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Organizing Intelligence (OQ): The Source of Productive Workplaces

Research in Organizational Change and Development

ISBN: 978-1-78756-352-0, eISBN: 978-1-78756-351-3

Publication date: 10 August 2018


Working to improve organizations is the mainstay of organization development (OD) practice and includes figuring out the sources of workplace disruptions and dysfunctions. Casting aside the focus of most change-management initiatives, the organization, organizing intelligence (OQ) relies on paying attention to what people actually do, making meaning of complex, messy human-social organizing activities, in the interests of fostering productive workplaces. Resting on dialog with and among participants “feeling their way” as they organize their work, OQ is an exercise in synthesis rather than analysis. A holistic understanding of organizing activities is helped by exploring the roles of a triad of closely interwoven factors – organizing structures, work-practices, and relationships – in how people get things done, while understanding how these are interconnected. This chapter examines why the capacity for OQ matters, why and how OQ differs from widely practiced, technically framed, organizational analysis, and what distinguishes people with OQ from those with a more conventional interest in organizational change. A case study of the Dutch home-nursing organization, Buurtzorg, illustrates OQ in practice. With small groups of nurses who self-organize, this is a structure that changes both the way people work and their relationships, to the benefit of nurses and the quality of life and care of their patients, while reducing costs; clearly an example of a more productive workplace.



Addleson, M. (2018), "Organizing Intelligence (OQ): The Source of Productive Workplaces", Research in Organizational Change and Development (Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 217-263.



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