Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise
ISBN: 978-1-78756-424-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-423-7
ISSN: 0743-4154
Publication date: 24 October 2018
(2018), "Prelims", Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 36B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise
Series Page
Founding Editor: Warren J. Samuels (1933–2011)
Series Editors: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak
Recent Volumes:
Volume 32: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual; Luca Fiorito; 2014 |
Volume 33: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual; Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak; 2015 |
Volume 34A: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era; Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak; 2016 |
Volume 34B: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Albert O. Hirschman, Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, 2016 |
Volume 35A: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on the Historical Epistemology of Economics; Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak; 2017 |
Volume 35B: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on New Directions in Sraffa Scholarship; Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak; 2017 |
Volume 36A: | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Bruce Caldwell’s Beyond Positivism after 35 Years; Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak; 2018 |
Title Page
Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise
University of Palermo, Italy
Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus, USA
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2018
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78756-424-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78756-423-7 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78756-425-1 (Epub)
ISSN: 0743-4154 (Series)
Editorial Board
Michele Alacevich
University of Bologna, Italy
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt
University of Lumière Lyon 2, France
John Davis
Marquette University, USA; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pedro Garcia Duarte
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Till Düppe
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Ross Emmett
Arizona State University, USA
Mary Furner
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Nicola Giocoli
University of Pisa, Italy
Harald Hagemann
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Kyu Sang Lee
Ajou University, South Korea
Tiago Mata
University College London, UK
Steven Medema
University of Colorado Denver, USA
Maria Pia Paganelli
Trinity University, USA
About the Editors
Luca Fiorito received his PhD in Economics from the New School for Social Research in New York and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Palermo. His main area of interest is the history of American economic thought in the Progressive Era and the interwar years. He has published many works on the contributions of the institutionalists and on the relationship between economics and eugenics.
Scott Scheall is a Lecturer with Arizona State University’s College of Integrative Sciences and Arts. He received his PhD in Philosophy from Arizona State in 2012. Scott is a former Research Fellow with Duke University’s Center for the History of Political Economy and a former Postdoctoral Fellow with the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at George Mason University. He has published extensively on the history and methodology of the Austrian School of economics.
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak is Associate Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. He specializes in the history of economic thought and economic methodology, studying in particular the interplay between social, political, and economic ideas in early modern England, and the institutionalization of academic economics in Brazil during the postwar era. He has published several papers on these and other related themes in peer-reviewed scholarly journals, and is also the Co-editor of The Political Economy of Latin American Independence (Routledge, 2017).
List of Contributors
Marcel Boumans | Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Joshua P. Cohen | Tufts University, USA |
Hsiang-Ke Chao | National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Luca Fiorito | University of Palermo, Italy |
Vibha Kapuria-Foreman | Colorado College, USA |
Sabina Leonelli | University of Exeter, UK |
Harro Maas | University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Tiago Mata | University College London, UK |
Charles R. McCann, Jr. | University of Pittsburgh, USA |
Mary S. Morgan | London School of Economics, UK |
Edmund Ramsden | Queen Mary University of London, UK |
Peter Rodenburg | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Scott Scheall | Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus, USA |
Gerardo Serra | Institut d’Études Avancées de Nantes, France |
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil |
Andrej Svorenčík | University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany |
Aashish Velkar | University of Manchester, UK |
Volume Introduction
In our second 2018 volume of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, we feature a symposium on Mary Morgan’s career as historian and philosopher of economics. Guest edited by Marcel Boumans and Hsiang-Ke Chao, the symposium includes contributions from several well-known scholars who have been uniquely influenced by Professor Morgan’s work, either as former students, colleagues, or as mentees. In addition to contributions from the guest editors, the array of participants features several renowned historians of economic thought, including Harro Maas, Tiago Mata, Andrej Svorenčík, and Gerardo Serra, among others. Professor Morgan offers a reflection essay.
The volume also includes an essay by Charles McCann, Jr. and Vibha Kapuria-Foreman, another contribution to their coauthored project on Robert Franklin Hoxie. McCann and Kapuria-Foreman’s Robert Franklin Hoxie: The Contributions of a Neglected Chicago Economist appeared two years ago in RHETM Volume 34B. We are delighted to present their latest work on Hoxie’s inquiries into trade union politics and the American socialist party.
Luca Fiorito
Scott Scheall
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak
- Prelims
- Part I Including a Symposium on Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise
- Introduction to the Symposium “Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise”
- Health Economic Modeling: Fact or Fiction? Useful to Policymakers in Spite of Untruths
- Calculators and Quacks: Feeling the Economy’s Pulse in Times of Crisis
- Rationalization and the “Engineer-Economists” in the Netherlands, 1920–1940
- Shaping Space through Diagrams: The Case of the History of Location Theory
- “Influence” in Historical Explanation: Mary Morgan’s Traveling Facts and the Context of Influence
- Pleas for Fieldwork: Polly Hill on Observation and Induction, 1966–1982
- Imagining Economic Space in Colonial India
- Rethinking Reproducibility as a Criterion for Research Quality
- Tales of the Unexpected: The Use of Narrative in Studies of Experimental Neurosis
- Creating Economics in the Lab: From Physical Place to Laboratory Space
- Reflections
- Part II Essay
- Trade-union Politics and the Socialist Party of America: The Investigations of Robert Franklin Hoxie, 1908–1913
- Index