Beyond Productivity: Incentive Effects on Alternative Outcomes
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
ISBN: 978-1-80455-046-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-045-8
Publication date: 4 October 2022
Incentives are effective at enhancing productivity, but research also suggests that performance incentives can have “unintended negative consequences” including increases in hazard/injuries, increases in errors, and reduction in cooperation, prosocial behaviors, and creativity. Relatively overlooked is whether, when, and how incentives can be designed to prevent such negative consequences. The authors review literature in several disciplines (construction, healthcare delivery, economics, psychology, and [some] management) on this issue. This chapter, in toto, sheds a generally positive light and suggests that, beyond productivity, incentives can be used to improve other outcomes such as safety, quality, prosocial behaviors, and creativity, particularly when the incentives are thoughtfully designed. The review concludes with several potential fruitful areas for future research such as investigations of incentive-effect duration.
Park, T.-Y., Eaglesham, R., Shaw, J.D. and Diane Burton, M. (2022), "Beyond Productivity: Incentive Effects on Alternative Outcomes", Buckley, M.R., Wheeler, A.R., Baur, J.E. and Halbesleben, J.R.B. (Ed.) Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol. 40), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 99-131.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Tae-Youn Park, Reed Eaglesham, Jason D. Shaw, and M. Diane Burton