Visual and Multimodal Urban Sociology, Part A
ISBN: 978-1-83909-969-4, eISBN: 978-1-83909-968-7
ISSN: 1047-0042
Publication date: 24 July 2023
(2023), "Index", Pauwels, L. (Ed.) Visual and Multimodal Urban Sociology, Part A (Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 18A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 161-163.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Luc Pauwels. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Amazon, 143
Ambrotype, 102–103
Amsterdam Notary Archives, 82–83
Amsterdam Time Machine, 72–73
Anti-monopoly legislation, 157–158
Architects, 4–5
Assassin’s Creed, 125
Basilica di St. Croce, 131–132
Big business, 51–52
Big data politics, 156–158
Bloemstraat, 65–66, 76, 84
Boston Irish Catholics, 49
Bullying, 157–158
Cartographers, 4–5
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, 72
Cities, 12, 68–69
definitions of, 16–18
functional prerequisites of settlements, 18–37
City Beautiful Movement, 50
City Hall, 50
Civil Rights movement, 49–50
CLARIAH ATM project, 72–73
Coda, 58–59
Collodion positive processes, 102–103
Communicating, 35–37
Contemporary cities, 141–142
Content, 105–108
Crime control, 45
Daguerreotype, 101–102, 108
Data quality, 103–104
Data visualization, 64
De Graeff house model, 69
Decisive moment, 15–16
Deep mapping, 65, 75
Definitions of city, 16–18
Descriptive photographs, 99–100
Designers, 4–5
Digital images, 142–143
Digital photography, 147–148
Digital research tools, 67–68
Digital twin of city, 75
Disposing of waste, 32–34
Duomo, 133
Early Renaissance city, 124
anomalies and omissions, 130–131
Assassin’s Creed, 125
errors, 131–133
historical events, 133–137
reconstructing, 127–129
virtual world to real world, 137–139
Eerste Bloemdwarsstraat, 79
Energy, 27–28
Europeana, 64
Explanatory photographs, 99–100
Farm Security Administration (FSA), 53
Federal government, 51–52
, 12
Flickr, 156–157
Florence, 124–125, 127–128
Food, 26–27
Functional prerequisites of settlements, 18–37
Gentrification, 76–78
Geographers, 4–5
Geolocative technologies, 8–9
GeoNames, 71–72
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), 71–72
GIS, 64
Google Maps platform, 142–143, 145, 156, 158
Google’s Street View database, 142
Grounded theory, 15–16
Hermeneutic approaches, 99
Hermeneutic textual approach, 99
Historians, 64
Historic clothing, 108
Historic photographs
analysis, 115–117
key elements in researching, 101–115
to study urban processes and environments, 98–101
Historical cities, 64
Home, 37–41
Homeowners, 51–52
Image creator, 108–111
Immersive Systems, 148
In-Q-Tel, 143–144
Information integration, 69–71
Infrastructure, 19
Inuit igloo, 24
Keyhole Technologies, 143–144
Knowledge infrastructure, 142–143
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Cartographers, 4–5
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, 72
Cities, 12, 68–69
definitions of, 16–18
functional prerequisites of settlements, 18–37
City Beautiful Movement, 50
City Hall, 50
Civil Rights movement, 49–50
CLARIAH ATM project, 72–73
Coda, 58–59
Collodion positive processes, 102–103
Communicating, 35–37
Contemporary cities, 141–142
Content, 105–108
Crime control, 45
Daguerreotype, 101–102, 108
Data quality, 103–104
Data visualization, 64
De Graeff house model, 69
Decisive moment, 15–16
Deep mapping, 65, 75
Definitions of city, 16–18
Descriptive photographs, 99–100
Designers, 4–5
Digital images, 142–143
Digital photography, 147–148
Digital research tools, 67–68
Digital twin of city, 75
Disposing of waste, 32–34
Duomo, 133
Early Renaissance city, 124
anomalies and omissions, 130–131
Assassin’s Creed, 125
errors, 131–133
historical events, 133–137
reconstructing, 127–129
virtual world to real world, 137–139
Eerste Bloemdwarsstraat, 79
Energy, 27–28
Europeana, 64
Explanatory photographs, 99–100
Farm Security Administration (FSA), 53
Federal government, 51–52
, 12
Flickr, 156–157
Florence, 124–125, 127–128
Food, 26–27
Functional prerequisites of settlements, 18–37
Gentrification, 76–78
Geographers, 4–5
Geolocative technologies, 8–9
GeoNames, 71–72
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), 71–72
GIS, 64
Google Maps platform, 142–143, 145, 156, 158
Google’s Street View database, 142
Grounded theory, 15–16
Hermeneutic approaches, 99
Hermeneutic textual approach, 99
Historians, 64
Historic clothing, 108
Historic photographs
analysis, 115–117
key elements in researching, 101–115
to study urban processes and environments, 98–101
Historical cities, 64
Home, 37–41
Homeowners, 51–52
Image creator, 108–111
Immersive Systems, 148
In-Q-Tel, 143–144
Information integration, 69–71
Infrastructure, 19
Inuit igloo, 24
Keyhole Technologies, 143–144
Knowledge infrastructure, 142–143
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Early Renaissance city, 124
anomalies and omissions, 130–131
Assassin’s Creed, 125
errors, 131–133
historical events, 133–137
reconstructing, 127–129
virtual world to real world, 137–139
Eerste Bloemdwarsstraat, 79
Energy, 27–28
Europeana, 64
Explanatory photographs, 99–100
Farm Security Administration (FSA), 53
Federal government, 51–52
, 12
Flickr, 156–157
Florence, 124–125, 127–128
Food, 26–27
Functional prerequisites of settlements, 18–37
Gentrification, 76–78
Geographers, 4–5
Geolocative technologies, 8–9
GeoNames, 71–72
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), 71–72
GIS, 64
Google Maps platform, 142–143, 145, 156, 158
Google’s Street View database, 142
Grounded theory, 15–16
Hermeneutic approaches, 99
Hermeneutic textual approach, 99
Historians, 64
Historic clothing, 108
Historic photographs
analysis, 115–117
key elements in researching, 101–115
to study urban processes and environments, 98–101
Historical cities, 64
Home, 37–41
Homeowners, 51–52
Image creator, 108–111
Immersive Systems, 148
In-Q-Tel, 143–144
Information integration, 69–71
Infrastructure, 19
Inuit igloo, 24
Keyhole Technologies, 143–144
Knowledge infrastructure, 142–143
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Gentrification, 76–78
Geographers, 4–5
Geolocative technologies, 8–9
GeoNames, 71–72
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), 71–72
GIS, 64
Google Maps platform, 142–143, 145, 156, 158
Google’s Street View database, 142
Grounded theory, 15–16
Hermeneutic approaches, 99
Hermeneutic textual approach, 99
Historians, 64
Historic clothing, 108
Historic photographs
analysis, 115–117
key elements in researching, 101–115
to study urban processes and environments, 98–101
Historical cities, 64
Home, 37–41
Homeowners, 51–52
Image creator, 108–111
Immersive Systems, 148
In-Q-Tel, 143–144
Information integration, 69–71
Infrastructure, 19
Inuit igloo, 24
Keyhole Technologies, 143–144
Knowledge infrastructure, 142–143
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Image creator, 108–111
Immersive Systems, 148
In-Q-Tel, 143–144
Information integration, 69–71
Infrastructure, 19
Inuit igloo, 24
Keyhole Technologies, 143–144
Knowledge infrastructure, 142–143
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Lijnbaansgracht, 78–79
Linked data approach, 69–71
Linked Open Data, 65
Local government agencies, 51–52
MapMaker, 154–155
Mapping the city, 124–125
MapQuest, 143
Microsoft, 143
Mobile, 29–30
Montage, 149
Moral order, 37–41
beautiful cities, 50
challenges, 41–52
friendly cities, 45–46
governed cities, 50–52
health problems, 46
injustice, 49–50
living people, 41–43
moral environment, 46–49
safe cities, 44–45
Multimodal methods, 2–3
Multimodal urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Multisensory, 2–3
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
NAACP, 49–50
Networked digital multimedia, 8–9
Networking of urban infrastructure, 142
New York City, 100, 103, 113
New York City Draft Riots, 49
Open-world action-adventure stealth video game, 125
OpenStreetMap, 143
Ospedale degli Innocenti, 132–133
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Paper photographs, 108
Personele Quotisatie
, 82–84
Photograph and process, 101–104
content and supplemental information, 105–108
data quality, 103–104
image creator, 108–111
physical context/provenance, 105
urban context, 113–115
Photographic business, 100
Photographic history, 100
Photographic images, 98
Physical context, 105
Points of interest (POIs), 155
Pornography, 157–158
Post positivist evidentiary approaches, 99
Postpositivist approaches, 99
Prinsengracht, 78–79
Provenance, 105
Race riots, 49
Real estate industry, 51–52
ReCaptcha, 151–152
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 71–72
Revenge effects, 20–21
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Security, 22
guaranteeing, 22–23
Sensory city, 5–8
Serendipity, 100, 108
Settlements, functional prerequisites of, 18–37
Shelter, 24–25
Shooting script, 52–58
Small businesses, 51–52
Snapshot method, 75–76
Social life, 35–37
Socio-spatial perspective, 2
Sociologists, 16
Soft fabric, 64
Space-time path, 72–73
Space–time prism, 72–74
Spatial analysis, 75–76
Spatial turns, 4
Stanford City Block Project, 148
Stereographs, 116–117
Street photography, 145–151
Street View, 142–143
Google maps and politics of big data, 156–158
GoogleMaps, 143–145
street photography to, 145–151
utility, 151–156
Supplemental information, 105–108
Ta no Mapa
, 155
Technological reproducibility, 150–151
Temporal analysis, 69
Territorial boundaries, 30–32
3D modeling, 64
Time geography, 72–73
Time Machine, 64
approach, 65
Bloemstraat, 76–84
current approaches, research methods, and tools, 66–69
platform, 65
researching past everyday urban experiences, 69–76
widening search, deepening analysis, 85–90
Tintype, 102–103
Tracks, 29
Traffic wars, 30
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 49–50
Tulsa Race Riot, 49
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Unique Resource Identifier (URI), 71–72
Urban context, 113–115
Urban experience, 64
Urban historians, 64
Urban history, 64, 67
Urban League, 49–50
Urban realm, 4
Urban sociologists, 2
Urban sociology, 1–5
Urban visual research, 52–58
Validity, 3
Victorian visual metaphors, 108
Virtual Angkor
, 68–69
Virtual Interiors project, 69
Visual social science, 3
Visual sociologists, 2–4
Visual sociology, 1–5
Visual sphere, 4
Visual urban studies, prospects of, 8–9
Visualization tools, 64
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Water, access to, 25–26
Where 2 technologies
, 143–144
Yahoo, 143
Zipdash, 143–144
Zipdash, 143–144
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Viewing and Sensing the City: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, Methods, and Technologies
- Chapter 2 Imagining the City as Home: Functional Prerequisites and Moral Challenges
- Chapter 3 Unpacking Urban Life in the Past: “Time Machine” as a Data Visualization and Analysis Tool
- Chapter 4 Geo-Referencing Early Photographic Studios and Using Historic Photographs to Study Urban Processes and Environments
- Chapter 5 Playing the Early Renaissance City
- Chapter 6 Learning From Street View: Lessons in Urban Visuality
- Index