The Interface of Political Ecology with Eco-Entrepreneurship in Africa: A Case Study Synthesis
From Local to Global: Eco-entrepreneurship and Global Engagement with the Environment
ISBN: 978-1-83549-277-2, eISBN: 978-1-83549-276-5
Publication date: 7 June 2024
Eco-entrepreneurship is a topical issue in academic and professional literature over the past decade. In Africa, it is a relatively new concept fast gaining momentum with wide applicability and acceptance given its benefits in promoting consumer adoption of sustainable lifestyles, resilient environment, economic empowerment, and a win–win balance in the ecology and economy nexus. Amidst the growing impact of climate change and environmental degradation, eco-entrepreneurship has become a necessity, with emerging opportunities being in urban waste management, recycling, and renewable energy technologies. Regardless of the benefits of eco-entrepreneurship, regulatory and governance structures inform the viability of any initiatives. This chapter presents how political ecology structures intersect and impact eco-entrepreneurship in Africa. Given that nations’ approaches can differ, this study provides a case study synthesis of two major African economies namely Nigeria and South Africa. The authors document the predominant political orientation and attitude toward eco-entrepreneurship. First, the authors argue that the political environment is indifferent to the potential of the eco-entrepreneurial framework, hence applying a one-size-fits-all approach. Second is that the attention to eco-entrepreneurship by policymakers is economically inclined, they focus mainly on economic growth opportunities; equally, that eco-entrepreneurship offers opportunities for the protection of social and environmental integrity cannot be ignored. Third, is the bandwagon effect associated with eco-entrepreneurship initiatives, where the need to align with international bodies and states drives a Eurocentric concern? The authors conclude that fostering enabling policy environment can help enhance the productivity of current eco-entrepreneurial initiatives as well as attract new ones needed to explore eco-entrepreneurship benefits.
Ajayi, O.O., Olonibua, O.O., Tichaawa, T.M. and Bello, Y.O. (2024), "The Interface of Political Ecology with Eco-Entrepreneurship in Africa: A Case Study Synthesis", Foerster, T.A., Koprowski, J.L. and Mars, M.M. (Ed.) From Local to Global: Eco-entrepreneurship and Global Engagement with the Environment (Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth, Vol. 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 113-135.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Omolola Oluwakemi Ajayi, Oluwafemi Oluwabusuyi Olonibua, Tembi Maloney Tichaawa and Yekini Ojo Bello