Going Back to Work: How Supervisors Can Support New Mothers as They Transition Back to the Library
ISBN: 978-1-83909-485-9, eISBN: 978-1-83909-484-2
Publication date: 17 August 2020
Using a critical librarianship framework, this chapter argues that library administrators ought to advocate for comprehensive family leave policies and support employees more fully as they return from maternity leave. Improved policies support and enhance working conditions for all employees. Drawing on a diverse body of literature to illustrate that the significant life transition of becoming a mother is a unique opportunity for the library profession to improve the professional experience of its employees. Finally, practical action steps for supervisors are provided so they can structure a support plan for mothers transitioning back to work.
Swanson, E.A.B. (2020), "Going Back to Work: How Supervisors Can Support New Mothers as They Transition Back to the Library", Hines, S.S. and Ketchum, D.H. (Ed.) Critical Librarianship (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 131-142. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0732-067120200000041007
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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