Various Asymptotic Distributions of the Error-Components Test for Cross-Sectional Correlation
ISBN: 978-1-80262-066-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-065-8
Publication date: 18 January 2022
In the two seminal papers Anderson and Hsiao (1981, 1982), the linear panel regression model without cross-sectional correlation is thoroughly discussed. This uncorrelatedness assumption is now often examined in empirical work, using tests such as those by Pesaran, Ullah, and Yamagata (2008), Hsiao, Pesaran, and Pick (2012), or Pesaran (2015). All these tests in turn improve upon the so-called error-components test suggested in Breusch and Pagan (1980). In this chapter, the author revisits this error-components test and derives its asymptotic distribution under various scenarios: (a) both time-series dimension T and cross-sectional dimension N go to ∞ jointly (Phillips & Moon, 1999); (b) T → ∞ while N is fixed, and (c) N → ∞ while T is fixed. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the results under Scenarios (b) and (c) are new. Moreover, while the distributions under (a) and (b) are normal, that under (c) is not and it is even asymmetric. The critical values under (c) can be simulated. A Monte Carlo experiment is performed and it aims to throw light on the choice among the critical values suggested in the three scenarios, given a T and an N.
This chapter was prepared for The Advances in Econometrics (AIE) Conference. Most contents of this chapter are inspired by the work of, among many other scholars, Cheng Hsiao and M. Hashem Pesaran, to whom I am most grateful. The author is thankful for the comments by an anonymous referee, Badi H. Baltagi, Lung-fei Lee, Tong Li, Dek Terrell, and other participants at the AIE Conference. This research is partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under grant MOST 109-2410-H-007-048.
Sin, C.(.-y. (2022), "Various Asymptotic Distributions of the Error-Components Test for Cross-Sectional Correlation", Chudik, A., Hsiao, C. and Timmermann, A. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Panel Modeling, Micro Applications, and Econometric Methodology (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 43B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-175.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 CY (Chor-yiu) Sin