When the Race between Education and Technology Goes Backward: The Postbellum Decline of White School Attendance in the Southern US
ISBN: 978-1-80071-880-7, eISBN: 978-1-80071-879-1
Publication date: 30 September 2021
This study examines a sharp decline of school attendance among white children in the Southern US after the Civil War. According to Census data, the school-attendance rate among whites in the Confederate states declined by almost half from 1860 to 1870, whereas the rate in Northern states was approximately stable. This shock left the South approximately three decades behind its antebellum trend. We account for little of this drop with household variables plausibly affected by the War. However, a select few county-level variables (notably the drop in wealth) explains around half of the decline, which suggests a systemic explanation. We adopt a model-based approach to decomposing the decline in schooling into demand versus supply factors. On the supply side, the region saw a decline in wealth and public resources, but we observe a stable relationship between time in school and literacy or adult occupation, which is not consistent with a contracting constraint on school quantity or quality. Nevertheless, further research is required to determine how much the contraction in school access affected attendance. On the demand-side, we present suggestive evidence of a decline in the return to school (measured by the relative wage of engineers to laborers). Relatedly, we see a “brain drain”: in longitudinally linked census samples, educated Southerners were more likely to migrate out of the South after the War.
This research has been funded by SNU Institute of Economic Research (Grant No. 0405–20160022).
Bleakley, H. and Hong, S.C. (2021), "When the Race between Education and Technology Goes Backward: The Postbellum Decline of White School Attendance in the Southern US", Hanes, C. and Wolcott, S. (Ed.) Research in Economic History (Research in Economic History, Vol. 37), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-39. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0363-326820210000037001
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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