The Econometrics of Complex Survey Data
ISBN: 978-1-78756-726-9, eISBN: 978-1-78756-725-2
ISSN: 0731-9053
Publication date: 10 April 2019
(2019), "Index", The Econometrics of Complex Survey Data (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 39), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 315-325.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Ad valorem tax, 303
Adulterated liquor, 290, 292, 295
Aggregate shares, 140
for simulation study, 157
Analytic inference. See Model-based inference
Applied economic research, 175
ARMA models, 110–111
design-based variance, 200
linearization representation, 217
properties of estimators, 214
theory for M-estimation, 146–147
Asymptotic distribution, 216
for matching estimators, 210
Asymptotic variance, 230
estimator, 119
formula, 118
Auditory mode, 22
Automated clearing house (ACH), 245
Auxiliary variables, 90
Average bid auctions (ABA), 80
Average partial effects, 119
Bahadur-type representation, 217
Balanced repeated replication (BRR), 96
Bandwidths, 194–196
selection, 186–188
Bank of Canada, 36, 47, 98, 104
Bernoulli distributions, 99
Bernoulli log likelihood, 128
Bernoulli sampling. See Variable probability sampling (VP sampling)
Bias function, 141
Bias-adjustment, 215
“Biased sampling” problems, 147
“Big data” sets, 37–38
Binary responses, 128
Binary variables, 311
Black market liquor in Colombia, 301–302
adulterated sales, 302
average marginal effects for contraband and adulterated liquor–levels, 307
average marginal effects for MICE, 309
coefficients for specifications in salary imputation model, 308
contraband goods, 288–289
data, 290–292
multiple imputation, 297–301, 310–313
percentage of adulterated purchases, 304
percentage of contraband purchases, 303
percentage of illegal purchases, 289
residual analysis, 313–314
results, 292–296
“Blocking” strategy, 247
Bootstrap, 100
conventional, 211
sample, 211
variance estimation via, 96–98
wild bootstrap, 61–84, 211, 219
bsweights command, 103
heterogeneity, 240
surveys, 239–240
equations, 92
procedure, 88
Canadian Internet Usage Survey (CIUS), 98
Card acceptance, 36, 39, 49
estimates, 42–43
and usage, 41
Card payments, regression models of, 43–46
Card-acceptance model, 45
Cash on hand variable, 89, 100–101
cemplik2 function, 171
Census region, 15
Checkable deposits (CHKD), 241
Choice-based sampling, 162n6
Classical nearest neighbor imputation, 213
Classical raking estimator, 90–92
Cluster-means regression (CMR), 74
Cluster-robust inference, 63
WCB, 65–67
Cluster-robust standard error, 67
Cluster-robust test statistics, 62
Cluster-robust variance estimator (CRVE), 64
Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), 290–291
Combined inference approach, 176–177
Commercial banks (CMB), 241
Complementary log–log (cloglog), 294
sampling plan, 174
survey methods, 122, 176
Computation, 169–171
Conditional density, 141
Conditional mean, 127
functions, 130
Conditional moment restriction models, 138
conditional moment equalities, 139–140
endogenous and exogenous stratification, 143–146
identification, 142–143
simulation study, 156–161
VP sampling, 140–142
Contactless (tap-and-go) credit card usage binary variable, 89
Continuous variables, 89
Conventional bootstrap, 211
Conventional jackknife variance estimation, 221
Conventional replication method, 211
Converged estimator, 94
Correction factor, 185
Correlated random effects approach, 128
County, 39
data, 56
effect, 43
Covariance matrix, 63
Covariate information, 215
Cox approach, 110
Credit cards, 98
Credit unions (CUS), 241
Crimes, 264, 272
Criminal activity, 270
Criminal Procedure Law, 263
Cross-validation function, 187
Cumulative standard normal (CDF), 73
Current Population Survey (CPS), 6, 110
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
Data-driven approach, 177, 187
Data-generating processes (DGPs), 177, 190
in Monte Carlo simulations, 188
Degree of “desirability”, 8–9
Demographic variables, 11–12
Dependent variable, 51, 55
Depository and financial institutions, 240
Descriptive inference. See Design-based inference
Design-based approach, 180
Design-based estimators, 174, 176
Design-based inference, 88, 176
Design-consistent estimator, 176
Difference in objective functions, 119
Difference-in-differences (DiD), 62
Discounts Asked indicator, 292, 297
Discounts Offered indicator, 292
Discrete variables, 89
Drugs and weapon crimes, 264
Dynamic regression models, 110–111
“Econ Plus” set, 98
Econometric methods, 62
Econometric models, 140
Economic theory, 174, 260
Efficiency bounds, 148–152
E–M algorithm-based imputation method, 244
Empirical application of 2013 MOP, 98–103
Empirical distribution, 67
Empirical likelihood approach, 148, 155
Empirical loglikelihood (EL), 169
Empirical researchers, 210
Endogeneity, 67
Endogenous sampling, 175
Endogenous stratification, 143–146, 150–151, 157, 262
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 190
Estimation approach, 241
Estrato (strata) variable, 292, 299
Exogenous stratification, 111, 126–127, 143–146, 150–151, 157
comparing asymptotic variance of LS and GMM estimators under, 166–169
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Explanatory variables, 41
Fake goods, 288
Federal Reserve System, 238, 240
Finite population correction (FPC), 291–292
Finite population estimator, 176
Finite population parameter, 212
First price auctions (FPA), 79–81
Four-digit primary industry code, 39
Fractional responses, 128
Full-coverage items, 247
Gamma distributions, 129
Gaussian kernel, 196
Gauss–Markov theorem, 163n16
General M-estimation, 111
Generalized method of moments estimator (GMM estimator), 147, 150, 151
Generalized regression estimation (GREG), 89, 93–94
Geographic information, 97
Geometric quasi-MLE, 111
“Group treated” dummy (GTg), 64
Hajek estimator, 217
Hausman specification tests, 273
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 5–7
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in UAS and, 14–26
Heckman models, 299
Heckman two-step estimator, 312
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, 63–64, 74
Higher order orthogonal polynomials, 45
Hit rates test, 262, 267
Horvitz–Thompson estimator, 218
Horvitz–Thompson weight (H–T weight), 90
Hungarian payments system, 38
alcohol, 290
cigarettes, 290
goods, 288
liquor, 288
Imputation models, 238, 239, 297, 299, 310–311
function, 179
variables, 90, 94
Industry, 39
effect, 43
industry-based stratas, 44
Inference, 138, 146
efficiency bounds, 148–152
efficient estimation, 152–155
modes, 176
related literature and contribution, 146–148
testing, 155–156
see also Conditional moment restriction models
Informative sampling, 175
Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
health insurance coverage, 30
home ownership, 30
HRS, 6–7
individual earnings, 31
methods and outline, 5–6
predicted mean health status by age and survey mode, 32
predicted probability, 33
satisfied with life, 32
self-reported health, 30–31
socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14–26
UAS, 7–11
whether retired, 31
face-to-face, 4, 18, 22
mode, 4–5
online, 14
telephone, 4
Inverse Mills ratio, 56
Inverse probability weighted estimator (IPW estimator), 162n12
ipfraking command, 103
Item response rate, 244–245
Iterative E–M algorithm approach, 241
Iterative estimators of regression coefficients, 146
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF), 88
Jackknife method, 218
Jackknife variance
estimation, 221
estimator, 96–97
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
equations, 92
procedure, 88
Canadian Internet Usage Survey (CIUS), 98
Card acceptance, 36, 39, 49
estimates, 42–43
and usage, 41
Card payments, regression models of, 43–46
Card-acceptance model, 45
Cash on hand variable, 89, 100–101
cemplik2 function, 171
Census region, 15
Checkable deposits (CHKD), 241
Choice-based sampling, 162n6
Classical nearest neighbor imputation, 213
Classical raking estimator, 90–92
Cluster-means regression (CMR), 74
Cluster-robust inference, 63
WCB, 65–67
Cluster-robust standard error, 67
Cluster-robust test statistics, 62
Cluster-robust variance estimator (CRVE), 64
Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), 290–291
Combined inference approach, 176–177
Commercial banks (CMB), 241
Complementary log–log (cloglog), 294
sampling plan, 174
survey methods, 122, 176
Computation, 169–171
Conditional density, 141
Conditional mean, 127
functions, 130
Conditional moment restriction models, 138
conditional moment equalities, 139–140
endogenous and exogenous stratification, 143–146
identification, 142–143
simulation study, 156–161
VP sampling, 140–142
Contactless (tap-and-go) credit card usage binary variable, 89
Continuous variables, 89
Conventional bootstrap, 211
Conventional jackknife variance estimation, 221
Conventional replication method, 211
Converged estimator, 94
Correction factor, 185
Correlated random effects approach, 128
County, 39
data, 56
effect, 43
Covariance matrix, 63
Covariate information, 215
Cox approach, 110
Credit cards, 98
Credit unions (CUS), 241
Crimes, 264, 272
Criminal activity, 270
Criminal Procedure Law, 263
Cross-validation function, 187
Cumulative standard normal (CDF), 73
Current Population Survey (CPS), 6, 110
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
Data-driven approach, 177, 187
Data-generating processes (DGPs), 177, 190
in Monte Carlo simulations, 188
Degree of “desirability”, 8–9
Demographic variables, 11–12
Dependent variable, 51, 55
Depository and financial institutions, 240
Descriptive inference. See Design-based inference
Design-based approach, 180
Design-based estimators, 174, 176
Design-based inference, 88, 176
Design-consistent estimator, 176
Difference in objective functions, 119
Difference-in-differences (DiD), 62
Discounts Asked indicator, 292, 297
Discounts Offered indicator, 292
Discrete variables, 89
Drugs and weapon crimes, 264
Dynamic regression models, 110–111
“Econ Plus” set, 98
Econometric methods, 62
Econometric models, 140
Economic theory, 174, 260
Efficiency bounds, 148–152
E–M algorithm-based imputation method, 244
Empirical application of 2013 MOP, 98–103
Empirical distribution, 67
Empirical likelihood approach, 148, 155
Empirical loglikelihood (EL), 169
Empirical researchers, 210
Endogeneity, 67
Endogenous sampling, 175
Endogenous stratification, 143–146, 150–151, 157, 262
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 190
Estimation approach, 241
Estrato (strata) variable, 292, 299
Exogenous stratification, 111, 126–127, 143–146, 150–151, 157
comparing asymptotic variance of LS and GMM estimators under, 166–169
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Explanatory variables, 41
Fake goods, 288
Federal Reserve System, 238, 240
Finite population correction (FPC), 291–292
Finite population estimator, 176
Finite population parameter, 212
First price auctions (FPA), 79–81
Four-digit primary industry code, 39
Fractional responses, 128
Full-coverage items, 247
Gamma distributions, 129
Gaussian kernel, 196
Gauss–Markov theorem, 163n16
General M-estimation, 111
Generalized method of moments estimator (GMM estimator), 147, 150, 151
Generalized regression estimation (GREG), 89, 93–94
Geographic information, 97
Geometric quasi-MLE, 111
“Group treated” dummy (GTg), 64
Hajek estimator, 217
Hausman specification tests, 273
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 5–7
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in UAS and, 14–26
Heckman models, 299
Heckman two-step estimator, 312
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, 63–64, 74
Higher order orthogonal polynomials, 45
Hit rates test, 262, 267
Horvitz–Thompson estimator, 218
Horvitz–Thompson weight (H–T weight), 90
Hungarian payments system, 38
alcohol, 290
cigarettes, 290
goods, 288
liquor, 288
Imputation models, 238, 239, 297, 299, 310–311
function, 179
variables, 90, 94
Industry, 39
effect, 43
industry-based stratas, 44
Inference, 138, 146
efficiency bounds, 148–152
efficient estimation, 152–155
modes, 176
related literature and contribution, 146–148
testing, 155–156
see also Conditional moment restriction models
Informative sampling, 175
Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
health insurance coverage, 30
home ownership, 30
HRS, 6–7
individual earnings, 31
methods and outline, 5–6
predicted mean health status by age and survey mode, 32
predicted probability, 33
satisfied with life, 32
self-reported health, 30–31
socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14–26
UAS, 7–11
whether retired, 31
face-to-face, 4, 18, 22
mode, 4–5
online, 14
telephone, 4
Inverse Mills ratio, 56
Inverse probability weighted estimator (IPW estimator), 162n12
ipfraking command, 103
Item response rate, 244–245
Iterative E–M algorithm approach, 241
Iterative estimators of regression coefficients, 146
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF), 88
Jackknife method, 218
Jackknife variance
estimation, 221
estimator, 96–97
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
“Econ Plus” set, 98
Econometric methods, 62
Econometric models, 140
Economic theory, 174, 260
Efficiency bounds, 148–152
E–M algorithm-based imputation method, 244
Empirical application of 2013 MOP, 98–103
Empirical distribution, 67
Empirical likelihood approach, 148, 155
Empirical loglikelihood (EL), 169
Empirical researchers, 210
Endogeneity, 67
Endogenous sampling, 175
Endogenous stratification, 143–146, 150–151, 157, 262
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 190
Estimation approach, 241
Estrato (strata) variable, 292, 299
Exogenous stratification, 111, 126–127, 143–146, 150–151, 157
comparing asymptotic variance of LS and GMM estimators under, 166–169
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Explanatory variables, 41
Fake goods, 288
Federal Reserve System, 238, 240
Finite population correction (FPC), 291–292
Finite population estimator, 176
Finite population parameter, 212
First price auctions (FPA), 79–81
Four-digit primary industry code, 39
Fractional responses, 128
Full-coverage items, 247
Gamma distributions, 129
Gaussian kernel, 196
Gauss–Markov theorem, 163n16
General M-estimation, 111
Generalized method of moments estimator (GMM estimator), 147, 150, 151
Generalized regression estimation (GREG), 89, 93–94
Geographic information, 97
Geometric quasi-MLE, 111
“Group treated” dummy (GTg), 64
Hajek estimator, 217
Hausman specification tests, 273
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 5–7
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in UAS and, 14–26
Heckman models, 299
Heckman two-step estimator, 312
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, 63–64, 74
Higher order orthogonal polynomials, 45
Hit rates test, 262, 267
Horvitz–Thompson estimator, 218
Horvitz–Thompson weight (H–T weight), 90
Hungarian payments system, 38
alcohol, 290
cigarettes, 290
goods, 288
liquor, 288
Imputation models, 238, 239, 297, 299, 310–311
function, 179
variables, 90, 94
Industry, 39
effect, 43
industry-based stratas, 44
Inference, 138, 146
efficiency bounds, 148–152
efficient estimation, 152–155
modes, 176
related literature and contribution, 146–148
testing, 155–156
see also Conditional moment restriction models
Informative sampling, 175
Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
health insurance coverage, 30
home ownership, 30
HRS, 6–7
individual earnings, 31
methods and outline, 5–6
predicted mean health status by age and survey mode, 32
predicted probability, 33
satisfied with life, 32
self-reported health, 30–31
socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14–26
UAS, 7–11
whether retired, 31
face-to-face, 4, 18, 22
mode, 4–5
online, 14
telephone, 4
Inverse Mills ratio, 56
Inverse probability weighted estimator (IPW estimator), 162n12
ipfraking command, 103
Item response rate, 244–245
Iterative E–M algorithm approach, 241
Iterative estimators of regression coefficients, 146
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF), 88
Jackknife method, 218
Jackknife variance
estimation, 221
estimator, 96–97
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Gamma distributions, 129
Gaussian kernel, 196
Gauss–Markov theorem, 163n16
General M-estimation, 111
Generalized method of moments estimator (GMM estimator), 147, 150, 151
Generalized regression estimation (GREG), 89, 93–94
Geographic information, 97
Geometric quasi-MLE, 111
“Group treated” dummy (GTg), 64
Hajek estimator, 217
Hausman specification tests, 273
Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 5–7
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in UAS and, 14–26
Heckman models, 299
Heckman two-step estimator, 312
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, 63–64, 74
Higher order orthogonal polynomials, 45
Hit rates test, 262, 267
Horvitz–Thompson estimator, 218
Horvitz–Thompson weight (H–T weight), 90
Hungarian payments system, 38
alcohol, 290
cigarettes, 290
goods, 288
liquor, 288
Imputation models, 238, 239, 297, 299, 310–311
function, 179
variables, 90, 94
Industry, 39
effect, 43
industry-based stratas, 44
Inference, 138, 146
efficiency bounds, 148–152
efficient estimation, 152–155
modes, 176
related literature and contribution, 146–148
testing, 155–156
see also Conditional moment restriction models
Informative sampling, 175
Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
health insurance coverage, 30
home ownership, 30
HRS, 6–7
individual earnings, 31
methods and outline, 5–6
predicted mean health status by age and survey mode, 32
predicted probability, 33
satisfied with life, 32
self-reported health, 30–31
socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14–26
UAS, 7–11
whether retired, 31
face-to-face, 4, 18, 22
mode, 4–5
online, 14
telephone, 4
Inverse Mills ratio, 56
Inverse probability weighted estimator (IPW estimator), 162n12
ipfraking command, 103
Item response rate, 244–245
Iterative E–M algorithm approach, 241
Iterative estimators of regression coefficients, 146
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF), 88
Jackknife method, 218
Jackknife variance
estimation, 221
estimator, 96–97
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
alcohol, 290
cigarettes, 290
goods, 288
liquor, 288
Imputation models, 238, 239, 297, 299, 310–311
function, 179
variables, 90, 94
Industry, 39
effect, 43
industry-based stratas, 44
Inference, 138, 146
efficiency bounds, 148–152
efficient estimation, 152–155
modes, 176
related literature and contribution, 146–148
testing, 155–156
see also Conditional moment restriction models
Informative sampling, 175
Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
health insurance coverage, 30
home ownership, 30
HRS, 6–7
individual earnings, 31
methods and outline, 5–6
predicted mean health status by age and survey mode, 32
predicted probability, 33
satisfied with life, 32
self-reported health, 30–31
socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14–26
UAS, 7–11
whether retired, 31
face-to-face, 4, 18, 22
mode, 4–5
online, 14
telephone, 4
Inverse Mills ratio, 56
Inverse probability weighted estimator (IPW estimator), 162n12
ipfraking command, 103
Item response rate, 244–245
Iterative E–M algorithm approach, 241
Iterative estimators of regression coefficients, 146
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF), 88
Jackknife method, 218
Jackknife variance
estimation, 221
estimator, 96–97
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Kernel function, 179
assumptions for, 230–231
“Kernel matching” estimators, 211
Kernel-based derivative estimation, 219
Kernel-smoothed p values, 76
Knowles, Persico, and Todd test (KPT test), 261, 278–279n19
Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC), 110, 112
Labor market duration (LMD), 178, 196
Lagrange multipliers, 154
Large-scale surveys, 174
Least absolute deviations (LAD), 120
Least squares cross-validation (LSCV), 177, 189, 204–208
Leave-one-out kernel estimator, 204
Length biased sampling problem, 147
Linear regression model, 63, 139, 144–146
of estimator, 223
methods, 89
variance estimation via, 95–96
Local constant estimation (LC estimation), 188
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 190–194
Local constant estimator, 175–176, 178–180
Local empirical loglikelihood, 155
Log-likelihood functions, 110, 270
negative of, 113–114
Logistic regression analysis, 37
Logistic regression models, 39–40, 51
card acceptance, 51–55
card usage, 55–57
Logit, 311
predictive model, 299
Lognormal distributions, 129
Lyapunov DoubleArray Central Limit Theorem, 202–203
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Mahalanobis distance, 213
Marginal density, 141
discrepancy, 215
estimators, 210
scalar variable, 221
variable, 215
Maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
Median absolute deviations (MAD), 190
Medicare, 17
Misclassification, 260–261
Missing at random (MAR), 213, 297
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 297
Missing data process, 213
Missing not at random (MNAR), 297
data, 312
see also Planned missing data design
Missing-by-design approaches, 239
Mode effects, 21–26
Model-assisted estimator, 176
local constant estimator, 180
Model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178
asymptotic properties, 180–186
local constant estimator, 178–180
model-assisted local constant estimator, 180
Model-based inference, 176, 180
Model-selection statistic, 122
Model-selection tests
for complex survey samples, 110
examples, 128–129
exogenous stratification, 126–127
nonnested competing models and null hypothesis, 111–114
with panel data, 124–126
rejection frequencies, 131–132
small simulation study, 129–133
statistics under multistage sampling, 122–124
under stratified sampling, 114–122
Modern imputation methods, 239
Modified kernel density estimator, 204
Modified plug-in method, 186
Money market deposits (MMDA), 241
Monte Carlo simulations, 188, 212
bandwidths, 194–196
DGPs in, 188, 190
median bandwidths for WLC and LC, 194–196
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS, 190–193
sample mean squared error, 189–194
strata borders, 189
Multiple imputation, 242, 297–301
See also Nearest neighbor imputation
Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), 310
average marginal effects for, 309
binary variables, 311
imputation models, 310–311
MNAR data, 312
ordered variables, 311–312
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Multiple-matrix sampling, 239
Multiplicative nonresponse models, 99
Multistage sampling, tests statistics under, 122–124
Multivariate extensions, 139
Multivariate normal distribution, 310
National statistical institutes (NSIs), 89
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), 110, 122
Nearest neighbor imputation, 210
basic setup, 212–214
Nearest neighbor imputation estimator, 210–213, 217–218, 222, 230
proofs of theorems, 228–234
replication variance estimation, 218–220
results, 214–217
simulation study, 221–224
Nearest neighbor ratio imputation, 225
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 277n1
Non-negligible sampling fraction, 224–225
Non-sampling errors, 260
Non-smoothness, 211, 212
Nonlinear least squares estimators, 129
Nonlinear regression models, 139
Nonmandatory survey, 239
Nonnested competing models, 111–114
Nonparametric kernel regression, 174
application, 196–197
bandwidth selection, 186–188
model-assisted nonparametric regression estimator, 178–186
Monte Carlo simulations, 188–196
proofs, 199–209
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE), 147
Nonparametric methods for estimating conditional mean functions, 174
Nonprobability Internet panels, 8
Nonrandom weight for stratum-cluster pair, 122
Nonresponse, 100
bias, 240
linearization method, 101–102
Normalized asymptotic distribution, 95
Novel bootstrap procedure, 211
Null hypothesis, 111–114, 117, 126
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
OLS, 189
median MSE for, 191–193
Online cash register (OCR), 49–50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 288
Pairs cluster bootstrap, 65
Panel data, model-selection tests with, 124–126
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 110
Payment card acceptance and usage
data description, 38–39
estimates of card acceptance, 42–43
estimating card acceptance, 41
Hungarian payments landscape, 38
key variables, 39–40
logistic regression models of card acceptance and usage, 51–57
methodology, 41
models of card acceptance and usage, 41
regression models of card payments, 43–46
review of literature, 49–51
“Period treated” dummy, 64
Planned missing data design, 239, 242, 244
full-coverage and partial-coverage items, 248
original 2016 sample counts, 251
problem of dividing survey form, 248–249
sampling scheme, 247
survey for subsample, 244–245
survey form, 245–246, 250
survey stratification, counts and rates, 246
Plug-in method for bandwidth, 186–187
Poisson distribution, 132
Poisson quasi-MLE, 111
Polychotomous choice, 262
Pooled estimation methods, 125
Pooled nonlinear least squares, 125
Pooled objective functions, 126
Population minimization problem, 112
factors, 15
weights, 10
Post-stratification weights, 9
Power series estimators, 219, 231
Predictor variables, 188
Primacy effect, 21–22
Primary sampling units (PSUs), 88, 290
density function, 124
distributions, 141
models of illegal sales, 294
probability-based Internet surveys, 6
probability-based panels, 8
Product kernel
for continuous variables, 179
function for vector of discrete variables, 179
Propensity score matching, 223
Pseudo-empirical likelihood objective function, 93
Pseudo-true values, 112
Pure design-based inference, 180
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Qin’s treatment, 148
Quantile estimation, 217, 220
Quasi-MLEs (QMLE), 111, 130
Quasi-true values, 112
Racial discrimination, 260, 261, 262, 272, 273, 275
Rademacher distribution, 76
Raking ratio estimator, 88–89
classical raking estimator, 90–92
GREG, 93–94
maximum likelihood raking estimator, 92–93
RAND American Life Panel, 8
RAND-HRS indicator of retirement, 18
Randomization inference (RI), 62, 67
problem of interval p values, 69–71
Randomized planned missing items, 239
Randomness, 88
Re-randomizations, 69
re-randomized test statistics, 73
“Realized” population, 138
Recency effects, 21–22, 24, 27
Regression analysis, 288–289
Regression models of card payments, 43
acceptance, 43–45
usage, 45–46
Replication method, 233
Replication variance
estimation, 211–212, 218–220
estimator, 218
Resampling method, 89
Residual analysis, 313–314
Respondents, 22
feedback, 242
Response linearization method, 101–102
Response quality improvement
business surveys, 239–240
challenge, 242–244
mean number of item responses, 256
planned missing data design, 239, 244–251
response counts, 252
response rates by stratum, 254
standard approach, 240–242
survey design, 251
2016 survey stratification, counts and rates, 255
unit response rate, 253
unit responses, 238
Rubin’s rules, 312–313
Rule-of-thumb method, 162–163n14, 177
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Salary, 298
imputation model, 308
ratio of missing values, 298
Sample mean squared error, 190–194
Sample selection
correction, 262
procedure, 241
Savings institutions (SAV), 241
Scalar matching variable, 211, 228
Scalar population parameter, 96
Secondary sampling units (SSUs), 290
Selection bias, 138, 147
Selection correction, 271
model, 273
Selective crime reporting
characterization of equilibrium, 269
coefficient estimation, 283
empirical strategy, 269–272
estimates of hit rates test on summons, 284
existence of equilibrium, 268
hit rates test, 262
misclassification, 260–261
Pedestrians, 267–268
police officers, 268
reason for Stop and Pedestrian characteristics, 285
results, 272–275
robustness checks for sample correction estimates, 286
Stop-and-Frisk program, 263–267
theory, 267
Self-reported health with CPS limited to HH respondents, 30
Self-reported mammography, 277
Self-reported Transaction Price (STP), 292, 294–295, 301–302
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), 8
Shrinkage empirical-likelihood-based estimator, 94
Sieves estimation, 231–233
Sieves estimators, 219
Simple random sampling (SRS), 100–101, 174, 210
median bandwidths for WLC and LC under, 194
median MSE for WLC, LC, WLS and OLS under, 191
Simulation study, 156, 160–161, 221–222
aggregate shares for, 157
design, 156–157
inconsistency of LS estimator, 158, 159
Size, 292
key variables, 39
size-based stratas, 44
Small simulation study, 129–133
Smoothed empirical likelihood estimator (SEL estimator), 152, 153, 154, 159, 162n14, 169
Smoothing parameters, 186
“Snob effect”, 288
Social desirability effects, 22, 24–25
Socioeconomic class, 297
Socioeconomic variables in HRS, UAS and CPS, 11–14
Split questionnaire survey design, 239
Standard likelihood ratio testing principle, 110
Standard ratio estimators, 241
Standard stratified sampling (SS sampling), 111, 114–121
Stata, 128
implementation under, 103
Statistical inference, 138
Stop-and-Frisk program, 260–262, 263–267
Strata borders, 189
Strategic money counterfeiting model, 290
Stratification, 44–45, 122, 241
approach, 42–43
in terms of individual income, 121
Stratified random samples, 41
Stratified sampling, 114, 153
SS sampling, 114–121
testing under, 114–122
VP sampling, 121–122
STRATVAR, 241, 244
model, 215
nonparametric regression model, 175
parameters, 181
of banks, 240
business, 239–240
cross-validation, 187
face-to-face, 4–5
form, 245
Internet-based, 5
large-scale, 174
modes, 6
nonmandatory, 239
online, 4–5
statistics, 37–38
telephone surveys, 4–5
web, 5
See also 2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey); Internet match high-quality traditional surveys
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), 196
Survey outcomes in HRS and UAS, 14
health economics literature, 20
health insurance coverage, 17
home ownership, 16
individual earnings, 18
mode effects, 21–26
post-stratification factors, 15
self-reported health, 19
whether retired, 17
“Synthetic controls” method, 63
TEÁOR variable, 52
Temporal attributes of store, 52
Temporal data, 56
Time series problems, 110–111
Tng_credit_year variable, 100
Tourist test, 49
Trade policy, 288
Traditional hit rates test, 269
Traditional survey modes, 4
Transaction size distribution, 45–46
Transaction value, 45, 55
Transaction-level data, 50–51
aggregated data, 39
“Trimmed” SEL objective function, 155
Trimming indicator, 155
“True” variance, 100
Two-step method, 270, 271
2013 methods-of-payment survey (2013 MOP survey), 89, 98
empirical application, 98–103
raking ratio estimator, 89–94
variance estimation, 94–98
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
UF-250 form, 264
Unconditional empirical probabilities, 170
Unconditional summary statistics, 261
Underrepresents high-income households, 14
Understanding America Study (UAS), 5–6, 7
sampling and weighting procedures, 8–11
socioeconomic variables in, 11–14
survey outcomes in HRS and, 14–26
“Unit nonresponse”, 297
Unit response rate, 244–245, 254
Unordered multinomial logit model, 270
Unplanned missing items, 239
Unweighted HRS race/ethnicity distribution, 13
Unweighted life-satisfaction distribution, 21
Unweighted objective function, 119
Unweighted statistic, 131
Unweighted tests, 133
Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area Relationship File of US Census Bureau, 9
Value categories, 51
Value-added tax, 303
Variable probability sampling (VP sampling), 111, 121–122, 138, 140–142
Variance estimation, 88, 94, 211
via bootstrap, 96–98
via linearization, 95–96
Violent crimes, 264
Vuong’s approach, 110, 111
Vuong’s statistic, weighted version of, 129
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
Weighted local constant estimation (WLC estimation), 189, 191
estimator, 194, 196
median bandwidths, 194–196
median MSE for, 191–193
Weighted/weighting, 6
life-satisfaction distribution, 21
objective function, 122
procedure, 88
tests, 133
Wild bootstrap method, 211, 219
Wild bootstrap randomization inference (WBRI), 63, 71
alternative procedures, 72–74
cluster-robust inference, 63–67
empirical example, 79–82
RI, 62, 67–71
simulation experiments, 74–79
Wild cluster bootstrap (WCB), 62, 65–67
WLS, 190, 192
median MSE for, 191–193
Zero mean function, 202
- Prelims
- Part I Sampling Design
- Can Internet Match High-quality Traditional Surveys? Comparing the Health and Retirement Study and its Online Version
- Effectiveness of Stratified Random Sampling for Payment Card Acceptance and Usage
- Part II Variance Estimation
- Wild Bootstrap Randomization Inference for Few Treated Clusters
- Variance Estimation for Survey-Weighted Data Using Bootstrap Resampling Methods: 2013 Methods-of-Payment Survey Questionnaire
- Part III Estimation and Inference
- Model-Selection Tests for Complex Survey Samples
- Inference in Conditional Moment Restriction Models When there is Selection Due to Stratification
- Nonparametric Kernel Regression Using Complex Survey Data
- Nearest Neighbor Imputation for General Parameter Estimation in Survey Sampling
- Part IV Applications in Business, Household, and Crime Surveys
- Improving Response Quality with Planned Missing Data: An Application to a Survey of Banks
- Does Selective Crime Reporting Influence Our Ability to Detect Racial Discrimination in the Nypd’s Stop-and-Frisk Program?
- Survey Evidence on Black Market Liquor in Colombia
- Index