Monetary poverty
, 106

Monte Carlo simulations
, 2, 32, 43–45

MPI elasticity of censored headcount ratio (e(CH d ;MPI))
, 117

Multidimensional distributional comparison techniques
, 7

Multidimensional indices
, 7

Multidimensional poverty
, 106, (see also Health poverty)

, 118

dimensional inclusiveness
, 116–118

elasticities and semi-elasticities
, 113–114

growth elasticities
, 120–127

horizontal inclusiveness
, 116

India’s performance in income and other social indicators
, 107

India’s performance in various social indicators
, 109–111

, 112

, 3, 111

, 112–113, 118–120

MPI elasticity of censored headcount ratios across states
, 135

per capita state domestic product and net national product
, 134

relative changes in state-wise MPIs and incidences
, 133

, 118

uncensored elasticity of censored headcount ratios across states
, 136

vertical inclusiveness
, 108, 114–116

Multidimensional poverty index (MPI)
, 3, 106, 112

, 269

Multidimensional wellbeing measurement
, 6

Multilevel/hierarchical models
, 58

n-financially poor households
, 253–254

National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
, 111

National growth

, 114

, 114

Nationwide lockdown
, 248

Net disposable income
, 251

Non-Dibao recipients
, 19

Non-parametric tool
, 139

Non-contributive pensions (NCP)
, 280

OLS Regression analysis
, 272

Ordered probit Regression analysis
, 272

, 9–10, 12–13, 24

Ordinal health inequality
, 79

Ordinal monotonicity
, 80

Ordinal Poverty Index
, 80–81

Oster and Wolfson’s index
, 157n2

Outcome value function (OVF)
, 8, 10

Own-state traps/shields
, 182

Pandemic crisis
, 249

Parametric models
, 32

Partial orderings
, 82–83

, 253

Percentage change
, 108

Persistence at extremes of income distribution in Chile
, 176–182

Personal income
, 16

Physical assets
, 176

Polarization curves
, 139

Polarization measures
, 139

“Population-average” coefficients
, 66

Positional income mobility
, 171

Positional inconsistency
, 182

Positional movement
, 169–170

Posterior predictive checks
, 65

PovcalNet dataset
, 249

, 1, 32, 138, 182, (see also Multidimensional poverty)

ARP rates by NUTS 1 areas and time
, 236

ARP thresholds by country and household type
, 237

COME-HERE longitudinal survey
, 210–211

in COVI D-19 era
, 208

, 210

econometric analysis
, 224–226

in Europe
, 208

heterogeneity analysis
, 209–210, 219–224

household income
, 208–209

, 41

main results
, 214–219

, 139–140

, 211–213

, 195n2

poverty across countries and interview dates
, 235, 238, 246

poverty status and individual characteristics
, 244–245

poverty-contributing factors
, 57–59

relative TIP curves by country, interview date, and age
, 232

relative TIP curves by country, interview date, and employment status
, 233

selection in analysis sample
, 234

sensitivity analysis
, 226–228

in single explicative model
, 58

subgroup decomposition of poverty measures in France
, 239

subgroup decomposition of poverty measures in Germany
, 240

subgroup decomposition of poverty measures in Italy
, 241

subgroup decomposition of poverty measures in Spain
, 242

subgroup decomposition of poverty measures in Sweden
, 243

, 171, 172

varying effects of poverty determinants
, 59–62

Poverty dynamics
, 173

data and model choice
, 62–66

main empirical results
, 66–72

modeling in Kyrgyzstan
, 62

Poverty growth curve (PGC)
, 35

, 81

Pro-middle class growth
, 138

on absolute measure of
, 160–162

using approach to intermediate polarization
, 141–144

, 144

deriving absolute measure of
, 140–141

distributional change
, 150–154

downward trend in relative polarization
, 145

economic security
, 138

factors affecting change in polarization over time
, 145–149

intermediate bipolarization in Israel
, 144–145

intermediate polarization and
, 162–165

intermediate polarization and crucial role of parameter
, 145

intermediate polarization curves
, 156

poverty measurement
, 139–140

, 144

upward trend in absolute polarization
, 145

Pro-poor growth
, 47, 138

distribution-free inference
, 34–37

, 33

, 33–37

pro-poor judgments using GIC
, 33–34

Probability density function (pdf)
, 9, 12

Probability forecasts
, 72

Quality of life
, 78

Quantile functions
, 32, 42

Quantitative variables
, 78

, 251, 271

R function uniroot searches
, 50n2

Random effect dynamic ordered probit model (REDOP model)
, 170, 173, 182–183, 188, 191

Ravallion and Chen growth incidence curve
, 1–2

Regression analysis
, 272

Regression coefficients
, 73n1

Relative distribution
, 139

Relative index
, 140

Relative polarization
, 139

Repeated cross-sectional surveys

modeling poverty dynamics in Kyrgyzstan
, 62–72

poverty-contributing factors
, 57–58

structure of Kyrgyz society
, 75–76

study of poverty dynamics
, 58

varying effects of poverty determinants
, 59–62

Residuals plot
, 65

, 108

Restricted minimum inequality
, 97

Restrictive property
, 79

Root mean square error (RMSE)
, 43

Rural Dibao program
, 14

Scale independent ordered categorical analysis
, 21

Scarring effect
, 171

Self-assessed health (SAH)
, 78

in 29 European countries in 2009 and 2018
, 83

computing family of indices
, 83–88

stochastic dominance analysis
, 88–91

Self-rated health
, 78

Self-reported health or happiness (SRH)
, 6

, 113–114

Sensitivity analysis
, 226–228

Seth and Yalonetzky index
, 79, 83–87

SF-6D index
, 78

Single-category deprivation
, 80

Slum households
, 270

living conditions in slum area during lockdown
, 277–289

Social assistance
, 14

Social distancing
, 248

Social indicators
, 106

Societal wellbeing calculus
, 6

, 169

Socioeconomic Household Panel Survey (P-CASEN)
, 168–169, 173–174

Stan (programming language)
, 73n5

Static poverty analysis
, 58

Statistical tests
, 32

, 96

Stochastic dominance analysis
, 88–91

Stochastic dominance conditions
, 13

Structural predictors
, 58

Subgroup decomposability
, 81

Surface separation index (SS)
, 11

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 106

Theil index
, 45, 79

Three “i”s of poverty (TIP)
, 211–212

Time–space varying intercepts
, 67–68

Time–space varying slopes
, 68–71

Total gross income
, 252

, 138

True state dependence
, 171

Un-modeled coefficients
, 66

Uncensored headcount ratio (UH)
, 113


, 171

, 67–68

Uniform distribution
, 97

Union-based identification
, 111

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
, 106

Universal Child Allowance
, 287

, 175

Upward-looking status
, 96, 103n2

Urban agglomerations of Argentina
, 269

US Current Population Survey (CPS)
, 209

Utopia–Dystopia ordering
, 9

Vertical inclusiveness
, 108, 114–116

Villa Rosas II (VRII)
, 269, 273

household characteristics of VRSII sample visá-vis city and urban Argentina
, 273–277

Rosas II Area and Bahia Blanca at Glance
, 269–270

Vulnerability as expected poverty (VEP)
, 72

, 249–253

, 4, 250

Welfare policy
, 149, 157

Welfare programs
, 6

, 1

value function
, 8

Wellbeing evaluation function (WEF)
, 12

Wooldridge’s method
, 185

World Health Organization
, 78

World Values Survey
, 100

Zoning laws
, 172