Conditional Independence Specification Testing for Dependent Processes with Local Polynomial Quantile Regression
Essays in Honor of Jerry Hausman
ISBN: 978-1-78190-307-0, eISBN: 978-1-78190-308-7
Publication date: 19 December 2012
We provide straightforward new nonparametric methods for testing conditional independence using local polynomial quantile regression, allowing weakly dependent data. Inspired by Hausman's (1978) specification testing ideas, our methods essentially compare two collections of estimators that converge to the same limits under correct specification (conditional independence) and that diverge under the alternative. To establish the properties of our estimators, we generalize the existing nonparametric quantile literature not only by allowing for dependent heterogeneous data but also by establishing a weak consistency rate for the local Bahadur representation that is uniform in both the conditioning variables and the quantile index. We also show that, despite our nonparametric approach, our tests can detect local alternatives to conditional independence that decay to zero at the parametric rate. Our approach gives the first nonparametric tests for time-series conditional independence that can detect local alternatives at the parametric rate. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that our tests perform well in finite samples. We apply our test to test for a key identifying assumption in the literature on nonparametric, nonseparable models by studying the returns to schooling.
Su, L. and White, H.L. (2012), "Conditional Independence Specification Testing for Dependent Processes with Local Polynomial Quantile Regression", Baltagi, B.H., Carter Hill, R., Newey, W.K. and White, H.L. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of Jerry Hausman (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 29), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 355-434.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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