New Quantitative Estimates of Long-Term Military Spending in Spain (1850–2009)
ISBN: 978-1-78635-276-7, eISBN: 978-1-78635-275-0
Publication date: 4 April 2016
The substantial resources devoted to warfare in modern times might explain the increasing relevance that military spending has acquired in social sciences. In this regard, the so-called defence economics has extensively studied the main determinants of military spending and its main consequences in terms of economic performance and institutional transformations. However, one of the main problems for comparative analysis on the causes and effects of military spending is the lack of long-term homogeneous and comparable data in international panel datasets. This paper contributes to fill in this gap by providing new military spending data on Spain from 1850 to 2009 based on NATO methodological criterion. It provides total military spending estimates as well as economic and administrative disaggregated figures for most of the period. These data allow reliable international comparisons while also providing new quantitative evidence to better understand the military history of Spain in modern times.
This paper is part of my PhD dissertation project under the supervision of Alfonso Herranz and Sergio Espuelas, to whom I am most grateful for their valuable advice. I acknowledge the financial support from the Catalan International Institute for Peace and the Catalan Department of Economy and Knowledge, as well as the Research Project ECO2012-39169-C03-03. I want to specially thank Stein Aaslund and Sam Perlo-Freeman for their generous help with the NATO figures and methodologies on military spending, and the staff of the archive of the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for their kindness and attention. I am also in debt to Pere Ortega and the staff of the Study Center for Peace J. M. Delàs for their useful help with recent Spanish military spending figures. The usual disclaimer applies.
Sabaté, O. (2016), "New Quantitative Estimates of Long-Term Military Spending in Spain (1850–2009)", Research in Economic History (Research in Economic History, Vol. 32), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 225-276.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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