Rediscovering the Power of Institutions: The MacroFoundations of Institutional Analysis
Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity
ISBN: 978-1-83909-160-5, eISBN: 978-1-83909-159-9
Publication date: 26 November 2020
This chapter provides a summary of the closing plenary at the 2018 Alberta Institutions Conference in which four scholars – Markus Höllerer, Marc Schneiberg, Patricia Thornton, and Charlene Zietsma – shared their views on how we could once again put the macrofoundations of institutional theory more center-stage in institutional analysis. The first major theme emerging from the panel discussion pertains to the meaning of macrofoundations. While Schneiberg sees institutions as socio-cognitive infrastructures, Zietsma emphasizes their constitutive nature. Second, both Thornton and Höllerer caution that an exclusive focus on either the micro- or the macro-level might remain only partial, and call for more cross-level studies of institutions – and for understanding the micro and the macro as co-constitutive analytical categories. Finally, the panelists discuss how we could break academic silos in institutional analysis and strive for theoretical innovation through interdisciplinary studies, among other avenues.
Höllerer, M.A., Schneiberg, M., Thornton, P.H., Zietsma, C. and Wang, M.S. (2020), "Rediscovering the Power of Institutions: The MacroFoundations of Institutional Analysis", Steele, C.W.J., Hannigan, T.R., Glaser, V.L., Toubiana, M. and Gehman, J. (Ed.) Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 68), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 221-234.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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